Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

First month of trying. No ovulation predictors just my calendar. Au natural can work lol. Did the deed every other night when I was fertile. Waited for three days before the final session on the ovulation day.

1 dpo - mild crampy feeling. Nothing exciting
2 dpo - mild cramping, right breast tender at the side, cm dry
3 dpo - mild cramping, left breast now tender at the side, cm dry
4 dpo - mild cramping, cm very dry, runny nose, sneezed and got a metalic taste for a while. Breasts tender
5 dpo - cramping again more so when sitting, breasts sore, nips seem to be erect when not cold
6 dpo - cramping, craving chocolate off and on, breasts sore, noticed blue veins on my right breast which has always been the bigger one.
7 dpo - sickly feeling in the morning, bloated, mild cramps,
8 dpo - sickly feeling mid morning, tired, mild cramping

9 dpo - sickly feeling in the morning and mid morning especially after eating chocolate, lots of cramping, cm felt wet, found a 2mm hair width 'strand' of pink in discharge, found another pin head spot of pink later, breasts sore, areola looks wider and maybe darker

10 dpo - light headed today in the morning while driving, mild cramping but not as bad , cm dry creamy, breasts more tender and look bigger?! Noticed more blueish veins,

Will update later. Also NEVER had cramping two weeks before AF! Usually a couple of days before.
Also had fluttering/ mild pain on right side and a pulling sensation on the left at 8 dpo/ 9dpo
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(

Looking for some hope have been trying for over a year now and cant bare seeing another bfn like today :( has anyone else had a late bfp ? X
Mineral123 -- Do you temp with a BBT thermometer? That might help shed some light on what's going on with your body. For example, I've read that if you have consistently high temperatures after Ovulation for 16 - 18 days, there's a very good chance you're pregnant. When is AF usually due for you? That's pretty much the deciding factor. If AF hasn't shown up yet, there's still a chance!
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(

Looking for some hope have been trying for over a year now and cant bare seeing another bfn like today :( has anyone else had a late bfp ? X

Not over till the witch arrives. Im due sunday but hopefully she dont show :)
JUST ovulated tonight and is the FIRST CONFIRMED OVULATION I have ever had!!
My first cycle of clomid 100 mg and charting OPK and temps!

0 dpo - Snapped at hubby pretty bad for no reason at all :( I felt terrible about it!
Back has hurt all day and above my stomach felt tight.
Took a shower with him and the water seemed WAY too hot so we had to use luke warm water (poor guy was freezing! lol)
Took the test and left it so that I could DTD with preseed while waiting for test to compete. Stradle position hurt at first but eventually got better feeling. Uterus felt tight afterwards.
After 10 minutes I got up and seen the positive test! Now to wait until tomorrow so I can dtd again!

1 dpo - nauseas, I assume from ovulating?
cramping, back hurts, irritable.
VERY positive OPK! Test line darker than control!
Very sleepy.. Over heating easily.
CP high soft open, Cm creamy (I need to use preseed)

2 dpo - Lines are getting faint on opk, probably don't need to keep testing lol
Mild cramping still
Cp is still high soft and open
Cm is egg white
Nausea a bit worst today. Typical for any hormone change for me though.
That's about it for today!

3 dpo - Back aches again. Exhausted!! Peeing frequently, probably due to coffee..
Uterus feels sore.. That's really it for today.

4 dpo - Had some cramping in the morning that went away.
Feels like I might be getting a cold :(
Pretty energetic as I had wanted to clean so that my house looks extra good for a belated thanksgiving dinner I am hosting for my dad :)
Other than cramping there really isn't anything I can think of as a symptoms :/ forgot to mention a MAJOR rise in my temp!

5 dpo - sharp stabbing pains (mild) on peft side of uterus. They come and go throughout the day.
Increased sense of smell- my office smelt like puppy pee no matter how well I cleaned it!! (my boss brings her pup to work) my bathrooms stink even though they are clean!
Exhausted easily.
Decreased appetite.
Forgot to temp.

6 dpo - prepared a turkey this morning for a belated thanksgiving for my family, it smelt like rotting meat but hubby couldnt tell :(
I gagged a few times and made myself get over it.
Took temp early this morning (before my usual time) because it was an hour away and i had to pee so I figured I would temp first. Back down to normal.

