Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi all

Big congrats to all who got their BFP
So I thought I'd add my "symptoms" so far this cycle.
I ov early and have an 18 day literal phase so the tww for me is almost three!
After trying for five years I don't bother testing I just wait for Aunt Flo to arrive just like she does every month bang on time :-(

We'll this cycle feels a little different so I thought I'd log it "just in case"

6dpo - gums bleed when brushing teeth
7dpo- extreme diarrhoea
8dpo - seems the diarrhoea last night has caused haemorrhoids (great!!!!)
9dpo- hot flushes and sweats
10dpo - dry/sore/scratchy throat, hot flushes
11dpo - same sore throat, hot flushes
12 dpo - same sore throat which developed into sniffly nose, severe hot flushes, feeling faint, slight nausea, lack of energy. First day off sick in over 4 years
13dpo- sniffly nose, horrible taste all day, diarrhoea, dry sticky lips, cramping, nausea, right nipple sensitive when caught by arm etc, weird stitch like twinges in right side, lack of energy and off work again as just feel "under the weather" . Insomnia as just couldn't cool down and kept waking up sweating
14dpo - queasiness in belly. Hard to explain just something not right, cramping throughout day on and off, nausea, gagged when brushing teeth, sore nipples when touched, struggled to stay awake past 8
15dpo - no appetite at all, nipples hurting, cramping like AF was here

Dust to all xx

when are you gonna POAS :winkwink:

Lol! When you've been trying as long as I have you don't bother POAS unless you really think there's a chance. If AF hasn't shown her ugly face by Tuesday then I will then.
I know my body like clockwork now and I always spot for 2 days prior so if there is none of that over the weekend I may start to get my hopes up. :thumbup:

How is everyone else doing? Xx
just checked my cm and it had a little pink in it, has anyone ever gotten pink in their cm and still got a BFP?? 15 dpo af is due in 6 days.
Hi ladies..

I am just wondering some things. I did not really notice much symptoms this month as hubby n i decided to just let nature take its course. I was afraid to have high hopes for a bfp but only to be disappointed again.

Anyway, what felt different this month was my body kept feeling hot since around ovulation day which was probably on 1st April and it continued on till today except for on 8th April (7dpo maybe) which i felt fine with none of the 'feeling hot' symptom but i had watery cm. I did check my temperature on and off and sometimes it reached a low grade fever temp but i didn't feel feverish or sick. Just hot. Unsure how to really describe it. Even hubby commented on the heat he felt by touching my hand or arms. Sometimes it feels like i'm coming down with a cold after i wake up from a nap but i'll feel fine after freshening myself up. Only thing that stayed with me was the heat!

Took a hpt on 10th April (9 dpo) but it was bfn of course. -_-
Anyone has any idea why this could be happening.. never felt this hot before... and i cant seem to sleep much lately although i feel extremely tired. More so than usual. i usually have no problems with sleep. Boobies feel a bit heavy but that's about it.. no cramps or anything.. AF is due on 15th April..

Help anyone?
Alright, back in for round #7 of ttc! My husband and I did conceive the last round, but sadly I miscarried at 6 weeks.... So here I am, back to try again! :happydance: hoping to get lucky with a sticky bean this time :winkwink:

1-3dpo: Nothing really
5star I've read a lot about Preseed on these boards but I haven't been able to find it at any stores locally. Britt told me I could possibly find it at Walgreens so I'll give that a go next month if this month is a bust.

Keep the faith hun fx for you
5star I've read a lot about Preseed on these boards but I haven't been able to find it at any stores locally. Britt told me I could possibly find it at Walgreens so I'll give that a go next month if this month is a bust.

Keep the faith hun fx for you
Hey Amy we found it at Target yesterday for 19.99 for 9 applicators.....we are excited to try it if we aren't pregnant this cycle....thanks for keeping ur fx mine are crossed for the both of us....I will know by Monday or Tuesday if we indeed got pregnant. ...anxiety is on 100 right now lol....keep me posted on ur updates
This is my first time posting here. I am 8dpo today. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but what do you guys think!?

