Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)


Originally Posted by mommysbabys11 View Post

:So, we're totally not trying... And to be honest the only reason I'm even paying attention to anything at all is my hormones are messed up and I'm trying to resolve that with the docs. That being said, we're both early 30s, and a little bean wouldn't be so bad my cycles are about 26 days long.

CD1-CD8 AF (BD CD 4&6)


CD10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

CD11 VERY large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish I had taken a picture) Migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on V. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

CD12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

CD13 Oed today according to period tracker (not sure when I actually Oed, so lets just use that day LOL) Light different cramps then I'm used to, not painful just "there" I'm still hot

1DPO light different cramps again, hot

2DPO big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3DPO -6DPO Light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6DPO I took a picture of the discharge BC it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7DPO same light cramping, VERY emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if I'm waiting for AF shouldn't I be dry out at least not producing EWCM??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in AM. Gassy

8DPO BDed last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling VERY wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for AF is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. CM watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

This discharge stuff is what's making me question. We don't use protection. My cycle is very thrown off (apparently I have very high DHEA levels which can throw off your cycle, and actually render you infertile... Which is probably why I'm hoping a BFP is coming! However, I did just see that supposedly dhea serum levels rise during pregnancy....!)

Anyone else get a BFP after strange discharge???

Also, is this strange light cramping I'm having what others consider heavy or pulling? I don't really know how to explain it, it's a dull pain... HELP LADIES!!! it's too soon to test and I'm going nuts!!!

9DPO gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. CM is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. CP is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and I had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

I don't want to test and get sad. Even though we're not trying, any time i have an idea that there's a possibility of a sticky bean and I don't get double lines my heart breaks a little. AF is due Monday 8/3...

Any input ladies? Opinions???

Hi ladies!!! I am back after a break.
I didn't really feel like trying again for a while after my second miscarriage...
anyways, here i am and on O day!!
I took a round of 150 mg clomid this cycle, so fx it does the trick again!!

0 dpo/ O day - fatigue, cramping, nausea, decreased appetite, cravings but can't figure out for what, dtd + preseed.

1 dpo - fatigue, cramping, bubbly feeling in uterus, decreased appetite, another very + opk, dtd + preseed.

2 dpo - fatigue, BAD insomnia, cramping, bubbly uterus, bloated, decreased appetite, bad nausea, head ache, strong line on opk still but is a bit more negative now, dtd

3 dpo - bad nausea again, fatigue, insomnia, decreased appetite, back aches.

4 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, decreased appetite, back aches, painful af like cramps, cranky.

5 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, back ache, af like cramps (not as bad now), emotional.

6 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, back ache, light af like cramps, emotional.

7 dpo - fatigue, insomnia, bad back ache, af like cramps, emotional. Super vivid and realistic dreams.

8 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, bad back ache, af like cramps, constipation followed by diarrhea, very emotional. Took hpt and it was negative of course.

9 dpo - nausea, fatigue, insomnia, back ache, strong cramps on right side, boob twinges, emotional. Took frer, possible bfp but it is VERY faint if it is. I probably have line eyes.

10 dpo - fatigue, insomnia, cramps. That's about it. :/

11 dpo - slept all day, fatigue, sharp cramps, dizzy, irritable, boob twinge. Bfn on frer. Thinking I am out.
Doctor had order betas so I should have confirmation tomorrow.

12 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, cramps, dizzy, irritable, sore nipples, sensitive to smells, doctor had me start prometrium 400 mg on 11 dpo which would explain new symptomd. Not sure why as the hcg results came back negative. She wants me to retest everything next week. :/
I know I am out. Just wishing she wouldn't drag it out.

I can relate to doctors dragging things out and wanting you to wait and retest... I've been dealing with quite a bit of it lately... I'm hoping these DHEA levels aren't going to affect my fertility... I guess I'll find more out tomorrow at the appointment... FX
Just stay as positive as you can and stay on your doctor. That's the best advice I can give.
CD 19 - OVULATION :happydance::happydance::sex: in AM :hugs: Cramping!!! EWCM confirmed Ovulation on CD18 with opk. :sex: in PM

CD 20 - 1DPO - CRAMPING lots of it, Acne, headache pulling and tugging in ovary areas...especially right side.:shrug: :sex: P.M. LOTS OF WATERY CM, headaches.

