Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

We are in our 4th month of trying to conceive. Trying not to get too crazy about symptoms and what not because I'll drive myself nuts. My cycle is pretty regular with the past 3 months being 26 day cycles and the 2 months before that 27 and 28 days. Hoping this month will be our month, guess we'll see after the TWW!!

CD 10: ovulation type pains in pelvic area; constipated and we did the BD
CD 11: constipated; positive opk and we did the BD
CD 12: constipated and we did the BD
1 DPO: nothing
2 DPO: slight twinges in pelvic area
We are in our 4th month of trying to conceive. Trying not to get too crazy about symptoms and what not because I'll drive myself nuts. My cycle is pretty regular with the past 3 months being 26 day cycles and the 2 months before that 27 and 28 days. Hoping this month will be our month, guess we'll see after the TWW!!

CD 10: ovulation type pains in pelvic area; constipated and we did the BD
CD 11: constipated; positive opk and we did the BD
CD 12: constipated and we did the BD
1 DPO: nothing
2 DPO: slight twinges in pelvic area; a lot of lotion like CM

(Sorry could not edit previous post)
Okay here we go for September!!
Cd 20 - 0 dpo!
Pretty sure I started ovulating today, so I am going to start from the earliest point of possible ovulation! Ntnp right now, so no tracking.

0-20 cd 0 dpo: cramping, constipation, back aches. Minor head aches.
Bd'd with hubby and felt like my cervix was low, but it is high-soft-medium with watery cm.
Used preseed just to be safe.

Cd 21 - 1 dpo: cp high-hard-unknown, cm ewcm (could be left over from preseed.)
VERY tired. I don't want to get up at all...
I'm 15 dpo and still no af high soft cervix. And a bfn with fmu
I don't have any symptoms other then recovering from severe diarrhea.
Just want af to come and I can start again.
I guess now I have to consider irregularities in my cycle.
I read breastfeed can delay a bfp result but I don't know if it's true or how it could be ppossibe
Hi guys, newbie here.

I have no idea when I ovulated or even if I ovulated, so I wouldn't know what dpo I am, if any. Hubby and I have been TTC for 12 years and no luck. I have PCOS. We've tried clomid with no luck there either. I've just been trying to take a break from thinking about baby stuff lately.

Of course not thinking about it is impossible, especially with 98% of my friends either pregnant or recently had babies, and it's natural for me to over analyze every little symptom I think I am experiencing lol so I figured i'd post the symptoms i've been having lately because they're rather out of the ordinary for me.

- Super tired all the time. Like I can barely get through the day without a nap.
- Headaches.. I rarely get headaches but lately I get dull, annoying ones a lot.
- Increased sense of smell. I used to use Glen20 ALL THE TIME but I rarely use it now because the smell is so damn strong to me and I can't stand it. I can also smell shampoo from a billion miles away. In the supermarket carpark today I could smell Lynx body spray and have absolutely no idea where it was coming from :P
- Irritability and mood swings. Hubby has been walking on egg shells around me lately lol.
- Heartburn. I've been getting it more than usual. Not sure if it's being caused by what i'm eating or ~something else~. Also thrown up in my mouth a little bit a few times. That never happens.
- Sore bb's. Mainly underneath which is really strange for me, they've never been sore just there before, and the soreness has been lingering for a couple weeks at least.
- Fuller/heaver BB's. I don't know if it's just my imagination, but they definitely feel fuller/heavier.
- Hiccups. I don't know if this is related at all but I get them ALL THE DAMN TIME lately. GUH.
- I've gone off fizzy drinks and prefer water, which is super strange for me lol.
- I feel like i'm hungry ALL the time.
- Hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold/sweating/iceberg/melting/frozen/I think I live on the sun/when did this house become an igloo/turn the a/c on it's so hot in here/OMG TURN IT OFF I'M FREEZING

I'm testing tomorrow morning with FRER and FMU. Not expecting a bfp at all but at least I will know either way.

Baby dust to everyone!
Hi guys, newbie here.

