Hi guys, newbie here.
I have no idea when I ovulated or even if I ovulated, so I wouldn't know what dpo I am, if any. Hubby and I have been TTC for 12 years and no luck. I have PCOS. We've tried clomid with no luck there either. I've just been trying to take a break from thinking about baby stuff lately.
Of course not thinking about it is impossible, especially with 98% of my friends either pregnant or recently had babies, and it's natural for me to over analyze every little symptom I think I am experiencing lol so I figured i'd post the symptoms i've been having lately because they're rather out of the ordinary for me.
- Super tired all the time. Like I can barely get through the day without a nap.
- Headaches.. I rarely get headaches but lately I get dull, annoying ones a lot.
- Increased sense of smell. I used to use Glen20 ALL THE TIME but I rarely use it now because the smell is so damn strong to me and I can't stand it. I can also smell shampoo from a billion miles away. In the supermarket carpark today I could smell Lynx body spray and have absolutely no idea where it was coming from

- Irritability and mood swings. Hubby has been walking on egg shells around me lately lol.
- Heartburn. I've been getting it more than usual. Not sure if it's being caused by what i'm eating or ~something else~. Also thrown up in my mouth a little bit a few times. That never happens.
- Sore bb's. Mainly underneath which is really strange for me, they've never been sore just there before, and the soreness has been lingering for a couple weeks at least.
- Fuller/heaver BB's. I don't know if it's just my imagination, but they definitely feel fuller/heavier.
- Hiccups. I don't know if this is related at all but I get them ALL THE DAMN TIME lately. GUH.
- I've gone off fizzy drinks and prefer water, which is super strange for me lol.
- I feel like i'm hungry ALL the time.
- Hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold/sweating/iceberg/melting/frozen/I think I live on the sun/when did this house become an igloo/turn the a/c on it's so hot in here/OMG TURN IT OFF I'M FREEZING
I'm testing tomorrow morning with FRER and FMU. Not expecting a bfp at all but at least I will know either way.
Baby dust to everyone!