Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Since we BD'd on Wednesday night around midnight here I am calling today my 4 dpo. So far I haven't had any symptoms except some mild cramping around my right ovary and some vaginal swelling. Other than that NOTHING....which I think may be driving me even crazier lol I wish that I would at least have something. 10 more days and counting till I test.

Last month I started testing I think at 4 dpo and continued (using several boxes of tests) almost every day until AF showed up. This month I only have one test in my house and I don't plan on even buying anymore until closer to AF.

FX for all of you ladies. You guys have been an amazing support system! I love it!
This is a great thread! I wanna play, so here are my symptoms thus far...

This is my first regular cycle since giving preterm birth at 21 weeks in December:
Ovulated on Saturday, March 16th
AF due Sunday, March 31st

1dpo- Gassy
2dpo- Bloated, hip aches on either side, twitches in abdomen
3dpo- Crampy, Nauseated and actually vomited... a lot, chin acne
4dpo- Nothing out of the ordinary to note except chin acne
5dpo- More chin acne, about 5 pimples (Unusual for me, normally have very clear skin)
6dpo- Twinges and slight pinching sensations in lower abdomen, mostly dry but some creamy cm
7dpo- Slight tenderness on the sides of breasts near arm pit areas, rash breakout on tummy
8dpo- No real symptoms to report- Dollar Tree hpt (super extreme light pink line)
9dpo- Twinges/slight pinching in lower abdomen, heavy/bloated feeling, increased creamy cm,
Dollar Tree hpt (BFN), First Response hpt (BFN)
10dpo- Nothing except occassional lightheadedness
11dpo- Occassional gas, very slight twinges, slightly sore breast, increased creamy cm. First Response hpt with fmu (BFN)
12dpo- Woke up with a wet feeling "down there"...very much feel that AF is on her way. Pulling sensation just below bellybutton later in the day, lasted a few seconds.
13dpo- No symptoms...just another (BFN) with fmu...sigh. Night time AF cramping...she is right there! :(
14dpo- Increased acne, very tired during gym workout, runny nose while working out...twinge/pinching on lower right side. Shakey and slightly dizzy...not sure if it is real or all in my head. Increased urination...peed about every 20 minutes last night
15dpo- (AF Due Today) Believe I saw a very small spot or two of pinkish/brown this morning when I wiped after a bowel movement (sorry...TMI). I expect AF to arrive soon, if not today then tomorrow; I maybe off by one day. As of 5pm AF has not shown and I haven't seen anymore spotting since this morning. Will see what tomorrow brings.
16dpo- AF was a no show yesterday and it doesn't seem to be coming today either. I am never late and haven't been in the 26 years that I've had a cycle (except when pregnant)!!! I feel a bit lightheaded...dizziness.

Okay ladies, I have been stalking this thread and posting my symptoms since March 17th, but now I'm wondering if I have logical reason for getting my hopes up. I am now one day late but AF doesn't seem to be coming today either. If she does not come or show any real signs of being on her way by the time I leave work today I'll pick up a test on my way home and hopefully turn my post to green or red. I really hope it isn't a BFN because if it is that means there's something wrong with me and the thought of that is just too overwhelming to consider right now:nope:.
Hopefulagain .. Oh I want to know now if you are or not!!!! I hope you get your BFP !!
Hi ladies, had my ultrasound Friday. Still had one follicle that hasn't disappeared yet but we got the go ahead for the new round. We are lowering the dose back down to 50 mg seeing as I had 11 eggs at 100 mg. really hope this 5th month is it! We have another mid cycle ultrasound April 8th on cd 12. We will be getting the trigger shot this time and then doing our first iui in the 9th. Excited to try something new although its pretty expensive so not sure how many we will do.
This is a great thread! I wanna play, so here are my symptoms thus far...

