Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Great post!

1 dpo, still have clear egg white type cm

2 dpo, cramping like anything, watery cm

3 dpo, cm has turned snotty? and whitish, doesn't smell, phew.. still cramping

4 dpo, still got whitish yellow cm, slightly concerned, happens each time I go toilet, barely cramping today.

5 dpo, lotion type cm, fair amount, in the toilet, back ache and cramps, hungry.

6 dpo, just whitish cm on tissue, cramping, backache, hungry.

7 dpo, tested today, :bfn: (no surprise) cm increased, cramping, hungry.

8 dpo, cm has turned egg white clear and stringy again, progressed throughout the day, slightly unclear at the end of the day, feeling wet most of the time (charming..) worst day of cramping, backache, need to pee more but also been drinking more water. Feeling sick

9 dpo, no symptoms, barely any cm

10 dpo, tired, lower backache. Doesn't help that my youngest woke at 4.30am, starting to feel very convinced that Im not pregnant, tested :bfn:

11 dpo, sometimes I think my breast hurt, but then it stops, must be in my head.. Still have lower backache, besides that no symptoms at all.. Tested and got :bfn: for as far as I could see at 6am, relooked before binning a few hours after and it turned faint :bfp:
Retested a few hours later and got a :bfn:

12 dpo, nothing happened, no symptoms that stand out.

13 dpo, tired, another early morning with the youngest, lower backache.

14 dpo, period is due, cramping like mad, keep thinking its arriving but turns out to be sticky cm each time. Lower back ache, pelvic pains. So hungry.

15 dpo, one day late, no period, no cramping, lower backache (thinking about investing in a new mattress) tested :bfn: so frustrated, ate most of my mothers day chocolates..
I'm keeping a running log of my symptoms elsewhere, but I saw this and thought it would be nice to collect them in one place!

1DPO: Nothing except early morning cramps (O)
2DPO: CM started turning Creamy
3DPO: Light Cramps, Creamy CM (Abundant), Heartburn
4DPO: Vivid Dreams (Labor Room), Heartburn, Sore BB's (Bruised Feeling), Light cramps (On and off, never for long)
5DPO: Middle of the night Pee break, Vivid Dreams, Light cramps( On and off), Nipples Sore, Sudden poking pain Near Belly Button Mid-Day (It really hurt, but didn't last for long), Heartburn, Nausea (In response to the smell of Breakfast Blend Coffee), Headache, Creamy CM (Abundant still)
6DPO: Creamy CM (Abundant), Headache (Still), Heartburn, Sore BB's, Random Crying Spell, Nausea (Ending in vomiting)
7DPO: Huge temp spike(BBT), Nausea, Sore BB's, Creamy CM, Heartburn
8DPO: Temp still elevated, Nausea, Tired, Moody, Creamy CM (Abundant Still), BB's Sore (Still bruised feeling), No Cramping, Nausea (with Vomiting), Heartburn
9DPO: Areola's Darkening?, Increase in blue veins on BB?, Pelvis (Hips) Achy, Creamy CM (Abundant), No cramping, Heartburn, Periodic Nausea
Congrats KimmyB13!!!:happydance: Happy & healthy 9months to you!!!:baby: We could be bump buddies!:haha:

Thanks :) yeah, we could, just seen the date on your signature of uoyr :bfp: Do you still feel like it's not real! I'm paranoid, everytime I go to the toilet im worried I'll see signs of AF!

It's going to be a long wait until a scan! Xx

I feel the same way! I keep checking just to make sure, lol! I have taken about 10-15 tests already just to make sure the line keeps getting darker...
Oh neat! JOINING!

MY ticker says 2 days past ovulation. BUT I think I ovulated a day later than what it was expecting!

CD17-1DPO: (02-26-2015)
Watery CM
Drop in appetite
Drop in temp
RUNNY nose this am! Like a faucet!

Lots of watery CM
At one point it was creamy
ALSO there was like chunks. Similar to mucus plug.
Raised temp

Woke up to lots of creamy CM
Temp raised again
Increased appetite for breakfast! SO HUNGRY!
Sore throat
Hungry all day
Creamy/Sticky Cm kept up all day as well
About to have a nap... But I like to do that now and then... Don't know if its a sign or just me needing a nap! Haha
Usually I nap for 30 minutes... I napped for three hours.
Loose stool since O
Peeing lots today

CD-20 4DPO
Felt heaviness/ bit of pressure around the uterus
Felt twinges... Kinda all over including the cervix.
Diarrhea like insane at one point in the day.
Slight rise in temp

CD-21 5DPO
Diarrhea again... Slight constipation 5 hrs later! ?
Creamy/Sticky CM
Slight raise in temp
Craving a mcdonalds cheese burger with extra pickles! HAHA That can be NON pregnancy related too!
Craving water and COLD GREEN GRAPES!