CD 21 - 2DPO - :sex: A.M. cramping and LOTS of Watery CM :sex: P.M.

CD 22 - 3DPO - :sex: A.M. Boobies sore alil and some cramping.....nothing else as of yet....

4DPO- backaches, acne, sore throat, cramps and pinching on right side ovary area :shrug: , Headache, alil nausea......

5DPO- bad Headache, bad diarrhea, :nope: nauseated... update more as day progresses.. Cramps and pinches on right side.......boobies hurting around my armpits

6DPO- gag/vomited, achy cramps on both sides, midsection feels sore, boobies slightly sore, dizzy, runny nose, acne, shortness of breath :coffee: i stayed nauseated all freaking day, blue veins all over chest, extremely bitchy :growlmad:

7DPO - nauseated again this morning like there is a burning sensation to gag idk :shrug: , boobs hurt and throbbing, runny nose again, crampy on just left side now but they are like pinches, moody, sense of smell has increased i think...... that is all for now....:coffee: and we :sex: in p.m.

8DPO - nauseated again, boobies hurt, constant burning sensation in stomach area, still crampy like pinches here and there, cm is creamy and wet, cp is high, soft, and closed. i can smell certain things stronger than others:wacko: i just don't want to be disappointed again. :cry: and tired alot

Going crazy this TWW with new symptoms and highs and lows of hope and doubt. So, putting in my symptoms:

CD 19 – Using as my O day – OPK was darker but not as dark as positive test last cycle
1-7 DPO (CD 20-27) Throughout this time (not all at once!): Sore BBs, hair falling out, bloating, stomach ache, nausea, CP off centered, fatigue, cramps, cravings, emotional
8 DPO (CD 25) FRER BFN, emotional
10 DPO (CD 30) Extremely sensitive/painful nipples, never experienced this before
11 DPO (CD 31) BFN, Bloating, Tired, sensitive/painful nipples
12 DPO (CD 32) BFN, Emotional, sensitive/painful nipples, tired (unable to run despite several rest days), felt overwhelmed
13 DPO (CD 33) BFN, Super tired, especially in the morning, no sensitive nipples, but CM white/thick (obvious – hadn’t intentionally been checking), CP high and soft

14 DPO (CD 34) BFN with FRER, was expecting AF today but with prev. cycles being as long as 42 days, maybe its still early. However, CM is not as noticeable today and I'm having some cramps - feeling like AF is on her way. Most likely, I'm out.
Hi ladies!!! I am back after a break.
I didn't really feel like trying again for a while after my second miscarriage...
anyways, here i am and on O day!!
I took a round of 150 mg clomid this cycle, so fx it does the trick again!!

0 dpo/ O day - fatigue, cramping, nausea, decreased appetite, cravings but can't figure out for what, dtd + preseed.

1 dpo - fatigue, cramping, bubbly feeling in uterus, decreased appetite, another very + opk, dtd + preseed.

2 dpo - fatigue, BAD insomnia, cramping, bubbly uterus, bloated, decreased appetite, bad nausea, head ache, strong line on opk still but is a bit more negative now, dtd

3 dpo - bad nausea again, fatigue, insomnia, decreased appetite, back aches.

4 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, decreased appetite, back aches, painful af like cramps, cranky.

5 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, back ache, af like cramps (not as bad now), emotional.

6 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, back ache, light af like cramps, emotional.

7 dpo - fatigue, insomnia, bad back ache, af like cramps, emotional. Super vivid and realistic dreams.

8 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, insomnia, bad back ache, af like cramps, constipation followed by diarrhea, very emotional. Took hpt and it was negative of course.

9 dpo - nausea, fatigue, insomnia, back ache, strong cramps on right side, boob twinges, emotional. Took frer, possible bfp but it is VERY faint if it is. I probably have line eyes.

