New here hope everyone doesn't mind
OK, so I've been stalking this site for the past week. I read every single post starting from the first post.
So, here's my story. Me 34 , Hubby 44. We have a 13 year old daughter. We tried for years to have another and found out in Oct. of 2013 we were preggers. MC 3 days later after hearing heartbeat
Anyway, since then I had lost 60 lbs. I have PCOS and conceived my daughter with NO PROBLEM.
So here it is:
Last Menstrual Cycle: Jan. 22.2015 (usually about 37 days between periods)
Lasts for 5 days.
(NOTE I"M NOT SURE WHEN I "O" I go off of CM)
Feb. 5th- Noticed small CM me and hubby did the deed.
Feb. 7th- More CM but not EWCM - hubby and I did deed.
Feb. 9th- Loads of EWCM - hubby and I did deed
Feb. 11th-Loads of EWCM - My BBS are SORE and little cramps - hubby and I did deed
Feb. 12th-Loads of EWCM - BBS slightly tender - cramps are stronger today - no Deed done

Feb 13th- Breasts pretty sore today very very mild cramps hardly any
Feb. 14th-Hardly any EWCM - DID DEED
Feb. 15th - 20th- Breasts tenderness started going away, cramps increasing. CM pretty much gone.
Feb 22nd (Sunday)- Evening before bed, I went to restroom and when I wiped I saw some brownish discharge. I went to wipe again and a dime size light pink dot on toilet paper (sorry TMI). With the cramps I was having I figured the WITCH as about to show.
Feb 23rd (Monday)- Same discharge minus the pick only a small amount of discharge witch was brown - still cramping pretty good. No breast tenderness at this point. (Tested and Negative for pregnancy) Not surprised.
Feb 24th-27th - pretty good cramps going on, had some nausea (very mild noted) wasn't sure if it was from the cramps I was having - VERY BLOATED - Also having VERY BAD lower Back pain. VERY prominent veins in my areolas (tehee
Feb. 27th (Friday - Today) - Woke up with my back hurting as well as my hips about 4am this morning, thought for sure the WITCH had arrived - NOTHING - took another pregnancy test (EPT) and NEGATIVE BFN......

...... Again I have PCOS so I'm thinking I didn't O this cycle.
What threw me off was the LARGE amounts of EWCM I had I mean A LOT!
Is it possible to not get a BFP on your period Due date.
I'm in desperate need for all your advise ladies.
Thanks again, April
By the way I don't know all the terms or where to get the cute little pictures you all post on here. Sorry