This is my first regular cycle since giving preterm birth at 21 weeks in December:
Ovulated on Saturday, March 16th
AF due Sunday, March 31st

1dpo- Gassy
2dpo- Bloated, hip aches on either side, twitches in abdomen
3dpo- Crampy, Nauseated and actually vomited... a lot, chin acne
4dpo- Nothing out of the ordinary to note except chin acne
5dpo- More chin acne, about 5 pimples (Unusual for me, normally have very clear skin)
6dpo- Twinges and slight pinching sensations in lower abdomen, mostly dry but some creamy cm
7dpo- Slight tenderness on the sides of breasts near arm pit areas, rash breakout on tummy
8dpo- No real symptoms to report- Dollar Tree hpt (super extreme light pink line)
9dpo- Twinges/slight pinching in lower abdomen, heavy/bloated feeling, increased creamy cm,
Dollar Tree hpt (BFN), First Response hpt (BFN)
10dpo- Nothing except occassional lightheadedness
11dpo- Occassional gas, very slight twinges, slightly sore breast, increased creamy cm. First Response hpt with fmu (BFN)
12dpo- Woke up with a wet feeling "down there"...very much feel that AF is on her way. Pulling sensation just below bellybutton later in the day, lasted a few seconds.
13dpo- No symptoms...just another (BFN) with fmu...sigh. Night time AF cramping...she is right there! :(
14dpo- Increased acne, very tired during gym workout, runny nose while working out...twinge/pinching on lower right side. Shakey and slightly dizzy...not sure if it is real or all in my head. Increased urination...peed about every 20 minutes last night
15dpo- (AF Due Today) Believe I saw a very small spot or two of pinkish/brown this morning when I wiped after a bowel movement (sorry...TMI). I expect AF to arrive soon, if not today then tomorrow; I maybe off by one day. As of 5pm AF has not shown and I haven't seen anymore spotting since this morning. Will see what tomorrow brings.
16dpo- AF was a no show yesterday and it doesn't seem to be coming today either. I am never late and haven't been in the 26 years that I've had a cycle (except when pregnant)!!! I feel a bit lightheaded...dizziness. Just tested around 3:30 p.m. and got 3 BFP!!!!!

I just tested and we are pregnant....Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Baby dust to all of the ladies in your two week wait:hugs:. I was getting pretty discouraged with all of the BFN and my lines are still pretty light so don't give up hope too soon.


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This is a great thread! I wanna play, so here are my symptoms thus far...

This is my first regular cycle since giving preterm birth at 21 weeks in December:
Ovulated on Saturday, March 16th
AF due Sunday, March 31st

1dpo- Gassy
2dpo- Bloated, hip aches on either side, twitches in abdomen
3dpo- Crampy, Nauseated and actually vomited... a lot, chin acne
4dpo- Nothing out of the ordinary to note except chin acne
5dpo- More chin acne, about 5 pimples (Unusual for me, normally have very clear skin)
6dpo- Twinges and slight pinching sensations in lower abdomen, mostly dry but some creamy cm
7dpo- Slight tenderness on the sides of breasts near arm pit areas, rash breakout on tummy
8dpo- No real symptoms to report- Dollar Tree hpt (super extreme light pink line)
9dpo- Twinges/slight pinching in lower abdomen, heavy/bloated feeling, increased creamy cm,
Dollar Tree hpt (BFN), First Response hpt (BFN)
10dpo- Nothing except occassional lightheadedness
11dpo- Occassional gas, very slight twinges, slightly sore breast, increased creamy cm. First Response hpt with fmu (BFN)
12dpo- Woke up with a wet feeling "down there"...very much feel that AF is on her way. Pulling sensation just below bellybutton later in the day, lasted a few seconds.
13dpo- No symptoms...just another (BFN) with fmu...sigh. Night time AF cramping...she is right there! :(
14dpo- Increased acne, very tired during gym workout, runny nose while working out...twinge/pinching on lower right side. Shakey and slightly dizzy...not sure if it is real or all in my head. Increased urination...peed about every 20 minutes last night
15dpo- (AF Due Today) Believe I saw a very small spot or two of pinkish/brown this morning when I wiped after a bowel movement (sorry...TMI). I expect AF to arrive soon, if not today then tomorrow; I maybe off by one day. As of 5pm AF has not shown and I haven't seen anymore spotting since this morning. Will see what tomorrow brings.
16dpo- AF was a no show yesterday and it doesn't seem to be coming today either. I am never late and haven't been in the 26 years that I've had a cycle (except when pregnant)!!! I feel a bit lightheaded...dizziness. Just tested around 3:30 p.m. and got 3 BFP!!!!!