10 dpo - fatigue, insomnia, cramps. That's about it. :/

11 dpo - slept all day, fatigue, sharp cramps, dizzy, irritable, boob twinge. Bfn on frer. Thinking I am out.
Doctor had order betas so I should have confirmation tomorrow.

12 dpo - slight nausea, fatigue, cramps, dizzy, irritable, sore nipples, sensitive to smells, doctor had me start prometrium 400 mg on 11 dpo which would explain new symptomd. Not sure why as the hcg results came back negative. She wants me to retest everything next week. :/
I know I am out. Just wishing she wouldn't drag it out.

13 dpo - slight spotting in evening, fatigue, insomnia, sensitive to smells, sore nipples, emotional.

14 dpo - heavier spotting so I'm going to call it as af. Back aches blah blah blah who needs to know after this. See you all after ovulation.

Does anyone know how to turn this red over a phone? I'm too lazy to get on my computer lol
:So, we're totally not trying... And to be honest the only reason I'm even paying attention to anything at all is my hormones are messed up and I'm trying to resolve that with the docs. That being said, we're both early 30s, and a little bean wouldn't be so bad my cycles are about 26 days long.

CD1-CD8 AF (BD CD 4&6)


CD10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

CD11 VERY large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish I had taken a picture) Migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on V. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

CD12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

CD13 Oed today according to period tracker (not sure when I actually Oed, so lets just use that day LOL) Light different cramps then I'm used to, not painful just "there" I'm still hot

1DPO light different cramps again, hot

2DPO big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3DPO -6DPO Light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6DPO I took a picture of the discharge BC it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7DPO same light cramping, VERY emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if I'm waiting for AF shouldn't I be dry out at least not producing EWCM??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in AM. Gassy

8DPO BDed last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling VERY wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for AF is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. CM watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

This discharge stuff is what's making me question. We don't use protection. My cycle is very thrown off (apparently I have very high DHEA levels which can throw off your cycle, and actually render you infertile... Which is probably why I'm hoping a BFP is coming! However, I did just see that supposedly dhea serum levels rise during pregnancy....!)

Anyone else get a BFP after strange discharge???

Also, is this strange light cramping I'm having what others consider heavy or pulling? I don't really know how to explain it, it's a dull pain... HELP LADIES!!! it's too soon to test and I'm going nuts!!!

9DPO gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. CM is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. CP is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and I had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10DPO emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.

I don't want to test and get sad. Even though we're not trying, any time i have an idea that there's a possibility of a sticky bean and I don't get double lines my heart breaks a little. AF is due Monday 8/3...

Hello everyone! - I just wanted to start by saying that I have pretty much read through this entire thread and I really appreciate all the info.

A little background info about me:
DH and I are officially waiting to try but I went off birth control 2 months ago so technically we are NTNP. That being said, ideally we still want to wait until next year but we are aware that there is a risk of us getting pregnant sooner. I have been charting symptoms just to get to know my cycle better but something about this cycle is making me wonder if there is even the slightest possibility of pregnancy.

It's my first time doing this so I hope I'm doing this right.

O day - lots of EWCM, more than I've ever had.
1 DPO - heavy episode of typical ovulation cramping on the right side
2 - 3 DPO Nothing really except that I was extremely gassy
4 DPO - very minor twinges in abdomen, nosebleed in the middle of the night, had a horrible sleep

But it's today's symptoms that have got me wondering. I know the chances of pregnancy are really very minimal considering we're not even trying, but here goes:

5DPO - From the moment I woke up, I was having some pretty intrusive cramping in my upper and lower abdomen (it moved around and felt like a mix between indigestion and AF cramps). I wasn't doubled over, but it was relentless cramps for around 4 hours. It has now petered out and turned to gentle flutters on my right side close to the pubic bone. Sometimes I feel it more when I'm walking around or urinating.

Another thing that's been 'off' is that I haven't had any nipple soreness and that usually happens to me during ovulation.