Worried that I am just symptom spotting and going to look dumb when af arrives. x(

7 dpo - Creamy/lotion like cm. Had pretty strong af like cramping last night and a little today. Had an ill feeling in my stomach all day. Indigestion.
DTD with hubby and it felt BEYOND amazing! Got very wet FAST which is NOT normal for me to produce much cm on my own!!
Nothing else to note for now.

8 dpo - Stuffy nose and sore throat in AM. Back hurt ALL DAY!! Sensitive to my bosses stress, I couldn't stand it and couldn't wait to get home! Stuffy nose continued throughout day. Cramping. Fatigued- had a hard time keeping my eyes open. Heart burn off and on. Increased appetite- I seriously ate 3 dinners before I was FINALLY full!! Not sure where I managed to put it all but I know where it will go :'( time to work out!! lol
Oh and caved in and tested last night with a dollar tree cheapy. BFN. :(

(NOTE: My tracker is OFF! Technically I am 9 dpo today, but just posted for yesterday because i was too lazy to last night. So expect another post later today!)

9 dpo - Mild cramping, slight nausea, aversion towards pepermint flavor and apple fritter. The smell of my perfume was overwhelming and made me nauseas, thankfully it was on my coat so I took it off!
Mouth watery- drooled while talking a few times. Back ache off and on. Bad heart burn! Nose was a little runny, mild cough once in a while. Peeing more often even though I haven't changed the amount I drink..

Now to sleep and try not to test in the morning! ×_×

10 dpo - Excess energy. Increased appetite. Mild heart burn. SHARP cramping on left side uterus. Rosey cheaks all day. Forgot to temp in morning D:
That's mainly it.

Onward to yet another day...

11 dpo - Cramping pretty bad all day. In the morning had SHARP and painful cramps that went away pretty fast. The pooch under my belly and above my crotch felt like it was bruised or something.. It was only on the right side for some reason. Back is still aching. Jittery feeling. Head ache. Decreased appetite-- felt like throwing up! Exhausted!!!!

onward once more!

12 dpo - Temps are still going up! 98.26 F! Mild cramps. Back ached EXTREMELY bad! Slight nausea. Nipples are getting a little tender. Boobs feel full. Bfn bfn bfn :/
Pretty damn sure I'm out.

13 dpo - Temps keep rising! 98.39 F!!! Bfn though :/
Same sharp cramps today, but no other symptoms.

14 dpo - BFN on FRER :(
Boobs feel heavier today and are more sore. A bit emotional but nothing too bad.
I have had insomnia for about a week now. Tried sleeping in but I was wide awake at 7:00am. I guess it is at least an hour more than usual? Blah..

Learned that women with PCOS can have false negatives on both hpt AND blood tests for up to 4 months into a pregnancy.. Only way to tell is with a u/s. I just HAD to torture myself huh? lol

15 dpo - Bfn Frer. High temps at 98.49 F. I feel terrible. My head hurt all day, my throat hurt, I was (am) congested. Slight nausea. Back aches. Cramps. Insomnia yet again. Exhausted and fatigued to the point of almost passing out- but that would be too lucky right? Took Melatonin that evening only to get woken up two hours later. No more sleep for me! lol

16 dpo - Bfn frer. Temp 97.89 F. Throat hurts all day. Congested. Slight nausea. Insomnia once again. Fatigued but not as bad as yesterday. Blood draw for HcG and progesterone. Awaiting results now.
Not too optimistic but might as well cross all that I have!

17 dpo - I have a flu and cold combo that is kicking my butt!! Explains why I have been feeling crappy the past week.
Got a call for my blood test, hcg was negative. I'm bummed but not too upset really. I knew it would be deep in my heart.

CD 1 - AF arrived all on her own! FF was actually right on her arrival! lol my doctor said that clomid would give me a 28 day cycle, guess my body and FF disagreed xD At least I didn't have to take provera!! I don't need anything else being pumped into my body, though it seems that antibioitics are eminent.
Onto Clomid cycle #2 in a couple of days!
It's okay, i will just have to try again this cycle :)
I will be back here a bit closer to O!
Mineral123 -- Do you temp with a BBT thermometer? That might help shed some light on what's going on with your body. For example, I've read that if you have consistently high temperatures after Ovulation for 16 - 18 days, there's a very good chance you're pregnant. When is AF usually due for you? That's pretty much the deciding factor. If AF hasn't shown up yet, there's still a chance!

