Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

My symptoms have completely disappeared so not hopeful! I'm not as organised as you guys and not completely sure when I ovulated (all tests were negative but hoping I just missed it) I'm due on on Monday- Wednesday. Last few days my boobs have been bigger and sore, had slight nausea, tiny little cold, a few big spots on my face, swollen gums and a few twinges in my pelvis- now nothing! Nada! Zilch!!
UPDATE, 1 month TTC, not successfull!

I'm 29 , generally healthy, TTC #1 , me and DH made love on 2 occasions during the 3 days before my O. It's our 1st month TTC and I have some symptoms that are new to me.

2-4 dpo: some twinges and strange pulling feeling in the uterus. Watery cm. warm.

5 dpo: warm. More Watery cm. boobs full without pain and nipples sensitive to the touch of my shirt, but not supersensitive.

6 dpo: same as above. Still watery cm. what's new is the frequent urination,and a lot every time. Dizzy when I stand up. increasing sensation of something in my uterus, pulling, full tingling feeling. Had a glass of white, felt like a drank the whole bottle. Before I went to sleep I peed, again for like the 5th time that evening and every time a lot.

7 dpo: wake up after 5 hours of sleep and pee like if haven't been to the bathroom for years. Still have all the things from above still wet down here.

8-18 dpo: constantly hungry, still CM. the excess urination went down a little, and now its up again. Im very warm, and my temps keep high. Few negative tests and then the most recent one was kind of confusing, had a line and a smudge (I made a post about it). boobs are still big and veiny, more in the left one. i have some underarm twinges here and there.

16-18 dpo and no AF and still no clear BFP. Im warm and getting more emotional.

AF came today finally, CD 32, after millions of $$$ spent on hpt!:) i dont knw what happened if it was just late ovulation or just a prolonged cycle.


3DPO: Nothing
4DPO: Nothing
5DPO: Nothing
6DPO: Nothing
7DPO: Nothing
8DPO: Tiny episode of nausea
9DPO: Dull cramps, Fatigue; Tender/sore breasts
10DPO: BFN; Creamy CM; Cramps, Fatigue; Tender/sore breasts
11DPO: BFN; Creamy CM; Cramps; Tiny episode of nausea; Tender/sore breasts
12DPO: BFN; Creamy CM; Cramps; Tender/sore breasts
13DPO: BFN; Watery CM; Cramps; Breasts are not as tender; Very emotional
14DPO: BFN; Creamy and watery CM (Varies throughout the day); Occasional cramps
15DPO: BFN; Cramps, Emotional

Good luck, ladies!!!! Stay positive and test positive! =)
Pesty, sorry af got you. I hope you get your bfp soon.

1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)

3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms

4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.

5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening

6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)

7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish

8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month :( ). :bfn: I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.

9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

10 dpo: :bfn: So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit.

11 dpo: cramping, but more in a tightness kind of way. Diarrhea (sorry tmi). Still so hungry. No other symptoms. :bfn: Feeling kinda down.

12 dpo: cramps, Moody, nausea this evening. Feel like af is on her way. I hope not. Still :bfn: :nope:
Good luck everyone, I hope we all get bfps this month! :dust:

1 DPO: Happy, felt okay, nothing too bad to note
2-5 DPO: Nothing to report
6 DPO: Sudden feeling of not being pregnant rotten terrible mood
7 DPO: Brown Tinged CM/Sharp Pain in Cervix?
8 DPO: Cramping BFN (I know too early to test, but I did)
9-10 DPO: Feeling a little light headed
11 DPO: Feeling super dizzy and a lil' sick. Tested again. BFN
12 DPO: Woke up with super oily skin and a few small pimples figure aunt flow is on her way. Tested, saw a slight line on a wondfo. Took a frer. Squinter line as well.
13-14 DPO: Unquenchable thirst. Nausea. Cramping. Lines aren't getting any darker on frer. Starting to make me worried. CM ew and lots and lots. Totally gross. Smelling everything, but nose is running. Advice from nurse: Drink as much water as you can, cramping from your uterus could be from dehydration, yes it will dilute your urine, yes, I think you're going to be just fine.

