Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Welcome BuyMeWine :) good symptom with the IB.... hopefully it will result in a BFP.. fingers crossed!
Oh duh sorry didn't see your FF link. You're still way above your coverline so don't give up just yet!
I am hoping to get into my doctors for AT LEAST a blood draw and then get a referral for a u/s. I would prefer if my dr took a few minutes to do a pelvic exam, but I doubt she will be able to. So fx things go as planned tomorrow!
Welcome BuyMeWine :) good symptom with the IB.... hopefully it will result in a BFP.. fingers crossed!

Thank you hun, and congrats on your BFP!!
Just really hope it was IB and not random spotting - it would seem cruel to get such light spotting on just the right day of DPO just to tease me!
Yes well.... nature already mimics pregnancy with the same symptoms as AF. Not funny! It likes to tease.
Hi Buymewine!
Fx that is spotting! I had that happen only once before and got bfn's ×( but I have pcos so it was probably just a cyst for me. I do hate how our bodies will do this to us!

Afm- Temps were 98.47 F this morning! Back up they go I guess lol
Still having bfn's but I did have a nice dream about using an frer and getting a very dark positive! I was super excited and realized that i hadn't planned for how I will tell hubby! So I started digging around to find something cute to hide it in. I think I may head to the dollar tree and pick up some baby stuff to keep hidden until that fateful day.
AF is pretty much gone, I had a dream last night i had a big old healthy baby boy... maybe thats a sign for this coming round! FX!!
I am not sure when I O, so I just go by what my last period was...with my daughter we only had one accident (daughter is not an accident) a few days after period and thats when she was I am not sure if i O early or not...anyways i have been constipated for days now, tired today especially, boobs are itchy, the other day i had sharp like shooting pains above my vagina most of the day...I hope all this is a good sign!
Haha it's the only time we would ever go "Yay! Sharp vagina pains! Just what I was hoping for!" Lol
Boo, AF got me Dec 18 2014 at 830pm. At least I know, now. That was a 40 day cycle and AF was 5 days late! :wacko:

1DPO - Nothing much. Noted that my CM had dried up a little in comparison to a couple days prior.

2DPO - Mild cramps similar to AF, but it's too early for AF at this point. Also noticed slightly more CM than yesterday, and it's taking on a creamier consistency. Some pain in the same area as my ovaries -- which is pretty common for me in the last half of my cycle. I didn't log anything regarding my cervix position as it seemed to be all over the place throughout the day.

3DPO - Moody and short tempered. Increase in appetite which sometimes happens just before AF, but still too early for AF. Some stabbing pain in my breasts, and minor nausea.

4DPO - More stabby breast pains, more ovary pain, more cramps similar to AF -- but I was super cheerful and giggly today, which I'm sure terribly confused DH. Haha. CM still creamy, but increasing to levels far more than I created during my fertility window. I note that my cervix is closed, but it alternates between soft and firm, and medium to high position.

5DPO - Yet more CM, almost to the point I need a panty liner. I had the WORST time trying to sleep that night. No matter what position I lay in, what pillow I used, how many blankets, the temperature of the room, etc. it didn't matter. I tossed and turned all freaking night. I normally suffer from insomnia, but it's usually just a case of my mind being too busy to sleep, not feeling like I might as well be laying on a bed of gravel. Also had to pee in the middle of the night, and when I got up the room spun and I had to sit down again for a second before I could make my way to the restroom.

6DPO - Woke up feeling bloaty. Had some underarm breast pain. More ovary pain. Still copious amounts of CM, also my cervix is still closed and at medium height, but felt ridiculously soft this morning.

Temperature had also spiked again. At time of O, it went from 97.9°F to 98.4°F, and last night it went from 98.3°F to 98.7°F. Hoping it stays well up to indicate pregnancy! Had a headache all day, pretty sure from the lack of sleep the night before.

