Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

5star - I know how you feel, a ton of ladies on my ttcal thread got their bfp's last month and I've been feeling a little left behind too. I'm on cd 8 now but DH and I decided to just go with the flow and see what happens this month. The stress of TTC is starting to get to me.

Thanks NinjaPanda for posting.....I feel so left out right now :cry: And yes this cycle we just went with the flow and I don't think I will get my BFP this month and im kinda sad but it's not over until the ugly witch shows her head right! FX for both of us!
:headspin: hellooooo again....cycle # 3

took my first OPK ever clear blue digi, got a smile on CD 10 and CD 11 (March 26, 27) then a negative OPK on CD 13 (March 29)

1-4 dpo i have only experienced cramps on left side, and slight nausea and hunger at same time. Me thinks its just in my head. :shipw:

5DPO - cramps on left side, strange smell in private area, more lotion cm, could not sleep good last night. anxiety attacks. :hissy:](*,)

6 DPO- cramps, lotion creamy cm, nausea (but might be from eating so much Gosh i ate all day), :pizza: experienced a sharp pain in right breast for about 2 minutes

7DPO- irritable, crampy, nausea, lower backache, and alil bloated. frequent urination (might be from all the water) :tease:

8DPO- very irritable, nausea in the morning and throughout the day, gassy, boobs hurt, sore throat, and lotion cm, cp is high soft and open i think i can't really tell the open and closed thing.:growlmad:

9DPO - painful when having sex with hubby (cervix is low), :thumbup: boobs hurt, gassy, lotion cm (but not alot), cp is low, medium, and i can't tell if its open or closed, nauseated throughout night and up til now. i don't know seems like i always have these same symptoms every month...getting discouraged. :huh::sad2:

10DPO - P.M. EXTREME nausea almost threw up but didn't, :sick: crampy, tender achy breasts, cm still lotiony and not alot, cp medium and closed.

11dpo - A.M. nausea again, tender boobs, cm lotiony (last month this time mine started getting clear and stretchy), cp high and closed i think. :shrug:

12DPO- got more nausated towards P.M., boobs sore, upset stomach, backache. took a dollar store test mid afternoon BFN :bfn: , irritable and emotional:nope::sad2::shy:

13DPO - woke up to nausea back, breasts are SORE, and a sore throat, and again with an upset tummy....will test another dollar store test after 4 hour hold and update later. tomorrow i will be testing with a FRER. :telephone::sick:

14DPO - I took a dollar store test a bfn, i took a frer and bfn....then i went to pregnancy test calculator and put my info in and it said the same thing as FF app says to test on 14th, that no test will pick up anything right now :shrug: . symptoms..... woke up nauseated almost threw up when brushing teeth :sick: , bad headache, sore throat, boobs hurt and hurt real bad last night :-({|= had to sit in hot bath and sooth them. pulling/pinching feeling right around belly button..... i think thats it but if i get another :bfn: on 14th something is going to get hit :trouble:

Fx....hopefully you will get ur BFP
Even though we didn't try this cycle (so I won't count it as cycle #3) I still wanted to record my symptoms, just in case the unexpected happened! I think I may have ovulated either March 30th or 31st but I will go with the 31st! We BD on the 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st! I've bn having vivd dreams all week! hmmmmm

1 dpo-very bad gas
2 dpo-very very mild cramping, nothing to complain about....took an hr nap!
3 dpo-still some mild cramping...little cm in the undies....very tired took a 2 hr nap...cramps on my right side like ovulation cramps!
update....later tonight cramping feels more intense...more clear cm when I went to the bathroom....still very tired!
4 dpo-mild cramping and little to none cm...had a lot of energy, did 5 miles and came home and did a little spring cleaning...stayed in bed all day afterwards relaxing and watching other symptoms to report
even though we didn't try this cycle (meaning we didn't use any OPK's) im still getting discouraged about the little to no symptoms...would be excited if I am pregnant and kinda sad if im not
5 dpo-nothing really new except some weird pinching in my whoo hoo area smh....still the same mild cramping like AF is around the cm no sore boobs no stuffy or runny nose smh nothing...a girl at church yesterday told me she knew she was pregnant b/c her boobs were really sore...I have not the slight bit of soreness...starting to think that I won't get my Christmas baby :xmas3:
6 dpo-nothing at all.....feeling hopeless :cry:
7 dpo- little to no cm and no AF symptoms :nope: kinda confused this cycle :growlmad:
8 dpo- NOTHING :cry::cry::cry:
5starsplus1....THANK YOU i hope you get yours too, don't get discouraged some people don't have little to no symptoms and get their BFP!! fx to you
5starsplus1....THANK YOU i hope you get yours too, don't get discouraged some people don't have little to no symptoms and get their BFP!! fx to you

