Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Going crazy this TWW with new symptoms and highs and lows of hope and doubt. So, putting in my symptoms:

CD 19 – Using as my O day – OPK was darker but not as dark as positive test last cycle
1-7 DPO (CD 20-27) Throughout this time (not all at once!): Sore BBs, hair falling out, bloating, stomach ache, nausea, CP off centered, fatigue, cramps, cravings, emotional
8 DPO (CD 25) FRER BFN, emotional
10 DPO (CD 30) Extremely sensitive/painful nipples, never experienced this before
11 DPO (CD 31) BFN, Bloating, Tired, sensitive/painful nipples
12 DPO (CD 32) BFN, Emotional, sensitive/painful nipples, tired (unable to run despite several rest days), felt overwhelmed
13 DPO (CD 33) BFN, Super tired, especially in the morning, no sensitive nipples, but CM white/thick (obvious – hadn’t intentionally been checking), CP high and soft
14 DPO (CD 34) BFN with FRER, was expecting AF today but with prev. cycles being as long as 42 days, maybe its still early. However, CM is not as noticeable today and I'm having some cramps - feeling like AF is on her way. Most likely, I'm out.
15 DPO (CD 35) no symptoms
16 DPO (CD 36) tired, but otherwise no symptoms
17 DPO (CD 37) Wondering if I really am 17 DPO? Still BFN, no signs of :witch:
18 DPO (CD 38) Felt like :witch:was coming at one point during the day, minor cramps, very hungry (common PMS symptom), BFN
19 DPO (CD 39) Out of HPT's, but oh well, pretty sure :witch: is on her way, hungry, some cramps, disappointed that my cycle is so long again this time...

5star I was hoping we would see you soon! :)

:hi: Tag yes im still around....trying not to stress about anything but yea right lol...I did my HSG with my fertility dr and I do have one blocked tube and one clear tube....she stated that I can still get pregnant with one open tube and usually women get pregnant when she blows out the tubes...we are praying that the :spermy: caught my eggy lol...I think I officially Oed last night had O pains around opk was positive yesterday morning and this I will say tomorrow I will be in the TWW....Im not sure if I should count yesterday as O day b/c of the o pains or today since I still got a positive and a few slight o pains, either way we :sex: yesterday morning and again this feeling very positive this cycle and we shall soon see in the next 2 weeks :winkwink:

How is everything with you...Im hoping I didn't see what I think I saw on ur page, if so im so sorry...inbox me if you wanna chat ya chick and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Thanks, yes sadly MC a few weeks ago. My body did self regulate and I O'd a few days ago. We can wait it out together! :)

The cycle after my HSG is essentially when I got my BFP. Glad you got that done. I am very hopeful for you! FX

Heather- congrats!!
5star I was hoping we would see you soon! :)

:hi: Tag yes im still around....trying not to stress about anything but yea right lol...I did my HSG with my fertility dr and I do have one blocked tube and one clear tube....she stated that I can still get pregnant with one open tube and usually women get pregnant when she blows out the tubes...we are praying that the :spermy: caught my eggy lol...I think I officially Oed last night had O pains around opk was positive yesterday morning and this I will say tomorrow I will be in the TWW....Im not sure if I should count yesterday as O day b/c of the o pains or today since I still got a positive and a few slight o pains, either way we :sex: yesterday morning and again this feeling very positive this cycle and we shall soon see in the next 2 weeks :winkwink:

How is everything with you...Im hoping I didn't see what I think I saw on ur page, if so im so sorry...inbox me if you wanna chat ya chick and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Thanks, yes sadly MC a few weeks ago. My body did self regulate and I O'd a few days ago. We can wait it out together! :)

The cycle after my HSG is essentially when I got my BFP. Glad you got that done. I am very hopeful for you! FX

Heather- congrats!!

So so sorry hun....yes we can wait this one out together and im counting today as O day and my tww will start tomorrow...what dpo are glad to hear you say that you got ur BFP after ur HSG even my dr says that most women get there BFP after their HSG...the hubby is very positive that we will get pregnant this cycle and im following his lead...Im glad ur doing well and still have a positive attitude, fx for you sweetie :hugs:
Usually I keep busy during my TWW (which is more like 10 days because my LP was 8-9 days, now hoping either for a BFP or at least a 10-11 day LP) but this time I'm not working (summer vacation, I'm a teacher) and I finished my grad class so I'm literally sitting around doing nothing for the next two weeks and I'm going NUTS.