But that's all for now - thanks again for this awesome thread!
3dpo: very emotional, some twinges in lower abdomen
Night of 6/7dpo: painful left sided cramps for half an hour, then woke up very hungry in the am
:So, we're totally not trying... And to be honest the only reason I'm even paying attention to anything at all is my hormones are messed up and I'm trying to resolve that with the docs. That being said, we're both early 30s, and a little bean wouldn't be so bad my cycles are about 26 days long.

CD1-CD8 AF (BD CD 4&6)


CD10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

CD11 VERY large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish I had taken a picture) Migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on V. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

CD12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

CD13 Oed today according to period tracker (not sure when I actually Oed, so lets just use that day LOL) Light different cramps then I'm used to, not painful just "there" I'm still hot

1DPO light different cramps again, hot

2DPO big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3DPO -6DPO Light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6DPO I took a picture of the discharge BC it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7DPO same light cramping, VERY emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if I'm waiting for AF shouldn't I be dry out at least not producing EWCM??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in AM. Gassy

8DPO BDed last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling VERY wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for AF is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. CM watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

This discharge stuff is what's making me question. We don't use protection. My cycle is very thrown off (apparently I have very high DHEA levels which can throw off your cycle, and actually render you infertile... Which is probably why I'm hoping a BFP is coming! However, I did just see that supposedly dhea serum levels rise during pregnancy....!)

Anyone else get a BFP after strange discharge???

Also, is this strange light cramping I'm having what others consider heavy or pulling? I don't really know how to explain it, it's a dull pain... HELP LADIES!!! it's too soon to test and I'm going nuts!!!

9DPO gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. CM is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. CP is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and I had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10DPO emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.

I don't want to test and get sad. Even though we're not trying, any time i have an idea that there's a possibility of a sticky bean and I don't get double lines my heart breaks a little. AF is due Monday 8/3...


Good luck, keep us posted. I also had discharge 12-13DPO, but with w/ BFN, so I'm not sure what's going on. Hoping you get some good news on 8/3!
So, we're totally not trying... And to be honest the only reason I'm even paying attention to anything at all is my hormones are messed up and I'm trying to resolve that with the docs. That being said, we're both early 30s, and a little bean wouldn't be so bad my cycles are about 26 days long.

CD1-CD8 AF (BD CD 4&6)


CD10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

CD11 VERY large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish I had taken a picture) Migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on V. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

CD12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

CD13 Oed today according to period tracker (not sure when I actually Oed, so lets just use that day LOL) Light different cramps then I'm used to, not painful just "there" I'm still hot

1DPO light different cramps again, hot

2DPO big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3DPO -6DPO Light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6DPO I took a picture of the discharge BC it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7DPO same light cramping, VERY emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if I'm waiting for AF shouldn't I be dry out at least not producing EWCM??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in AM. Gassy

8DPO BDed last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling VERY wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for AF is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. CM watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

This discharge stuff is what's making me question. We don't use protection. My cycle is very thrown off (apparently I have very high DHEA levels which can throw off your cycle, and actually render you infertile... Which is probably why I'm hoping a BFP is coming! However, I did just see that supposedly dhea serum levels rise during pregnancy....!)

Anyone else get a BFP after strange discharge???

Also, is this strange light cramping I'm having what others consider heavy or pulling? I don't really know how to explain it, it's a dull pain... HELP LADIES!!! it's too soon to test and I'm going nuts!!!

9DPO gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. CM is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. CP is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and I had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10DPO emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) bloated and gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.
CP is high and soft

11DPO verrrry constipated then upset belly and diarrhea (sorry tmi lol) same dull cramping, EVERY DAY since ovulation... That's different. Bloated and gassy. CP medium high and tilted to the left, slightly open it seems, CM is creamy and lotiony, doesn't feel like a lot but there is some on panty liner. Throat is still sore, noticed it was worse than I thought today while singing lol.