7DPO - Another sleepless night last night. Felt so nauseated while just laying motionless in bed that I had to chew a few antacids. Could have been because we ate takeout dinner for the first time in a while, not sure, but I chalked it up to that. Sensitive breasts when I got out of bed, but they've improved since morning. Today I am SO EXHAUSTED. No motivation, either. My usual morning cup of coffee couldn't even touch this level of exhaustion.

Temp this am, taken on time again!, dropped to 98.5°F

Copious creamy CM. Like, way more than should be here. Seeing wet spots in my undies. Haven't DTD in several days because DH caught the flu, so it's not "leftovers", so to speak. Haha. Cervix is still soft, closed, at medium height. Will see if it continues to drop over the following days, or if it stays medium/high.

8DPO - Slept better last night, but still tossed and turned, and woke up with an odd sharp muscle pain in my shoulder blade that wouldn't go away unless I put my arm over my head. haha. Stretches are in order for me this morning!

Took my temp at the correct time for like the 5th day in a row today, yay for me! :dohh: It showed a rise from 98.5°F to 98.7°F. Could that small dip have been an implantation dip? Only time will tell.... Super sore abs again today. I feel like I did 1,000 crunches before getting outta bed. Mild ovary pain again. Breasts are only mildly tender, and only if I bump them or jump up and down or something.

Woke up feeling super bloated, but weighed in to see that I'd lost a little weight. Hmmmm. Cervix was so high this am that I could barely reach it. Felt somewhat firm, and still a lot of creamy CM. Couldn't help taking a HPT this morning with FMU. Wondfos dip strip that came back BFN.

9DPO - Still feeling bloaty this morning, with a slight increase on the scale to confirm that. I can usually gain anywhere from 5 to 10lbs of water weight right before AF, which goes away a few days after.... And I'm sure the bloat is what's causing my sore breasts this morning. Thinking I'm probably out this month, but I still have until the 13th or 14th to turn that around. :P

My temps went up AGAIN, from 98.7°F to 98.9°F. That's much higher than my temps usually are for the week of AF! Should I be hopeful? Also, still creamy CM but there's not as much of it as there was yesterday... yet. Cervix feels medium in height, closed, and it seems firmer but really puffy. Not sure what to think of that.

Before bed: My gums hurt and bled pretty badly. I floss about every other day, and out of nowhere some of the gums around my molars hurt like hell right after dinner. I flossed again, brushed thoroughly, and this time added a couple capsful of peroxide to my mouth and swished around. The peroxide helped almost immediately, but I don't know what caused the flare-up.

10DPO - Ended up having to pee in the middle of the night again, but that's a pretty common PMS symptom for me. I get bloaty and thirsty, so I end up drinking more water than normal, and that means I pee more often.

Woke up with very tender breasts, flatulence, minor stomach issues. Also common PMS symptoms. Temp went down from 98.9F to 98.7F. And today I want to EAT. EVERYTHING. Diet be damned.

Creamy CM, cervix is Medium, firm, open.

Fertility Friend says my period is due today - and it also says that today is 14DPO for me - but I doubt it. That's two days too early for AF to show up, and AF is more likely to be LATE for me than to be early. I'm estimating Sunday, but we'll see who's right. Just to be safe, I took an HPT today. Wondfos dip stick gave me another BFN. So if this IS 14DPO and not 10DPO, then it looks like I'm out this month.

11DPO - FF keeps changing things up and says AF is due today. When I woke up, I was pretty sure that was right. Cramps in all the "right" places, but itchy nipples, sore breasts, and lower back aches.

CM is still creamy, but there's less of it now. Cervix is low, firm and open. Temperature dropped to 98.5°F despite being nice and toasty all night. AF for me usually starts in late afternoon or early evening. Keeping my eyes peeled. lol

Posted an updated chart today, and also included Fertility Friend's version so you can see their differing opinions. :)

12DPO - Not much new to report. Fertility Friend app says this is 16DPO. I'm feeling some cramping, similar to PMS cramps. Cervix is low, firm, open. My temperature dropped to 98.4°F, which is right in the neighborhood for AF. I expect AF to arrive tomorrow or Monday. We'll see!

