Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

My symptoms so far.

1dpo - Nothing
2dpo - Nipples feel slightly uncomfortable, but that can be normal. Random twinge low down. Must eat all the foods (but this is normal before af too).
3dpo - Nipples still feel odd, odd attack of nausea on the bus for about a min or so, still must eat all the foods, very, very short tempered.
4dpo - Boobs are feeling strangely heavy, warm and tingly. Hunger.
5dpo - Boobs again feel like the above, definite cramping, peeing more than usual, hardly any cm, still short tempered. Read today symptoms before 6dpo are impossible?, but this cramping is real!.
7dpo - Kept awake by odd af type cramps. Underarms near beasts ache. Nightmares all night and I've still got a strange sensation in my uterus :/. BFN.
8dpo - cramping, constipated, occasional sharp shooting pain in boobs, exhausted. BFN.
9dpo - Cramping, constipated, slightly tender nipples, seem to be peeing more often. BFN with FRER :(.
10dpo - Ibs playing up. Nipples slightly sore. BFN. Giving up this cycle.
11dpo - Well I spoke too soon didn't I?. Got a faint almost nonexsistant bfp this morning on a cheapie ( i had to look at it in the sun) and then a clear bfp on a superdrug early test!! :).
Will update as each day comes and goes.
My first ttc cycle so far after sterilisation reversal.

1dpo - frequently passing urine and spot breakout

2 dpo - as above, but with a strange tingly sensation/feeling in my lower abdomen, a bit like nervous butterflies but constant all day. Quite tired today, but prob unrelated, most likely due to not sleeping very well. Just got in bath and deffo noticed that my nipples feel tender too.

3 dpo - disturbed sleep, qiuite lethargic (probs related to quality of sleep) feeling quite warm. Creamy yellow cm. nipples still quite tender, but might be because of bra friction.

4 dpo - cycle day 15 of a 26 day cycle. Had mild dull ache last night in pelvic area, and this morning when I went to toilet and wiped, red blood, kind of like the start of a period. Obviously not that as not due for another 11 days. :(
Cd32 late last night in bed I felt very sick (could be the prawn curry I ate)
Cd33 caved and tested bfn :( what is going on still no af wishing she would show up so I can move on to cycle 11 :(

Think im out now as would have thought if i was pg would of shown up but hope
Everyone gets there bfp, babydust xx

Update* yay can update posts now
Cd32 late last night had diarrhoea (tmi sorry)
Cd34 still no af slightly sore boobs (hope its not af) still have mild diarrhoea this morning boo! Creamy yellow cm
Cd35 still no af :) still have sore boobs slightly irritable today and still having lots of creamy yellow cm never been this long without af what is going on :/ x

Hope its not af flutestarkiss fingers crossed and babydust for u xx

Updated :)
1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen.
Morning Ladies,
First time posting having a lot of weird symptoms, here goes.
1 dpo- 5dpo no systems
6dpo- legs hurt, could be from trail walking, heartburn
7dpo- legs don't hurt much but major pull in lower stomach, bad heartburn, not sleeping great
8dpo- Stomach feel like shooting out my back side, can't sleep, heartburn, just wondering if I'm pregnant
9dpo- Heavy pull in lower stomach, feel full, breast don't hurt, lots of CM
10dpo - 12dpo Heavy pull, sleepy, weird dreams, hungry, feels like :witch: will be here tomorrow
13 dpo- tested this morning :bfn:, hungry, sleep, Sharp pain in belly button. I do feel like :witch: is coming. If she coming, then C'mon already.
9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

These are the EXACT same symptoms as I had but I thought I was around DPO 15/16. It was CD 29/30ish. I got to the point where I KNEW I had to be pregnant as there was no way my body reacted this way every month to AF approaching. It was insane, I was like textbook pregnant but kept getting BFN... and then AF came and my body just acted like hey.. this is what happens all the time and I was so confused! :sad1:

:nope: So sorry. I know it's hard when we get our hopes up. Yea, I am hopeful, but realistic. It took us 6 years to get pregnant while ntnp, so I know the odds are slim. We don't get many opportunities either because I haven't always ovulated. It's just so hard not to symptom spot, especially since our bding happened in the fertile days.
I love this discussion! Here is where I am at:

3DPO: Nothing
4DPO: Nothing
5DPO: Nothing
6DPO: Nothing
7DPO: Nothing
8DPO: Tiny episode of nausea
9DPO: Dull cramps, Fatigue; Tender/sore breasts
10DPO: BFN; Creamy CM; Cramps, Fatigue; Tender/sore breasts
11DPO: BFN; Creamy CM; Cramps; Tiny episode of nausea; Tender/sore breasts
12DPO: BFN; Creamy CM; Cramps; Tender/sore breasts
13DPO: BFN; Watery CM; Cramps; Breasts are not as tender; Very emotional
14DPO: BFN; Creamy and watery CM (Varies throughout the day); Occasional cramps

I'm a lab tech and can't help but to test constantly.

Feeing crabby and nervous, seriously feeling like AF is on her way. AF due today or tomorrow.

Good luck, ladies!!!!


3dpo - Beyond exhausted. I own 7 tanning salons and have worked so many 12-14 hour days over the last few years, and this exhaustion is 100x worse.
Also very gassy, my poor husband lol.
4dpo - Didn't even want to get out bed. I felt as though I could have slept for a week straight. Feeling very drained today and keep getting dizzy spells which I've never experienced before! I've been eating the same for months, 6 meals a day....very healthy as my husband is a gym/heath freak (I am not lol, but I play along as I am not the cook in the family haha) Today I had breakfast, was hungry 5 minutes later. My mid morning snack, didn't do anything....lunch - hungry 5 minutes later. Mid afternoon snack didn't fill me up. Supper, I added a bit of extra food to help with my hunger pains....5 minutes later - absolutely starving!
Day 5-6: Hungry, dizzy and tired
Day 7: Worn out feeling, stuffy with a phlegm feeling in my throat (gag), and nauseous.
Day 8 - Nothing out of the ordinary, just still tired and hungrier than hell.
Day 9 - Experienced some mild cramping today, but AF isn't due until the 16th....fingers crossed its implantation cramping.
Day 10 - Experienced lower back pain (first time in my entire life, I always have pain in the neck/shoulders..never lower back) I think I also experienced implantation bleeding? It was VERY VERY light.
Day 11 - Bleeding again today, very light...same as yesterday. And some weird twinges in my stomach

Day 12-15 - So nauseous. All day Im ready to hurl.

Yesterday I tested and go a BFN so I'll test tomorrow. AF is expected any day now and I don't feel like it's coming AT ALL!
I hope I do this right and it's all right for me to join. My hubby and I dtd twice in the three days prior to ovulation, so I'm hoping for a bfp (DH has problems so that's all we could do, plus it was a surprise I even ovulated as we were on vacation, but ntnp). I tested negative for ovulation before the vacation and tail end positive when we got back. Anyway, long story short I've been obsessing. Also, I am breast feeding so any breast related feelings may be associated with that. Sorry for Tmi info! I'd so love to have one more baby and this month would be great to get a bfp as it is our anniversary later this month. Here's to hoping. Anyway, here are my symptoms:

1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)

3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms

4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.

5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening

6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)

7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish

8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month :( ). :bfn: I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.

9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

10 dpo: :bfn: So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit. Feeling a bit out, even though there's still time. Hoping the :witch: stays away.