I don't want to test and get sad. Even though we're not trying, any time i have an idea that there's a possibility of a sticky bean and I don't get double lines my heart breaks a little. AF is due Monday 8/3... I'm doing well on not testing so far!

CD 19 - OVULATION :happydance::happydance::sex: in AM :hugs: Cramping!!! EWCM confirmed Ovulation on CD18 with opk. :sex: in PM

CD 20 - 1DPO - CRAMPING lots of it, Acne, headache pulling and tugging in ovary areas...especially right side.:shrug: :sex: P.M. LOTS OF WATERY CM, headaches.

CD 21 - 2DPO - :sex: A.M. cramping and LOTS of Watery CM :sex: P.M.

CD 22 - 3DPO - :sex: A.M. Boobies sore alil and some cramping.....nothing else as of yet....

4DPO- backaches, acne, sore throat, cramps and pinching on right side ovary area :shrug: , Headache, alil nausea......

5DPO- bad Headache, bad diarrhea, :nope: nauseated... update more as day progresses.. Cramps and pinches on right side.......boobies hurting around my armpits

6DPO- gag/vomited, achy cramps on both sides, midsection feels sore, boobies slightly sore, dizzy, runny nose, acne, shortness of breath :coffee: i stayed nauseated all freaking day, blue veins all over chest, extremely bitchy :growlmad:

7DPO - nauseated again this morning like there is a burning sensation to gag idk :shrug: , boobs hurt and throbbing, runny nose again, crampy on just left side now but they are like pinches, moody, sense of smell has increased i think...... that is all for now....:coffee: and we :sex: in p.m.

8DPO - nauseated again, boobies hurt, constant burning sensation in stomach area, still crampy like pinches here and there, cm is creamy and wet, cp is high, soft, and closed. i can smell certain things stronger than others:wacko: i just don't want to be disappointed again. :cry: and tired alot :sex: times 2 in P.M.

9DPO - :sex: in A.M., slight nausea, tender breasts, pains shooting into crotch, VERY sharp cramp pains that dont last long at all:nope: headache, gassy, and had a bout of diarrhea... :sick:

Good luck, keep us posted. I also had discharge 12-13DPO, but with w/ BFN, so I'm not sure what's going on. Hoping you get some good news on 8/3!
Happy Yogi...

Did you have discharge 12-13 dpo or cd12-13? Mine started at cd 11 and has basically been straight through (just different discharge then I've ever had).

And thanks! We'll see I suppose... I won't even buy a test yet cuz I know I'll break lol. If my body gives me a legit reason to check, aka late period, I will. Until then, I'm remaining hopeful without getting my hopes up :)
CD1-CD8 AF (BD CD 4&6)


CD10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

CD11 VERY large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish I had taken a picture) Migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on V. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

CD12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

CD13 Oed today according to period tracker (not sure when I actually Oed, so lets just use that day LOL) Light different cramps then I'm used to, not painful just "there" I'm still hot

1DPO light different cramps again, hot

2DPO big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3DPO -6DPO Light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6DPO I took a picture of the discharge BC it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7DPO same light cramping, VERY emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if I'm waiting for AF shouldn't I be dry out at least not producing EWCM??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in AM. Gassy

8DPO BDed last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling VERY wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for AF is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. CM watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

This discharge stuff is what's making me question. We don't use protection. My cycle is very thrown off (apparently I have very high DHEA levels which can throw off your cycle, and actually render you infertile... Which is probably why I'm hoping a BFP is coming! However, I did just see that supposedly dhea serum levels rise during pregnancy....!)

Anyone else get a BFP after strange discharge???

Also, is this strange light cramping I'm having what others consider heavy or pulling? I don't really know how to explain it, it's a dull pain... HELP LADIES!!! it's too soon to test and I'm going nuts!!!

9DPO gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. CM is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. CP is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and I had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10DPO emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) bloated and gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.
CP is high and soft

11DPO verrrry constipated then upset belly and diarrhea (sorry tmi lol) same dull cramping, EVERY DAY since ovulation... That's different. Bloated and gassy. CP medium high and tilted to the left, slightly open it seems, CM is creamy and lotiony, doesn't feel like a lot but there is some on panty liner. Throat is still sore, noticed it was worse than I thought today while singing lol.