I just tested and we are pregnant....Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Baby dust to all of the ladies in your two week wait:hugs:. I was getting pretty discouraged with all of the BFN and my lines are still pretty light so don't give up hope too soon.

Really confused! I'm only 7/8 DPO and (tmi?) during BD today there was a little bit of blood.... Still another 6 days until AF, I'm pretty sure it wasn't IB because it wasn't "spotting" really, or pink. I'm thinking I'm out this cycle. Getting closer to a year TTC, hopefully our time comes soon!


*update* well, the bleeding stopped almost instantly so here's a list of my DPO symptoms just in case I'm still in :thumbup:

1-3 DPO - Nothing abnormal
4 DPO - • Sensitive BBs • Weepy, cried watching 16 & Pregnant >.< • Sleeplessness but exhausted • Weirdddd & Vivid Dreams • Extremely Increased Appetite
5 DPO - • Bloating to where 3 friends seperately noticed my increased weight • A bit windy (tmi sorry!) • Twinges • Sensitive BBs • More out of this world Vivid Dreams • Nausea, DH thought breathing in my face would be hilarious... almost didn't turn out well for him • Found myself devouring our pickle jar
6 DPO - • Bloating continued • Dull Cramps • Sharp/Stabbing Pains • Twinges • Sensitive BBs • Dry Mouth • Pretty awful Headache • Sore Throat • Fatigue • Vivid Dreams • Constipation • Increased CF • Empty Feeling but starving! • Another day craving pickles
7 DPO - • Dull Cramps • Twinges • Backache • Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst • Runny Nose • Sore Throat • Fatigue • Frequent Urination • Bleeding after BD, which instantly stopped.
8 DPO - • Pulling/Pinching on left side • Backache • Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst • Increased sense of smell is back • Runny Nose • Sore Throat • Fatigue • Strong Smelling Urine, smells almost sweet(?)

Trying to hold off until 12 DPO, I haven't been charting BBT this cycle so my DPO may be off by a day or two, I normally O a little earlier than normal & cycles range from 23 days to 28 days. Praying that this is finally our cycle! We've been TTC for over 10 months now... Getting closer to that year marker scares me! Good luck to everyone testing soon & congratulations to all the BFPs!

Woke up today and spent some time with DH before he left for work. Used FMU to take a FRER test and got a :bfn: ... Go figure, 20 minutes later :witch: showed her ugly face. Piling back into bed today with leftover Easter chocolate and crying my eyes out. :cry: Resting up until AF passes and then on to our 12 months TTC. I'm going to start charting actively and buy an OPK for this month... Trying to keep positive thoughts.

& a small Rant: To make matters feel worse (pity party over here) 2 friends announced today they received their BFP's and are swearing up and down it's not a twisted April Fools joke all over Facebook. I'm half tempted to deactivate Facebook just from all of the "BFP" posts going on today that I'm sure by tomorrow will turn into a NOT even funny "Prank". :growlmad:

Good luck to everyone still waiting to test!
:dust: Baby dust everywhere!!
This is a great thread! I wanna play, so here are my symptoms thus far...

This is my first regular cycle since giving preterm birth at 21 weeks in December:
Ovulated on Saturday, March 16th
AF due Sunday, March 31st