CD-22 6DPO
Dramatic drop in BBT. Drop of 1.4 (Praying its that implantation drop ive been hearing about)
Loads of creamy lotion like CM
Would totally eat a cherry cheese cake right now! With lots of juicy cherries!
Slightly sore boobs

I feel like right now I have 0 symptoms. I just feel empty.
I wish I had cramping and spotting and stuff. UGH

Nausea at the smell of the clean steamy dishwasher. Dry heaved.
Nausea/indigestion at bedtime.
Lots of milky cm

CD-23 7DPO
Cramping- Cant quite tell where its coming from... Bowels or baby?... I think that morning cramping felt like af cramping... Its done now.
Watery cm this am... Turning creamy
No other symptoms to report as of 8:30am Still feeling "Empty"
OH I had a second day of dip. Dip of 0.1
More cramping before lunch. Taking this as a good sign. Feels very AF like. Hoping somethings burying deep! :happydance: :cloud9:
Id so rather have these little "What ifs than nothing at all!"
Loose BMs frequent today
(Negative HPT)

CD-24 8DPO
(Negative HPT)
Nothing to really report. Cervix is softer than previous days.
Water like CM Not as much as previous days.
Excited to test again tomorrow morning! :)
Bloating... UGH GROSS
Horrid gas, cramps, diarrhea again

CD-25 9DPO
Not much

CD-26 10DPO
Not much Negative test

CD-27 11DPO
more bb pain/sharp twinges. Kinda letdown feeling aswell.
Negative test

CD-28 12DPO: Last day of cycle
Not much.. same old...
Still lose stools.
AF like cramps tonight... This could be it for this month... :cry:

Just updating.
I O'd approx 3/7-3/8 so I am using 3/8 as my official O date. DTD everyday since AF to be safe.

3/8- 1DPO nothing.

3/9-2DPO nothing. I was extremely tired but I think it was from my trip back home and over doing it. Also had a headache but probably from the tiring trip as well

3/10-3DPO crazy dream last night. Slept from 10-7am. Still tired from my trip, I'm sure. I feel bloated, especially around my ankles. Creamy CM, Thirsty.

3/11- 4DPO had a hard time falling asleep last night and I have been extremely moody but otherwise nothing. Nipples are still slightly sensitive still, sides of boobs are itchy. Creamy CM. Bit of acid reflux before eating lunch. Tired.

3/12-5DPO nipples and breasts back to normal. Maybe it was progesterone?! Still creamy cm. Made me feel wet when I woke up this am. Stuffy nose. Peeing a lot. Don't really have an appetite. Tired.

3/13-6DPO Still having some cm but not as much. Tired even though I got about 9 hrs last night. Started a fight with my bf today for no apparent reason, I even cried :/ hormones are the worst I swear. ugh. Woke up around 1 am to pee. Hadn't drank much water before bed so idk

3/14-7DPO still lots of creamy/watery cm. Almost cried again at lunch. Ankles were swollen after a trip to the beach. Thirsty. Got up to pee in the middle of the night. Nipples slightly sensitive and boobs are so much sore as they are full feeling. Lots of gas. Increased sex drive. DTD 3 times lol

3/15-8dpo constipated, stuffy nose, slept for 10 hours last night. Got up to pee. Boobs feel full. Boobs started to get veiny and tender.

3/16-9dpo vivid dream. stuffy nose, blood when I blew it. Woke up twice to pee. Boobs still tender this am but feel less than yesterday? Overall feeling really good. Starting to think I am out this month. Only thing that's really odd is that normally by this time I feel bloated until af starts. Light pink spotting today after work. Having some slight cramps too.

3/17-10dpo - last nights cramps were so bad. kept thinking af was coming but she didn't. Woke up to pee around 2:30am and the cramps were gone. Took a FRER test with SMU and got a faint positive!
Malia- I did another test this morning! Probably another tomorrow and i have bought a digi to do Friday/sat I think z
Ok symptom spotting begins

o -2/24

1dpo-5dpo nada just moody
6dpo peeing a lot feeling lazy
7dpo same
8dpo insanely hungry
9 dpo not much
10 dpo naseua light pink watery cm after morning sex -sorry tmi CRAMPS
11dpo light red spotting after morning sex dried up by 12 pm... temp dip too. maybe start of af not sure but whatever blood was there is gong. Also CRAMPS from HELL!!!!

let's see what happens
Hey Ladies, I'm new here. I've been ttc since Dec.2014. I ovulated 3/4-3/5. We BD every other day, since 2/28 and then one more time on the morning of 3/6 just to be sure.