12DPO Same weird cramping. Feeling very wet, not much coming out. Still have a sore throat. No bowel movements all day (EXTREMELY rare for me), but don't feel constipated. Some back pain.

I don't want to test and get sad. Even though we're not trying, any time i have an idea that there's a possibility of a sticky bean and I don't get double lines my heart breaks a little. AF is due Monday 8/3... I'm doing well on not testing so far!

Good morning ladies. I was reading through and realized I hadn't posted any symptoms last cycle when I got my bfp. Unfortunately 6 days later that ended and it was over. Had a checkup after that and got the green light to try again this month so here I am again..

O day ....... loads of EWCM more than the 6 days preceding it
1 dpo . ..... continued ovulation pain due to a cyst on the ovary I ovulated from...
2 dpo... pain less , tired, backache and cramping, slightly nauseated, decreased appetite
3 dpo.... decreased appetite, bland sickly taste in mouth, constipated, headache, gassy, backache, cramping, slightly nauseated, shooting stabbing pains in breasts
4 dpo.....loss of appetite, nausea more prominent, backache, headache, full feeling in tummy, gassy, stabbing shooting pains in breasts
5 dpo.... nausea, food aversions, decreased appetite, sickly brassy taste in mouth, fullness in tummy and breasts with slight soreness inside breasts, nauseated, highest bbt I've ever recorded since I was temping......ever.. (today 2/8/15)

That's it so far, hope everyone is well today...:dust: and GL to you all...
cd1-cd8 af (bd cd 4&6)

cd9 bd

cd10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

cd11 very large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish i had taken a picture) migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on v. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

Cd12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

cd13 oed today according to period tracker (not sure when i actually oed, so lets just use that day lol) light different cramps then i'm used to, not painful just "there" i'm still hot

1dpo light different cramps again, hot

2dpo big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3dpo -6dpo light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6dpo i took a picture of the discharge bc it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7dpo same light cramping, very emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if i'm waiting for af shouldn't i be dry out at least not producing ewcm??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in am. Gassy

8dpo bded last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling very wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for af is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. Cm watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

This discharge stuff is what's making me question. We don't use protection. My cycle is very thrown off (apparently i have very high dhea levels which can throw off your cycle, and actually render you infertile... Which is probably why i'm hoping a bfp is coming! However, i did just see that supposedly dhea serum levels rise during pregnancy....!)

anyone else get a bfp after strange discharge???

Also, is this strange light cramping i'm having what others consider heavy or pulling? I don't really know how to explain it, it's a dull pain... Help ladies!!! It's too soon to test and i'm going nuts!!!

9dpo gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. Cm is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. Cp is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and i had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10dpo emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) bloated and gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.
Cp is high and soft

11dpo verrrry constipated then upset belly and diarrhea (sorry tmi lol) same dull cramping, every day since ovulation... That's different. Bloated and gassy. Cp medium high and tilted to the left, slightly open it seems, cm is creamy and lotiony, doesn't feel like a lot but there is some on panty liner. Throat is still sore, noticed it was worse than i thought today while singing lol.

12dpo same weird cramping. Feeling very wet, not much coming out. Still have a sore throat. No bowel movements all day (extremely rare for me), but don't feel constipated. Some back pain.

13dpo threw up while brushing my teeth in am. Almost threw up 2 other times today. Severe migraine is back. Stomach is upset all day, with same weird cramping going on. Constipated (1 bm all day, very strange for me). We dtd, usually makes my migraine go away, not this time! Still have a sore throat. Some back pain. Feeling wet before and after dtd.

I don't want to test and get sad. Even though we're not trying, any time i have an idea that there's a possibility of a sticky bean and i don't get double lines my heart breaks a little. Af is due tomorrow i'm doing well on not testing so far!