1dpo- Gassy
2dpo- Bloated, hip aches on either side, twitches in abdomen
3dpo- Crampy, Nauseated and actually vomited... a lot, chin acne
4dpo- Nothing out of the ordinary to note except chin acne
5dpo- More chin acne, about 5 pimples (Unusual for me, normally have very clear skin)
6dpo- Twinges and slight pinching sensations in lower abdomen, mostly dry but some creamy cm
7dpo- Slight tenderness on the sides of breasts near arm pit areas, rash breakout on tummy
8dpo- No real symptoms to report- Dollar Tree hpt (super extreme light pink line)
9dpo- Twinges/slight pinching in lower abdomen, heavy/bloated feeling, increased creamy cm,
Dollar Tree hpt (BFN), First Response hpt (BFN)
10dpo- Nothing except occassional lightheadedness
11dpo- Occassional gas, very slight twinges, slightly sore breast, increased creamy cm. First Response hpt with fmu (BFN)
12dpo- Woke up with a wet feeling "down there"...very much feel that AF is on her way. Pulling sensation just below bellybutton later in the day, lasted a few seconds.
13dpo- No symptoms...just another (BFN) with fmu...sigh. Night time AF cramping...she is right there! :(
14dpo- Increased acne, very tired during gym workout, runny nose while working out...twinge/pinching on lower right side. Shakey and slightly dizzy...not sure if it is real or all in my head. Increased urination...peed about every 20 minutes last night
15dpo- (AF Due Today) Believe I saw a very small spot or two of pinkish/brown this morning when I wiped after a bowel movement (sorry...TMI). I expect AF to arrive soon, if not today then tomorrow; I maybe off by one day. As of 5pm AF has not shown and I haven't seen anymore spotting since this morning. Will see what tomorrow brings.
16dpo- AF was a no show yesterday and it doesn't seem to be coming today either. I am never late and haven't been in the 26 years that I've had a cycle (except when pregnant)!!! I feel a bit lightheaded...dizziness. Just tested around 3:30 p.m. and got 3 BFP!!!!!

I just tested and we are pregnant....Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Baby dust to all of the ladies in your two week wait:hugs:. I was getting pretty discouraged with all of the BFN and my lines are still pretty light so don't give up hope too soon.

Oh this just made my day!!! So happy for you!!! You have been through a lot. Now you get your RAINBOW baby after the STORM! Congrats!! :hugs::thumbup::happydance:
@positivevibes.....sorry that happened to you!! I know the feeling--sometimes a pity party and CHOCOLATE is just what you need. I know it's corny but my sweet grandmother always tells me "this too shall pass" ~these are her words of me through my CP last month! Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
This is a great thread! I wanna play, so here are my symptoms thus far...

This is my first regular cycle since giving preterm birth at 21 weeks in December:
Ovulated on Saturday, March 16th
AF due Sunday, March 31st

1dpo- Gassy
2dpo- Bloated, hip aches on either side, twitches in abdomen
3dpo- Crampy, Nauseated and actually vomited... a lot, chin acne
4dpo- Nothing out of the ordinary to note except chin acne
5dpo- More chin acne, about 5 pimples (Unusual for me, normally have very clear skin)
6dpo- Twinges and slight pinching sensations in lower abdomen, mostly dry but some creamy cm
7dpo- Slight tenderness on the sides of breasts near arm pit areas, rash breakout on tummy
8dpo- No real symptoms to report- Dollar Tree hpt (super extreme light pink line)
9dpo- Twinges/slight pinching in lower abdomen, heavy/bloated feeling, increased creamy cm,
Dollar Tree hpt (BFN), First Response hpt (BFN)
10dpo- Nothing except occassional lightheadedness
11dpo- Occassional gas, very slight twinges, slightly sore breast, increased creamy cm. First Response hpt with fmu (BFN)
12dpo- Woke up with a wet feeling "down there"...very much feel that AF is on her way. Pulling sensation just below bellybutton later in the day, lasted a few seconds.
13dpo- No symptoms...just another (BFN) with fmu...sigh. Night time AF cramping...she is right there! :(
14dpo- Increased acne, very tired during gym workout, runny nose while working out...twinge/pinching on lower right side. Shakey and slightly dizzy...not sure if it is real or all in my head. Increased urination...peed about every 20 minutes last night
15dpo- (AF Due Today) Believe I saw a very small spot or two of pinkish/brown this morning when I wiped after a bowel movement (sorry...TMI). I expect AF to arrive soon, if not today then tomorrow; I maybe off by one day. As of 5pm AF has not shown and I haven't seen anymore spotting since this morning. Will see what tomorrow brings.
16dpo- AF was a no show yesterday and it doesn't seem to be coming today either. I am never late and haven't been in the 26 years that I've had a cycle (except when pregnant)!!! I feel a bit lightheaded...dizziness. Just tested around 3:30 p.m. and got 3 BFP!!!!!

I just tested and we are pregnant....Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Baby dust to all of the ladies in your two week wait:hugs:. I was getting pretty discouraged with all of the BFN and my lines are still pretty light so don't give up hope too soon.

