Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Love this thread! And I'm feeling good about this cycle so here it goes!
*100mg of clomid days 3-7*

1dpo-5dpo Wicked muscle cramps in feet and hands, heartburn, nothing much else

6dpo- Still muscle cramps and heartburn, Progesterone level 65!!

7dpo- Weird feeling in lower abdomen

8dpo- Kind of weird tinges, light cramping, little bit of cold-like symptoms, still heartburn with pukey burps:( sensitive nipples which is not unusual for me.

9dpo- Feeling gross in the lower tummy, cough and stuffy nose this morning, really dry mouth! Restless legs when trying to fall asleep

10dpo- very light cramping (gearing up for AF?), still dry mouth, tired today:( BFN in the afternoon, hard time falling asleep because my legs felt sore and restless

11dpo- Dry mouth again! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Not feeling much else so a little bummed. Restless legs again!

12dpo- Wanted to sleep in again. A little bit of dry mouth. HCG blood test this morning! BFP!!

HCG Blood Test will be at 12dpo (on Thursday Dec 18th) because my clinic closes on Friday for the holidays. GL to everyone still waiting!!!
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.

Can any of you ladies help with this im so confused, anyone have anything similar before af or bfp xx
I don't know, those cramps could be AF on her way but I had cramps for 10 days before my BFP so who knows! Some women don't get their BFP until 20 DPO! Never out until the witch rears her ugly head!
Brand new to the forum

I'm 11 dpo and took a dollar tree test this am... Negative.

I'm a little frustrated but trying to stay positive. I have had the craziest symptoms and i swear I'm not mentally tricking myself to feel this way haha.

The biggest signs have been shortness of breath and increased heart. I'm in perfect health and a very active person. I read online that some people had this as an early pg symptom. I was hoping that was the case because I have NEVER had anything like this.

I also had spotting at 6dpo (was thinking this was implantation?)

Incredibly sore boobs, bleeding gums, tired & cramps in my legs.

All of these are soooo out of the ordinary for me.

Am I crazy!?

Just a little worried about the shortness of breath and pounding heart... Has anyone else experienced this as a early preg symptom!??
The biggest signs have been shortness of breath and increased heart. I'm in perfect health and a very active person. I read online that some people had this as an early pg symptom. I was hoping that was the case because I have NEVER had anything like this.


Just a little worried about the shortness of breath and pounding heart... Has anyone else experienced this as a early preg symptom!??

The shortness of breath and pounding heart was always a symptom of stress for me. When I worked in retail as a manager, I would have those issues daily. Sometimes it would keep me up at night, feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest even though I was laying perfectly still.

My blood pressure is excellent, I do cardio regularly and I eat well (low sodium, plenty of water, taking vitamins, one cup of coffee per day, no sugary beverages, etc.) so we never really could pinpoint the cause...

But then I quit that crappy job and started working on what I LOVE, and within a week, the pounding stopped and the shortness of breath was gone.

If you've been really stressing over TTC or other things in your daily life, that could be causing those issues. I would recommend trying your best to relax, maybe take a day for yourself and soak in the tub, read a good book, walk through the park... something that you find luxurious that you don't do often. See how it affects your symptoms. :)
Omg, I love this thread! I had to register just for this thread! Lol. DH and I have been Ttc for 3 months now. Hoping this is the month. (would be a great Xmas present to us! Lol) So here it goes:

Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early)

Will update as time continues! :)
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?

Still in with a chance girls af still hadnt shown her ugly face if af still not here by friday I will test im to scared to do one just yet lol x
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?

Still in with a chance girls af still hadnt shown her ugly face if af still not here by friday I will test im to scared to do one just yet lol x

Mineral im in similar situation, af is just late for me, I had symptoms like af was on her way, but then nothing, plus my temp has shot back up today, and im getting cm (i dont usually get it at this point either). I tested at 12 dpo and got a bfn. Maybe if no af in the morning I might retest. Good luck, maybe we are still in with a chance or maybe we are both just having dodgy cycles :wacko: xx
I'm still in, too. AF was due yesterday, but never showed. Today I used a Wondfos dip strip HPT and got a BFN. This is 13DPO for me and I woke up feeling ridiculously bloated, so I'm pretty sure AF will show up eventually. I wish I knew what was going on with this cycle!
Omg, I love this thread! I had to register just for this thread! Lol. DH and I have been Ttc for 3 months now. Hoping this is the month. (would be a great Xmas present to us! Lol) So here it goes:

Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early)

Will update as time continues! :)

For some reason it won't let me edit.... Odd.... Anyways, today's update:

4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
Hey ladies, thought I should join in now FF thinks I have ovulated!

3dpo- creamy but wet CM and in the morning EWCM in the evening, sore nipples (But had that for over a week now- pill withdrawal I think), a couple of twinges in my lower abdomin, feeling a tiny bit sicky before bed, rough nights sleep
4dpo- Tickly cough, Feeling a tiny bit sicky when I woke up, discomfort/pain during DTD and dizziness after
5dpo- Tickly cough, no energy in the morning, light stomach and back cramps in the evening
6dpo- Tickly cough, Light stomach and back cramps (a bit stronger than yesterday), creamy CM, tired by 3pm! Random sharp pain in my left hip?

