Hi all back again
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.
So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp
Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this before.skin still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a bfn........so I tested around 4pm bfn on clearblue plus

Cd29 few spots of darker pink cm but still not bright red and then turned to brown cm.
Cd30 brown spotting on and off feeling tired and some weird pinching in uterus. Boobs feel bigger I will test again cd34 if af dosnt show.
Cd31 brown/pinky cm on and off feeling tired and a little sick.
Cd32 still having brown/pinky cm but hardly any today so far boobs feel fuller.
Cd33 so the spotting has stopped now having quite a bit of yellow cm and sore boobs im going to test tomorrow on clearblue digital with first morning

cramping in pm and lots of clear cm.
Cd34 bfn

really gutted.loads of white creamy cm ebough to have to wear a liner Tingle Iin nipples and nipples darker in colour.
Cd35 ewcm is it possible I could be only just ovulating now ? Light cramping.
Cd36 lots of clear gooey cm not quite ewcm and mild cramps soooooo tired
Cd37 clear gooey cm not quite ewcm some stronger cramps today but still not overly painful sore nipples.
Cd38 lots of clear gooey cm sore sensitive nipples very tired Mild cramps
Cd39 lotiony white cm sore sensitive nipples when taking bra off and still very tired and achy.
Cd40 white lotiony cm sore nipples when taking bra off sooooo hungry and not feeling like im getting enough sleep no matter how long I sleep for dull ache in uterus.
Cd41 white lotiony cm tired and hungry.
Cd42 white lotiony cm tired and hungry.
Cd43 creamy cm very small amount pretty much dry maybe af tomorrow.
Cd44 creamy cm good amount still no af feeling tired tingerly nipples. Pulled muscle feeling in uterus.
Cd45 feeling like a pulled muscle in uterus all day maybe I did :/ creamy cm irritable tired and quite a bit of acne.
Cd46 irritable, headache for most of morning, boobs feel fuller and quite bad acne cm is creamy white.
Cd47 woke up feeling wet thought af was here but nope just clear cm.
Cd48 lotiony cm some light cramping heavy boobs.