No o don't I think if af shows I will have to buy one and start :)
Af normally comes anything between 28-40 days im so irregular I never know :( on cd30 at the mo still no af just light cramps x
HELLO ladies!!!! I am new here so here we go!
Fertile days November 27th to Dec 2nd estimated Ovulation day was the 29th! If not, it may have been the next day so I may be a day or so off on dpo. I have a 30 day cycle, luteal phase is about 15/16 days. Dh and I DTD the: 22nd-1st (twice on the 26th and skipped the 28th)

1 dpo - Gassy, bloated, full feeling
2 dpo- I fainted! (first time ever happening) dizzy, nauseous, lightheaded, silght elevation in temp (99.2, usually around 96.8-97) White milky cm, TONS (unusual)
3 dpo- nauseous, gassy, white milky cm (not as much as day befre), "wet" feeling down there. Twinges on left side, fatigued, bloated, frequent/sudden urges to pee
4dpo- nauseous, gassy, white milky cm, fatigued, bloated, starting to notice I'm bruising waaaaay easier. It usually takes a lot for me to bruise, I have at least 4 bruises right now. more twinges, frequent/sudden urges to pee
5 dpo- increase in appetite (eating soo much!!!! So unsual) suddenly dry "down there" had sex today and dh felt way toooo big in there, more intense orgasm and I noticed air escaping down there while we dtd, weird (tmi sorry!) "feeling pregnant"
6 dpo- the dr sent out for a blood test ( too early I know ) hot flashes
when I check, there is still white cm. nauseous, gassy
7 dpo- 10 dpo: fatigued, bloated, gassy, headaches, random nausea, light headedness, hot flashes, mood wings, random headaches, white milky cm, full feeling, stopped "feeling pregnant" and constipation. Tingling and twinges lower belly area.
11 dpo: noticed my smell to be a little bit heightened, not much but still need to say that because I have horrible sense of smell. Sensitive nipples (unusual) breasts feel fuller/heavier. creamy white cm, dizziness, light-headed, nausea, food aversions
12 dpo: Light-headed, nauseous, major decrease in appetite even with liquids (threw-up twice), hot flashes on and off all day, creamy white cm, when I went to check my cervix everything felt tight in there tmi sorry!! fatigue, emotional, craving apples (weird) full feeling in lower abdomen and finally i had pain on my left side where I think my ovary would be, it was a sharp pain that lasted about 15 minutes or so. (IMPLANTION MAYBE????)
13 dpo: Gas/Flatulence, Pulling/Pinching on left side, Backache, Increased Sex Drive, Moodiness, Dizziness, Light Headed,Fatigue/Exhaustion, creamy white cm
14 dpo: AF is due today but there is no sign of her!!! Not even cramping, just creamy, watery white cm (fingers crossed):-) but I tested yesterday and got a BFN. Nausea, throwing/throwing up, backache, weepy/moody, very gassy! Little bit of cramping but it doesn't feel like af cramps
15 dpo: Major Fatigue and my boobs feel fuller. No sign of AF! Haven't been able to test today but hoping af doesn't show.
16 dpo: BFP!!!!!!!!! Fatigue, irritable/moody, I have cramps but not af type cramps. The kind of cramps you get in your lower abdomen like when you may have to go #2. Light spotting but not as heavy as af.

17 dpo: still spotting, heavier but still not like af. Hoping this is normal and that this little bean sticks!

It was a chemical pregnancy. Oh well, on to the next cycle! ([/COLOR]
Definitely looking good, Yadaira!

Also your symptoms, MissyVi, are sounding promising. I had cramps for almost 2 weeks before my BFP!
Hello, i am either 9 or 10 DPO. I have been gassy, tired, foods smell stronger or tastes odd to me. I also had a very graphic dream last night, very odd for me. Also feel slightly nauseated in the mornings lately.
CaribbeanBaby - you are SO right, mother nature has a really messed up sense of humour :( I'm thinking this time she has just played a really painful prank on me though

BABTTC - Your signs sound great to my (admittedly inexperienced) eye! Temps, STAY UP ok???!!! (do you think they can hear me?). Sorry to hear about your PCOS, a few of my friends have it and it looks unpleasant to deal with to say the least!