HELLO ladies!!!! I am new here so here we go!
Fertile days November 27th to Dec 2nd estimated Ovulation day was the 29th! If not, it may have been the next day so I may be a day or so off on dpo. I have a 30 day cycle, luteal phase is about 15/16 days. Dh and I DTD the: 22nd-1st (twice on the 26th and skipped the 28th)

1 dpo - Gassy, bloated, full feeling
2 dpo- I fainted! (first time ever happening) dizzy, nauseous, lightheaded, silght elevation in temp (99.2, usually around 96.8-97) White milky cm, TONS (unusual)
3 dpo- nauseous, gassy, white milky cm (not as much as day befre), "wet" feeling down there. Twinges on left side, fatigued, bloated, frequent/sudden urges to pee
4dpo- nauseous, gassy, white milky cm, fatigued, bloated, starting to notice I'm bruising waaaaay easier. It usually takes a lot for me to bruise, I have at least 4 bruises right now. more twinges, frequent/sudden urges to pee
5 dpo- increase in appetite (eating soo much!!!! So unsual) suddenly dry "down there" had sex today and dh felt way toooo big in there, more intense orgasm and I noticed air escaping down there while we dtd, weird (tmi sorry!) "feeling pregnant"
6 dpo- the dr sent out for a blood test ( too early I know ) hot flashes
when I check, there is still white cm. nauseous, gassy
7 dpo- 10 dpo: fatigued, bloated, gassy, headaches, random nausea, light headedness, hot flashes, mood wings, random headaches, white milky cm, full feeling, stopped "feeling pregnant" and constipation. Tingling and twinges lower belly area.
11 dpo: noticed my smell to be a little bit heightened, not much but still need to say that because I have horrible sense of smell. Sensitive nipples (unusual) breasts feel fuller/heavier. creamy white cm, dizziness, light-headed, nausea, food aversions
12 dpo: Light-headed, nauseous, major decrease in appetite even with liquids (threw-up twice), hot flashes on and off all day, creamy white cm, when I went to check my cervix everything felt tight in there tmi sorry!! fatigue, emotional, craving apples (weird) full feeling in lower abdomen and finally i had pain on my left side where I think my ovary would be, it was a sharp pain that lasted about 15 minutes or so. (IMPLANTION MAYBE????)
13 dpo: Gas/Flatulence, Pulling/Pinching on left side, Backache, Increased Sex Drive, Moodiness, Dizziness, Light Headed,Fatigue/Exhaustion, creamy white cm
14 dpo: AF is due today but there is no sign of her!!! Not even cramping, just creamy, watery white cm (fingers crossed):-) but I tested yesterday and got a BFN. Nausea, throwing/throwing up, backache, weepy/moody, very gassy! Little bit of cramping but it doesn't feel like af cramps
15 dpo: Major Fatigue and my boobs feel fuller. No sign of AF! Haven't been able to test today but hoping af doesn't show.
16 dpo: BFP!!!!!!!!! Fatigue, irritable/moody, I have cramps but not af type cramps. The kind of cramps you get in your lower abdomen like when you may have to go #2. Light spotting but not as heavy as af.
17 dpo: still spotting, heavier but still not like af. Hoping this is normal and that this little bean sticks!

Is this normal? I usually have very heavy periods and I have never had just spotting before so this is unusual for me! Worried it could be a chemical :(
I would call your doctor. :hugs: I know spotting is very normal early on…hang on tight.
Ok I promised myself I wasn't going to symptom stalk this month but I simply cannot help myself!! early chemical last month so I'm really hoping this is the month! Had a really ok so here is my symptoms by DPO

1DPO-Spotting, cramps (probably from ovulation), EWCM


3DPO-Spotting (like a fair amount....really unusual bright red) cramps

4DPO-Creamy CM, gas and indigestion, left pelvic pain

5DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, left and right pelvic pain on and off actually woke me up in the middle of the night in hurt so much!

6DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, cramps, tender breast on the left side mainly

7DPO-Creamy CM, left pelvic pain again (just never seems to go away for more than a couple hours at a time) sore hips, tender breasts

Here is hoping the witch stays away!! AF is due the 21st if she doesn't make an appearance I will test on the 23rd (13DPO). Good luck to you all!:dust:
Well, today's my birthday :cake: and I'm hoping that either AF will show so I can go party, or I'll get a BFP so I can celebrate in a different fashion!

Really, I'd just like to know one way or the other. This waiting is ridiculous! I'm tempted to POAS every hour until I get a result one way or another. Sigh.
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too

5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! Lol)

ireadyurmind- here's hoping you get a BFP for your bday!... And Happy Birthday! :)
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too

5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! Lol)

edit: forgot to add to the symptoms that last night at 4dpo I ended up having massive hot flashes which was very unusual for me... I am ALWAYS cold but I had to whip off my shirt while downstairs cuz I was sweating so bad.

ireadyurmind- here's hoping you get a BFP for your bday!... And Happy Birthday!

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