Thank you so much for the encouragement, really means a lot....Im due for AF on the 13th hopefully she will get lost for 9 months hehehehe
so.. here it goes, second cycle since shedding 2 stone! second cycle of ovulation and regular cycles yay!

1 dpo bloated, cramps
2 dpo loads of clumpy white cm not stretchy like ewcm! in a good mood!
3dpo sticky cm, my boobs are abit tender in the evening but more so because they are cold! bit of cramping in the evening
4 dpo heartburn, bit of pulling and tugging in the lower tummy, and carpal tunnel feeling in my wrists had this with my son but i dont want to get disappointed
5 dpo felt super tired this morning, headaches, and now ive a runny nose and sinus pains and i got a huge blob or yellow ewcm!
6 dpo stuffy nose, headachey, sore throat, extremely tired and ive had weird pinchy stabby pains in my boobs
7 and 8 dpo I had lots of watery cm, stuffy nose, tired and very sore back.
Today at 9 dpo my lower back and hip are killing me, sore boobs today stabby pains nipples keep randomly going hard even though its roasting! Cramps, headaches, so tired and so so hungry! Got a super super faint line on a ic not sire if its an evap but please god let me be able to turn this green tomorrow! :coffee:
10 dpo very sore boobs like someomes punchedme there! :( tired, heartburn, cramps
11 dpo lots of thick runny cm sorry tmi, a tiny streak of pink blood
12 dpo sore throat, so so bloated, crampy thinking im probably out, scared to test again!
I got a chemical the last time I posted on here but i'm going to try and post symptoms again this cycle. Fingers crossed....

Ovulated PM - cramps and discomfort in left ovary and lower back. Bloated last 2 days-+opk
1dpo, AM, got a bit of stretchy, cloudy slightly sticky cm- presume post ovulation cm. Bloated
2 - 3 dpo. Bloated tummy and don't want to wear anything tight.
5star - I know how you feel, a ton of ladies on my ttcal thread got their bfp's last month and I've been feeling a little left behind too. I'm on cd 8 now but DH and I decided to just go with the flow and see what happens this month. The stress of TTC is starting to get to me.

You need a nice warm bath and a huge glass of wine, I think. :hugs:
Back again for another round of the TWW! O confirmed on CD19:

6dpo - Possible implantation dip on FF. POAS COMING SOON! Had some incredibly uncomfortable cramps really low in the pelvis last night that literally took my breath away.

7dpo - :bfn: super huge temp spike, higher than at any point during the month thus far. I have no idea what this means. Very giddy today for some reason.
Even though we didn't try this cycle (so I won't count it as cycle #3) I still wanted to record my symptoms, just in case the unexpected happened! I think I may have ovulated either March 30th or 31st but I will go with the 31st! We BD on the 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st! I've bn having vivd dreams all week! hmmmmm

1 dpo-very bad gas
2 dpo-very very mild cramping, nothing to complain about....took an hr nap!
3 dpo-still some mild cramping...little cm in the undies....very tired took a 2 hr nap...cramps on my right side like ovulation cramps!
update....later tonight cramping feels more intense...more clear cm when I went to the bathroom....still very tired!
4 dpo-mild cramping and little to none cm...had a lot of energy, did 5 miles and came home and did a little spring cleaning...stayed in bed all day afterwards relaxing and watching other symptoms to report
even though we didn't try this cycle (meaning we didn't use any OPK's) im still getting discouraged about the little to no symptoms...would be excited if I am pregnant and kinda sad if im not
5 dpo-nothing really new except some weird pinching in my whoo hoo area smh....still the same mild cramping like AF is around the cm no sore boobs no stuffy or runny nose smh nothing...a girl at church yesterday told me she knew she was pregnant b/c her boobs were really sore...I have not the slight bit of soreness...starting to think that I won't get my Christmas baby
6 dpo-nothing at all.....feeling hopeless
7 dpo- little to no cm and no AF symptoms kinda confused this cycle
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo-white cm in undies and it lasted through out the night....boobs felt heavier....good sign right :thumbup: uh no tested this morning at 10 dpo with FRER and got a BFN :growlmad: I would think if I was preggo the FRER would have at lteast picked up a faint line :nope so disappointed
Even though we didn't try this cycle (so I won't count it as cycle #3) I still wanted to record my symptoms, just in case the unexpected happened! I think I may have ovulated either March 30th or 31st but I will go with the 31st! We BD on the 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st! I've bn having vivd dreams all week! hmmmmm