Fx'd for a sticky bean.
Hi ladies I got my bfp yesyerday as af was due from 12dpo and it was 14dpo yeatersay. Its 15 dpo today and still no af

1-14 dpo nipples feel a bit tender. No other symptoms!!!

Infact its the lack of spotting that made me suspect I may be pregnant this month as usually get af with spotting from 8dpo
1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen. Ear ache off and on today. HORRIBLE pain in my back between my shoulders. Lower back pain here and there. Seems to come and go with the cramps. Headache. Body aches so bad I feel like I have the flu. THIRST! So much thirst! BFN at night.

6 DPO - Cervix is high and closed today. Still firm. CM is still creamy. Temp is up today. Boobs feel sore on the insides, but not to the touch. Slightly sore on the sides. Very thirsty. Mild stomach ache.

7 DPO - Cervix is REAL high and soft again. It had gotten harder, but is soft like lips this morning. Temp is back down to where it's been since O. Almost a straight line with very little fluctuation until it shot up yesterday. Last night I burped and vomited a little...out of NOWHERE. Mild back pain. Cramping has stopped. Slighly dizzy off and on. Constipated in the morning. Thirsty. CM VERY watery and clear. Almost not there at all. Terrible pain in my tummy in the evening. Felt in the area of an ovary.

8 DPO - Spent all day as a bridemaid at a wedding so I ignored a lot of what was going on with my body that day. Nothing notable to report. Temp was up again.

9 DPO - Took a test with FMU and it was BFN. Felt terrible for most of the day. Cold symptoms...sore throat, cough, very phlegmy. Had some nausea in the morning and the evening. Temp was low again.

10 DPO - Temp is up again. This charting confuses me. Creamy CM, cervix is medium soft, medium high, seems pretty closed. No idea what is going on this cycle. I don't want to lose hope, but I don't have any real concrete signs. Boobs are real sore today.
Ive been soooo anxious to post in here before my TWW was up but I didnt! Now that Im 14 dpo & tested this morning Im posting!

First off we BD'd everyday during ovulation so my chances would be high.

1-2 dpo: creamy CM, constipation, bloated, gassy, night sweats

3 dpo: creamy CM, right breast tender, insomnia, night sweats, tingling in breast

4 dpo: creamy CM painful ache in my right breast/nipple, felt a little anxiety, wanted to cry, aching on the right side of my uterus, very tired, backaches, constipation, tingling in breast.

5 dpo : creamy CM, very emotional, cramping, soft BMs, very nauseous almost threw up.

6 dpo: insomnia, I wake up like every 1-3 hours over night. Boobs feel tingly, feels like left one is getting tender and the right one is becoming even more tender. Taking a shower water touched my nipple and was sensative. I feel drained, maybe bc I wake up often over night? I noticed scents are stronger. I smelled a cigarette in my house went to look outside someone was smoking one 2 doors down (20-30 feet, idk maybe it might just be me). CM less creamy. Slight constipation. Night sweats.

7 dpo: insomnia, tired, creamy CM, BBs feel heavier.

8 dpo: creamy CM night sweats, insomnia, cramps, constipation, stood up and got real dizzy, tingling in Boobs. I swear I "feel" pregnant, maybe it's just my mind. I think my breasts are getting bigger too. DF is really irritated today. Was in the car today and noticed the fumes of the cars around me, smelled like i had my nose literally to the exhaust pipe, so strong felt a little nauseous.

9 dpo: today implantation is due.. I woke up a little after 12am and had intense cramps that actually woke me up out of my sleep, felt like I use the bathroom. The cramps woke me up again around 2am. I can recall having cramps like this before I found out about my son Dec of 2012. Noticed excess saliva for about 2-3 days now. Mild cramps throughout the day. Boobs tingly feeling heavier.