I have no idea when I ovulated or even if I ovulated, so I wouldn't know what dpo I am, if any. Hubby and I have been TTC for 12 years and no luck. I have PCOS. We've tried clomid with no luck there either. I've just been trying to take a break from thinking about baby stuff lately.

Of course not thinking about it is impossible, especially with 98% of my friends either pregnant or recently had babies, and it's natural for me to over analyze every little symptom I think I am experiencing lol so I figured i'd post the symptoms i've been having lately because they're rather out of the ordinary for me.

- Super tired all the time. Like I can barely get through the day without a nap.
- Headaches.. I rarely get headaches but lately I get dull, annoying ones a lot.
- Increased sense of smell. I used to use Glen20 ALL THE TIME but I rarely use it now because the smell is so damn strong to me and I can't stand it. I can also smell shampoo from a billion miles away. In the supermarket carpark today I could smell Lynx body spray and have absolutely no idea where it was coming from :P
- Irritability and mood swings. Hubby has been walking on egg shells around me lately lol.
- Heartburn. I've been getting it more than usual. Not sure if it's being caused by what i'm eating or ~something else~. Also thrown up in my mouth a little bit a few times. That never happens.
- Sore bb's. Mainly underneath which is really strange for me, they've never been sore just there before, and the soreness has been lingering for a couple weeks at least.
- Fuller/heaver BB's. I don't know if it's just my imagination, but they definitely feel fuller/heavier.
- Hiccups. I don't know if this is related at all but I get them ALL THE DAMN TIME lately. GUH.
- I've gone off fizzy drinks and prefer water, which is super strange for me lol.
- I feel like i'm hungry ALL the time.
- Hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold/sweating/iceberg/melting/frozen/I think I live on the sun/when did this house become an igloo/turn the a/c on it's so hot in here/OMG TURN IT OFF I'M FREEZING

I'm testing tomorrow morning with FRER and FMU. Not expecting a bfp at all but at least I will know either way.

Baby dust to everyone!

Hi hun
when is af due?
I'd love to know what u r test says in the morning
please let us know :)
I was told I may have pcos after a scan from the doc
I'm taking vitex and macca and I have a lot of ewcm and can feel ovulation granted I have 3 kids and never told I had pcos until after my 3rd while breastfeeding.
I never went back for blood tests because my af is far Ely normal and breastfeeding I don't know how well my ovulation is or the true state of my af.
When I wean bubba then if I have some issues ill go back for a scan and blood work.
I do get cyst pain on and off from side to side and cycle so.....

