Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Updated :)

0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)

1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain

2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy

3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling

4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea

5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky

6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable

7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM

8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower

9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol

So, I might just be letting this all get to my head.. which is really hard to not have it do that. The thing that gets me most is how weird and uncomfortable my breasts feel. I think I'll test again on Wednesday because I know I'm really impatient.. and AF is due on Friday so we'll see.
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning
6dpo-checked cervix and had some white checking all week but today seems a little more wet...mild cramping but nothing major...could this be another great sign :thumbup:

Updated :)

0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)

1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain

2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy

3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling

4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea

5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky

6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable

7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM

8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower

9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol

So, I might just be letting this all get to my head.. which is really hard to not have it do that. The thing that gets me most is how weird and uncomfortable my breasts feel. I think I'll test again on Wednesday because I know I'm really impatient.. and AF is due on Friday so we'll see.

This sounds like me lol...I often wonder if all of this is in my head also lol...hopefully it's actually in my stomach :haha: Good luck to you!
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning
6dpo-checked cervix and had some white checking all week but today seems a little more wet...mild cramping but nothing major...could this be another great sign :thumbup:
7dpo-Mild cramp...some white cm if I check my cervix...very moody
8dpo-mild cramping while sleeping....more white cm today...headache and sore throat....funny feeling pain in pelvic area...praying implantation is about to take place :happydance:
9dpo-slight tingling in both nipples....slight cm if I check cervix....weird pulling in my belly button....according to my calendar today is implantation day (plus minus 3 days) feeling hopeful :happydance:
*not sure if im updating correctly, can someone help please if im not lol*
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning
6dpo-checked cervix and had some white checking all week but today seems a little more wet...mild cramping but nothing major...could this be another great sign :thumbup:
7dpo-Mild cramp...some white cm if I check my cervix...very moody
8dpo-mild cramping while sleeping....more white cm today...headache and sore throat....funny feeling pain in pelvic area...praying implantation is about to take place :happydance:
9dpo-slight tingling in both nipples....slight cm if I check cervix....weird pulling in my belly button....according to my calendar today is implantation day (plus minus 3 days) feeling hopeful :happydance:
*not sure if im updating correctly, can someone help please if im not lol*

It's really confusing because the first page says edit your post.. then at the bottom it says we cannot edit our posts. All the quotes/replies to me get confusing.. From everything I've read it seems like you've got all the right symptoms! The whole belly button pull thing is a weird sensation. Not sure if I put it on my laundry list up above.. but I've had that feeling too yesterday and this morning. I'm very impatient...whatever the result is I just can't take this feeling in limbo! :)
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning
6dpo-checked cervix and had some white checking all week but today seems a little more wet...mild cramping but nothing major...could this be another great sign :thumbup:
7dpo-Mild cramp...some white cm if I check my cervix...very moody
8dpo-mild cramping while sleeping....more white cm today...headache and sore throat....funny feeling pain in pelvic area...praying implantation is about to take place :happydance:

Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning
6dpo-checked cervix and had some white checking all week but today seems a little more wet...mild cramping but nothing major...could this be another great sign :thumbup:
7dpo-Mild cramp...some white cm if I check my cervix...very moody
8dpo-mild cramping while sleeping....more white cm today...headache and sore throat....funny feeling pain in pelvic area...praying implantation is about to take place :happydance:
9dpo-slight tingling in both nipples....slight cm if I check cervix....weird pulling in my belly button....according to my calendar today is implantation day (plus minus 3 days) feeling hopeful :happydance:
*not sure if im updating correctly, can someone help please if im not lol*
10dpo-slight weird pain in lower right side....weird feeling in my wooo hoo area lol...may be implantation (yayyyy)...lower back pains...still being positive!

It's really confusing because the first page says edit your post.. then at the bottom it says we cannot edit our posts. All the quotes/replies to me get confusing.. From everything I've read it seems like you've got all the right symptoms! The whole belly button pull thing is a weird sensation. Not sure if I put it on my laundry list up above.. but I've had that feeling too yesterday and this morning. I'm very impatient...whatever the result is I just can't take this feeling in limbo! :)
yea it's very confusing....we are you going to test?
yea it's very confusing....we are you going to test?

Tomorrow AM. It might be too early... but I can't help myself. I just want to know! I'll probably keep testing every day from tomorrow until AF shows up or i get a BFP.

What about you?
yea it's very confusing....we are you going to test?

Tomorrow AM. It might be too early... but I can't help myself. I just want to know! I'll probably keep testing every day from tomorrow until AF shows up or i get a BFP.