CD 19 - OVULATION :happydance::happydance::sex: in AM :hugs: Cramping!!! EWCM confirmed Ovulation on CD18 with opk. :sex: in PM

CD 20 - 1DPO - CRAMPING lots of it, Acne, headache pulling and tugging in ovary areas...especially right side.:shrug: :sex: P.M. LOTS OF WATERY CM, headaches.

CD 21 - 2DPO - :sex: A.M. cramping and LOTS of Watery CM :sex: P.M.

CD 22 - 3DPO - :sex: A.M. Boobies sore alil and some cramping.....nothing else as of yet....

4DPO- backaches, acne, sore throat, cramps and pinching on right side ovary area :shrug: , Headache, alil nausea......

5DPO- bad Headache, bad diarrhea, :nope: nauseated... update more as day progresses.. Cramps and pinches on right side.......boobies hurting around my armpits

6DPO- gag/vomited, achy cramps on both sides, midsection feels sore, boobies slightly sore, dizzy, runny nose, acne, shortness of breath :coffee: i stayed nauseated all freaking day, blue veins all over chest, extremely bitchy :growlmad:

7DPO - nauseated again this morning like there is a burning sensation to gag idk :shrug: , boobs hurt and throbbing, runny nose again, crampy on just left side now but they are like pinches, moody, sense of smell has increased i think...... that is all for now....:coffee: and we :sex: in p.m.

8DPO - nauseated again, boobies hurt, constant burning sensation in stomach area, still crampy like pinches here and there, cm is creamy and wet, cp is high, soft, and closed. i can smell certain things stronger than others:wacko: i just don't want to be disappointed again. :cry: and tired alot :sex: times 2 in P.M.

9DPO - :sex: in A.M., slight nausea, tender breasts, pains shooting into crotch, VERY sharp cramp pains that dont last long at all:nope: headache, gassy, and had a bout of diarrhea... :sick:

10DPO- :sex: a.m., realy bad cramps today like af, slight runny nose, upset stomach bad but i couldnt "go", had BAD backaches, very creamy

11DPO - :sex: A.M., light cold, lots of dizziness, light nausea, cleaned my house from top to bottom, sleepy, and more backaches...:growlmad:

12 DPO - a.m. Very light line on a Dollar Cheapie, YAYYY :happydance::happydance: i hope this is it, i am nauseated, and still having af cramps....and still having really bad backache!!!

CD 19 - OVULATION :happydance::happydance::sex: in AM :hugs: Cramping!!! EWCM confirmed Ovulation on CD18 with opk. :sex: in PM

CD 20 - 1DPO - CRAMPING lots of it, Acne, headache pulling and tugging in ovary areas...especially right side.:shrug: :sex: P.M. LOTS OF WATERY CM, headaches.

CD 21 - 2DPO - :sex: A.M. cramping and LOTS of Watery CM :sex: P.M.

CD 22 - 3DPO - :sex: A.M. Boobies sore alil and some cramping.....nothing else as of yet....

4DPO- backaches, acne, sore throat, cramps and pinching on right side ovary area :shrug: , Headache, alil nausea......

5DPO- bad Headache, bad diarrhea, :nope: nauseated... update more as day progresses.. Cramps and pinches on right side.......boobies hurting around my armpits

6DPO- gag/vomited, achy cramps on both sides, midsection feels sore, boobies slightly sore, dizzy, runny nose, acne, shortness of breath :coffee: i stayed nauseated all freaking day, blue veins all over chest, extremely bitchy :growlmad:

7DPO - nauseated again this morning like there is a burning sensation to gag idk :shrug: , boobs hurt and throbbing, runny nose again, crampy on just left side now but they are like pinches, moody, sense of smell has increased i think...... that is all for now....:coffee: and we :sex: in p.m.

8DPO - nauseated again, boobies hurt, constant burning sensation in stomach area, still crampy like pinches here and there, cm is creamy and wet, cp is high, soft, and closed. i can smell certain things stronger than others:wacko: i just don't want to be disappointed again. :cry: and tired alot :sex: times 2 in P.M.