Not looking good for me this month. I can't edit my old post yet so I'll copy-paste and add the last couple of days (and while I'm at it I'll reformat so it doesn't look such a mess)

Since I've come off the pill in Aug my LP extended an extra day each time, so last time I had a 13 day LP, so I'm not sure if I'm due this Wed or Thurs depending on if it's going to extend again.

DPO 1-4 nothing

DPO 5 - very slight temperature dip, occasional sharp stabby pains which feel like they are originating from above cervix area. Boobs starting to ache occasionally throughout the day

DPO 6 - More sharp stabby pains, feels like a pin is stuck up there. Boobs ache still, and feel hard and lumpy. Temp back up.

DPO 7 - More boob pain although the stabbiness has gone. Go to the loo at work. Decide to (as is normal when you've gone mental) check for any bleeding around cervix just in case that stabbing was implantation. Omg!!! Tiny spot of red blood and browny beige cm. Freak. Out. I have never ever had mid cycle bleeding in my life apart from the odd ovulation bleed. This can't have been ovulation because my temps are well over coverline and I've been dry as a bone since ov.

DPO 8 - A tiny bit more brown cm in morning but gone by afternoon. Instead of working spend all day googling implantation. Told DH who said something like I should be committed. To an institution. I see his point.

DPO 9-10 - Nothing new, just these sore boobs. No cramps, lethargy, no nausea. Dida pregnancy test just now (dpo 10 at midnight) and is negative. Devastated, surely with implantation bleeding at 7 dpo I'd have a positive by now? Used an IC which supposedly detects 10miu.

DPO 11 - Temp going down :( These boobs are trying to fall off and I think have been turned to lead. Painful, painful lead. Been getting a bit of reflux but that happens to me sometimes. Worried AF is on her way because boobs ALWAYS get sore before AF, although usually only a couple of days and this time they've been sore throughout. Also no creamy CM or EGCM which I usually get in copiuous amounts before AF, but this time I'm pretty dry

DPO 12 - Temp down even further almost at coverline. Devastated. My temps have been (sorry for the Celcius) - DPO 9 - 36.65, DPO 10 - 36.55, DPO 11 - 36.45, DPO 12 (today) - 36.25.
I'm so upset, really thought with that implantation spotting it was our month. I know 4 cycles is nothing compared to most people on here so I don't mean to sound like a brat. I'm just really disappointed because I really thought I had IB and now I'm really worried something is wrong with me.
I took a IC just to be sure, waited half a bloody hour... BFN.

Going to probably be turning text red here in the next couple of days. Trying to look on the bright side that at least it looks like I'm getting semi decent LP times.

Pah... Just as I was talking about ok LP times!

DPO 13-15 - temps hovering just above cover line every day. Spotting every day. Boob ache easing. This is so weird, I never have more than a day of spotting before af. Tooka test just to be sure. BFN. 99% sure I'm out.

10 dpo - breasts sore, less cramping, bit of a niggle on the right side (like someone is pressing me with a finger)

11 dpo - very mild cramping hardly noticed, breasts tender, BFN when tested in the afternoon, cm usual, did the deed last night and didnt ache a lot after 'Oing' like i usually would at this time. Nipples scratchy/stingy feeling if squeezed lol

12 dpo - BFN with first urine, crampy feeling, boobs still sore at the sides.

Note : the tests i am using are ones i got off ebay. On ebay they state that they detect 10 hcg but because i had no instructions i had to google them. Online it states that they detect 20 hcg and the listing has been removed by the seller. Weird! AF not due till sunday. I have one test left, will test on Sunday morning if still negative will buy decent tests and test again.