10 dpo: night sweats, little insomnia, little nausea & slight cramping throughout the day. Nipples sore, right breast becoming more tender. Left breast starting to get tender. Slight constipation, gas. I don't feel as fatigued today.

11 dpo: kept waking up due to cramping and i feel back pain too during the cramping just like my first pregnancy. Cramping on and off all day, lower back killing me, using heating pad tonight. I don't really get AF cramps so i definitely thinks it's implantation cramps/uterus growing. Creamy CM. Not much nausea today. Scents strong.

12 dpo: cramping and backache throughout the night... I really think it's my uterus is growing. My nipples are very sensative, I don't usually notice them before AF. Slight cramping throughout the day. Tingling in breasts

13 dpo: fatigue, nipples VERY tender, backaches, slight constipation. Vivid dreams, insomnia, scents strong.

14 dpo: periods due today ! Tested with FMU and got my BFP !

Good luck to everyone & I hope to see many more BFP's
Hi everyone, I just turned 40 in July. I had my first daughter Sydney in 2000 and my second daughter Lucy June 2013. We would be thrilled to add another little girl or boy to our family but did try the shettle method for kicks to see if a little boy would happen. :haha:

On Tuesday night, I received my first positive on my OPK and on Wednesday am my second positive. Wednesday pm my OPK was negative so I am in 1.5 dpo.

1 dpo: Like my pregnancy with Lucy in 2013, I have weird twinges in my lower right abdomen and some cramping like I'm getting my AF.

2 dpo and 3 dpo: weird cramping, nothing unusual, heart is racing which is unusual

4 dpo: when peeing - smells sweet, stomach feels swirly, heart is racing

5 dpo: sweet smelling pee again (weird!); lower abdominal cramping

1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen. Ear ache off and on today. HORRIBLE pain in my back between my shoulders. Lower back pain here and there. Seems to come and go with the cramps. Headache. Body aches so bad I feel like I have the flu. THIRST! So much thirst!

6 DPO - Cervix is high and closed today. Still firm. CM is still creamy. Temp is up today. Boobs feel sore on the insides, but not to the touch. Slightly sore on the sides. Very thirsty. Mild stomach ache.

Fx'd for you! Your symptoms sound promising! Check out my journal. I have my symptoms on first page :)
Congratulations Kialea and Momofaprince. May you both have sticky beans and a happy and healthy 9 months.
1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)

3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms

4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.

5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening

6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)

7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish

8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month :( ). :bfn: I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.

9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

10 dpo: :bfn: So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit.

11 dpo: cramping, but more in a tightness kind of way. Diarrhea (sorry tmi). Still so hungry. No other symptoms. :bfn: Feeling kinda down.

12 dpo: cramps, Moody, nausea this evening. Feel like af is on her way. I hope not. Still :bfn: :nope:

13 dpo: CM increased, constipation, gas, tired, nausea this evening, really bad headache, backache. :bfn: still. cramps just got worse.holy cow.

Good luck everyone, I hope we all get bfps this month! :dust:

Congratulations Kialea and Momofaprince. May you both have sticky beans and a happy and healthy 9 months.
1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)

3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms

4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.

5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening

6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)

7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish

8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month :( ). :bfn: I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.

9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

10 dpo: :bfn: So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit.

11 dpo: cramping, but more in a tightness kind of way. Diarrhea (sorry tmi). Still so hungry. No other symptoms. :bfn: Feeling kinda down.

12 dpo: cramps, Moody, nausea this evening. Feel like af is on her way. I hope not. Still :bfn: :nope:

13 dpo: CM increased, constipation, gas, tired, nausea this evening, really bad headache, backache. :bfn: still. cramps just got worse.holy cow.

Good luck everyone, I hope we all get bfps this month! :dust:


Thank you! I hope you get your BFP!