don't worry too much about it and maybe try vitex or milk thistle
I'm 15 dpo and still no af it's Tuesday afternoon now so I won't test again until Friday.
Does anyone know if breastfeeding a 11 month old would change the results ?
I moved my whole house around today trying to bring on af and it gave me that tight pull in the tummy u get when pregnant half way and hold heavy shopping or whatever but I'm now way that pregnant if I was pregnant.
I don't feel like af is coming and cervix is still high even after all that messing around lifting mattresses and moving couches.
I don't feel anything at all in terms of symptoms maybe a bit tired but dd has been fussy during the nights so bye bye sleep and I had that lovely diarrhea that kept me up too so tired is expected as well as homeschooling, breastfeeding, wife, mother and work from home my own business .... I think I get tired sometimes
just wish I could get a ultrasound machine at home and see myself hahahaha
I'd probably fire myself.
Sunday I googled my symptoms (stupid idea, I know) and was linked directly to this thread. So I’ve been stalking this board since yesterday and finally decided to make an account. I’m excited for you lovelies who’ve gotten their BFPs and hoping with fingers crossed for all of you still waiting and trying.
Here’s my story… (warning: there will probably be a lot of TMI)
I have an 8 year old boy who was born when I was 17. When he was 3, my (now ex) husband and I decided to try for another. I stopped my BC and after six months with no AF and only BFNs, I was diagnosed with PCOS and told that it would probably “just be a bit harder” to conceive (ha!). We continued trying with no success. We eventually stopped actively trying, but didn’t try to prevent it either. We gradually grew apart and decided to separate on friendly terms before we got to the point of hating each other. I am now ecstatically remarried and DH and I have been TTC since day 1. After three separate rounds of provera and clomid cocktails prescribed over the course of three years, we decided at the end of August to stop TTC. My husband couldn’t stand to see me shove myself full of hormones that made me crazy and emotional, my son started referring to my clomid as “the angry pills”, and I couldn’t bear to see my family distance themselves from me because the littlest things would send me into a rage or a total mental breakdown, nor could I handle the stress and depression that immediately followed every BFN. I haven’t resumed BC, because there’s apparently no need; I don’t ovulate or have a period on my own anyway. I had already taken my last round of provera and the first dose of clomid for that cycle, but I threw away the rest. I’m the type of person that if I make a decision, I have to STICK TO IT or I will agonize over the “what ifs”.
My hormones have gradually returned to their normal amount of crazy, and my mood swings went away (as much as mine can anyway). I’ve been smiling more and overall mostly happy with life. It has been hard to watch nearly all of my friends (including the ones who don’t want children) get pregnant around me. My best friend had two children in the time I was trying for one! I’m slowly getting used to the idea of no more children, and my husband assures me he’s fine without any of his own.
Now, down to the reason for all of this whining! As I said, I had already taken the provera and one dose of clomid, so I had written out my cycle days on my calendar. Well, CD 16 (Sep. 12th) I had a bit of light spotting, which is highly unusual for me. I also had a VERY high libido. My poor DH could barely keep up! Spotting stopped after two days, so I’m wondering if it was ovulation. Since then, I’ve had a myriad of odd happenings with my body…
Here’s my list as of today:
11dpo (I think), CD27 (I know)
~VERY sore nipples
~tender/heavier boobs
~occasional sharp pain in sides (kinda like a “side stitch” from running)
~pulsing and “tightening” in pelvic area (just below bellybutton)
~constant joint and muscle pain
~constant fatigue
~sleeping horribly
~so hungry, but can only eat a small amount before feeling like I’m going to burst, but then hungry again an hour later
~still have an increased libido
~increased CM (very watery), enough that when I stand up, it feels like I wet my pants
~daily headaches
~frequent pees even though I have not changed my fluid intake

I plan to take a PT October 1st, just to rule out pregnancy because I know that will be my doctor’s first question. But I guess that little tiny hope is still in the back of my mind is saying “maybe THIS time”. So I thought I’d give it over to you lovely ladies for some encouragement.
BFN as expected.

My cycles have been horribly irregular for as long as I can remember. I bled on and off (mostly on) since Christmas. A friend of mine has PCOS and irregular cycles and she started taking DIM Plus and said it sorted her out pretty well. I decided to give it a go because at this point anything is worth trying, and started taking it on August 11th. For the first time since I was a teenager, I had a somewhat normal period which lasted 9 days (as opposed to half the year) from Aug 31st to Sept 8th, so I am STOKED about that. Right now i'm just thinking the baby stuff can wait a while, i'll just be happy to know what a normal cycle feels like haha.

I have no idea how long my cycle will be, but based on a 28 day cycle AF is due again on the 28th, so we'll see what happens. I will start temping and using OPK's this time round. I know a lot of people say OPK's and PCOS don't mix, but i've used them a few times before and got all negatives so I know i'm not one of the unfortunates that gets positive OPK's every single time. My doctor said I should be ok to use them given that fact.

My doctor said to see how this all goes for a couple months and then we'll talk about the next step. I said we've been TTC for 12 years, BUT a lot of that hasn't been very proactive because while i've always been ready, it was more of a case of "It's unlikely to happen but if it does we will be over the moon". I'm at the point now where i'm like "okay, life's almost perfect, all that's missing is a baby so lets make this happen" haha.
We have been TTC #3 for almost 5 years with 3 mc's. I was diagnosed with two different clotting disorders when I had my last mc in June 2013. We are currently on our first cycle of Clomid. Fx'd crossed that the clomid helps and this is our moth for a healthy sticky bean!