2dpo-cramping/twinges/nipples sore
3dpo-Nipples sore
4dpo-Nipples sore, creamy white discharge, cramping, lower backaches
5dpo-Left nipple sore, creamy white discharge, cramping, lower backache.

That's pretty much it so far. I feel like I may not be pregnant this month again. AF is due next Wednesday (3/18). It's been so long since my first pregnancy, but I do remember that I didn't have any symptoms and found out I was pregnant when I was already 8wks.
I ovulated on March 3rd - Symptom Spotting like crazy!

I am currently 7DPO (off/on symptoms for the past few days include):

VERY irritable / Moody / Short-tempered
Hungry/Craving snacks between meals
Occasional nausea / Indigestion
Heightened sense of smell <----- to an extreme!
Brief stabbing pain on lower left side (6DPO)
Crampy/bloated feeling (6DPO)

Yaayy!! Writing it all down definitely looks promising!! I only had one chance this cycle, though (3 days before O) -- but i'm staying hopeful!!

Will be back to update!! Tons of :dust: to all!!
Hi everyone.

I've seen this post a few times but never commented.

Think this month I will...

0-3 dpo - some cramps but nothing else really. Creamy CM
4 dpo - gassy, skin breakout
5 dpo - extremely gassy, nauseous, heartburn and achy uterus. Creamy CM
6 dpo - increased appetite, temp rise, high energy, CM was sticky when I woke up, now it's wet

7 dpo - cramps in the abdominal area, tired (could be because I didn't sleep well), very slight nausea after eating an afternoon snack and what I call mini-throwup (where bile rises in your throat but then goes down - or is swallowed).

8 dpo - vomited this morning (because of coughing), constipation and slight nausea.

9 dpo - slight nausea, constipation, back ache (we were at a wedding and I had some alcohol, hope it doesn't do any damage)

10 dpo - slight nausea, slight dizziness, nipples are sensitive and erect.

11 dpo - vomiting, nausea, boobs/nipples are sensitive to touch, tired - negative hpt

12 dpo - stomach flutters, tired

13 dpo - nausea, full breasts, headache, backache, tired - negative hpt

14 dpo - nausea, full breasts, dizziness, tired

15 dpo - started spotting, pretty sure I'm out!

Good luck and :dust: to all!

Thought to add what is different this cycle to my previous 2 cycles:
For the previous 2 cycles I had blood in my CM a week before AF was due (thought it might have been IB but turned out to be nothing) which I don't have now and my temps are overall higher this time after O.

Ovulated on feb. 22 2015

1-5dpo- light cramps

6dpo-ewcm but not ovulating

7dpo light cramps, cm ewcm but not ovulating

8dpo, medium cramps on left side, medium nausea, light tender breasts, hot flashes, constipation

9dpo-medium nausea, medium cramps, medium tender breasts, light sleepiness, loose stool, cm sticky and clear, tested with cheapie not with fmu bfn

10dpo- both my sides pinching and hard cramps like af cramps, pinch above belly button, tender breast medium, bloated, light nausea when i ate but still hungry, cm watery wet, felt like peeing myself. Tested frer bfn not with fmu though

11dpo - woke up at 5am i was nauseated...took a frer with fmu it was a stayed nauseated til about 1100am, but i did eat though, no cramping after that horrible day of cramping yesterday, thank God. tingling boobies, Cm is like elmers glue, CP is high

12 dpo- i am not testing again until af is due which is 2 MORE DAYS..... mg: mg: well me and my hubby stayed up until about 1 am talking (pillow talk) and we bd *TMI* when we were done he had ALOT of white creamy cm on him from me. Anyways I was up and down all night just restless, I peed at 2 am and 5 am. But when i woke up for the start of my new day at 700am i have no symptoms but acne (which i get before AF ), but i am hungry to the point of tummy growling so i go to get lunch at 1200pm and on the way there i get a wave of nausea and then while i am eating more nausea and a headache, i am tired too but that is more than likely due to the pillow talk. My CM is back to Creamy Stretchy white and my CP is very High up. hope this is helping some of yall. will update

13 DPO- crampy, nauseated.. more of the same

14 DPO- AF is due….no sign of her, BFN on test. Same symptoms as before

15 DPO BFN ….super dizzy had to leave work from that and nausea AND ACNE.

16DPO Still no AF and still a BFN, not testing for a long time, I am confused I have had a regular AF for years. And I feel crampy and ACNE that is all the symptoms now

17DPO – 3/11/2015 – still no AF, crampy and lots of ACNE I don’t know whats going on.
I'll join the fun! This is my very first cycle TTC ...