I forgot to upload my pic yesterday so here it is!
1 DPO: Happy, felt okay, nothing too bad to note
2-5 DPO: Nothing to report
6 DPO: Sudden feeling of not being pregnant rotten terrible mood
7 DPO: Brown Tinged CM/Sharp Pain in Cervix?
8 DPO: Cramping BFN (I know too early to test, but I did)
9-10 DPO: Feeling a little light headed
11 DPO: Feeling super dizzy and a lil' sick. Tested again. BFN
12 DPO: Woke up with super oily skin and a few small pimples figure aunt flow is on her way. Tested, saw a slight line on a wondfo. Took a frer. Squinter line as well.
13-14 DPO: Unquenchable thirst. Nausea. Cramping. Lines aren't getting any darker on frer. Starting to make me worried. CM ew and lots and lots. Totally gross. Smelling everything, but nose is running. Advice from nurse: Drink as much water as you can, cramping from your uterus could be from dehydration, yes it will dilute your urine, yes, I think you're going to be just fine.

15DPO: Went to ER because I was dehydrated, having kidney pain. They did a blood test and it was a BFN. :( Heart broken, but hopeful for next month. Waiting on AF to arrive.

18DPO: Spotting, but AF hasn't arrived

19DPO: Full blown AF. :( Terrible cramps and tissue.

Certain I had a chemical, I have a very light first day, medium flow second day and haven't had a heavy day since I was on birth control.

So upsetting.

AF almost always arrives on CD 14-15.
So sorry luckybug. I hope you get your bfp soon. :hugs:
1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)

3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms

4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.

5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening

6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)

7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish

8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month :( ). :bfn: I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.

9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

10 dpo: :bfn: So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit.

11 dpo: cramping, but more in a tightness kind of way. Diarrhea (sorry tmi). Still so hungry. No other symptoms. :bfn: Feeling kinda down.

12 dpo: cramps, Moody, nausea this evening. Feel like af is on her way. I hope not. Still :bfn: :nope:

13 dpo: CM increased, constipation, gas, tired, nausea this evening, really bad headache, backache. :bfn: still. cramps just got worse.holy cow.

14 dpo: :bfn: again :nope:. AF due today or tomorrow. Gas, cramps, painful bms, lower backache. My chances are slimming

Good luck everyone, I hope we all get bfps this month! :dust:

My first ttc cycle so far after sterilisation reversal.

1dpo - frequently passing urine and spot breakout

2 dpo - as above, but with a strange tingly sensation/feeling in my lower abdomen, a bit like nervous butterflies but constant all day. Quite tired today, but prob unrelated, most likely due to not sleeping very well. Just got in bath and deffo noticed that my nipples feel tender too.

3 dpo - disturbed sleep, qiuite lethargic (probs related to quality of sleep) feeling quite warm. Creamy yellow cm. nipples still quite tender, but might be because of bra friction.

4 dpo - cycle day 17 of a 26 day cycle. Had mild dull ache last night in pelvic area, and this morning when I went to toilet and wiped, red blood, kind of like the start of a period. Obviously not that as not due for another 9 days.

5 dpo - bit more blood on wiping again today but not as much as yesterday and mild cramps again this afternoon. Nipples don't feel as tender today. Feeling quite grumpy

6-7 dpo: more spotting/blood on wiping again, not normal. Boobs no longer tender, bit more indigestion on day 6 and mild nausea today. I know that its way early, but couldn't resist the urge, tested and BFN

Day 9 - nauseous all day, no spotting today, spot breakout and feeling bit moody.

Day 10 - tested with an Asda early detector pereg test BFN. Pretty sure a positive would've shown up by now, as AF due Friday :(.


1-2 dpo: nothing, cm is stringy, wet, and abundant (tmi)

3 dpo: sticky cm, no other symptoms

4 dpo: headache! cm dry, uterine cramping, left side stabbing pain near ovary.