9/17 Ovulated
1 dpo- Watery Cm
2 dpo- Watery cm and pink spotting twice when I went to the restroom.
3 dpo- Fatigue
4 dpo- Fatigue
5 dpo- Woke up with a low grade fever, sore throat, body aches and fatigued all day long. Felt like I was getting the flu or a horrible cold.
6 dpo- Still have sore throat all the cold/flu symptoms have gone away, having sharp pains in my cervix (very weird) all day, pinching sensation in my uterus, and also I have noticed that my bb's are starting to get sore.
7 dpo- Nipples are very sore to the touch today, my bb's feel like they are on fire, pinching feeling in uterus, vivid dreams, acne and when I went to bed I had a weird burning sensation in my uterus.
8 dpo- Very sore nipples, still have burning sensation in uterus, vivid dreams again and more acne.
9 dpo- Still have sore nipples and bb's feel fuller but other than that nothing. Feeling like this isn't our month so I'm chalking all the symptoms up to the Clomid.
10 dpo- Sore nipples, fuller bb's, acne, kind of gassy, fatigue (took a 3 hour nap after my sons football games) and milky watery cm. Still feeling like this isn't our month and the milky watery cm really confirms it as I normally get clear watery cm a couple of days before af so I'm sure it will turn clear in the next few days.
11 dpo- BFN with FMU, sore nipples, fuller bb's, gassy, woke up with a cough and still have milky cm. I'm certain AF is on her way at this point.
12 dpo- Nipples still sore, bb's still full and starting to hurt, gassy, weird bubbling sensation and pulling sensation in right side of uterus, very tired just want to go back to bed, and still have acne. BFN with FMU I know this isn't our month chalking it all up to the Clomid. (TMI) have had diarrhea and watery cm today which always happens before AF so I'm sure she will be here soon.
13 dpo- BFN on FRER this morning definitely feel like I'm completely out this month.Cm has went back to creamy, still have sore nipples, acne , fatigue and pinching feelings that go from my right side to left side also still gassy and habe a headache today. Really ready for AF to just show up so we can start this cycle!
14 dpo- Possibly faint line on frer this morning but still not going to say BFP yet.
Sore nipples, full bb's, pulling feeling near right ovary, gassy/indigestion, headache, acne, creamy cm, woke up this morning starving (I never eat breakfast) and my muscles are sore today like I worked out but didn't.
15 dpo- Sore nipples still, achy bb's, milky watery cm, slight nausea today, acne and temp spike this morning instead of a dip.
16 dpo- BFN again with fmu on dollar store test. Now just waiting for af to show today I really wished she would hurry up already.
17 dpo- Officially one day late for af, fatigue, nipples still a little sore, (tmi) had had lots of milky watery cm today so much so I went to the restroom thinking af was here just to find my undies soaked. Other than that nothing I definitely don't feel pregnant just waiting on af to show. Didn't test today because I didn't want to see another bfn. Will test Monday if af is still a no show.
18 dpo- Same
19 dpo- Went to the doctor BFN but have a cyst which has to be removed.
20 dpo- Spotting
Hey ladies ! I'm new to this thread, Had a M/C at 7 weeks in mid May this year, Currently TTC :) I'm 10 dpo today here are my recent dpo symptoms :

3 - 6 dpo: Hungry all the time
7 dpo : Very nauseous, gags with excessive saliva, lost of appetite, Needs to nap, gassy, constipation
8 dpo: slightly nauseous tired and very hungry, nap again, slight tender breast, gassy, BFN
9 dpo: light headed, gassy, Sore breast, BFN , Breakout on face and arms
10 dpo ( Today): BFN , diarhhea, gassy, slight cramping and dull feeling on lower back