What about you? it lol....Im trying to hold out until Sunday...I kinda told my OH that I would wait until there was a no show from AF....last month I tested early and was crushed and I promised him that I would wait but didn't, so yea this month im really trying to hold out lol...I have like 10 test on stand by lmbo
[/QUOTE] it lol....Im trying to hold out until Sunday...I kinda told my OH that I would wait until there was a no show from AF....last month I tested early and was crushed and I promised him that I would wait but didn't, so yea this month im really trying to hold out lol...I have like 10 test on stand by lmbo[/QUOTE]

hehehe! That's so hard, but you can hold out!! good luck :) I have like 5... so I can't do more than 1 a day, lol unless I get a BFP then they will all be used.. and I've thought about ordering an online blood test before I can get into my OB/GYN...But patience isn't something I'm really good at lol. it lol....Im trying to hold out until Sunday...I kinda told my OH that I would wait until there was a no show from AF....last month I tested early and was crushed and I promised him that I would wait but didn't, so yea this month im really trying to hold out lol...I have like 10 test on stand by lmbo[/QUOTE]

hehehe! That's so hard, but you can hold out!! good luck :) I have like 5... so I can't do more than 1 a day, lol unless I get a BFP then they will all be used.. and I've thought about ordering an online blood test before I can get into my OB/GYN...But patience isn't something I'm really good at lol.[/QUOTE]
trust me my patience is bn tested lol....but I will for sure be testing on Sunday.....AF better not show her ugly face hehehehe...gotta stay positive....and what time zone are you on...Im on the east coast...I will be looking for ur update all morning tomorrow lol it lol....Im trying to hold out until Sunday...I kinda told my OH that I would wait until there was a no show from AF....last month I tested early and was crushed and I promised him that I would wait but didn't, so yea this month im really trying to hold out lol...I have like 10 test on stand by lmbo

hehehe! That's so hard, but you can hold out!! good luck :) I have like 5... so I can't do more than 1 a day, lol unless I get a BFP then they will all be used.. and I've thought about ordering an online blood test before I can get into my OB/GYN...But patience isn't something I'm really good at lol.[/QUOTE]
trust me my patience is bn tested lol....but I will for sure be testing on Sunday.....AF better not show her ugly face hehehehe...gotta stay positive....and what time zone are you on...Im on the east coast...I will be looking for ur update all morning tomorrow lol[/QUOTE]
I have another question....why when I update my dpo its not all in's not falling under the 1st ones like yours, they look like I just reply back to myself yea I really don't understand this site.....HELP someone please!
trust me my patience is bn tested lol....but I will for sure be testing on Sunday.....AF better not show her ugly face hehehehe...gotta stay positive....and what time zone are you on...Im on the east coast...I will be looking for ur update all morning tomorrow lol
I have another question....why when I update my dpo its not all in's not falling under the 1st ones like yours, they look like I just reply back to myself yea I really don't understand this site.....HELP someone please![/QUOTE]

I'm in CST! I'll update tomorrow morning..My mom and I are taking an IKEA trip since I just relocated for work and need some stuff for the bigger house. Maybe I'll have good news to share with her.. she has been pushing the grandbaby thing pretty hard lately. I took this week off of work for spring break not knowing all this would be happening.. and it's like a blessing and a curse because I have an abundance of time to google everything..

I backspace out all the quotes.. and just keep the most recent one because it just gets confusing as crap. Then when I did my DPO post I just did a new post all together because I couldn't figure out how to quote myself, lol. It's really confusing.
trust me my patience is bn tested lol....but I will for sure be testing on Sunday.....AF better not show her ugly face hehehehe...gotta stay positive....and what time zone are you on...Im on the east coast...I will be looking for ur update all morning tomorrow lol
I have another question....why when I update my dpo its not all in's not falling under the 1st ones like yours, they look like I just reply back to myself yea I really don't understand this site.....HELP someone please!

I'm in CST! I'll update tomorrow morning..My mom and I are taking an IKEA trip since I just relocated for work and need some stuff for the bigger house. Maybe I'll have good news to share with her.. she has been pushing the grandbaby thing pretty hard lately. I took this week off of work for spring break not knowing all this would be happening.. and it's like a blessing and a curse because I have an abundance of time to google everything..

