Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Even though we didn't try this cycle (so I won't count it as cycle #3) I still wanted to record my symptoms, just in case the unexpected happened! I think I may have ovulated either March 30th or 31st but I will go with the 31st! We BD on the 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st! I've bn having vivd dreams all week! hmmmmm

1 dpo-very bad gas
2 dpo-very very mild cramping, nothing to complain about....took an hr nap!
3 dpo-still some mild cramping...little cm in the undies....very tired took a 2 hr nap...cramps on my right side like ovulation cramps!
update....later tonight cramping feels more intense...more clear cm when I went to the bathroom....still very tired!
4 dpo-mild cramping and little to none cm...had a lot of energy, did 5 miles and came home and did a little spring cleaning...stayed in bed all day afterwards relaxing and watching other symptoms to report
even though we didn't try this cycle (meaning we didn't use any OPK's) im still getting discouraged about the little to no symptoms...would be excited if I am pregnant and kinda sad if im not
5 dpo-nothing really new except some weird pinching in my whoo hoo area smh....still the same mild cramping like AF is around the cm no sore boobs no stuffy or runny nose smh nothing...a girl at church yesterday told me she knew she was pregnant b/c her boobs were really sore...I have not the slight bit of soreness...starting to think that I won't get my Christmas baby :xmas3:
6 dpo-nothing at all.....feeling hopeless :cry:
7 dpo- little to no cm and no AF symptoms kinda confused this cycle :wacko:
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo-white cm in undies and it lasted through out the night....boobs felt heavier....good sign right uh :nope: tested this morning at 10 dpo with FRER and got a :bfn: I would think if I was preggo the FRER would have at least picked up a faint line so disappointed...we have decided to go buy some preseed today for next cycle....anyone tried or heard of great reviews on it!
10 dpo-increase amount of cm boobs feels heavy
11 dpo-Nothing out of the ordinary of typical AF symptoms
12 dpo- mild and the OH bd :sex: this mornng hoping to bring on :af: but so far nothing!
13 dpo- mild like :af: cramps....little more cm...this usually happens a day before :af: shows her face
will be looking for sometime I am 14 dpo but I always update the next day b/c of course I can't update the same day lol so 13 dpo was from yesterday..... :dust: to all of you expecting your :bfp:
14 dpo- the :witch: showed worries will be back for cycle #3 in a week fx for all expecting your :bfp:
Hello all....Ive been reading through some of the posts in here and figured i would join in. TTC #1 and was diagnosed with PCOS... i was put on a couple supplements and here i am this month.

I think i O'd on CD 19,20,21

DPO 1-4 were mainly no symptoms... maybe a little nauseous.
DPO 5- Headache, nipple soreness
DPO 6-9- has been very gassy, indigestion, cramping like AF is coming. CM is white glue. Nipples are VERY VERY sensitive and i also notice my nipple itself has a white color to it.
DPO 10 was this morning and showing same symptoms as above. Tested this morning with a wondfo... thought i could see a line... then did a 4 hour hold and tested with FREP and showed negative.

DPO 11 same symptoms as the other days. Super sore nipples and my lower back is killing me today as well as slight pinches in the lower abdomen area. Trying to stick to not testing today.
Alright, back in for round #7 of ttc! My husband and I did conceive the last round, but sadly I miscarried at 6 weeks.... So here I am, back to try again! :happydance: hoping to get lucky with a sticky bean this time :winkwink: I think FF has my O date 2 days later than I actually did... I guess we'll see!

1-3dpo: Nothing really

3-6dpo: Not much to report except a really strange dream that I had already given birth, but didn't remember ever being pregnant or giving birth... Very strange dream, it felt so real!

6-7dpo: Huge temp spike! Starting to feel kinda sick...chills and tummy cramps/bloating ugh...

7-8dpo: Feeling fine today... Was only sick for about an hour and a half yesterday, maybe I had food poisoning? Also my sense of smell seems a little more sensitive...:shrug:
Sorry about the witch, 5stars!