Good luck everyone, I hope we all get bfps this month! :dust:

Morning Ladies,
First time posting having a lot of weird symptoms, here goes.
1 dpo- 5dpo no systems
6dpo- legs hurt, could be from trail walking, heartburn
7dpo- legs don't hurt much but major pull in lower stomach, bad heartburn, not sleeping great
8dpo- Stomach feel like shooting out my back side, can't sleep, heartburn, just wondering if I'm pregnant
9dpo- Heavy pull in lower stomach, feel full, breast don't hurt, lots of CM
10dpo - 12dpo Heavy pull, sleepy, weird dreams, hungry, feels like :witch: will be here tomorrow
13 dpo- tested this morning :bfn:, hungry, sleep, Sharp pain in belly button. I do feel like :witch: is coming. If she coming, then C'mon already.

started spotting on 15dpo with heavy AF cramping, than stopped. Not sure what that is about? :witch: is playing pick-a-boo
Cd32 late last night in bed I felt very sick (could be the prawn curry I ate)
Cd33 caved and tested bfn :( what is going on still no af wishing she would show up so I can move on to cycle 11 :(

Think im out now as would have thought if i was pg would of shown up but hope
Everyone gets there bfp, babydust xx

Update* yay can update posts now
Cd32 late last night had diarrhoea (tmi sorry)
Cd34 still no af slightly sore boobs (hope its not af) still have mild diarrhoea this morning boo! Creamy yellow cm
Cd35 still no af :) still have sore boobs slightly irritable today and still having lots of creamy yellow cm never been this long without af what is going on :/ x

Hope its not af flutestarkiss fingers crossed and babydust for u xx

Updated :)
updated **
cd 36 af showed up im out :( good luck ladies hope you get your bfps :) x
1 DPO: Happy, felt okay, nothing too bad to note
2-5 DPO: Nothing to report
6 DPO: Sudden feeling of not being pregnant rotten terrible mood
7 DPO: Brown Tinged CM/Sharp Pain in Cervix?
8 DPO: Cramping BFN (I know too early to test, but I did)
9-10 DPO: Feeling a little light headed
11 DPO: Feeling super dizzy and a lil' sick. Tested again. BFN
12 DPO: Woke up with super oily skin and a few small pimples figure aunt flow is on her way. Tested, saw a slight line on a wondfo. Took a frer. Squinter line as well.

To be continued...
1 DPO: Happy, felt okay, nothing too bad to note
2-5 DPO: Nothing to report
6 DPO: Sudden feeling of not being pregnant rotten terrible mood
7 DPO: Brown Tinged CM/Sharp Pain in Cervix?
8 DPO: Cramping BFN (I know too early to test, but I did)
9-10 DPO: Feeling a little light headed
11 DPO: Feeling super dizzy and a lil' sick. Tested again. BFN
12 DPO: Woke up with super oily skin and a few small pimples figure aunt flow is on her way. Tested, saw a slight line on a wondfo. Took a frer. Squinter line as well.

To be continued...

That sounds promising. Good luck!! :dust:
These were my symptoms leading up to my BFP at 16DPO:

1DPO headache, nausea and cramping.
2DPO cramping
3DPO cramping, really tired in the afternoon, headache. Realised I hadn't done number 2's since ovulation
4DPO cramping, vivid dreams, finally number 2's
5DPO cramping, sore lower back in the morning, very slight nausea, tired in the afternoon, headache. Cramping was really bad at night. Feels like AF cramps.
6DPO Cramping getting a lot worse. Nausea, vivid dreams, tired in the afternoon, cramps had pretty much disappeared
7DPO Finally number 2's after not going for two days. Bit gassy, cramping
8DPO Cramping, had a big nap, a bit off my food, and extra white bumps on left areola. BFN.
9DPO Bad cramps, bloating, back pain, bloating, tingling in right nipple, nausea
10DPO Cramping really bad. BFN
11DPO Cramping, back pain, slight nausea, HUGE pimples on my neck
12DPO Cramps improved, but still there. Gassy. BFN
13DPO Nausea first thing in the morning before I ate. Cramping is really bad. Went to doctor who said I was very constipated and told me to take a drink to make my bowel movements more frequent
14DPO Cramps and constipation improving. Feels like AF is on the way. BFN
15DPO Very sore throat, fell asleep early on the couch - really tired. AF is now late
16DPO Sore throat turned in to a full blown cold - runny nose, sore throat, etc. BFP at night time with internet cheapie
17DPO BFP with First Response with after holding wee for 3 hours. Sore throat and runny nose worsening!