Around dinnertime (6pm or so) my stomach started acting up big time. Not sure why, as I hadn't really eaten anything out of the norm -- the sensations and side effects (not to get into much unpleasant detail) were like when I drink plain milk. I'm lactose intolerant and plain milk really makes me sick, but I hadn't had any milk and only a small amount of cheese with breakfast around 11am.

13DPO - FF says this is 17DPO. AF still absent as of noon today, but usually appears late afternoon or early evening. My cycles are generally 35 to 36 days, and today would be CD36, so I'm not going to get my hopes up. Since I was sick for a large portion of this cycle, it's entirely likely that AF will be late just because I was so ill. I had the flu, followed by bronchitis, followed by a head cold. Triple whammy! So if AF doesn't show by Tuesday, I'll take another HPT.

No real cramping this morning, just general soreness in my lower abdominal area. Tender breasts. Stomach still a little upset from yesterday. I was able to sleep okay last night, too.

Cervix today changed from yesterday's low-firm-open to medium/high-soft-open, which was confusing. I didn't know it could make large "jumps" like that over night.

Temperature rose from yesterday's 98.4°F to 98.6°F.

14DPO - Woke up feeling SO bloated. Stomach felt full even though I was starving, and my wedding rings barely fit. So I know I'm retaining water (damnit) which is usually my biggest PMS symptom.

Temp rose again from 98.6°F to 98.8°F after a couple of days of a temperature dip. Could this be a really late implantation dip? Or do those only take one day instead of a few days?

Breasts are super tender, they feel heavier too. DH leaned his head against me while we were sitting on the sofa and -- OW! I knew they were sore, but not THAT sore...

Cervix is medium-firm-open. Still plenty of creamy CM, though. Not sure why I haven't dried up like I'm "supposed" to.

Took a Wondfos dip strip HPT today and got a BFN. I'm so confused as to what's going on here. AF should have arrived already, and hasn't.. but there's not even a hint of a line on my HPT. :dohh:

15DPO - Still bloated. AF is now 2 - 3 days late (based on a 35 - 36 day cycle). I'm now getting 3 different ovulation estimates from 3 different apps. FF says I O'd 19 days ago. Countdown 2 Pregnancy says 14 days ago. TCOYF says 15 days ago. I suppose I'll stick with 15 rather than rearrange my whole list! lol

Breasts still tender but not as much as yesterday. I thought for sure that AF was going to arrive in the middle of the night based on the cramping, but nothing happened.

Temperature dropped from 98.81 to 98.43 this morning, and my cervix is medium-firm-open, so I'm pretty sure I'm out for the month. 98.4 is the average temp I see just before AF shows up, and this was a steep drop from yesterday.

HPT today came back BFN.

Evening notes: I'm nauseated but seemingly hungry all day, mood swings similar to PMS except that I could cry at the drop of a hat instead of biting someone's head off. Feel like I could sleep from now until tomorrow morning without a hassle.

Still no sign of AF or the cramps that usually come beforehand.

It's not over until it's over, though!

Also: :cake: Happy birthday to me! Today I turn 30. :)

16 DPO - Still no AF. HPT was another BFN with FMU. I'm so frustrated. Cervix is high-soft-open today, when yesterday it was medium-firm-open? My temperature dropped another 1/10 of a degree, too. So some signs say AF is due, some say a BFP is due. The wait is killing me!

Woke up so bloated and puffy that my joints all ached, my legs had mysterious bruises on them (likely from tossing and turning all night. Sometimes I accidentally whack poor DH in the middle of the night while I'm flailing about), and my wedding band wouldn't fit. Sure enough, when I stepped on the scale this morning I was almost 3 pounds heavier. Ridiculous! Ugh.

