1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)
3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms
4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.
5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening
6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)
7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish
8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month


I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.
9 DPO: CM=completely dry.

So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.
10 dpo:

So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit.
11 dpo: cramping, but more in a tightness kind of way. Diarrhea (sorry tmi). Still so hungry. No other symptoms.

Feeling kinda down.
12 dpo: cramps, Moody, nausea this evening. Feel like af is on her way. I hope not. Still
13 dpo: CM increased, constipation, gas, tired, nausea this evening, really bad headache, backache.

still. cramps just got worse.holy cow.
14 dpo:


. AF due today or tomorrow. Gas, cramps, painful bms, lower backache. My chances are slimming
Good luck everyone, I hope we all get bfps this month!