I have been nauseas for a good 3-4 days. It sucks!
I am sleeping all day and all night!
My boobs are really sore on the sides. (2-3 days)
I had minimal cramping and spotting days 6-8 Dpo

Hi ladies.

Back for another cycle:

1-3 dpo: Nothing much except extremely moody.
4 dpo: Tender nipples and slight nausea in the morning.
5 dpo: Cramps in my abdomen - almost like what it feels like the day after working out at the gym after a long time absence. Slight twinges in my right side. Headache. Sticky yellowish cm.
6dpo: nausea and slightly dizzy. Creamy wet cm
7dpo: lower back ache for a few minutes in the morning. Headache - played bowls for 4 hours in the sun, so could be because of that. Tender breasts
8dpo: woke up with a sore throat and just plain feeling sick. Tender breasts still.
9dpo: Have full blown flu so can't really contribute any specific symptom towards pregnancy, except maybe the cramps I had in my abdomen... Had a spot of brownish red cm on TP when I wiped before going to bed.
10dpo: didn't sleep well - woke up about four times. headache!!
11dpo: flu/cold is starting to clear up a bit. Started spotting again (same as 9dpo). Headaches are persisting though. Saw some blue veins on my breasts last night and today but don't know if that is actually normal for me or not... :haha:
12 dpo: cold is lifting a bit, just a stuffy nose. Spotting still and (tmi!!!) dark red piece when checking my cm. Temp is way down so pretty sure AF is coming.
13 dpo: runny nose again. Feeling quite nauseous and yawning every 2 minutes. Spotting still but less than yesterday. Temps actually went up a bit...

I will be updating this post as the days pass.

Good luck to everyone and lots of :dust:
Even though we didn't try this cycle (so I won't count it as cycle #3) I still wanted to record my symptoms, just in case the unexpected happened! I think I may have ovulated either March 30th or 31st but I will go with the 31st! We BD on the 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st! I've bn having vivd dreams all week! hmmmmm

1 dpo-very bad gas
2 dpo-very very mild cramping, nothing to complain about....took an hr nap!
3 dpo-still some mild cramping...little cm in the undies....very tired took a 2 hr nap...cramps on my right side like ovulation cramps!
update....later tonight cramping feels more intense...more clear cm when I went to the bathroom....still very tired!
4 dpo-mild cramping and little to none cm...had a lot of energy, did 5 miles and came home and did a little spring cleaning...stayed in bed all day afterwards relaxing and watching other symptoms to report
even though we didn't try this cycle (meaning we didn't use any OPK's) im still getting discouraged about the little to no symptoms...would be excited if I am pregnant and kinda sad if im not
5 dpo-nothing really new except some weird pinching in my whoo hoo area smh....still the same mild cramping like AF is around the cm no sore boobs no stuffy or runny nose smh nothing...a girl at church yesterday told me she knew she was pregnant b/c her boobs were really sore...I have not the slight bit of soreness...starting to think that I won't get my Christmas baby :xmas3:
6 dpo-nothing at all.....feeling hopeless :cry:
7 dpo- little to no cm and no AF symptoms kinda confused this cycle :wacko:
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo-white cm in undies and it lasted through out the night....boobs felt heavier....good sign right :nope: uh no tested this morning at 10 dpo with FRER and got a BFN I would think if I was preggo the FRER would have at lteast picked up a faint line so disappointed...we have decided to go buy some preseed today for next cycle....anyone tried or heard of great reviews on it!
10 dpo-increase amount of cm boobs feels heavy
11 dpo-Nothing out of the ordinary of typical AF symptoms
808 - Sorry you're back so soon, but I wish you the very best moving forward.