AF not due til next tuesday, Kind of feeling out this month :(
Sunday I googled my symptoms (stupid idea, I know) and was linked directly to this thread. So I’ve been stalking this board since yesterday and finally decided to make an account. I’m excited for you lovelies who’ve gotten their BFPs and hoping with fingers crossed for all of you still waiting and trying.
Here’s my story… (warning: there will probably be a lot of TMI)
I have an 8 year old boy who was born when I was 17. When he was 3, my (now ex) husband and I decided to try for another. I stopped my BC and after six months with no AF and only BFNs, I was diagnosed with PCOS and told that it would probably “just be a bit harder” to conceive (ha!). We continued trying with no success. We eventually stopped actively trying, but didn’t try to prevent it either. We gradually grew apart and decided to separate on friendly terms before we got to the point of hating each other. I am now ecstatically remarried and DH and I have been TTC since day 1. After three separate rounds of provera and clomid cocktails prescribed over the course of three years, we decided at the end of August to stop TTC. My husband couldn’t stand to see me shove myself full of hormones that made me crazy and emotional, my son started referring to my clomid as “the angry pills”, and I couldn’t bear to see my family distance themselves from me because the littlest things would send me into a rage or a total mental breakdown, nor could I handle the stress and depression that immediately followed every BFN. I haven’t resumed BC, because there’s apparently no need; I don’t ovulate or have a period on my own anyway. I had already taken my last round of provera and the first dose of clomid for that cycle, but I threw away the rest. I’m the type of person that if I make a decision, I have to STICK TO IT or I will agonize over the “what ifs”.
My hormones have gradually returned to their normal amount of crazy, and my mood swings went away (as much as mine can anyway). I’ve been smiling more and overall mostly happy with life. It has been hard to watch nearly all of my friends (including the ones who don’t want children) get pregnant around me. My best friend had two children in the time I was trying for one! I’m slowly getting used to the idea of no more children, and my husband assures me he’s fine without any of his own.
Now, down to the reason for all of this whining! As I said, I had already taken the provera and one dose of clomid, so I had written out my cycle days on my calendar. Well, CD 16 (Sep. 12th) I had a bit of light spotting, which is highly unusual for me. I also had a VERY high libido. My poor DH could barely keep up! Spotting stopped after two days, so I’m wondering if it was ovulation. Since then, I’ve had a myriad of odd happenings with my body…
Here’s my list as of today:
11dpo (I think), CD27 (I know)
~VERY sore nipples
~tender/heavier boobs
~occasional sharp pain in sides (kinda like a “side stitch” from running)
~pulsing and “tightening” in pelvic area (just below bellybutton)
~constant joint and muscle pain
~constant fatigue
~sleeping horribly
~so hungry, but can only eat a small amount before feeling like I’m going to burst, but then hungry again an hour later
~still have an increased libido
~increased CM (very watery), enough that when I stand up, it feels like I wet my pants
~daily headaches
~frequent pees even though I have not changed my fluid intake

I plan to take a PT October 1st, just to rule out pregnancy because I know that will be my doctor’s first question. But I guess that little tiny hope is still in the back of my mind is saying “maybe THIS time”. So I thought I’d give it over to you lovely ladies for some encouragement.

I read your whole post and I can't believe your waiting until October 1st to test your incredibly patient.
It sounds good with us symptoms but the only unfortunate thing is everyone has different symptoms like for me loss of appetite could be my symptom of pregnancy but for you it could just be a thing that occurred from stress or pms.
The best thing to do is not notice every itch and twinge but to look at u r body like larger boobs or change in cm.
This is the most reliable or morning sickness.

I know with each pregnancy I had different symptoms before hand and nothing really stood out except larger breasts
it wasn't until 4-8 weeks my typical symptoms came up
and they normally are swollen breasts migraine to the end of the day heart burn and a nauseous feeling but rarely every vomited.
I have had friends who have different symptoms every pregnancy
not trying to be a downer but since you mention spotting September 12 I think you could get a positive now unless you are a person who gets late positives
please please please test I want to know