5 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.5 creamy cm, stabbing pains in right breast, cramping in lower abdomen, my breast leaked milk which never happens, whole body aches, especially legs. Threw up (then felt better right after), gassy, nauseous (think I may be sick), diarrhea starts in the evening

6 dpo: headache! Temp at 99.3 breast has stabbing pains, really gassy, feeling like I got hit by a Mac truck, diarrhea, nauseous, cramping (still think I may be sick)

7 dpo: milder headache, temp drop, coughing today, the full body ache is mostly gone, stuffy nose, gassy, more cramping, feeling extremely wet, cm is creamy/partially sticky yellowish whitish

8 dpo: Cramping still, moody, coughing, mixing up words really bad ("chocolate cherrin coverin" for chocolate covered cherries and "grocomole, gosh I mean growcamole, omg I mean guacamole!" are just two examples). Stabbing pain in cervix (had that before period last month :( ). :bfn: I know it's too early to test, I just can't help it. I feel like I'm out even before it's time. Just a feeling. I hope it's inaccurate and it happens for us. We don't get very many opportunities.

9 DPO: CM=completely dry. :bfn: So hungry...give me all the foods! Seriously, I don't think I stopped eating today. Heavy feeling in lower abdomen, similar to pulling sensation (but that might be the sheer quantity of food I ate today; it was a lot), af might be on her way too. Some stabby type pains in uterus area on left side. Lower backache. Crazy Vivid dreams. I had one in the night and one during my nap.

10 dpo: :bfn: So hungry. I ate so much again today. Had a wave of nausea because I was hungry less than an hour after eating. Tightness in lower abdomen. Lower backache. Moody a bit.

11 dpo: cramping, but more in a tightness kind of way. Diarrhea (sorry tmi). Still so hungry. No other symptoms. :bfn: Feeling kinda down.

12 dpo: cramps, Moody, nausea this evening. Feel like af is on her way. I hope not. Still :bfn: :nope:

13 dpo: CM increased, constipation, gas, tired, nausea this evening, really bad headache, backache. :bfn: still. cramps just got worse.holy cow.

14 dpo: :bfn: again :nope:. AF due today or tomorrow. Gas, cramps, painful bms, lower backache. My chances are slimming

15 dpo: af arrived.


Edit: The :witch: got me. I hope everyone else gets their bfp. Good luck ladies.
My symptoms so far.

1dpo - Nothing
2dpo - Nipples feel slightly uncomfortable, but that can be normal. Random twinge low down. Must eat all the foods (but this is normal before af too).
3dpo - Nipples still feel odd, odd attack of nausea on the bus for about a min or so, still must eat all the foods, very, very short tempered.
4dpo - Boobs are feeling strangely heavy, warm and tingly. Hunger.
5dpo - Boobs again feel like the above, definite cramping, peeing more than usual, hardly any cm, still short tempered. Read today symptoms before 6dpo are impossible?, but this cramping is real!.
7dpo - Kept awake by odd af type cramps. Underarms near beasts ache. Nightmares all night and I've still got a strange sensation in my uterus :/. BFN.
8dpo - cramping, constipated, occasional sharp shooting pain in boobs, exhausted. BFN.
9dpo - Cramping, constipated, slightly tender nipples, seem to be peeing more often. BFN with FRER :(.
10dpo - Ibs playing up. Nipples slightly sore. BFN. Giving up this cycle.

Will update as each day comes and goes.