I backspace out all the quotes.. and just keep the most recent one because it just gets confusing as crap. Then when I did my DPO post I just did a new post all together because I couldn't figure out how to quote myself, lol. It's really confusing.[/QUOTE]
Oh well I will just roll with it lol....hoping you get you BFP tomorrow :happydance:
1-3 dpo - nothing of note
4 dpo - sensitive nipples
5 dpo - horrible stomach cramp woke me up in the middle of the night, probably gas? Vivid dreams
6 dpo - very emotional, got super angry all day at everyone for no reason. Nipple soreness actually getting worse, had to swat DH hand away they are SO sensitive.
7 dpo - woke up at 2:30 am and have been unable to get back to sleep.
8 dpo - had some spotting? looked brownish red after I wiped and then stopped. Felt pressure and pulling down there... and my nipple pain is not going away, they feel so bruised and sore. Difficulty sleeping again, though it didn't stop me from dreaming about a BFP on FRER. Woke up to test and nothing.
9 dpo - BFN on FRER. IC's haven't come in yet. Have some lower back pain, usually that doesn't show up until day 1 AF so idk. Nipple pain stopped. Evening having hot flashes?!?! So uncomfortable this evening. Cramps. Migraine with aura. Dizziness.
10 dpo - traveled overnight. Migraine led to nausea, which has come and gone over the past 24 hours. Initially I thought it was due to the migraine last night but now? Maybe because I've had 4 hours of sleep over two days? I'm also extremely weepy today, like I just want to cry for no reason. I feel like I may be out. Still BFN on FRER. Creamy yellowish CM, I think I may have had this prior to birth control pills.
11 dpo - BFN on FRER, very tired today, maybe due to emotions from getting so many BFNs and being away from home. No sore boobies, nothing save cravings for sweets, which makes me feel like AF is coming. More creamy yellowish CM today.
12 dpo - BFN on FRER, still tired, a little dizzy, super hungry.
13 dpo - BFN
14 dpo - still BFN, tired, got on fertility friend and also got some advice, which was that I probably am not 14 dpo, I'm more like 11 dpo (ARE YOU KIDDING ME). Started temping for next cycle.
CD32 - AF GOT ME. Just glad I didn't have to wait forever, on to next cycle! :witch::witch::witch:
1-3 dpo - nothing of note
4 dpo - sensitive nipples
5 dpo - horrible stomach cramp woke me up in the middle of the night, probably gas? Vivid dreams
6 dpo - very emotional, got super angry all day at everyone for no reason. Nipple soreness actually getting worse, had to swat DH hand away they are SO sensitive.
7 dpo - woke up at 2:30 am and have been unable to get back to sleep.
8 dpo - had some spotting? looked brownish red after I wiped and then stopped. Felt pressure and pulling down there... and my nipple pain is not going away, they feel so bruised and sore. Difficulty sleeping again, though it didn't stop me from dreaming about a BFP on FRER. Woke up to test and nothing.
9 dpo - BFN on FRER. IC's haven't come in yet. Have some lower back pain, usually that doesn't show up until day 1 AF so idk. Nipple pain stopped. Evening having hot flashes?!?! So uncomfortable this evening. Cramps. Migraine with aura. Dizziness.
10 dpo - traveled overnight. Migraine led to nausea, which has come and gone over the past 24 hours. Initially I thought it was due to the migraine last night but now? Maybe because I've had 4 hours of sleep over two days? I'm also extremely weepy today, like I just want to cry for no reason. I feel like I may be out. Still BFN on FRER. Creamy yellowish CM, I think I may have had this prior to birth control pills.
11 dpo - BFN on FRER, very tired today, maybe due to emotions from getting so many BFNs and being away from home. No sore boobies, nothing save cravings for sweets, which makes me feel like AF is coming. More creamy yellowish CM today.
12 dpo - BFN on FRER, still tired, a little dizzy, super hungry.
13 dpo - BFN
14 dpo - still BFN, tired, got on fertility friend and also got some advice, which was that I probably am not 14 dpo, I'm more like 11 dpo (ARE YOU KIDDING ME). Started temping for next cycle.
CD32 - AF GOT ME. Just glad I didn't have to wait forever, on to next cycle! :witch::witch::witch:
sorry to hear that amyamyamy
0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)

1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain

2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy

3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling

4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea

5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky

6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable

7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM

8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower

9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol

10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy

Tested 11DPO morning and negative
0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)

1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain

2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy

3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling

4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea

5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky

6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable

7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM

8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower

9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol

10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy

Tested 11DPO morning and negative
you still have's not over until the witch shows her let's see what Friday holds :thumbup:
trust me my patience is bn tested lol....but I will for sure be testing on Sunday.....AF better not show her ugly face hehehehe...gotta stay positive....and what time zone are you on...Im on the east coast...I will be looking for ur update all morning tomorrow lol
I have another question....why when I update my dpo its not all in's not falling under the 1st ones like yours, they look like I just reply back to myself yea I really don't understand this site.....HELP someone please!