I'm on cd 15 and still waiting to ovulate. This has never happened to me. I am so confused. :(
Hello all....Ive been reading through some of the posts in here and figured i would join in. TTC #1 and was diagnosed with PCOS... i was put on a couple supplements and here i am this month.

I think i O'd on CD 19,20,21

DPO 1-4 were mainly no symptoms... maybe a little nauseous.
DPO 5- Headache, nipple soreness
DPO 6-9- has been very gassy, indigestion, cramping like AF is coming. CM is white glue. Nipples are VERY VERY sensitive and i also notice my nipple itself has a white color to it.
DPO 10 was this morning and showing same symptoms as above. Tested this morning with a wondfo... thought i could see a line... then did a 4 hour hold and tested with FREP and showed negative.

DPO 11 same symptoms as the other days. Super sore nipples and my lower back is killing me today as well as slight pinches in the lower abdomen area. Trying to stick to not testing today.

DPO 12 light pink spotting which means AF is set and ready to land by the end of the day.... :cry:
Hello all....Ive been reading through some of the posts in here and figured i would join in. TTC #1 and was diagnosed with PCOS... i was put on a couple supplements and here i am this month.

I think i O'd on CD 19,20,21

DPO 1-4 were mainly no symptoms... maybe a little nauseous.
DPO 5- Headache, nipple soreness
DPO 6-9- has been very gassy, indigestion, cramping like AF is coming. CM is white glue. Nipples are VERY VERY sensitive and i also notice my nipple itself has a white color to it.
DPO 10 was this morning and showing same symptoms as above. Tested this morning with a wondfo... thought i could see a line... then did a 4 hour hold and tested with FREP and showed negative.

DPO 11 same symptoms as the other days. Super sore nipples and my lower back is killing me today as well as slight pinches in the lower abdomen area. Trying to stick to not testing today.

DPO 12 light pink spotting which means AF is set and ready to land by the end of the day.... :cry:

sorry shortcakes21...we will start again next cycle
5star and shortcakes, so sorry the witch got you :hugs: fear I will be joining you both very soon
Back again for another round of the TWW! O confirmed on CD19:

6dpo - Possible implantation dip on FF. POAS COMING SOON! Had some incredibly uncomfortable cramps really low in the pelvis last night that literally took my breath away.

7dpo - BFN on IC, huge temp spike, higher than at any point during the month thus far. I have no idea what this means. Very giddy today for some reason.

8dpo - BFN on IC, gassy, really awful lower back pain today. Usually this doesn't happen until AF so not sure... possibly due to packing and lifting? I'm not that out of shape though... sigh...

9 - 12 dpo - low back pain is main symptom. temp spiked up way high, coming down as of this AM on 12 dpo but still above coverline. still BFN tests.

Feeling as if AF will arrive at any time (due tomorrow).

AF arrived right on time after 31 days. On to next month.
Alright, back in for round #7 of ttc! My husband and I did conceive the last round, but sadly I miscarried at 6 weeks.... So here I am, back to try again! :happydance: hoping to get lucky with a sticky bean this time :winkwink: I think FF has my O date 2 days later than I actually did... I guess we'll see!

1-3dpo: Nothing really

3-6dpo: Not much to report except a really strange dream that I had already given birth, but didn't remember ever being pregnant or giving birth... Very strange dream, it felt so real!

6-7dpo: Huge temp spike! Starting to feel kinda sick...chills and tummy cramps/bloating ugh...

7-8dpo: Feeling fine today... Was only sick for about an hour and a half yesterday, maybe I had food poisoning? Also my sense of smell seems a little more sensitive...:shrug:

8-9dpo: Huge temp drop :growlmad: Probably gonna be turning this red in a couple days...
I don't temp or chart, so I'm not positive of O. Just guessing based on previous cycle lengths and symptoms.