5star - thank you! I will have to make a trip before next cycle. You're almost done with the TWW!!
Back again for another round of the TWW! O confirmed on CD19:

6dpo - Possible implantation dip on FF. POAS COMING SOON! Had some incredibly uncomfortable cramps really low in the pelvis last night that literally took my breath away.

7dpo - BFN on IC, huge temp spike, higher than at any point during the month thus far. I have no idea what this means. Very giddy today for some reason.

8dpo - BFN on IC, gassy, really awful lower back pain today. Usually this doesn't happen until AF so not sure... possibly due to packing and lifting? I'm not that out of shape though... sigh...
808 - Sorry you're back so soon, but I wish you the very best moving forward.

5star - thank you! I will have to make a trip before next cycle. You're almost done with the TWW!!
Yes Amy im almst done....Af should show her ugly face between today and tomorrow :growlmad: but it's ok im looking forward to next cycle :happydance:
Even though we didn't try this cycle (so I won't count it as cycle #3) I still wanted to record my symptoms, just in case the unexpected happened! I think I may have ovulated either March 30th or 31st but I will go with the 31st! We BD on the 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st! I've bn having vivd dreams all week! hmmmmm

1 dpo-very bad gas
2 dpo-very very mild cramping, nothing to complain about....took an hr nap!
3 dpo-still some mild cramping...little cm in the undies....very tired took a 2 hr nap...cramps on my right side like ovulation cramps!
update....later tonight cramping feels more intense...more clear cm when I went to the bathroom....still very tired!
4 dpo-mild cramping and little to none cm...had a lot of energy, did 5 miles and came home and did a little spring cleaning...stayed in bed all day afterwards relaxing and watching other symptoms to report
even though we didn't try this cycle (meaning we didn't use any OPK's) im still getting discouraged about the little to no symptoms...would be excited if I am pregnant and kinda sad if im not
5 dpo-nothing really new except some weird pinching in my whoo hoo area smh....still the same mild cramping like AF is around the cm no sore boobs no stuffy or runny nose smh nothing...a girl at church yesterday told me she knew she was pregnant b/c her boobs were really sore...I have not the slight bit of soreness...starting to think that I won't get my Christmas baby :xmas3:
6 dpo-nothing at all.....feeling hopeless
7 dpo- little to no cm and no AF symptoms kinda confused this cycle :wacko:
8 dpo- NOTHING
9 dpo-white cm in undies and it lasted through out the night....boobs felt heavier....good sign right uh no :nope: tested this morning at 10 dpo with FRER and got a :bfn: I would think if I was preggo the FRER would have at lteast picked up a faint line so disappointed...we have decided to go buy some preseed today for next cycle....anyone tried or heard of great reviews on it!
10 dpo-increase amount of cm boobs feels heavy
11 dpo-Nothing out of the ordinary of typical AF symptoms
12 dpo- mild Af and the OH bd :sex: this mornng hoping to bring on AF but so far nothing!
I got a chemical the last time I posted on here but i'm going to try and post symptoms again this cycle. Fingers crossed....

Ovulated PM - cramps and discomfort in left ovary and lower back. Bloated last 2 days-+opk
1dpo, AM, got a bit of stretchy, cloudy slightly sticky cm- presume post ovulation cm. Bloated
2 - 3 dpo. Bloated tummy and don't want to wear anything tight.
4 dpo bit bloated, very irritable :growlmad: poor husband :wacko: not much up for wine (not like me :blush:) .
5 dpo very tired even though had 11 hours sleep. Had O in sleep :blush: not much up for wine.
6 dpo very tired (but only got 6 hours), groggy feeling, bloated tummy, runny tummy (:blush:tmi) in AM. creamy cm.
7dpo groggy tired again, creamy cm, slight cramps (almost like runny tummy cramps), very hungry after large meal
Alright, back in for round #7 of ttc! My husband and I did conceive the last round, but sadly I miscarried at 6 weeks.... So here I am, back to try again! :happydance: hoping to get lucky with a sticky bean this time :winkwink:

1-3dpo: Nothing really
3-6dpo: Not much to report except a really strange dream that I had already given birth, but didn't remember ever being pregnant or giving birth... Very strange dream, it felt so real!
Even though we didn't try this cycle (so I won't count it as cycle #3) I still wanted to record my symptoms, just in case the unexpected happened! I think I may have ovulated either March 30th or 31st but I will go with the 31st! We BD on the 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st! I've bn having vivd dreams all week! hmmmmm

1 dpo-very bad gas
2 dpo-very very mild cramping, nothing to complain about....took an hr nap!
3 dpo-still some mild cramping...little cm in the undies....very tired took a 2 hr nap...cramps on my right side like ovulation cramps!
update....later tonight cramping feels more intense...more clear cm when I went to the bathroom....still very tired!
4 dpo-mild cramping and little to none cm...had a lot of energy, did 5 miles and came home and did a little spring cleaning...stayed in bed all day afterwards relaxing and watching other symptoms to report
even though we didn't try this cycle (meaning we didn't use any OPK's) im still getting discouraged about the little to no symptoms...would be excited if I am pregnant and kinda sad if im not
5 dpo-nothing really new except some weird pinching in my whoo hoo area smh....still the same mild cramping like AF is around the cm no sore boobs no stuffy or runny nose smh nothing...a girl at church yesterday told me she knew she was pregnant b/c her boobs were really sore...I have not the slight bit of soreness...starting to think that I won't get my Christmas baby :xmas3:
6 dpo-nothing at all.....feeling hopeless :cry:
7 dpo- little to no cm and no AF symptoms kinda confused this cycle
8 dpo- NOTHING :nope:
9 dpo-white cm in undies and it lasted through out the night....boobs felt heavier....good sign right uh :nope: tested this morning at 10 dpo with FRER and got a :bfn: I would think if I was preggo the FRER would have at least picked up a faint line so disappointed...we have decided to go buy some preseed today for next cycle....anyone tried or heard of great reviews on it!
10 dpo-increase amount of cm boobs feels heavy
11 dpo-Nothing out of the ordinary of typical AF symptoms
12 dpo- mild :af: and the OH bd this mornng hoping to bring on :af: but so far nothing!
13 dpo- mild :af: like cramps....little more cm...this usually happens a day before :af: shows her face :growlmad:
will be looking for :af: sometime I am 14 dpo but I always update the next day b/c of course I can't update the same day lol so 13 dpo was from yesterday.....:dust: to all of you expecting your :bfp:
Hello all....Ive been reading through some of the posts in here and figured i would join in. TTC #1 and was diagnosed with PCOS... i was put on a couple supplements and here i am this month.

I think i O'd on CD 19,20,21

DPO 1-4 were mainly no symptoms... maybe a little nauseous.
DPO 5- Headache, nipple soreness
DPO 6-9- has been very gassy, indigestion, cramping like AF is coming. CM is white glue. Nipples are VERY VERY sensitive and i also notice my nipple itself has a white color to it.
DPO 10 was this morning and showing same symptoms as above. Tested this morning with a wondfo... thought i could see a line... then did a 4 hour hold and tested with FREP and showed negative.
DPO 11 same symptoms as the other days. Super sore nipples and my lower back is killing me today as well as slight pinches in the lower abdomen area. Trying to stick to not testing today.
Alright, back in for round #7 of ttc! My husband and I did conceive the last round, but sadly I miscarried at 6 weeks.... So here I am, back to try again! :happydance: hoping to get lucky with a sticky bean this time :winkwink: I think FF has my O date 2 days later than I actually did... I guess we'll see!

1-3dpo: Nothing really

3-6dpo: Not much to report except a really strange dream that I had already given birth, but didn't remember ever being pregnant or giving birth... Very strange dream, it felt so real!

6-7dpo: Huge temp spike! Starting to feel kinda sick...chills and tummy cramps/bloating ugh...

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