I'm in CST! I'll update tomorrow morning..My mom and I are taking an IKEA trip since I just relocated for work and need some stuff for the bigger house. Maybe I'll have good news to share with her.. she has been pushing the grandbaby thing pretty hard lately. I took this week off of work for spring break not knowing all this would be happening.. and it's like a blessing and a curse because I have an abundance of time to google everything..

I backspace out all the quotes.. and just keep the most recent one because it just gets confusing as crap. Then when I did my DPO post I just did a new post all together because I couldn't figure out how to quote myself, lol. It's really confusing.
Oh well I will just roll with it lol....hoping you get you BFP tomorrow :happydance:[/QUOTE]

11dpo-weird feeling all day...nasty taste in my mouth...craving sours foods...slight lower back pain...just feeling like a bun may be in the oven :happydance:
Oh well I will just roll with it lol....hoping you get you BFP tomorrow :happydance:

11dpo-weird feeling all day...nasty taste in my mouth...craving sours foods...slight lower back pain...just feeling like a bun may be in the oven :happydance:

That's awesome! It sucks feeling weird, but maybe it's a good weird if it's the bun-in-the-oven feeling, hehe. We'll see about tomorrow... and it's not too many more days until Sunday for you!

I have to go back to work tomorrow which if I get another BFN I'm going to be so anxious.. thankfully coming back from vacation I'm going to be ridiculously busy with meetings, so the day will probably go pretty quickly. :)
1-3 dpo - nothing of note
4 dpo - sensitive nipples
5 dpo - horrible stomach cramp woke me up in the middle of the night, probably gas? Vivid dreams
6 dpo - very emotional, got super angry all day at everyone for no reason. Nipple soreness actually getting worse, had to swat DH hand away they are SO sensitive.
7 dpo - woke up at 2:30 am and have been unable to get back to sleep.
8 dpo - had some spotting? looked brownish red after I wiped and then stopped. Felt pressure and pulling down there... and my nipple pain is not going away, they feel so bruised and sore. Difficulty sleeping again, though it didn't stop me from dreaming about a BFP on FRER. Woke up to test and nothing.
9 dpo - BFN on FRER. IC's haven't come in yet. Have some lower back pain, usually that doesn't show up until day 1 AF so idk. Nipple pain stopped. Evening having hot flashes?!?! So uncomfortable this evening. Cramps. Migraine with aura. Dizziness.
10 dpo - traveled overnight. Migraine led to nausea, which has come and gone over the past 24 hours. Initially I thought it was due to the migraine last night but now? Maybe because I've had 4 hours of sleep over two days? I'm also extremely weepy today, like I just want to cry for no reason. I feel like I may be out. Still BFN on FRER. Creamy yellowish CM, I think I may have had this prior to birth control pills.
11 dpo - BFN on FRER, very tired today, maybe due to emotions from getting so many BFNs and being away from home. No sore boobies, nothing save cravings for sweets, which makes me feel like AF is coming. More creamy yellowish CM today.
12 dpo - BFN on FRER, still tired, a little dizzy, super hungry.
13 dpo - BFN
14 dpo - still BFN, tired, got on fertility friend and also got some advice, which was that I probably am not 14 dpo, I'm more like 11 dpo (ARE YOU KIDDING ME). Started temping for next cycle.
CD32 - AF GOT ME. Just glad I didn't have to wait forever, on to next cycle! :witch::witch::witch:

Sorry to hear that! Good luck and baby dust on the next cycle. :) Also, your avatar picture cracks me up. lol So cute.
Oh well I will just roll with it lol....hoping you get you BFP tomorrow :happydance:

11dpo-weird feeling all day...nasty taste in my mouth...craving sours foods...slight lower back pain...just feeling like a bun may be in the oven :happydance:

That's awesome! It sucks feeling weird, but maybe it's a good weird if it's the bun-in-the-oven feeling, hehe. We'll see about tomorrow... and it's not too many more days until Sunday for you!

I have to go back to work tomorrow which if I get another BFN I'm going to be so anxious.. thankfully coming back from vacation I'm going to be ridiculously busy with meetings, so the day will probably go pretty quickly. :)
Hey Im glad ur staying positive...Yea if I were you I would continue to test until BFP or the witch shows hahahaha....Ive bn doing good by not testing lol....I have a test at my job on Friday and I want to focus on that and nothing NEGATIVE!!! but im sending lots of baby dust your way chick :thumbup:

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