Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

i like this forum! hopeful for all of us. So i was worried last night when my main symptom went away (sore boobs) but today they were back with a vengeance. I guess i have day sickness and boobs are sore mostly during the day. I always feel better once im in bed at night. Testing in 5 days!!! Cant wait.

It's those last few days before testing that feel like weeks and weeks! Good luck and fx for that second line! :happydance:
Hi guys, I am new here but I thought I would join in with everyone, as my symptoms have been driving me crazy!

I haven't kept track of every single day, but here is an estimated run-down

8 - 10DPO - Nausea and heartburn, headaches.

11DPO - flew halfway around the world (30 hours) and I had HUGE cankles!!! I couldn't even bend my toes my feet were so swollen. I fly the same flight path every 4 - 8 weeks and I have never ever had this before.

12 - 13DPO - nausea hasn't let up, I just want pretzels and juice. Very gassy, heartburn, bloating, dry cm, tender breasts :bfn: on DPO13.

14DPO - (AF due according to Ovuview app) :bfn: I cry at the drop of a hat. I read about a lady crying over some silly thing on tv due to her emotions, and reading HER story made ME tear up... I mean c'mon!! :rolleyes:

15DPO - really bad lower back pain, cramps, tender breasts, nauseous, heartburn, dry cm, VERY hot in bed (not in the good way), bloated, feels like AF is on her way, peeing every 2 hours :bfn:

16DPO - lower back pain, breasts a little tender, emotional, nauseous, cramping, bloated, feeling 'wet' like AF has arrived but there isn't even a slight trace :bfn:

My normal pre-AF symptoms are: emotional, bloated, crampy. That's about it!

I am very tired and sleeping 10 - 12 hours but I am also very jetlagged so it's hard to tell!

My cycles are irregular (22 - 31 days) so it could still go either way.. hopefully the good way!!

17DPO Still achey around the pelvis, lower back pain, cramps in my lower abdomen. I have a sharp (not not too terrible) pain behind my bellybutton. I've been craving salt and vinegar chips! Not something I usually eat, and I can't eat my usual favourite flavour of BBQ as it's just tasting bland. Another :bfn: with FMU. *sigh*
Ugh no way Caribbean! So strange that all that is happening, yet you're still getting a BFN! I guess you patiently wait for the next couple days to see what happens!
3dpo - Beyond exhausted. I own 7 tanning salons and have worked so many 12-14 hour days over the last few years, and this exhaustion is 100x worse.
Also very gassy, my poor husband lol.
4dpo - Didn't even want to get out bed. I felt as though I could have slept for a week straight. Feeling very drained today and keep getting dizzy spells which I've never experienced before! I've been eating the same for months, 6 meals a day....very healthy as my husband is a gym/heath freak (I am not lol, but I play along as I am not the cook in the family haha) Today I had breakfast, was hungry 5 minutes later. My mid morning snack, didn't do anything....lunch - hungry 5 minutes later. Mid afternoon snack didn't fill me up. Supper, I added a bit of extra food to help with my hunger pains....5 minutes later - absolutely starving!
Day 5-6: Hungry, dizzy and tired
Day 7: Worn out feeling, stuffy with a phlegm feeling in my throat (gag), and nauseous.
Day 8 - Nothing out of the ordinary, just still tired and hungrier than hell.
Day 9 - Experienced some mild cramping today, but AF isn't due until the 16th....fingers crossed its implantation cramping.
**Testing in 7 days**
3dpo - Beyond exhausted. I own 7 tanning salons and have worked so many 12-14 hour days over the last few years, and this exhaustion is 100x worse.
Also very gassy, my poor husband lol.
4dpo - Didn't even want to get out bed. I felt as though I could have slept for a week straight. Feeling very drained today and keep getting dizzy spells which I've never experienced before! I've been eating the same for months, 6 meals a day....very healthy as my husband is a gym/heath freak (I am not lol, but I play along as I am not the cook in the family haha) Today I had breakfast, was hungry 5 minutes later. My mid morning snack, didn't do anything....lunch - hungry 5 minutes later. Mid afternoon snack didn't fill me up. Supper, I added a bit of extra food to help with my hunger pains....5 minutes later - absolutely starving!
Day 5-6: Hungry, dizzy and tired
Day 7: Worn out feeling, stuffy with a phlegm feeling in my throat (gag), and nauseous.
Day 8 - Nothing out of the ordinary, just still tired and hungrier than hell.
Day 9 - Experienced some mild cramping today, but AF isn't due until the 16th....fingers crossed its implantation cramping.
**Testing in 7 days**

Ohhh the wait. Fingers definitely crossed for good symptoms :)
If I still feel the same tomorrow with no results either way, I will make a Doctor's appointment for a blood test. I just hate the thought of not knowing the results for a few days after that! Surely I would know by then...
I'm out. symptoms this month were intense and this last week was awful with the nausea. AF is very heavy and I bled through a tampon in 20 minutes. I'm sorta glad I didn't test because if it had turned up positive this period would feel much worse than it already does. I'll see some of you in next month's testing thread!!!!
Yeah I am out too :sad1: AF is peeking her way into my day and I could say Oooh IB or something, but it looks like the start of every other AF. Oh well :sad1: I am out next month as my husband lives overseas so I will be back in November!