-1dpo: woke up at 5am to overall abdomen cramping, cramping in the evening localized to my right ovarian area

0dpo: mild cramping in right ovarian area intensified for most of the day then subsided by evening

1dpo: tons of gas, (gross) but literally took the biggest poop of my life at work like clogged the toilet big so i attributed the gas to this but the gas never went away

2dpo: still gas (literally farted for 10 minutes straight, some like 5 second long farts) after work I have never been this gassy. Was sneezing all afternoon and evening. Easily upset! I cried three times over nothing

3dpo: gas still hanging around but not as bad, twinges in my abdomen, tired, irritable (everyone pissing me off today and they are being super nice)

4dpo: BBT 98.0/ 97.9, abundance of milky white discharge (had it with all of my previous pregnancies), irritability, fatigue, low sex drive yet super sensitive down there, not interested in food i typically love

5dpo: evap? on a frer, unhappy tummy (but i did eat food from like 11 countries today but breakfast was hard to keep down o.O), tired, poopy issues, the bloat is real... sensitive during sex but not in the mood, lower backache. The acne!!!

6dpo: woke up at 5am because of nausea, but no actual vomiting. BBT 97.8

7dpo: BBT dropped to 97.19 at 4am and 97.4ish at the usual time (5:45). General tired, lack of appetite, super thirsty, not enjoying my oreo cookie shake. I might see it again in a few minutes. Still peeing negative
Brief history - I had a dermoid cyst removed 2 years ago and Doc told me I have PCOS and hyperthyroid (this is being treated by endo). I am on Cycle 2 of Clomid. I am 34 and anxiously ttc! My symptoms...

Used OPK, was +pos on the 7th, and ovulated on 8th (felt the pain!).

1 - 2 DPO - bloated, gassy, temp was up. awful cramping

3 DPO - Started having heartburns ( I NEVER HAD ANY B4 and I always ate spicy food.) Had a little of my fav wine but it tasted so bad and throat was burning, awful cramping. Pink spotting... mmm? :confused:

4- 7 DPO - Stabbing pains from right sometime left of my stomach. Even on bbs. (Similar to pre-AF though so didn't think too much) heartburns, gassy,bloated, loose stools, nausea

8 DPO - tried testing but BFN. Heartburns got milder but BBS:holly: were getting sore and full and heavy,loose stools,nausea

9-10 DPO - all other symptoms disappear except occasional shooting/stabbing pain on right ab, very very sore (untouchable) bbs. Hoping it is implantation today, temp still up. Unable to sleep on my right side as it hurts.

I know most symptoms are probably ovulation symptoms (due to the rise in progesterone) as you would only get pregnancy symptoms after implantation. Going to try to test on 11 DPO.. *pours baby dust on myself and everyone else*:happydance::dust:
I don't do O charts or meassure my BT, but acording to my period app, O was arround 11th or 12th, BD @1am on 12th and these are my simptomes:
1/2dpo- nothing much...
2-4dpo - mild cramps all arround my reproductive area, getting a lot of CM (which I don't have in that amoints, just some durring O time and before AF)
Today - soooo stressed! Because of my DD's fantastic negotiation with the landlord bi*ch, we havrle to move by 1st of May.. it was in our plan, but not in 13 days... anyways, it's been a hell of a eide for me today... bursting into tears in front of my boss is just a bit of my day...
CM dripping out of me, and the more i got angry, cramping got worse...

I know I need to chill a bit, but I just have a feeling that 13 days to pack and move is too much for me to handle.....
Alright, back in for round #7 of ttc! My husband and I did conceive the last round, but sadly I miscarried at 6 weeks.... So here I am, back to try again! :happydance: hoping to get lucky with a sticky bean this time :winkwink: I think FF has my O date 2 days later than I actually did... I guess we'll see!

1-3dpo: Nothing really

3-6dpo: Not much to report except a really strange dream that I had already given birth, but didn't remember ever being pregnant or giving birth... Very strange dream, it felt so real!