I have one test left and won't be able to get anymore for maybe a week so Im trying so hard not to use it. And I'm scared ill waste it and get af after I test or a BFN :(
I feel pregnant though ... I'm so confused
Sunday I googled my symptoms (stupid idea, I know) and was linked directly to this thread. So I’ve been stalking this board since yesterday and finally decided to make an account. I’m excited for you lovelies who’ve gotten their BFPs and hoping with fingers crossed for all of you still waiting and trying.
Here’s my story… (warning: there will probably be a lot of TMI)
I have an 8 year old boy who was born when I was 17. When he was 3, my (now ex) husband and I decided to try for another. I stopped my BC and after six months with no AF and only BFNs, I was diagnosed with PCOS and told that it would probably “just be a bit harder” to conceive (ha!). We continued trying with no success. We eventually stopped actively trying, but didn’t try to prevent it either. We gradually grew apart and decided to separate on friendly terms before we got to the point of hating each other. I am now ecstatically remarried and DH and I have been TTC since day 1. After three separate rounds of provera and clomid cocktails prescribed over the course of three years, we decided at the end of August to stop TTC. My husband couldn’t stand to see me shove myself full of hormones that made me crazy and emotional, my son started referring to my clomid as “the angry pills”, and I couldn’t bear to see my family distance themselves from me because the littlest things would send me into a rage or a total mental breakdown, nor could I handle the stress and depression that immediately followed every BFN. I haven’t resumed BC, because there’s apparently no need; I don’t ovulate or have a period on my own anyway. I had already taken my last round of provera and the first dose of clomid for that cycle, but I threw away the rest. I’m the type of person that if I make a decision, I have to STICK TO IT or I will agonize over the “what ifs”.
My hormones have gradually returned to their normal amount of crazy, and my mood swings went away (as much as mine can anyway). I’ve been smiling more and overall mostly happy with life. It has been hard to watch nearly all of my friends (including the ones who don’t want children) get pregnant around me. My best friend had two children in the time I was trying for one! I’m slowly getting used to the idea of no more children, and my husband assures me he’s fine without any of his own.
Now, down to the reason for all of this whining! As I said, I had already taken the provera and one dose of clomid, so I had written out my cycle days on my calendar. Well, CD 16 (Sep. 12th) I had a bit of light spotting, which is highly unusual for me. I also had a VERY high libido. My poor DH could barely keep up! Spotting stopped after two days, so I’m wondering if it was ovulation. Since then, I’ve had a myriad of odd happenings with my body…
Here’s my list as of today:
11dpo (I think), CD27 (I know)
~VERY sore nipples
~tender/heavier boobs
~occasional sharp pain in sides (kinda like a “side stitch” from running)
~pulsing and “tightening” in pelvic area (just below bellybutton)
~constant joint and muscle pain
~constant fatigue
~sleeping horribly
~so hungry, but can only eat a small amount before feeling like I’m going to burst, but then hungry again an hour later
~still have an increased libido
~increased CM (very watery), enough that when I stand up, it feels like I wet my pants
~daily headaches
~frequent pees even though I have not changed my fluid intake

I plan to take a PT October 1st, just to rule out pregnancy because I know that will be my doctor’s first question. But I guess that little tiny hope is still in the back of my mind is saying “maybe THIS time”. So I thought I’d give it over to you lovely ladies for some encouragement.

I read your whole post and I can't believe your waiting until October 1st to test your incredibly patient.
It sounds good with us symptoms but the only unfortunate thing is everyone has different symptoms like for me loss of appetite could be my symptom of pregnancy but for you it could just be a thing that occurred from stress or pms.
The best thing to do is not notice every itch and twinge but to look at u r body like larger boobs or change in cm.
This is the most reliable or morning sickness.

I know with each pregnancy I had different symptoms before hand and nothing really stood out except larger breasts
it wasn't until 4-8 weeks my typical symptoms came up
and they normally are swollen breasts migraine to the end of the day heart burn and a nauseous feeling but rarely every vomited.
I have had friends who have different symptoms every pregnancy
not trying to be a downer but since you mention spotting September 12 I think you could get a positive now unless you are a person who gets late positives
please please please test I want to know

I have one test left and won't be able to get anymore for maybe a week so Im trying so hard not to use it. And I'm scared ill waste it and get af after I test or a BFN :(
I feel pregnant though ... I'm so confused