Updated :wacko:
Cycle #5
counting from mmc (15 from the start)

ovulation was soo late, usually cd14/16 now cd21 !! :dohh:

dpo 0 - dtd, got opk+ yesterday but didnt get to :sex:..and before that was 4 days before .. am thinking all happened too late??
dpo 1 - still had some dull ovulation pain. Excersice.
dpo 2 - nothing. Had some red wine in the evening to boost up circulation ;)
dpo 3 - nothing. Excersice. And red wine ;)
dpo 4 - weird little twinges around ovaries/uterus. Lot of cm. Cold :cold: a bit of headache. Constipated. Woke up around 5 am first time. Used a heated pillow to warm tummy, and boost blood flow.
dpo 5 - woke up around 4 am first time. Dull pain around left ovary. Tired. Nausea-like theres smth stuck in my throat. Cold..brrr. Excersice. Creamy cm after run. Af pains? Wtf?! Warmed up with heated pillow. Red wine ;)
dpo 6 - woke up at 4.50 wtf? Still feeling cold, maybe getting a flu. Wanted to test internet cheapies and theres maybe smth? Dont believe its real though. Quite bad af pains..loose stool in the evening.
dpo 7- very busy the whole day so maybe that's why didnt really notice anything? Tested and got the samekind line like in the pic but clearly an evap thers no colour in the line thou U can see it..
dpo 8 - cold all the time. Terrible af pains :( feel like this is it. Nothing to report on IC tests. Boobs a bit tender. Excercise. Bad pms.
dpo 9 - really bad af pains, nothing on the test. Bad pms. Running on/off to toilet to see if theres red, feels like smth leaking all the time.
AF arrived in the evening..
updated 10/24


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1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen. Ear ache off and on today. HORRIBLE pain in my back between my shoulders. Lower back pain here and there. Seems to come and go with the cramps. Headache. Body aches so bad I feel like I have the flu. THIRST! So much thirst! BFN at night.

6 DPO - Cervix is high and closed today. Still firm. CM is still creamy. Temp is up today. Boobs feel sore on the insides, but not to the touch. Slightly sore on the sides. Very thirsty. Mild stomach ache.

7 DPO - Cervix is REAL high and soft again. It had gotten harder, but is soft like lips this morning. Temp is back down to where it's been since O. Almost a straight line with very little fluctuation until it shot up yesterday. Last night I burped and vomited a little...out of NOWHERE. Mild back pain. Cramping has stopped. Slighly dizzy off and on. Constipated in the morning. Thirsty. CM VERY watery and clear. Almost not there at all. Terrible pain in my tummy in the evening. Felt in the area of an ovary.

8 DPO - Spent all day as a bridesmaid at a wedding so I ignored a lot of what was going on with my body that day. Nothing notable to report. Temp was up again.

9 DPO - Took a test with FMU and it was BFN. Felt terrible for most of the day. Cold symptoms...sore throat, cough, very phlegmy. Had some nausea in the morning and the evening. Temp was low again.

10 DPO - Temp is up again. This charting confuses me. Creamy CM, cervix is medium soft, medium high, seems pretty closed. No idea what is going on this cycle. I don't want to lose hope, but I don't have any real concrete signs. Boobs are real sore today. THIRSTY!!! I drink water like crazy, and there just never seems to be enough. Irritable. At night, cervix super low and almost engorged feeling. CM still creamy.

11 DPO: Temp down slightly. Crampy. Exhausted. Feeling out of the game this month. AF is due in a few days, and I feel like she is coming. Some soreness in my cervix. Today it's medium but firm. Tilted back and to the side. Boobs are sore. Pain in the area of my ovaries.

Hi everyone, I just turned 40 in July. I had my first daughter Sydney in 2000 and my second daughter Lucy June 2013. We would be thrilled to add another little girl or boy to our family but did try the shettle method for kicks to see if a little boy would happen.

On Tuesday night, I received my first positive on my OPK and on Wednesday am my second positive. Wednesday pm my OPK was negative so I am in 1.5 dpo.

1 dpo: Like my pregnancy with Lucy in 2013, I have weird twinges in my lower right abdomen and some cramping like I'm getting my AF.

2 dpo and 3 dpo: weird cramping, nothing unusual, heart is racing which is unusual

4 dpo: when peeing - smells sweet, stomach feels swirly, heart is racing

5 dpo: sweet smelling pee again (weird!); lower abdominal cramping


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