Hopeful, that is so wonderful! I am thrilled for you! I tested BFN today with fmu using FRER. Is that what you used on 13dpo and got BFN? (I'm asking to give myself hope that it might happen to me, too!) :) So excited for you!
This is a great thread! I wanna play, so here are my symptoms thus far...

This is my first regular cycle since giving preterm birth at 21 weeks in December:
Ovulated on Saturday, March 16th
AF due Sunday, March 31st

1dpo- Gassy
2dpo- Bloated, hip aches on either side, twitches in abdomen
3dpo- Crampy, Nauseated and actually vomited... a lot, chin acne
4dpo- Nothing out of the ordinary to note except chin acne
5dpo- More chin acne, about 5 pimples (Unusual for me, normally have very clear skin)
6dpo- Twinges and slight pinching sensations in lower abdomen, mostly dry but some creamy cm
7dpo- Slight tenderness on the sides of breasts near arm pit areas, rash breakout on tummy
8dpo- No real symptoms to report- Dollar Tree hpt (super extreme light pink line)
9dpo- Twinges/slight pinching in lower abdomen, heavy/bloated feeling, increased creamy cm,
Dollar Tree hpt (BFN), First Response hpt (BFN)
10dpo- Nothing except occassional lightheadedness
11dpo- Occassional gas, very slight twinges, slightly sore breast, increased creamy cm. First Response hpt with fmu (BFN)
12dpo- Woke up with a wet feeling "down there"...very much feel that AF is on her way. Pulling sensation just below bellybutton later in the day, lasted a few seconds.
13dpo- No symptoms...just another (BFN) with fmu...sigh. Night time AF cramping...she is right there! :(
14dpo- Increased acne, very tired during gym workout, runny nose while working out...twinge/pinching on lower right side. Shakey and slightly dizzy...not sure if it is real or all in my head. Increased urination...peed about every 20 minutes last night
15dpo- (AF Due Today) Believe I saw a very small spot or two of pinkish/brown this morning when I wiped after a bowel movement (sorry...TMI). I expect AF to arrive soon, if not today then tomorrow; I maybe off by one day. As of 5pm AF has not shown and I haven't seen anymore spotting since this morning. Will see what tomorrow brings.
16dpo- AF was a no show yesterday and it doesn't seem to be coming today either. I am never late and haven't been in the 26 years that I've had a cycle (except when pregnant)!!! I feel a bit lightheaded...dizziness. Just tested around 3:30 p.m. and got 3 BFP!!!!!

I just tested and we are pregnant....Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Baby dust to all of the ladies in your two week wait:hugs:. I was getting pretty discouraged with all of the BFN and my lines are still pretty light so don't give up hope too soon.

Congrats!!!!! So happy for you!!!
This is a great thread! I wanna play, so here are my symptoms thus far...

This is my first regular cycle since giving preterm birth at 21 weeks in December:
Ovulated on Saturday, March 16th
AF due Sunday, March 31st

1dpo- Gassy
2dpo- Bloated, hip aches on either side, twitches in abdomen
3dpo- Crampy, Nauseated and actually vomited... a lot, chin acne
4dpo- Nothing out of the ordinary to note except chin acne
5dpo- More chin acne, about 5 pimples (Unusual for me, normally have very clear skin)
6dpo- Twinges and slight pinching sensations in lower abdomen, mostly dry but some creamy cm
7dpo- Slight tenderness on the sides of breasts near arm pit areas, rash breakout on tummy
8dpo- No real symptoms to report- Dollar Tree hpt (super extreme light pink line)
9dpo- Twinges/slight pinching in lower abdomen, heavy/bloated feeling, increased creamy cm,
Dollar Tree hpt (BFN), First Response hpt (BFN)
10dpo- Nothing except occassional lightheadedness
11dpo- Occassional gas, very slight twinges, slightly sore breast, increased creamy cm. First Response hpt with fmu (BFN)
12dpo- Woke up with a wet feeling "down there"...very much feel that AF is on her way. Pulling sensation just below bellybutton later in the day, lasted a few seconds.
13dpo- No symptoms...just another (BFN) with fmu...sigh. Night time AF cramping...she is right there! :(
14dpo- Increased acne, very tired during gym workout, runny nose while working out...twinge/pinching on lower right side. Shakey and slightly dizzy...not sure if it is real or all in my head. Increased urination...peed about every 20 minutes last night
15dpo- (AF Due Today) Believe I saw a very small spot or two of pinkish/brown this morning when I wiped after a bowel movement (sorry...TMI). I expect AF to arrive soon, if not today then tomorrow; I maybe off by one day. As of 5pm AF has not shown and I haven't seen anymore spotting since this morning. Will see what tomorrow brings.
16dpo- AF was a no show yesterday and it doesn't seem to be coming today either. I am never late and haven't been in the 26 years that I've had a cycle (except when pregnant)!!! I feel a bit lightheaded...dizziness. Just tested around 3:30 p.m. and got 3 BFP!!!!!