Baby dust to everyone.. hopefully we get ONE positive around here!
I've read so many of these I thought it's only fair I post my symptoms:
1dpo - gassy, exhausted, headache
2dpo - gassy, exhausted, really REALLY irritable, headache, backache
3dpo - want to just stay in bed all day, greasy hair, cold symptoms in nose and chest, really INTENSE unidentified food craving, the odd headache, on and off backache
4dpo - sleepy, cold symptoms, 'full feeling' in belly, cravings, backache
5 dpo - backache, sleepy but can't sleep much, heavy feeling in belly, light cramps, less cravings, cold symptoms, backache
6 dpo - gassy, acidy feeling in stomach?, napped for an hour n the afternoon, slight pulling sensation in belly on and off, creamy cm, backache
7 dpo - less tired, very slight reflux, increased sensitivity to smell, creamy cm, vivid dream, backache, heartburn before going to sleep - fell asleep at 2am!
8 dpo - exhausted prob coz didn't get much sleep last night, irritable, 'wet' & think may be developing an yeast infection (sorry)
9 dpo - yellow cm, itchy DT (possible YI), vivid dream, less tired, slight cramps, BFN FMU and 4pm.
10 dpo - same as 9dpo, just no cramps. Both energetic and exhausted! BFN FMU
11 dpo - few symptoms: awful insomnia, feeling my uterus is enlarged, fed up, BFN FMU (20 mlu)
12 dpo - finally got some sleep last night! Vivid dream. Full/enlarged feeling in belly. AF expected tomorrow, no sign of her at all. Cervix quite high up. Clear cm. Very light cramps. No appetite.
13 dpo - AF due today, no sign of her coming apart from dull cramping... Had intense cramping and a sudden wet feeling down there in the afternoon that I was sure she'd arrived! It was just a gush of creamy cm. BFN not FMU. No appetite.
14 dpo - AF 1 day late, headachey, no appetite, gassy, more sensitive to smells, jeans don't fit around the waist anymore! Spotting in pm, cervix becoming softer
15 dpo - AF
I had an early miscarriage (chemical) yesterday but I thought I will list down my symptoms here for others and for myself to look back at:

1-8 dpo : Vivid dreams couple of nights in the first week post ovulation. I was sleeping very well and for 8 hours every night, so I thought that was the reason I had such lucid dreams. Traces of yellow cm every time I wiped, again, didnt think much of it reasoning it to drinking lot of water and that's why I could see the CM.

9 dpo : Pelvic pain/pressure. I never have this kind of pain mid cycle. Traces of yellow CM.

10dpo : Pelvic pain/pressure continues and with a very vivid dream of my mom passing away. I felt very sad and woke up, almost cried since the dream was so realistic. Traces of yellow CM.

11dpo : Breasts swollen but not painful/tender to touch. Traces of yellow CM everytime I wipe

12dpo : Breasts continue to swell and I had on and off cramps as if AF was just round the corner. Yellow CM continues, sometimes wet feeling but it was just CM. Temp goes up by 0.4 degrees. Tugging/pulling feeling behind belly button

13dpo : swollen breasts continue. Temp stays up. On and off cramps. Cramps got more intense and I was convinced I was going to see AF. Felt pretty wet down there, when wiped, it was CM. This is when I suspected I could be pregnant. That very night, I ate my dinner as if there was no tomorrow, gobbled a full plate of cajun pasta and a big dessert and at the end of it, I felt just about full. Tugging/pulling feeling behind belly button

14dpo : Temp stayed up again around 98.4 deg and FF said I may be triphasic. This is the first time ever that I had a triphasic chart. This is when I decided I should take the test. Very very faint positive on Wondfo, so I bought a digi to confirm pregnancy.

