JUST ovulated tonight and is the FIRST CONFIRMED OVULATION I have ever had!!
My first cycle of clomid 100 mg and charting OPK and temps!
0 dpo - Snapped at hubby pretty bad for no reason at all

I felt terrible about it!
Back has hurt all day and above my stomach felt tight.
Took a shower with him and the water seemed WAY too hot so we had to use luke warm water (poor guy was freezing! lol)
Took the test and left it so that I could DTD with preseed while waiting for test to compete. Stradle position hurt at first but eventually got better feeling. Uterus felt tight afterwards.
After 10 minutes I got up and seen the positive test! Now to wait until tomorrow so I can dtd again!
1 dpo - nauseas, I assume from ovulating?
cramping, back hurts, irritable.
VERY positive OPK! Test line darker than control!
Very sleepy.. Over heating easily.
CP high soft open, Cm creamy (I need to use preseed)
2 dpo - Lines are getting faint on opk, probably don't need to keep testing lol
Mild cramping still
Cp is still high soft and open
Cm is egg white
Nausea a bit worst today. Typical for any hormone change for me though.
That's about it for today!
3 dpo - Back aches again. Exhausted!! Peeing frequently, probably due to coffee..
Uterus feels sore.. That's really it for today.
4 dpo - Had some cramping in the morning that went away.
Feels like I might be getting a cold

Pretty energetic as I had wanted to clean so that my house looks extra good for a belated thanksgiving dinner I am hosting for my dad

Other than cramping there really isn't anything I can think of as a symptoms :/ forgot to mention a MAJOR rise in my temp!
5 dpo - sharp stabbing pains (mild) on peft side of uterus. They come and go throughout the day.
Increased sense of smell- my office smelt like puppy pee no matter how well I cleaned it!! (my boss brings her pup to work) my bathrooms stink even though they are clean!
Exhausted easily.
Decreased appetite.
Forgot to temp.
6 dpo - prepared a turkey this morning for a belated thanksgiving for my family, it smelt like rotting meat but hubby couldnt tell

I gagged a few times and made myself get over it.
Took temp early this morning (before my usual time) because it was an hour away and i had to pee so I figured I would temp first. Back down to normal.
Worried that I am just symptom spotting and going to look dumb when af arrives. x(
7 dpo - Creamy/lotion like cm. Had pretty strong af like cramping last night and a little today. Had an ill feeling in my stomach all day. Indigestion.
DTD with hubby and it felt BEYOND amazing! Got very wet FAST which is NOT normal for me to produce much cm on my own!!
Nothing else to note for now.
8 dpo - Stuffy nose and sore throat in AM. Back hurt ALL DAY!! Sensitive to my bosses stress, I couldn't stand it and couldn't wait to get home! Stuffy nose continued throughout day. Cramping. Fatigued- had a hard time keeping my eyes open. Heart burn off and on. Increased appetite- I seriously ate 3 dinners before I was FINALLY full!! Not sure where I managed to put it all but I know where it will go :'( time to work out!! lol
Oh and caved in and tested last night with a dollar tree cheapy. BFN.
(NOTE: My tracker is OFF! Technically I am 9 dpo today, but just posted for yesterday because i was too lazy to last night. So expect another post later today!)
9 dpo - Mild cramping, slight nausea, aversion towards pepermint flavor and apple fritter. The smell of my perfume was overwhelming and made me nauseas, thankfully it was on my coat so I took it off!
Mouth watery- drooled while talking a few times. Back ache off and on. Bad heart burn! Nose was a little runny, mild cough once in a while. Peeing more often even though I haven't changed the amount I drink..
Now to sleep and try not to test in the morning! ×_×
10 dpo - Excess energy. Increased appetite. Mild heart burn. SHARP cramping on left side uterus. Rosey cheaks all day. Forgot to temp in morning D:
That's mainly it.
Onward to yet another day...
11 dpo - Cramping pretty bad all day. In the morning had SHARP and painful cramps that went away pretty fast. The pooch under my belly and above my crotch felt like it was bruised or something.. It was only on the right side for some reason. Back is still aching. Jittery feeling. Head ache. Decreased appetite-- felt like throwing up! Exhausted!!!!
onward once more!
12 dpo - Temps are still going up! 98.26 F! Mild cramps. Back ached EXTREMELY bad! Slight nausea. Nipples are getting a little tender. Boobs feel full. Bfn bfn bfn :/
Pretty damn sure I'm out.
13 dpo - Temps keep rising! 98.39 F!!! Bfn though :/
Same sharp cramps today, but no other symptoms.
14 dpo - BFN on FRER

Boobs feel heavier today and are more sore. A bit emotional but nothing too bad.
I have had insomnia for about a week now. Tried sleeping in but I was wide awake at 7:00am. I guess it is at least an hour more than usual? Blah..
Learned that women with PCOS can have false negatives on both hpt AND blood tests for up to 4 months into a pregnancy.. Only way to tell is with a u/s. I just HAD to torture myself huh? lol
15 dpo - Bfn Frer. High temps at 98.49 F. I feel terrible. My head hurt all day, my throat hurt, I was (am) congested. Slight nausea. Back aches. Cramps. Insomnia yet again. Exhausted and fatigued to the point of almost passing out- but that would be too lucky right? Took Melatonin that evening only to get woken up two hours later. No more sleep for me! lol
16 dpo - Bfn frer. Temp 97.89 F. Throat hurts all day. Congested. Slight nausea. Insomnia once again. Fatigued but not as bad as yesterday. Blood draw for HcG and progesterone. Awaiting results now.
Not too optimistic but might as well cross all that I have!