I wish either AF would show up, or I'd get a BFP. Either of them would be fine! I'd like to move on and either plan for a baby, or another round of TTC!

17 DPO - Still no sign of AF. The usual cramps I get just before she arrives are MIA.

Temp dropped to 98.14 today, which is getting pretty close to my cover line. I expected to check my cervix this morning to find it lower than ever, firm and still open -- BUT -- instead I was really surprised when I noticed that it's ridiculously soft, almost feels swollen, and barely open. I had to search to find the indent that's usually there when it's open.

My abs are SORE like I did too many situps. Last night before bed it was bad enough that straining my abs in any way made them twinge. Ow.

I don't want to test again today because of all the BFNs I've been getting. I plan to wait until this weekend, Saturday, maybe, and go get some FRERs if AF doesn't show up on her own by then.

Ugh! This is nuts!

Added my final Fertility Friend chart for reference. :thumbup:


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CaribbeanBaby - you are SO right, mother nature has a really messed up sense of humour :( I'm thinking this time she has just played a really painful prank on me though

BABTTC - Your signs sound great to my (admittedly inexperienced) eye! Temps, STAY UP ok???!!! (do you think they can hear me?). Sorry to hear about your PCOS, a few of my friends have it and it looks unpleasant to deal with to say the least!

Not looking good for me this month. I can't edit my old post yet so I'll copy-paste and add the last couple of days (and while I'm at it I'll reformat so it doesn't look such a mess)

Since I've come off the pill in Aug my LP extended an extra day each time, so last time I had a 13 day LP, so I'm not sure if I'm due this Wed or Thurs depending on if it's going to extend again.

DPO 1-4 nothing

DPO 5 - very slight temperature dip, occasional sharp stabby pains which feel like they are originating from above cervix area. Boobs starting to ache occasionally throughout the day

DPO 6 - More sharp stabby pains, feels like a pin is stuck up there. Boobs ache still, and feel hard and lumpy. Temp back up.

DPO 7 - More boob pain although the stabbiness has gone. Go to the loo at work. Decide to (as is normal when you've gone mental) check for any bleeding around cervix just in case that stabbing was implantation. Omg!!! Tiny spot of red blood and browny beige cm. Freak. Out. I have never ever had mid cycle bleeding in my life apart from the odd ovulation bleed. This can't have been ovulation because my temps are well over coverline and I've been dry as a bone since ov.

DPO 8 - A tiny bit more brown cm in morning but gone by afternoon. Instead of working spend all day googling implantation. Told DH who said something like I should be committed. To an institution. I see his point.

DPO 9-10 - Nothing new, just these sore boobs. No cramps, lethargy, no nausea. Dida pregnancy test just now (dpo 10 at midnight) and is negative. Devastated, surely with implantation bleeding at 7 dpo I'd have a positive by now? Used an IC which supposedly detects 10miu.

DPO 11 - Temp going down :( These boobs are trying to fall off and I think have been turned to lead. Painful, painful lead. Been getting a bit of reflux but that happens to me sometimes. Worried AF is on her way because boobs ALWAYS get sore before AF, although usually only a couple of days and this time they've been sore throughout. Also no creamy CM or EGCM which I usually get in copiuous amounts before AF, but this time I'm pretty dry

DPO 12 - Temp down even further almost at coverline. Devastated. My temps have been (sorry for the Celcius) - DPO 9 - 36.65, DPO 10 - 36.55, DPO 11 - 36.45, DPO 12 (today) - 36.25.
I'm so upset, really thought with that implantation spotting it was our month. I know 4 cycles is nothing compared to most people on here so I don't mean to sound like a brat. I'm just really disappointed because I really thought I had IB and now I'm really worried something is wrong with me.
I took a IC just to be sure, waited half a bloody hour... BFN.