1 dpo-very bad gas
2 dpo-very very mild cramping, nothing to complain about....took an hr nap!
3 dpo-still some mild cramping...little cm in the undies....very tired took a 2 hr nap...cramps on my right side like ovulation cramps!
update....later tonight cramping feels more intense...more clear cm when I went to the bathroom....still very tired!
4 dpo-mild cramping and little to none cm...had a lot of energy, did 5 miles and came home and did a little spring cleaning...stayed in bed all day afterwards relaxing and watching other symptoms to report
even though we didn't try this cycle (meaning we didn't use any OPK's) im still getting discouraged about the little to no symptoms...would be excited if I am pregnant and kinda sad if im not
5 dpo-nothing really new except some weird pinching in my whoo hoo area smh....still the same mild cramping like AF is around the cm no sore boobs no stuffy or runny nose smh nothing...a girl at church yesterday told me she knew she was pregnant b/c her boobs were really sore...I have not the slight bit of soreness...starting to think that I won't get my Christmas baby
6 dpo-nothing at all.....feeling hopeless
7 dpo- little to no cm and no AF symptoms kinda confused this cycle
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo-white cm in undies and it lasted through out the night....boobs felt heavier....good sign right :thumbup: uh no tested this morning at 10 dpo with FRER and got a BFN :growlmad: I would think if I was preggo the FRER would have at lteast picked up a faint line :nope: so disappointed...we have decided to go buy some preseed today for next cycle....anyone tried or heard of great reviews on it!
so.. here it goes, second cycle since shedding 2 stone! second cycle of ovulation and regular cycles yay!

1 dpo bloated, cramps
2 dpo loads of clumpy white cm not stretchy like ewcm! in a good mood!
3dpo sticky cm, my boobs are abit tender in the evening but more so because they are cold! bit of cramping in the evening
4 dpo heartburn, bit of pulling and tugging in the lower tummy, and carpal tunnel feeling in my wrists had this with my son but i dont want to get disappointed
5 dpo felt super tired this morning, headaches, and now ive a runny nose and sinus pains and i got a huge blob or yellow ewcm!
6 dpo stuffy nose, headachey, sore throat, extremely tired and ive had weird pinchy stabby pains in my boobs
7 and 8 dpo I had lots of watery cm, stuffy nose, tired and very sore back.
Today at 9 dpo my lower back and hip are killing me, sore boobs today stabby pains nipples keep randomly going hard even though its roasting! Cramps, headaches, so tired and so so hungry! Got a super super faint line on a ic not sire if its an evap but please god let me be able to turn this green tomorrow! :coffee:
10 dpo very sore boobs like someomes punchedme there! :( tired, heartburn, cramps
11 dpo lots of thick runny cm sorry tmi, a tiny streak of pink blood
12 dpo sore throat, so so bloated, crampy thinking im probably out, scared to test again!

I think you will get your BFP if you test today since you got a faint line earlier! Fx for you hun!
I've used preseed, no joy for me but heard lots of ladies have :)


ok so me and my hubby had sex last night and when we were done and i went to pee, i wiped and there was little dry blood specks on tissue, like pepper flakes, i have never had this before and i don't know what this could be. went back to sleep woke up this morning nothing is there when i pee an wipe now and we had sex again right before that i am wondering what that could have been....i doubt it was implantation because i ovulated on cd 10 (mar 26) im on cd25 now...any thoughts??