6-7dpo: Huge temp spike! Starting to feel kinda sick...chills and tummy cramps/bloating ugh...

7-8dpo: Feeling fine today... Was only sick for about an hour and a half yesterday, maybe I had food poisoning? Also my sense of smell seems a little more sensitive...:shrug:

8-9dpo: Huge temp drop :growlmad: Probably gonna be turning this red in a couple days...

9-10dpo: Temp still low, slightly sore bbs, noticed light pink spotting while checking CP this morning... Probably gonna be out by tomorrow :af: Started having AF like cramps in the afternoon.
Malia sorry to hear your news. Good to see you back and being positive, very best of luck in getting your rainbow baby xx

So, back for cycle number 8 of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Swore I wasn't going to log every little symptom this month, yet here I am...😏

1-3 dpo: ff gave me ovulation day of cd12. Symptoms- skin breakout (mainly on cheeks). Creamy stickyish cm on cd2. Slightly pink cm on cd3.

4dpo: spotting/light bleeding noted after going to the toilet this morning, and again at lunchtime :(. Not sure what's goin on. Got gynae appt on weds so will speak with them.
Malia sorry to hear your news. Good to see you back and being positive, very best of luck in getting your rainbow baby xx

So, back for cycle number 8 of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Swore I wasn't going to log every little symptom this month, yet here I am...😏

1-3 dpo: ff gave me ovulation day of cd12. Symptoms- skin breakout (mainly on cheeks). Creamy stickyish cm on cd2.
Hey Mumof5 glad to see you're back :happydance:
I don't do O charts or meassure my BT, but acording to my period app, O was arround 11th or 12th, BD @1am on 12th and these are my simptomes:
1/2dpo- nothing much...
2-4dpo - mild cramps all arround my reproductive area, getting a lot of CM (which I don't have in that amoints, just some durring O time and before AF)
Today - soooo stressed! Because of my DD's fantastic negotiation with the landlord bi*ch, we havrle to move by 1st of May.. it was in our plan, but not in 13 days... anyways, it's been a hell of a eide for me today... bursting into tears in front of my boss is just a bit of my day...
CM dripping out of me, and the more i got angry, cramping got worse...

I know I need to chill a bit, but I just have a feeling that 13 days to pack and move is too much for me to handle.....

8/9 dpo: cramps are gone, cm is getting thicker and clumpy and I think AF will be here this month, it's due on sunday....
Did the test today, but it sure was BFN, but I belive it's way to early.... my curiosity was just stronger than me....
Hi all, I'm new on this forum. Currently 10dpo on cycle #2 TTC but thought I would share some of my symptoms. I don't measure temps or CM, so just guessing my ovulation date, but my cycles are pretty regular. I stopped birth control in October, but only been actively trying for the past 2 cycles. My mother had several issues with conceiving (I am a surprise baby after she gave up on the idea, and I have no siblings), so I have always wondered if I would have trouble conceiving.

1-6dpo - didn't notice anything especially unusual
7dpo - bad headache (almost like a migraine, pulsating when I moved)
8dpo - headache still there, symptoms of sadness/depression (cried 3 times in one day, once because I knocked something over in the kitchen :/ I never cry unless provoked by valid reasons!), very tired
9dpo - smelling things in the house that wouldn't normally bother me (we have pet ferrets who smell musky and I like the smell, but today they just smelt awful), very tired, severe lack of concentration and vagueness (I didn't hear several referee calls at my sport training and got sent off to serve a massive penalty for insubordination!)
10dpo - headache better, awful smells again (I swear the work sink smelt like vomit this morning), tired, hard to concentrate

All of this could just be adjustment to being back home (I was travelling overseas for the past 3 weeks). I have only ever experienced 'depression' symptoms like this once before, two months before we started TTC, so it could be just PMS. I haven't had any breast symptoms and no nausea, although I have been feeling a bit "off" (but this can happen before my period anyway). I am interested to see if these more unusual symptoms for me are just weird PMS this cycle, or successful conception!

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