hellooooo again....cycle # 3
took my first OPK ever clear blue digi, got a smile on CD 10 and CD 11 (March 26, 27) then a negative OPK on CD 13 (March 29)
1-4 dpo i have only experienced cramps on left side, and slight nausea and hunger at same time. Me thinks its just in my head.
5DPO - cramps on left side, strange smell in private area, more lotion cm, could not sleep good last night. anxiety attacks.

6 DPO- cramps, lotion creamy cm, nausea (but might be from eating so much Gosh i ate all day),

experienced a sharp pain in right breast for about 2 minutes
7DPO- irritable, crampy, nausea, lower backache, and alil bloated. frequent urination (might be from all the water)
8DPO- very irritable, nausea in the morning and throughout the day, gassy, boobs hurt, sore throat, and lotion cm, cp is high soft and open i think i can't really tell the open and closed thing.
9DPO - painful when having sex with hubby (cervix is low),

boobs hurt, gassy, lotion cm (but not alot), cp is low, medium, and i can't tell if its open or closed, nauseated throughout night and up til now. i don't know seems like i always have these same symptoms every month...getting discouraged.

10DPO - P.M. EXTREME nausea almost threw up but didn't,

crampy, tender achy breasts, cm still lotiony and not alot, cp medium and closed.
11dpo - A.M. nausea again, tender boobs, cm lotiony (last month this time mine started getting clear and stretchy), cp high and closed i think.
12DPO- got more nausated towards P.M., boobs sore, upset stomach, backache. took a dollar store test mid afternoon BFN

, irritable and emotional

13DPO - woke up to nausea back, breasts are SORE, and a sore throat, and again with an upset tummy....will test another dollar store test after 4 hour hold and update later. tomorrow i will be testing with a FRER.

14DPO - I took a dollar store test a bfn, i took a frer and bfn....then i went to WhenMyBaby.com pregnancy test calculator and put my info in and it said the same thing as FF app says to test on 14th, that no test will pick up anything right now

. symptoms..... woke up nauseated almost threw up when brushing teeth

, bad headache, sore throat, boobs hurt and hurt real bad last night

had to sit in hot bath and sooth them. pulling/pinching feeling right around belly button..... i think thats it but if i get another

on 14th something is going to get hit