I'm not really all that patient, I just don't want to test too early. I've only ever had one pregnancy and it was so long ago and my body is so different now that I have no idea what to consider as a sign. AF also rarely ever visits without the help of provera (only once naturally in the last 5 years!), that I can't tell what's PMS and what's not! I'm just hoping this isn't all in my head...
I'm still waiting for af
I'm 17dpo
Bfn yesterday I'm at a total loss as to what's happening.
My cervix is still high and soft to medium soft.
I have stringy cm
Beige or white and clear mixed with beige.
A few days I have felt pregnant but tests say no
This is my 2nd cycle TTCing. The first cycle I had tons of symptoms that started at 1 dpo. The most prominent were pain and pressure in the abdomen, mood swings, extreme tiredness, and abdominal twinges. I felt so bad on 6 dpo due to dull abdominal pressure and pain that I spent almost all day in bed. I also had a dip in BBT on 6 Dpo and so I was very optimistic. Ultimately though, I got several BFNs and AF arrived on time.

So here I am on my next TWW at 3 dpo. This cycle is the total opposite to the previous one. Other than some soreness in the breast, I feel nothing at all. I was so miserable last cycle and this one is like a breeze so far. I am bummed and don't know what to expect. I am positive that I ovulated bz I use opk and chart BBT, so I know the exact day. I don't want to get my hopes up bz it hurts when AF arrives. But it is weird, I literally feel completely normal. I also find weird that the last cycle I had every imaginable pregnancy symptom except sore breast. This cycle, however, I have nothing BUT sore breast. We shall see, I allow myself to start testing at 9 dpo so only 6 more days to go (Argh!)

1-3dpo- just a good feeling about this month. Not feeling hungry, and had a just-enough-to-be-annoying headache.

4dpo- still not feeling hungry. Woke up with some sinus pressure, still have that nagging headache, and feeling really tired.

5dpo- really clumsy and doing brainless things (like looking in the pantry for things that obviously are in the fridge). Probably drank more water than usual, because I peed a lot and it is too early for that.

6dpo- call me crazy, but I was starving and super moody. I got really mad when I found out DH ate all the cheese. I just wanted to make a pizza. Then I almost cried, which isn't like me at all.

7dpo- just a headache

8dpo- cramping for several hours in the afternoon. No spotting. Feeling kinda discouraged by lack of symptoms today.

9dpo- vivid dream last night (which is totally normal for me, but I will include it anyway), peed a lot, felt pretty emotional and wanted to cry for no reason (again, not like me), like ZERO CM (hope that isn't a bad sign!!!), cramping returned in the evening tonight and was light and hardly noticeable, and the acne monster has come out.

10dpo- even more acne (ugh!), cramping throughout day (light), head feeling a bit fuzzy, started in on a cheesecake cupcake and just got totally grossed out by it half way through and immediately threw it away (WHAT?!) and my stomach felt really unsettled for a while after, mid-afternoon I suddenly felt exhausted, but that has gone away this evening with no nap. Vivid dreams again last night, and bbs have been sore all afternoon--mostly on the sides (had this weird burning/tingling feeling for a few seconds while driving home in my left one... weird). Some CM is back today.

11dpo- cramping in the evening, but no symptoms throughout the day. Caved and took a test with FMU and it was as blank as blank can be. I'm probably out. Perhaps there is still hope? Oh! and DH and I went out to dinner last night and I immediately went to sleep when we got home at 9:30. I've noticed that I am just SO ready for bed lately, but just started my first "big girl" job a few months ago, and have been going to bed early because I have to get up early. Not sure if my internal clock has just adjusted to going to bed at 10 every night and I am feeling tired around that time.

12dpo- woke up with awful cramps and (tmi) had some awful diarrhea. Boobs sore and nipples super sore (not sure if that is normal for me, as I have never like POKED my nipples to see if they are sore when expecting AF. This is all new to me). Sure AF is on the way within the next few days. How frustrating. I never get cramps in between, but these are really strong, so I am assuming they are AF. Gonna go ahead and test tomorrow when I wake up, just to see. Sure AF will arrive though.

