Hi guys, I am new here but I thought I would join in with everyone, as my symptoms have been driving me crazy!
I haven't kept track of every single day, but here is an estimated run-down
8 - 10DPO - Nausea and heartburn, headaches.
11DPO - flew halfway around the world (30 hours) and I had HUGE cankles!!! I couldn't even bend my toes my feet were so swollen. I fly the same flight path every 4 - 8 weeks and I have never ever had this before.
12 - 13DPO - nausea hasn't let up, I just want pretzels and juice. Very gassy, heartburn, bloating, dry cm, tender breasts

on DPO13.
14DPO - (AF due according to Ovuview app)

I cry at the drop of a hat. I read about a lady crying over some silly thing on tv due to her emotions, and reading HER story made ME tear up... I mean c'mon!!
15DPO - really bad lower back pain, cramps, tender breasts, nauseous, heartburn, dry cm, VERY hot in bed (not in the good way), bloated, feels like AF is on her way, peeing every 2 hours
16DPO - lower back pain, breasts a little tender, emotional, nauseous, cramping, bloated, feeling 'wet' like AF has arrived but there isn't even a slight trace
My normal pre-AF symptoms are: emotional, bloated, crampy. That's about it!
I am very tired and sleeping 10 - 12 hours but I am also very jetlagged so it's hard to tell!
My cycles are irregular (22 - 31 days) so it could still go either way.. hopefully the good way!!