So basically, my two big indicators for me were constipation and cramping! Those are two things I never get - especially from 1DPO! :flower:
Congrats Buffyx! How exciting. May you have a sticky bean and a h&h 9 months.

I hope I do this right and it's all right for me to join. My hubby and I dtd twice in the three days prior to ovulation, so I'm hoping for a bfp (DH has problems so that's all we could do, plus it was a surprise I even ovulated as we were on vacation, but ntnp). I tested negative for ovulation before the vacation and tail end positive when we got back. Anyway, long story short I've been obsessing. Also, I am breast feeding so any breast related feelings may be associated with that. Sorry for Tmi info! I'd so love to have one more baby and this month would be great to get a bfp as it is our anniversary later this month. Here's to hoping. Anyway, here are my symptoms:

1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)

3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms

4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.

5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening

6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)

7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish

8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month :( ). :bfn: I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.

9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

10 dpo: :bfn: So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit. Feeling a bit out, even though there's still time. Hoping the :witch: stays away.

11 dpo: cramping, but more in a tightness kind of way. Diarrhea (sorry tmi). Still so hungry. No other symptoms. :bfn: Feeling kinda down.

Good luck everyone, I hope we all get bfps this month! :dust:

1 DPO: Happy, felt okay, nothing too bad to note
2-5 DPO: Nothing to report
6 DPO: Sudden feeling of not being pregnant rotten terrible mood
7 DPO: Brown Tinged CM/Sharp Pain in Cervix?
8 DPO: Cramping BFN (I know too early to test, but I did)
9-10 DPO: Feeling a little light headed
11 DPO: Feeling super dizzy and a lil' sick. Tested again. BFN
12 DPO: Woke up with super oily skin and a few small pimples figure aunt flow is on her way. Tested, saw a slight line on a wondfo. Took a frer. Squinter line as well.
13 DPO: Tested again with wondfo and frer with fmu. Still positive, not darker than the day before. Drank loads of water before bed and feel positively dried out, may have something to do with it, I can't get enough water. Having weird sharp pains coming from my cervix (enough to notice but not enough that it concerns me) and light cramping from my uterus. Super wet cm. Beyond sleepy, but can't sleep. No nausea, actually starving hungry. Hoping these are all good signs.

To be continued....
1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen. Ear ache off and on today. HORRIBLE pain in my back between my shoulders. Lower back pain here and there. Seems to come and go with the cramps. Headache. Body aches so bad I feel like I have the flu. THIRST! So much thirst!

6 DPO - Cervix is high and closed today. Still firm. CM is still creamy. Temp is up today. Boobs feel sore on the insides, but not to the touch. Slightly sore on the sides. Very thirsty.

My first ttc cycle so far after sterilisation reversal.

1dpo - frequently passing urine and spot breakout

2 dpo - as above, but with a strange tingly sensation/feeling in my lower abdomen, a bit like nervous butterflies but constant all day. Quite tired today, but prob unrelated, most likely due to not sleeping very well. Just got in bath and deffo noticed that my nipples feel tender too.

3 dpo - disturbed sleep, qiuite lethargic (probs related to quality of sleep) feeling quite warm. Creamy yellow cm. nipples still quite tender, but might be because of bra friction.

4 dpo - cycle day 17 of a 26 day cycle. Had mild dull ache last night in pelvic area, and this morning when I went to toilet and wiped, red blood, kind of like the start of a period. Obviously not that as not due for another 9 days.

5 dpo - bit more blood on wiping again today but not as much as yesterday and mild cramps again this afternoon. Nipples don't feel as tender today. Feeling quite grumpy

6-7 dpo: more spotting/blood on wiping again, not normal. Boobs no longer tender, bit more indigestion on day 6. No other symptoms....

Ff really annoying me, first it saod I ovulated monday and now its changed to yesterday. I guess todays either 1/2 dpo. Today ive lots of af like cramps

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