13dpo- boobs still killing. Peeing like it's going out of style. Face looks like more acne than face (possibly a little exaggeration there). Took a test this morning and some people are seeing it and some people aren't. Took another test. It looks the same... maybe even darker. I'm still not going to call it until taking another one tomorrow. I'll attach a pic of my noon(ish) test from today. FX!!!

14dpo- missed period yesterday evening. Line is darker this morning. Lots of cramping last night. Took digital. :bfp:


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Hi everyone! I'm new to this thread, I've been stalking it for the past couple days, I've read almost the whole thing. I had a miscarriage back in March. I have PCOS took Clomid this month for the first time. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I have a lot of symptoms that are out of the ordinary.

2-6 DPO-Nothing
7 DPO - Feeling down, thinking there's no way I'm in it this month
8 DPO - Super exhausted, headache, really sore nipples, cramping, so hungry but I get full with less food and then I'm starving again an hour later. Broke and took a hpt, :bfn:
9-10 DPO - Headache all day, tired, cramping that comes and goes, gas/indigestion, burping a lot when I've only drank water, pulling in my stomach, warm feeling in my stomach, super hungry again, sore nipples
11 DPO - Vivid dreams, woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy nose, was exhausted all day, nausea, gas/indigestion, little bit of cramping, headache, burping a lot, warm feeling and pulling in my stomach, boobs feel super heavy and sore, sore nipples, felt like total crap and went to bed super early, didn't sleep well AT ALL! Restless and hot flashes
12 DPO - Same as 11 but also diarrhea.

I'm really hoping this isn't just AF messing with me!!! What do you ladies think?
Hi everyone! I'm new to this thread, I've been stalking it for the past couple days, I've read almost the whole thing. I had a miscarriage back in March. I have PCOS took Clomid this month for the first time. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I have a lot of symptoms that are out of the ordinary.

2-6 DPO-Nothing
7 DPO - Feeling down, thinking there's no way I'm in it this month
8 DPO - Super exhausted, headache, really sore nipples, cramping, so hungry but I get full with less food and then I'm starving again an hour later. Broke and took a hpt, :bfn:
9-10 DPO - Headache all day, tired, cramping that comes and goes, gas/indigestion, burping a lot when I've only drank water, pulling in my stomach, warm feeling in my stomach, super hungry again, sore nipples
11 DPO - Vivid dreams, woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy nose, was exhausted all day, nausea, gas/indigestion, little bit of cramping, headache, burping a lot, warm feeling and pulling in my stomach, boobs feel super heavy and sore, sore nipples, felt like total crap and went to bed super early, didn't sleep well AT ALL! Restless and hot flashes
12 DPO - Same as 11 but also diarrhea.

I'm really hoping this isn't just AF messing with me!!! What do you ladies think?

I forgot to add frequent urination! Since 9 DPO!
First time TTC and now in the 2 week wait. I don't know the exact day I ovulated. Used the clearblue ovulation predictor and got a steady smiley face (LH surge) on Monday, 9/22. Supposedly ovulation occurs anywhere from 24-36 hours after the LH surge so I'm going to use Wednesday, 9/24 as day O.
Day 0- sharp twinge on left side. Gas? Ovulation?
1DPO- very bloated
2 DPO- sore nipples
3 DPO- felt very faint in my exercise class that I've been going to 4-5 days per week for 1 month. chest is very swollen.

The rational side of me thinks the bloating is due to eating too much and the lightheadedness in exercise class is due to being dehydrated.

Will post more in a few days! AF is due Thursday, Oct 9.
Last AF was a week late, 1st time that has ever happened so let's hope she doesn't make a habit of it! She is due
to come 10/3! This is our 10th cycle ttc and I needed a break so I didnt do opks or anything, no idea when I O'd and we only had a chance to BD CD 11, 13 & 15. Here goes nothing!

CD 16-current: very tender breasts.

CD 23: feeling slightly crampy later in the day. BFN on $ store test and we BD'd (for fun).
CD24: headache.

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