1 DPO - nothing out of ordinary
2 DPO - nothing out of ordinary
3 DPO - creamy cm, very light
4 DPO - creamy cm, gas, really hot/feverish/hot flashes. I usually run cold but my skin was hot to the touch, I was running at 99 degrees during the day. I NEVER get a fever that goes up, when I'm sick my temp DROPS (always!) to 96/97 and I haven't gone above 98 since I was a kid. Not sure what's going on.

5 DPO - creamy cm, gas, really hot (99 degree temp again), Nausea (lasted about 3 hours), nipples are tender.

6 DPO - creamy cm, gas, cramping in lower abdomen, nipples are tender (shower water stream actually hurt )

7DPO - creamy cm (more than yesterday but not a lot more). CP high, seems firm but can't tell for sure.
the previous symptoms have gone away: no gas, no cramping, nipples are less tender almost not at all. A little worried, but trying to focus on other things.
Crying at random stuff all evening. Scenes on tv that weren't sad made me start crying. Very odd for me!

8DPO - creamy cm. CP high. When checking CM had tiny bits of red (blood) in on fingers (in cm).
I only have a 9-10 day LP, so if things follow the last 2 cycles then I will spot tomorrow and AF on Sunday. :cry:

9DPO - CP mid to low. When checking cp had tiny bits of blood in cm but no spotting and wouldn't have found it if wasn't manually checking cp. breasts very sore.

10DPO - CP mid to low. CM is brown mucusy string, but only find it when checking CP/CM. No discharge when wiping. Breasts are very sore. AF was expected today but so far is a no-show.

11DPO - CP mid to low. When checked CP had bright red blood. Pretty sure AF is here today.
Mid morning I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was a big splash of red, so I figured AF was here. Put in a light tampon and a few hours later when I went to the bathroom went to change it and it was practically empty, just some brown. Put on a liner for the rest of the day and when I go to the bathroom I'm getting some light spots on the toilet paper but nothing on the liner.

Not sure if today counts as AF Day 1, or if still "spotting" and is 11DPO. I'll know more tomorrow.

AF came at what would be 12DPO. So I'm out.
So here I am again! Sadly my last pregnancy ended with a miscarriage! We haven't been trying as it's been a long grieving process. However, AF is due tomorrow and I have just suddenly thought to myself that I could be pregnant!

I have 100% not neem tracking symptoms but now I think about it I have a few of the symptoms I had previously!

Felt like I was getting a cold, VERY watery cm & dull cramps in my lower belly. Boobs aren't sore at all... Will update in a few days?!
This was our first cycle 'sort of' getting back to normal after mc. AF hit right on time last month.

1-7 DPO - Awful thrush, very uncomfortable and disgusting.
8 DPO - Much better, CM back to 'normal' although possibly more than usual
9 DPO - Boobs sore, usually a sign AF on her way (when pregnant last time they didn't hurt until 5 weeks). Upset tummy.
10 - 14 DPO - starting to get really gassy, nipples uncomfortable and itchy. Constipated.
15 DPO - Groin pains (like sharp pulling pains) when I get up too fast or turn over in bed. Back ache. Nipples sting. Insanely gassy. Cramps. Feel like AF should be here!!
16-17 DPO - Weird groin pains, into tops of thighs. Back ache. Sore boobs. Nausea if I don't eat enough/on time. Headache. Bloat. Foof ache - feels like AF. No AF. Yellow stretchy CM?!

Only DTD once this cycle so not expecting a BFP, though am beginning to wonder where AF is... :lol:

Updated. People will prob wonder why I haven't tested. MC scared me, will prob wait another week incase body messed up.
cd1-cd8 af (bd cd 4&6)

cd9 bd VERY wet, lots of watery CM

cd10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

cd11 very large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish i had taken a picture) migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on v. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

Cd12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

cd13 oed today according to period tracker (not sure when i actually oed, so lets just use that day lol) light different cramps then i'm used to, not painful just "there" i'm still hot

1dpo light different cramps again, hot

2dpo big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3dpo -6dpo light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6dpo i took a picture of the discharge bc it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7dpo same light cramping, very emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if i'm waiting for af shouldn't i be dry out at least not producing ewcm??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in am. Gassy

8dpo bded last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling very wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for af is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. Cm watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

9dpo gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. Cm is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. Cp is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and i had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10dpo emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) bloated and gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.
Cp is high and soft

11dpo verrrry constipated then upset belly and diarrhea (sorry tmi lol) same dull cramping, every day since ovulation... That's different. Bloated and gassy. Cp medium high and tilted to the left, slightly open it seems, cm is creamy and lotiony, doesn't feel like a lot but there is some on panty liner. Throat is still sore, noticed it was worse than i thought today while singing lol.

