0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)
1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain
2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy
3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling
4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea
5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky
6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable
7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM
8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower
9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol
So, I might just be letting this all get to my head.. which is really hard to not have it do that. The thing that gets me most is how weird and uncomfortable my breasts feel. I think I'll test again on Wednesday because I know I'm really impatient.. and AF is due on Friday so we'll see.

0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)
1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain
2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy
3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling
4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea
5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky
6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable
7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM
8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower
9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol
So, I might just be letting this all get to my head.. which is really hard to not have it do that. The thing that gets me most is how weird and uncomfortable my breasts feel. I think I'll test again on Wednesday because I know I'm really impatient.. and AF is due on Friday so we'll see.