I just tested and we are pregnant....Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Baby dust to all of the ladies in your two week wait:hugs:. I was getting pretty discouraged with all of the BFN and my lines are still pretty light so don't give up hope too soon.

Yayyyyy congratulations!!!! I hope all goes really well and you have a very happy and healthy 9 months
I'm so sorry positivevibes. I'm on my 7th cycle of TTC. So I know that it gets harder each time AF shows up. Good luck for your next cycle. I really hope that you see your bfp very soon :hugs:
Hi ladies, had my ultrasound Friday. Still had one follicle that hasn't disappeared yet but we got the go ahead for the new round. We are lowering the dose back down to 50 mg seeing as I had 11 eggs at 100 mg. really hope this 5th month is it! We have another mid cycle ultrasound April 8th on cd 12. We will be getting the trigger shot this time and then doing our first iui in the 9th. Excited to try something new although its pretty expensive so not sure how many we will do.

Good luck, I hope everything goes well :hugs:
Im not entirely sure when i ovulated due to the fact ive had no withdrawal bleed since coming off of the pill and no period since... I came off the pill 4th march and we bd'd 14th and 17th march.

Im basing ovulation from 17th march

14th-17th had awful headache and cold.
1dpo-6dpo sharpe painful cramping... nothing like ive ever experienced also ewcm
6dpo-9dpo continuous cramping and ewcm and morning nausea also fatigue
9dpo-17dpo tender nipples, on and off cramping, change in cm to creamy and cervix is reasonably high firm and closed but still moist.

other symptoms have been serious bloating for the last few days and feeling very hot sometimes to the point i cant sleep.

hoping and praying im a late BFP
Thanks so much for all of your well wishes. Naturally, we are ecstatic but also keenly aware that this does not mean that we will be coming home with a baby. Nevertheless, I believe that God has given us a second chance and knowing that He is in control brings me a peace that I did not think that I'd have considering how things went the last time. This thread has provided so much support to me over these past two weeks and I'm sure will continue to help others. Again, thank you. :flower:
Thanks so much for all of your well wishes. Naturally, we are ecstatic but also keenly aware that this does not mean that we will be coming home with a baby. Nevertheless, I believe that God has given us a second chance and knowing that He is in control brings me a peace that I did not think that I'd have considering how things went the last time. This thread has provided so much support to me over these past two weeks and I'm sure will continue to help others. Again, thank you. :flower:

That's right girl, Gods in control and will bring you through this!!! It is a wonderful peace knowing this is true. Congrats again and I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy and sweet baby :)
Congrats on the bfp!! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
1dpo- CP high, hard and swollen (?), still some stretchy cm
2dpo- CP high & hard, temp 97.8 (just started temping here b/c I was curious)
3dpo- CP high and hard, tep 97.8
4dpo- CP high & hard, temp 97.9
5dpo- CP mid and firm, temp 98.1
6dpo- CP mid and firm, temp 98.1
7dpo- CP firm and mid-high (seemed long and angled upward), temp 98.2
8dp0- CP same as yesterday, temp 98.3
9dpo-CP lower and softer in am, high & firm in pm, temp 98.2, small amt of creamy white cm
10dpo- some creamy white cm, cp doing same up and down dance as yesterday, temp 98.2
11dpo- CP low and softer and seems slightly open?, creamy white cm, temp 98.1
12dpo- AF due. CP high closed and firm and has that long upward angled feel again, temp 98.3
13dpo- CP same as yesterday, temp 98.4
14dpo- tested and got my :bfp: !!!! :happydance::cloud9::happydance:

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