9DPO - :sex: in A.M., slight nausea, tender breasts, pains shooting into crotch, VERY sharp cramp pains that dont last long at all:nope: headache, gassy, and had a bout of diarrhea... :sick:

10DPO- :sex: a.m., realy bad cramps today like af, slight runny nose, upset stomach bad but i couldnt "go", had BAD backaches, very creamy

11DPO - :sex: A.M., light cold, lots of dizziness, light nausea, cleaned my house from top to bottom, sleepy, and more backaches...:growlmad:

12 DPO - a.m. Very light line on a Dollar Cheapie, YAYYY :happydance::happydance: i hope this is it, i am nauseated, and still having af cramps....

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! I'm still waiting until tomorrow when I'm late to test :)
cd1-cd8 af (bd cd 4&6)

cd9 bd

cd10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

cd11 very large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish i had taken a picture) migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on v. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

Cd12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

cd13 oed today according to period tracker (not sure when i actually oed, so lets just use that day lol) light different cramps then i'm used to, not painful just "there" i'm still hot

1dpo light different cramps again, hot

2dpo big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3dpo -6dpo light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6dpo i took a picture of the discharge bc it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7dpo same light cramping, very emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if i'm waiting for af shouldn't i be dry out at least not producing ewcm??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in am. Gassy

8dpo bded last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling very wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for af is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. Cm watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

This discharge stuff is what's making me question. We don't use protection. My cycle is very thrown off (apparently i have very high dhea levels which can throw off your cycle, and actually render you infertile... Which is probably why i'm hoping a bfp is coming! However, i did just see that supposedly dhea serum levels rise during pregnancy....!)

anyone else get a bfp after strange discharge???

Also, is this strange light cramping i'm having what others consider heavy or pulling? I don't really know how to explain it, it's a dull pain... Help ladies!!! It's too soon to test and i'm going nuts!!!

9dpo gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. Cm is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. Cp is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and i had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10dpo emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) bloated and gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.
Cp is high and soft

11dpo verrrry constipated then upset belly and diarrhea (sorry tmi lol) same dull cramping, every day since ovulation... That's different. Bloated and gassy. Cp medium high and tilted to the left, slightly open it seems, cm is creamy and lotiony, doesn't feel like a lot but there is some on panty liner. Throat is still sore, noticed it was worse than i thought today while singing lol.

12dpo same weird cramping. Feeling very wet, not much coming out. Still have a sore throat. No bowel movements all day (extremely rare for me), but don't feel constipated. Some back pain.

13dpo threw up while brushing my teeth in am. Almost threw up 2 other times today. Severe migraine is back. Stomach is upset all day, with same weird cramping going on. Constipated (1 bm all day, very strange for me). We dtd, usually makes my migraine go away, not this time! Still have a sore throat. Some back pain. Feeling wet before and after dtd. High CP, wet CM. Heartburn at night. Nauseated all day. Gassy

14DPO AF DUE! She didn't get me yet... Feeling very wet. CM is clear/White creamy & wet??? (have to wipe multiple times) gassy. Same cramping, but a little more dull. Bad diarrhea first thing in AM

I don't want to test and get sad. Even though we're not trying, any time i have an idea that there's a possibility of a sticky bean and i don't get double lines my heart breaks a little. Af is due tomorrow i'm doing well on not testing so far!


Hmmmm.... One more day until testing! (updated in quote!)
Good luck, keep us posted. I also had discharge 12-13DPO, but with w/ BFN, so I'm not sure what's going on. Hoping you get some good news on 8/3!
Happy Yogi...

Did you have discharge 12-13 dpo or cd12-13? Mine started at cd 11 and has basically been straight through (just different discharge then I've ever had).

And thanks! We'll see I suppose... I won't even buy a test yet cuz I know I'll break lol. If my body gives me a legit reason to check, aka late period, I will. Until then, I'm remaining hopeful without getting my hopes up :)

It was 12-13DPO, and only lasted a day. Today is ~17DPO, and still no word on if its AF or BFP, although I'm still only seeing BFN's.

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