ok so me and my hubby had sex last night and when we were done and i went to pee, i wiped and there was little dry blood specks on tissue, like pepper flakes, i have never had this before and i don't know what this could be. went back to sleep woke up this morning nothing is there when i pee an wipe now and we had sex again right before that i am wondering what that could have been....i doubt it was implantation because i ovulated on cd 10 (mar 26) im on cd25 now...any thoughts??
I say POAS :happydance:


ok so me and my hubby had sex last night and when we were done and i went to pee, i wiped and there was little dry blood specks on tissue, like pepper flakes, i have never had this before and i don't know what this could be. went back to sleep woke up this morning nothing is there when i pee an wipe now and we had sex again right before that i am wondering what that could have been....i doubt it was implantation because i ovulated on cd 10 (mar 26) im on cd25 now...any thoughts??
I say POAS :happydance:

i took a frer and white line showed up before the 3 minute mark, but thats it...i am going to wait three more days and see what happens.... :growlmad::nope:
Hi all

Big congrats to all who got their BFP
So I thought I'd add my "symptoms" so far this cycle.
I ov early and have an 18 day literal phase so the tww for me is almost three!
After trying for five years I don't bother testing I just wait for Aunt Flo to arrive just like she does every month bang on time :-(

We'll this cycle feels a little different so I thought I'd log it "just in case"

6dpo - gums bleed when brushing teeth
7dpo- extreme diarrhoea
8dpo - seems the diarrhoea last night has caused haemorrhoids (great!!!!)
9dpo- hot flushes and sweats
10dpo - dry/sore/scratchy throat, hot flushes
11dpo - same sore throat, hot flushes
12 dpo - same sore throat which developed into sniffly nose, severe hot flushes, feeling faint, slight nausea, lack of energy. First day off sick in over 4 years
13dpo- sniffly nose, horrible taste all day, diarrhoea, dry sticky lips, cramping, nausea, right nipple sensitive when caught by arm etc, weird stitch like twinges in right side, lack of energy and off work again as just feel "under the weather" . Insomnia as just couldn't cool down and kept waking up sweating
14dpo - queasiness in belly. Hard to explain just something not right, cramping throughout day on and off, nausea, gagged when brushing teeth, sore nipples when touched, struggled to stay awake past 8
15dpo - no appetite at all, nipples hurting, cramping like AF was here

Dust to all xx



ok so me and my hubby had sex last night and when we were done and i went to pee, i wiped and there was little dry blood specks on tissue, like pepper flakes, i have never had this before and i don't know what this could be. went back to sleep woke up this morning nothing is there when i pee an wipe now and we had sex again right before that i am wondering what that could have been....i doubt it was implantation because i ovulated on cd 10 (mar 26) im on cd25 now...any thoughts??
I say POAS :happydance:

i took a frer and white line showed up before the 3 minute mark, but thats it...i am going to wait three more days and see what happens.... :growlmad::nope:
Keep your head up and im keeping my fx for you.......please keep us posted....BIG :hugs:
Hi all

Big congrats to all who got their BFP
So I thought I'd add my "symptoms" so far this cycle.
I ov early and have an 18 day literal phase so the tww for me is almost three!
After trying for five years I don't bother testing I just wait for Aunt Flo to arrive just like she does every month bang on time :-(

We'll this cycle feels a little different so I thought I'd log it "just in case"

6dpo - gums bleed when brushing teeth
7dpo- extreme diarrhoea
8dpo - seems the diarrhoea last night has caused haemorrhoids (great!!!!)
9dpo- hot flushes and sweats
10dpo - dry/sore/scratchy throat, hot flushes
11dpo - same sore throat, hot flushes
12 dpo - same sore throat which developed into sniffly nose, severe hot flushes, feeling faint, slight nausea, lack of energy. First day off sick in over 4 years
13dpo- sniffly nose, horrible taste all day, diarrhoea, dry sticky lips, cramping, nausea, right nipple sensitive when caught by arm etc, weird stitch like twinges in right side, lack of energy and off work again as just feel "under the weather" . Insomnia as just couldn't cool down and kept waking up sweating
14dpo - queasiness in belly. Hard to explain just something not right, cramping throughout day on and off, nausea, gagged when brushing teeth, sore nipples when touched, struggled to stay awake past 8
15dpo - no appetite at all, nipples hurting, cramping like AF was here

Dust to all xx

when are you gonna POAS :winkwink:

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