12dpo same weird cramping. Feeling very wet, not much coming out. Still have a sore throat. No bowel movements all day (extremely rare for me), but don't feel constipated. Some back pain.

13dpo threw up while brushing my teeth in am. Almost threw up 2 other times today. Severe migraine is back. Stomach is upset all day, with same weird cramping going on. Constipated (1 bm all day, very strange for me). We dtd, usually makes my migraine go away, not this time! Still have a sore throat. Some back pain. Feeling wet before and after dtd. High CP, wet CM. Heartburn at night. Nauseated all day. Gassy

14DPO AF DUE! She didn't get me yet... Feeling very wet all day. CM is clear/White creamy & wet??? (have to wipe multiple times) gassy. Same cramping. Bad diarrhea first thing in AM. Boobs feel sore. Throat is still sore.

15DPO Still no AF but BFN this morning... Throat is still sore. Sharp V pains, had me stop what I was doing, only lasted a few minutes. Same cramping, gassy, stomach feels off. Not really feeling like AF is on her way... Idk sit and wait I guess...Sharp pain on right side, didn't last long...

16DPO no AF yet... Waiting to turn green or red here! Didn't test today... Stomach cramping is still there and dull, stomach feels upset but I'm starving and eating quite a bit. Gassy. Throat is still sore. Feeling wet, some discharge on liner. A lot of CM white and thick. CP really high, like I can barely touch it. Some body aches (feel like I have bruises, but I don't) craving chocolate was the only AF sign all day. QUOTE]

17DPO still no AF... Maybe I'll go buy a test today... My cycle tends to run anywhere from 24-36 days, so I'm not rushing anything. Gassy.
First cycle trying, 2ww is boring so thought I'd join! Going off when FF says I O'd, although I think I took the OPK late and actually O'd a day earlier.

1 dpo - nothing
2 dpo - hot flashes, stripping off while everyone complained about the cold.
3 dpo - hunger sickness all day, constantly snacked but it just kept crashing over me. Sat up at 1am trying to force down bread to help, ended up retching (but managed to keep everything down) afterwards when a smell crossed my path (I have a weird nose, not counting it).
4 dpo - not normally someone to eat before midday, was woken up by hunger sickness EARLY. Tried to ignore it but got dire within 15min. Had to force down peanut butter toast, couldn't finish two slices. Hunger sick changed to seasick afterwards. Continued all day only kept at bay with salty carbs. Fell asleep unexpectedly at 10:30pm and slept like a log through til 8:30am. Very unusual for me, a restless insomniac.
5 dpo - Bbs aching now and light AF like cervical cramping. Abdomen feels like I've been doing sit ups. Still hungry! ... Still no CM so maybe the witch is coming early :(
6 dpo - Nausea has calmed down somewhat. Moody/snappy today, back aching like AF is coming.

Will update as time passes. GL ladies

My first tww and it SUCKS. I don't even really mind either way because a BFN has the consolation prize of being able to drink on my holiday next week. It's the NOT KNOWING that is just torture!
Going crazy this TWW with new symptoms and highs and lows of hope and doubt. So, putting in my symptoms:

CD 19 – Using as my O day – OPK was darker but not as dark as positive test last cycle
1-7 DPO (CD 20-27) Throughout this time (not all at once!): Sore BBs, hair falling out, bloating, stomach ache, nausea, CP off centered, fatigue, cramps, cravings, emotional
8 DPO (CD 25) FRER BFN, emotional
10 DPO (CD 30) Extremely sensitive/painful nipples, never experienced this before
11 DPO (CD 31) BFN, Bloating, Tired, sensitive/painful nipples
12 DPO (CD 32) BFN, Emotional, sensitive/painful nipples, tired (unable to run despite several rest days), felt overwhelmed
13 DPO (CD 33) BFN, Super tired, especially in the morning, no sensitive nipples, but CM white/thick (obvious – hadn’t intentionally been checking), CP high and soft
14 DPO (CD 34) BFN with FRER, was expecting AF today but with prev. cycles being as long as 42 days, maybe its still early. However, CM is not as noticeable today and I'm having some cramps - feeling like AF is on her way. Most likely, I'm out.
15 DPO (CD 35) no symptoms
16 DPO (CD 36) tired, but otherwise no symptoms
17 DPO (CD 37) Wondering if I really am 17 DPO? Still BFN, no signs of :witch:
18 DPO (CD 38) Felt like :witch:was coming at one point during the day, minor cramps, very hungry (common PMS symptom), BFN
19 DPO (CD 39) Out of HPT's, but oh well, pretty sure :witch: is on her way, hungry, some cramps, disappointed that my cycle is so long again this time...
20 DPO (CD 40) Feel silly even still updating, I swear AF is right around the corner, so now she is just torturing me. Cramps in the AM (but then by PM seem to disappear), still very hungry, classic PMS symptoms, but still nothing...I go on and off from feeling like she's coming any minute to feeling like eh, maybe not...?!