I started spotting on 16dpo and miscarried fully on 17dpo. Hoping that I get my BFP again soon. Hope this helps!
hi ladies, I've been obsessing on this site for a while now so I figured I could finally add my own story :happydance:
Ov'd on sept 8, inseminated with preseed and soft cup on the 5th and the 7th.
1dpo: small cramps, almost non existent (if I hadn't been really trying to feel something) small breast tenderness, very high temp of 99. This was unusual because even after ovulation on previous months I never go above 98.7
2dpo: heavy (severe) cramps all day long, very tired with sharp stabbing pains shooting my breast throughout the day.
3dpo: mild nausea in morning, twinges in lower right abdomen, hungry
4dpo: pretty nauseous, grumpy, couldn't get my green juice down that I just freshly juiced and dumped it down the drain! More breast tenderness but not very noticeable, sightly sharp twinge in lower right abdomen, dull cramps throughout the day, neck ache, creamy cm
5dpo: neck ache, SEVERE heartburn, craving and eating flap jacks since 5 dpo, more breast tenderness
6dpo: horrible heartburn, low abdomen ache on left side, sleepy(but didnt get much sleep last night) feel gassy, breast don't hurt but feel off or weird
7dpo: more terrible heartburn! Hungry, very small cramps
8dpo: HEARTBURN!! Small boob tenderness in am, low abdomen twinge and big boob tenderness in pm
9 dpo: nothing at all in the am and temp going low again, mid day left side cramps (I told myself AF was coming with the drop in temp) mild constant cramps all of later day and evening (very convince it was AF at this point) more sharp twinges in boobs but not tender to touch, just like something stabbing them in various spots, very sick to my stomach at night before bed, heartburn again for the 5th unbearable night of firey esophagus
10dpo: very nauseous this morning, temp spiked back up, even with the temp spike I was in a seriously bad mood in the morning and heavy cramps remainder of afternoon until I finally caved and took a hpt which was a


I have had two bfp a in the year previously, sadly the first miscarried at 6 weeks 2 days and the second miscarried in June at 15 weeks. I'm exactly 6 weeks and 2 days today and praying for the best. All of your prayers would be appreciated and GOOD LUCK!!
Shudknow thanks for taking the time to post that and I'm very sorry to hear about the miscarriage. Thinking of you and hoping next time is much better for you! <3

Anevans86 congrats girl! That's very exciting news!!
Not even interested in trying this month and had just decided to use protection until after new year and then discuss our next move. But then the nausea started and I even though I did not think it could possibly be positive, I got a BFP at 9/10 dpo. Still in shock. :)

1-5 dpo Nothing
5-11 dpo Spotting and nausea (dry heaving at 5 dpo made me wonder, but seemed far too early)
7-11 dpo Very tender and swollen breasts, stabbing pains even woke me up during the night; itchy nipples; stuffy nose; burning itchy sensation on tummy

It's not much, but apparently it's enough. :D
(Note days may be +/-1 as I just started with OPKs and haven't started temping yet!)

(My banner err's on the conservative side)

1 DPO: Happy, felt okay, nothing too bad to note
2-5 DPO: Nothing to report
6 DPO: Sudden feeling of not being pregnant rotten terrible mood
7 DPO: Brown Tinged CM/Sharp Pain in Cervix?
8 DPO: Cramping BFN (I know too early to test, but I did)

To be continued...
Have been stalking this thread for months now and have found it very helpful so figured it was now my time to post finally :)
Ive been trying for my second baby for 10 months now had a m/c at 7 weeks 4 months ago and now hoping for a bfp and sticky bean.

I do not know what dpo I am as didnt track o this month.

Cd1 af horrible cramps
Cd2 af horrible cramps
Cd3 af mild cramps
Cd4 af
Cd5 af
Cd6 af going
Cd7 af gone yippee
Cd8 dtd
Cd9 nothing
Cd10 dtd
Cd12 dtd
Cd13 nothing
Cd14 dtd
Cd15 nothing
Cd16 nothing
Cd18 nothing
Cd 19 pinching feeling in uterus
Cd 20 aches feeling like I pulled a muscle down bellow
Cd21 nothing
Cd22 tired
Cd23 tired
Cd24 tested bfn superdrug test but bfp when checked hour later evap?
Cd25 feeling full down there bloated
Cd26 tested bfn superdrug test but bfp when checked half hour later evap?
Cd27 tested bfn boots digi not pregnant to early anyway
Cd28 tired nausea yellow cm
Cd29tired nausea yellow cm
Cd30 tired nausea yellow cm sore boobs ?
Cd31 mild cramps feeling like im out wet feeling yellow white cm
so I am new here- I've been reading and comparing notes with all the posts here :D

Let's see- I'm around 9 days post ovulation (basically I had quit temping for a while and decided to start- knew I was high but not sure how long ago ov happened- at least 9 days ago.)

The past couple of days ...
Monday (at least 5 days post ov) I had light cramping for 2-4 mins tops.
7 days post to now (9 days) I have had very light cramps off and on. No bleeding.(Usually I bleed really hard the second I have cramps- which are usually much worse.)
Today my sinuses hurt- but it could very well be the weather (storm coming in)

Thanks for having me. We have been trying for about 3 years so I'm really hoping!

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