Going to probably be turning text red here in the next couple of days. Trying to look on the bright side that at least it looks like I'm getting semi decent LP times.
I gave up on checking CP... i never knew how high is high, it always feels like its in the same position no matter what... maybe one day is a little lower but not enough for me to really be like "whoa", there was one time when i did when i was sitting on the toilet, but i think thats just because i was siting and gravity maybe took affect..... i have no idea. wish it did have "x inches means high or low".. but hey, nothing can be easy it seems anymore with this subject LOL. Its a science!
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .

Has anyone else had a weird feeling down below after dtd with hubby ?
To scared to test incase bfn again :( x
Mineral -- I sometimes have that problem. One thing that I think might cause it is if your cervix happens to be low(ish) and soft. If it gets -- err -- bumped a lot while DTD that can make you feel sore and bruised in there. That's my best guess, anyway.
Mineral -- I sometimes have that problem. One thing that I think might cause it is if your cervix happens to be low(ish) and soft. If it gets -- err -- bumped a lot while DTD that can make you feel sore and bruised in there. That's my best guess, anyway.

Thank you ... just checked my cervix seems to be medium and soft so your probably right :) .... should my cervix be so soft at cd28 I am due cd30 ? X
JUST ovulated tonight and is the FIRST CONFIRMED OVULATION I have ever had!!
My first cycle of clomid 100 mg and charting OPK and temps!

0 dpo - Snapped at hubby pretty bad for no reason at all :( I felt terrible about it!
Back has hurt all day and above my stomach felt tight.
Took a shower with him and the water seemed WAY too hot so we had to use luke warm water (poor guy was freezing! lol)
Took the test and left it so that I could DTD with preseed while waiting for test to compete. Stradle position hurt at first but eventually got better feeling. Uterus felt tight afterwards.
After 10 minutes I got up and seen the positive test! Now to wait until tomorrow so I can dtd again!

1 dpo - nauseas, I assume from ovulating?
cramping, back hurts, irritable.
VERY positive OPK! Test line darker than control!
Very sleepy.. Over heating easily.
CP high soft open, Cm creamy (I need to use preseed)

2 dpo - Lines are getting faint on opk, probably don't need to keep testing lol
Mild cramping still
Cp is still high soft and open
Cm is egg white
Nausea a bit worst today. Typical for any hormone change for me though.
That's about it for today!

3 dpo - Back aches again. Exhausted!! Peeing frequently, probably due to coffee..
Uterus feels sore.. That's really it for today.

4 dpo - Had some cramping in the morning that went away.
Feels like I might be getting a cold :(
Pretty energetic as I had wanted to clean so that my house looks extra good for a belated thanksgiving dinner I am hosting for my dad :)
Other than cramping there really isn't anything I can think of as a symptoms :/ forgot to mention a MAJOR rise in my temp!

5 dpo - sharp stabbing pains (mild) on peft side of uterus. They come and go throughout the day.
Increased sense of smell- my office smelt like puppy pee no matter how well I cleaned it!! (my boss brings her pup to work) my bathrooms stink even though they are clean!
Exhausted easily.
Decreased appetite.
Forgot to temp.

6 dpo - prepared a turkey this morning for a belated thanksgiving for my family, it smelt like rotting meat but hubby couldnt tell :(
I gagged a few times and made myself get over it.
Took temp early this morning (before my usual time) because it was an hour away and i had to pee so I figured I would temp first. Back down to normal.

Worried that I am just symptom spotting and going to look dumb when af arrives. x(

7 dpo - Creamy/lotion like cm. Had pretty strong af like cramping last night and a little today. Had an ill feeling in my stomach all day. Indigestion.
DTD with hubby and it felt BEYOND amazing! Got very wet FAST which is NOT normal for me to produce much cm on my own!!
Nothing else to note for now.

8 dpo - Stuffy nose and sore throat in AM. Back hurt ALL DAY!! Sensitive to my bosses stress, I couldn't stand it and couldn't wait to get home! Stuffy nose continued throughout day. Cramping. Fatigued- had a hard time keeping my eyes open. Heart burn off and on. Increased appetite- I seriously ate 3 dinners before I was FINALLY full!! Not sure where I managed to put it all but I know where it will go :'( time to work out!! lol
Oh and caved in and tested last night with a dollar tree cheapy. BFN. :(

(NOTE: My tracker is OFF! Technically I am 9 dpo today, but just posted for yesterday because i was too lazy to last night. So expect another post later today!)