It may be too early to tell. I dont feel down or sad. Its either positive or negative. X
This is a great thread, I hadn't managed to read all of it yet but it's so helpful. I have ibs so spotting symptoms from ibs symptoms is hard!
Me so far:
0dpo very strong +OPks
1dpo nothing (lighter posative OPKs)
2dpo tender nipples
3dpo nothing
4dpo nothing
5dpo nothing
6dpo nothing
(have had erect nipples for a few days ??)
7dpo stitch like pain in my left side near my hip, sharp and localised.on and off all day.
8dpo nothing
9dpo nothing
10dpo BFN, nothing
11dpo nothing
12dpo mild dizziness
13dpo BFP!!
1DPO ... weird cramps on left side and center behind belly button. cervix still high, soft and os is open, CM is still stretchy. hives. took benadryl.

2DPO ... sharp pain right side, feels like ovulation cramping. much less CM, but still feels wet and has a little stretch to it, cervix lower than yesterday, os is still open but not as much.

3DPO ... feeling pretty good. constipated, but other than that, feel good. no symptoms.

4DPO ... annoying dull ache on left side, cervix low, firm, os is tightly shut. drinking lots of water, but retaining water. bloated. constipated. boobs feel just a tad bit tender. a little irritable and moody.

5DPO ... boobs feel a tad bit heavy and a wee bit tender, nothing major though. dry CM, virtually nothing there. constipated (day3). drinking lots, but still retaining water. in a much better mood today. still have a dull ache on left side.

6DPO ... virtually no symptoms. boobs are not tender or sore. took a midday nap. Extremely irritable and annoyed at everything. CM creamy, but not much, cervix low, form, os tightly shut.

7DPO ... cervix so high, it was tough to get to. firm. os is tightly shut. boobs feel like water balloons; heavy, but not sore. mild heartburn. not much else to note.

8DPO ... still annoying dull ache on left side of pelvis. don't think i've ever noticed this pain on such a consistent basis, not even with my other pregnancies. cyst, maybe? boobs are extremely tender right around the areola and the sides. slight nausea this morning. a bit of heartburn after morning coffee. lower backache. had weird dream last night, not necessarily vivid, but definitely bizarre. cervix high, firm, os is closed. barely any CM.

9DPO ... temp spike, not sure why. threw up undigested food while brushing teeth this morning (gross). cramps early this am, center and right behind belly button. sinuses are a wreck. cervix low, firm, os (seemingly) closed. gassy. decrease in appetite. boobs are a lot less tender/sore than they were yesterday. feeling extremely tired. took a nap after dinner, woke up, got the kids ready for bed and went back to sleep.

10DPO .. cervix very high this morning, could barely reach it, firm, os is mostly closed, but feels slightly open. no blood. sinuses bothering me again. decreased appetite. sensitive gums, upper left side. hurts to eat on left side of mouth. boobs are extremely heavy and full, but only a little tender.

11DPO .. cervix still high, but os feels slightly open. dry cm. boobs feel heavy, but not too sore.

12DPO .. headache. cramps left side. irritable and moody. boobs still heavy and a little tender.

13DPO .. headache. stuffy nose. heavy feeling in my pelvis, that right before you get your period type of heaviness, but not exactly cramps. boobs feel deflated but tender. cervix high, firm, os seems slightly open. took ept BFN!

14DPO .. stuffy nose.boobs feel normal. huge temp drop. i'm pretty sure i'm out this month. AF should be here tomorrow or tuesday. not feeling very optimistic.

1DPO - sensitive nipples

2DPO - Woke up with very tender breasts mostly on the side, a mild headache, and very minor cramps.

3 DPO - Tender breasts, mild headache, minor cramps, little nauseous at night, and funny taste in my mouth, and urinating more than usual.

4DPO - Woke up my breasts arent as tender but I feel like I have pretty bad cramps (feels like im going to start my period any time and its hard to suck my tummy in) Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day

5DPO - Tender Breasts, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was sore putting deodorant on this morning (have any of you ever experienced this?) , and just a tiny bit of heartburn.

6DPO - Tender Breasts, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was still sore putting deodorant on this morning, also noticed CM is just a little yellow? Hunger pains worse that usual this morning - im usually not a breakfast person but my tummy was screaming for food this morning.

My DH and I are dying to be able to test and praying for BFP!! :happydance:

Usually the only symptom I have been having before my periods is my breasts start to hurt about 6DPO - 7DPO - this is the first month that I have experienced all these symptoms and they started so early in my cycle. Is this normal? Have any of you experienced something like this and they got a BFP?
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)

Still no af ladies :) x

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