1 / 2 dpo - nothing of note
3 dpo - very emotional, teary
4 dpo - noticed my nipples were very sensitive, but not my breasts, which is odd
5 dpo - horrible stomach cramp woke me up in the middle of the night, probably gas? This was the night I had some very vivid dreams and I still remember them!
6 dpo - very emotional again, got super angry all day at everyone for no reason. Nipple soreness actually getting worse, had to swat DH hand away they are SO sensitive.
7 dpo - woke up at 2:30 am and have been unable to get back to sleep. BFN on a clear blue EPT I had leftover from college (giggles) will go buy some more today.
8 dpo - had some spotting? looked brownish red after I wiped and then stopped. Felt pressure and pulling down there... and my nipple pain is not going away, they feel so bruised and sore. Difficulty sleeping again, though it didn't stop me from dreaming about a BFP on FRER. Woke up to test and nothing.
9 dpo - still BFN on FRER. IC's haven't come in yet. Have some lower back pain, usually that doesn't show up until day 1 AF so idk. Nipple pain stopped. Evening having hot flashes?!?! So uncomfortable this evening. Cramps. Migraine with aura. Dizziness.
10 dpo - traveled overnight. Migraine led to nausea, which has come and gone over the past 24 hours. Initially I thought it was due to the migraine last night but now? Maybe because I've had 4 hours of sleep over two days? I'm also extremely weepy today, like I just want to cry for no reason. I feel like I may be out. Still BFN on FRER. Creamy yellowish CM, I think I may have had this prior to birth control pills.
11 dpo - BFN on FRER, very tired today, maybe due to emotions from getting so many BFNs and being away from home. No sore boobies, nothing save cravings for sweets, which makes me feel like AF is coming. More creamy yellowish CM today.
12 dpo - BFN on FRER, still tired, a little dizzy, super hungry. WITCH STAY AWAY!
Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a I tested around 4pm bfn on clearblue plus :( x
Cd29 few spots of darker pink cm but still not bright red and then turned to brown cm.
Cd30 brown spotting on and off feeling tired and some weird pinching in uterus. Boobs feel bigger I will test again cd34 if af dosnt show.
Cd31 brown/pinky cm on and off feeling tired and a little sick.
Cd32 still having brown/pinky cm but hardly any today so far boobs feel fuller.
Cd33 so the spotting has stopped now having quite a bit of yellow cm and sore boobs im going to test tomorrow on clearblue digital with first morning :) cramping in pm and lots of clear cm.
Cd34 bfn :( really gutted.loads of white creamy cm ebough to have to wear a liner Tingle Iin nipples and nipples darker in colour.
Cd35 ewcm is it possible I could be only just ovulating now ? Light cramping.
Cd36 lots of clear gooey cm not quite ewcm and mild cramps soooooo tired
Cd37 clear gooey cm not quite ewcm some stronger cramps today but still not overly painful sore nipples.
Cd38 lots of clear gooey cm sore sensitive nipples very tired Mild cramps
Cd39 lotiony white cm sore sensitive nipples when taking bra off and still very tired and achy.
Cd40 white lotiony cm sore nipples when taking bra off sooooo hungry and not feeling like im getting enough sleep no matter how long I sleep for dull ache in uterus.
Cd41 white lotiony cm tired and hungry.
Cd42 white lotiony cm tired and hungry.
Cd43 creamy cm very small amount pretty much dry maybe af tomorrow.
Cd44 creamy cm good amount still no af feeling tired tingerly nipples.feeling like I have pulled a muscle in uterus.

I've had 2 cycles since stopping breastfeeding my now 15 month old, so this is cycle #3 for me. I have longish cycles but nothings been quite established since my cycles started up again, I think around 35 days.

CD 20 - stretchy ewcm and some mild cramping, thought this was ovulation
CD 22 - still stretchy ewcm and very stabbing pain lower rt abd for several hours, had to take advil I was so uncomfortable and it went away. I'm going off this as my actual ovulation date.