9 dpo - Mild cramping, slight nausea, aversion towards pepermint flavor and apple fritter. The smell of my perfume was overwhelming and made me nauseas, thankfully it was on my coat so I took it off!
Mouth watery- drooled while talking a few times. Back ache off and on. Bad heart burn! Nose was a little runny, mild cough once in a while. Peeing more often even though I haven't changed the amount I drink..

Now to sleep and try not to test in the morning! ×_×

10 dpo - Excess energy. Increased appetite. Mild heart burn. SHARP cramping on left side uterus. Rosey cheaks all day. Forgot to temp in morning D:
That's mainly it.

Onward to yet another day...

11 dpo - Cramping pretty bad all day. In the morning had SHARP and painful cramps that went away pretty fast. The pooch under my belly and above my crotch felt like it was bruised or something.. It was only on the right side for some reason. Back is still aching. Jittery feeling. Head ache. Decreased appetite-- felt like throwing up! Exhausted!!!!

onward once more!

12 dpo - Temps are still going up! 98.26 F! Mild cramps. Back ached EXTREMELY bad! Slight nausea. Nipples are getting a little tender. Boobs feel full. Bfn bfn bfn :/
Pretty damn sure I'm out.

13 dpo - Temps keep rising! 98.39 F!!! Bfn though :/
Same sharp cramps today, but no other symptoms.

14 dpo - BFN on FRER :(
Boobs feel heavier today and are more sore. A bit emotional but nothing too bad.
I have had insomnia for about a week now. Tried sleeping in but I was wide awake at 7:00am. I guess it is at least an hour more than usual? Blah..

Learned that women with PCOS can have false negatives on both hpt AND blood tests for up to 4 months into a pregnancy.. Only way to tell is with a u/s. I just HAD to torture myself huh? lol

15 dpo - Bfn Frer. High temps at 98.49 F. I feel terrible. My head hurt all day, my throat hurt, I was (am) congested. Slight nausea. Back aches. Cramps. Insomnia yet again. Exhausted and fatigued to the point of almost passing out- but that would be too lucky right? Took Melatonin that evening only to get woken up two hours later. No more sleep for me! lol

16 dpo - Bfn frer. Temp 97.89 F. Throat hurts all day. Congested. Slight nausea. Insomnia once again. Fatigued but not as bad as yesterday. Blood draw for HcG and progesterone. Awaiting results now.
Not too optimistic but might as well cross all that I have!
Hi girls.. how r u all?
Today I should have tested however I think af came cos I saw a.very faint discharge and af was due today ;( therfore will not be testing. I really had symptoms and thought I was pregnant. Will try again ;)
Okay ladies this is my first post on here :)

My husband and I have been TTC for about 4 months now. I got off the pill about 6 months ago and I had been on it close to 10 years.

My periods are right on schedule every month and so have my symptons. So here is what I have so far this month. I would really like to get some feedback from you guys if this is normal or not.

1DPO - sensitive nipples

2DPO - Woke up with very tender breasts mostly on the side, a mild headache, and very minor cramps.

3 DPO - Tender breasts, mild headache, minor cramps, little nauseous at night, and funny taste in my mouth, and urinating more than usual.

4DPO (Today) - Woke up my breasts arent as tender but I feel like I have pretty bad cramps (feels like im going to start my period any time and its hard to suck my tummy in)

Usually the only symptom I have been having before my periods is my breasts start to hurt about 6DPO - 7DPO - this is the first month that I have experienced all these symptoms and they started so early in my cycle. Is this normal? Have any of you experienced something like this and they got a BFP?

Thank you girls! :)

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