4dpo - pain in lower abd in the evening, kind of twingy, crampy, not bad

5dpo - feeling irritated easily today, some anxiety for no apparent reason, chills, some mild nausea, can feel what I believe is my uterus, just feels heavy, creamy lotion like cm that has been increasing since ovulation, and binging on chocolate which I never do during the day (usually save that for evenings after kids are in bed haha)

6dpo - still heavy feeling in uterus and lots of creamy cm

7dpo - lower backache, lots of new acne popping up all over my face and chest area, still having chills off and on, some mild dizziness and mild nausea, stomach just feels unsettled. Neg frer and lots of creamy cm still

8dpo - backache, breasts started tingling today - not sore to the touch but uncomfortable and tingly deep in and around the nipples, still having chills and mild dizziness and nausea. Neg dollar store brand test and still lots of creamy white cm

9dpo - lower backache still, breast tingling sensation (I have never had sore/tingling breasts before with any previous pregnancy nor as a symptom of pms), moderate cramps, feeling a bit more tired than usual, bm seem to be harder than usual, still lots of acne. Maybe cramping was implantation?? Still have creamy cm but seems to be quite a bit less than previous days. Neg dollar store test.

10dpo - increase again in creamy white cm. Increase in urination - peeing literally every 15-20 min throughout the entire day! Feeling very confident that this is my month. Breasts still tingling but not as much as previous days. Slight pulling/cramping feeling in lower abd especially on the rt side. Just 'feel' pregnant. Possibly implanted today? Did not take a test today.

11dpo - woke up feeling wet, undies were wet, wiped before first urine and there was light pink tinged waterish mucus. I believe this is my implantation bleed. Had no more blood since that first wipe. Breasts are still tingling but not much at all. Slight cramping in lower abd all day. Fatigue has hit me today. SO so tired! Still increase in urination. Not interested in food, stomach is unsettled and nothing seems appetizing. Settled on cereal and toast so far. Neg dollar store AND frer this morning, which would make sense if I just implanted. Will try wait till Friday to test again, may cave and test tomorrow. I hope this is it!! Im so ready for this 2WW to be OVER! AF would be due in 2 days unless I did infact ovulate 2 days late which would make AF due in 4 days.

12dpo - Must actually be 14dpo and did in fact ovulate on CD 20. AF showed up this morning to my great disappointment. Don't understand how I read all the symptoms wrong.
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning

We ovulated right around the same time! I am having a lot of the same symptoms as you. I woke up this morning feeling fabulous lol
Ovulated on feb. 22 2015

1-5dpo- light cramps

6dpo-ewcm but not ovulating

7dpo light cramps, cm ewcm but not ovulating

8dpo, medium cramps on left side, medium nausea, light tender breasts, hot flashes, constipation

9dpo-medium nausea, medium cramps, medium tender breasts, light sleepiness, loose stool, cm sticky and clear, tested with cheapie not with fmu bfn

10dpo- both my sides pinching and hard cramps like af cramps, pinch above belly button, tender breast medium, bloated, light nausea when i ate but still hungry, cm watery wet, felt like peeing myself. Tested frer bfn not with fmu though

11dpo - woke up at 5am i was nauseated...took a frer with fmu it was a stayed nauseated til about 1100am, but i did eat though, no cramping after that horrible day of cramping yesterday, thank God. tingling boobies, Cm is like elmers glue, CP is high

12 dpo- i am not testing again until af is due which is 2 MORE DAYS..... mg: mg: well me and my hubby stayed up until about 1 am talking (pillow talk) and we bd *TMI* when we were done he had ALOT of white creamy cm on him from me. Anyways I was up and down all night just restless, I peed at 2 am and 5 am. But when i woke up for the start of my new day at 700am i have no symptoms but acne (which i get before AF ), but i am hungry to the point of tummy growling so i go to get lunch at 1200pm and on the way there i get a wave of nausea and then while i am eating more nausea and a headache, i am tired too but that is more than likely due to the pillow talk. My CM is back to Creamy Stretchy white and my CP is very High up. hope this is helping some of yall. will update

13 DPO- crampy, nauseated.. more of the same

14 DPO- AF is due….no sign of her, BFN on test. Same symptoms as before

15 DPO BFN ….super dizzy had to leave work from that and nausea AND ACNE.

16DPO Still no AF and still a BFN, not testing for a long time, I am confused I have had a regular AF for years. And I feel crampy and ACNE that is all the symptoms now

17DPO – 3/11/2015 – still no AF, crampy and lots of ACNE I don’t know whats going on.

18DPO- 3/12/2015 - still no AF, bd last night and this morning to see if we could trigger af, and nothing, i have had waves of nausea this afternoon, i think i have indigestion my chest keeps feeling like i need to burp, crampy in different areas at different times, and boobies still hurt...and acne acne acne and itchy down below. (i think i might have a yeast infection)
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning

We ovulated right around the same time! I am having a lot of the same symptoms as you. I woke up this morning feeling fabulous lol

yayyyy I have a tww buddy :thumbup:

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