Ladies please help me with this....Ok so we know that we should do it every other during our fertile time in order to let his sperm build up...well we did it Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday....thinking I ovulated on Wednesday...we didn't do it yesterday so my question is do you think we messed up our changes by doing it back to back Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and not doing it yesterday? I know sperm lives up to 48 or 72 hrs but I didn't let him build up on Tuesday....Im getting nervous and thinking the egg may have still bn there on yesterday and we didn't get a chance to bd...even though it takes sperm up to a couple of days to fertilize the egg im still sitting on pins and needles wondering if we went wrong.....LADIES PLEASE HELP :cry:
Ladies please help me with this....Ok so we know that we should do it every other during our fertile time in order to let his sperm build up...well we did it Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday....thinking I ovulated on Wednesday...we didn't do it yesterday so my question is do you think we messed up our changes by doing it back to back Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and not doing it yesterday? I know sperm lives up to 48 or 72 hrs but I didn't let him build up on Tuesday....Im getting nervous and thinking the egg may have still bn there on yesterday and we didn't get a chance to bd...even though it takes sperm up to a couple of days to fertilize the egg im still sitting on pins and needles wondering if we went wrong.....LADIES PLEASE HELP :cry:

Listen, unless your DH has a low sperm count, doing it every day isn't going to make a huge difference. Now, if you are :sex: multiple times a day, then you might have a small concern, but the male testes produces thousands upon thousands (or millions) of sperm every day. While every other day allows for build up, my doctor has said that unless there is a low sperm count, then every day is fine because the sperm is "replenished" within a few hours.

Based on what you've said, you have sperm from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday swimming around in there. Each ejaculation is, on average, 280 MILLION sperm. While a lot die along the way, I think you've got plenty of chances still.
Ladies please help me with this....Ok so we know that we should do it every other during our fertile time in order to let his sperm build up...well we did it Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday....thinking I ovulated on Wednesday...we didn't do it yesterday so my question is do you think we messed up our changes by doing it back to back Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and not doing it yesterday? I know sperm lives up to 48 or 72 hrs but I didn't let him build up on Tuesday....Im getting nervous and thinking the egg may have still bn there on yesterday and we didn't get a chance to bd...even though it takes sperm up to a couple of days to fertilize the egg im still sitting on pins and needles wondering if we went wrong.....LADIES PLEASE HELP :cry:

Listen, unless your DH has a low sperm count, doing it every day isn't going to make a huge difference. Now, if you are :sex: multiple times a day, then you might have a small concern, but the male testes produces thousands upon thousands (or millions) of sperm every day. While every other day allows for build up, my doctor has said that unless there is a low sperm count, then every day is fine because the sperm is "replenished" within a few hours.

Based on what you've said, you have sperm from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday swimming around in there. Each ejaculation is, on average, 280 MILLION sperm. While a lot die along the way, I think you've got plenty of chances still.

Thank you...yea my dh says that im over thinking it and to calm down ima just sit and play the waiting game :coffee: lol....I think we are good just gotta wait it out lol!
Going crazy this TWW with new symptoms and highs and lows of hope and doubt. So, putting in my symptoms:

CD 19 – Using as my O day – OPK was darker but not as dark as positive test last cycle
1-7 DPO (CD 20-27) Throughout this time (not all at once!): Sore BBs, hair falling out, bloating, stomach ache, nausea, CP off centered, fatigue, cramps, cravings, emotional
8 DPO (CD 25) FRER BFN, emotional
10 DPO (CD 30) Extremely sensitive/painful nipples, never experienced this before
11 DPO (CD 31) BFN, Bloating, Tired, sensitive/painful nipples
12 DPO (CD 32) BFN, Emotional, sensitive/painful nipples, tired (unable to run despite several rest days), felt overwhelmed
13 DPO (CD 33) BFN, Super tired, especially in the morning, no sensitive nipples, but CM white/thick (obvious – hadn’t intentionally been checking), CP high and soft
14 DPO (CD 34) BFN with FRER, was expecting AF today but with prev. cycles being as long as 42 days, maybe its still early. However, CM is not as noticeable today and I'm having some cramps - feeling like AF is on her way. Most likely, I'm out.
15 DPO (CD 35) no symptoms
16 DPO (CD 36) tired, but otherwise no symptoms
17 DPO (CD 37) Wondering if I really am 17 DPO? Still BFN, no signs of :witch:
18 DPO (CD 38) Felt like :witch:was coming at one point during the day, minor cramps, very hungry (common PMS symptom), BFN
19 DPO (CD 39) Out of HPT's, but oh well, pretty sure :witch: is on her way, hungry, some cramps, disappointed that my cycle is so long again this time...
20 DPO (CD 40) Bloating, cravings, some cramps
21 DPO (CD 41) Killer cramps/bloating assures me AF is right around the corner. But, I keep thinking about the sensitive nipples symptom I had last week (see CD30-32), which was so new to me, so I'm wondering if that was my TRUE detector of Ov, meaning I'm really more like 12 DPO? Just want this cycle to be OVER :wacko:

Ladies please help me with this....Ok so we know that we should do it every other during our fertile time in order to let his sperm build up...well we did it Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday....thinking I ovulated on Wednesday...we didn't do it yesterday so my question is do you think we messed up our changes by doing it back to back Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and not doing it yesterday? I know sperm lives up to 48 or 72 hrs but I didn't let him build up on Tuesday....Im getting nervous and thinking the egg may have still bn there on yesterday and we didn't get a chance to bd...even though it takes sperm up to a couple of days to fertilize the egg im still sitting on pins and needles wondering if we went wrong.....LADIES PLEASE HELP :cry:

Girl, you are more than covering your bases! LOL :) I wouldn't worry about it, the worrying is more likely a problem than anything, lol! I know from experience...:haha: This months cycle will make 11 months of trying for me, so I'm not even using opks this cycle. Trying to relax and let the chips fall where they may :shrug:
Ladies please help me with this....Ok so we know that we should do it every other during our fertile time in order to let his sperm build up...well we did it Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday....thinking I ovulated on Wednesday...we didn't do it yesterday so my question is do you think we messed up our changes by doing it back to back Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and not doing it yesterday? I know sperm lives up to 48 or 72 hrs but I didn't let him build up on Tuesday....Im getting nervous and thinking the egg may have still bn there on yesterday and we didn't get a chance to bd...even though it takes sperm up to a couple of days to fertilize the egg im still sitting on pins and needles wondering if we went wrong.....LADIES PLEASE HELP :cry:

Girl, you are more than covering your bases! LOL :) I wouldn't worry about it, the worrying is more likely a problem than anything, lol! I know from experience...:haha: This months cycle will make 11 months of trying for me, so I'm not even using opks this cycle. Trying to relax and let the chips fall where they may :shrug:

Thanks 808....I'm just trying to see what we are doing wrong :shrug: but since my HSG he's thinking we got it this time....we shall see....where are you in your cycle?
I'm not TTC so I wasn't paying attention until I missed my period... :shrug:

1-14 dpo: nothing known
15 dpo (8/2): missed period
16-19 dpo: slept through the day twice within these days, watery CM, mild nausea and :bfn: at 19 dpo
20 dpo (8/7): mild nausea, dull mild headache all day, mild dizziness, creamy/watery CM (very little), breasts mildly sensitive to the touch and slightly itchy, medium-high medium-soft cervix
21 dpo (8/8): mildly itchy breasts, mild nausea, creamy CM
22 dpo (8/9): sensitive nipples, slightly foggy, mild nausea, creamy/watery CM, extra emotional :cry:
23 dpo (8/10): creamy/watery CM, :bfn:
24 dpo (8/11): creamy/watery CM, sensitive breasts/nipples
25 dpo (8/12): sticky/creamy CM, sensitive breasts/nipples
26 dpo (8/13): creamy/watery CM, migraine (however I am prone to migraines), sensitive breasts/nipples, acne
27 dpo (8/14): creamy/watery CM, sensitive breasts/nipples, acne
28 dpo (8/15): creamy/watery CM, sensitive and itchy breasts, can't sleep
29 dpo (8/16): creamy/watery CM, mild morning nausea, sensitive and itchy breasts
30 dpo (8/17): creamy/watery CM, sensitive and itchy breasts, tired
31 dpo (8/18): creamy/watery CM, sensitive and itchy breasts, itchy skin on back and stomach, tired
I stopped updating haha but I got my period at 3 weeks and 1 day late. Well, it's super light, so idk, but I'm pretty sure it's AF.
cd1-cd8 af (bd cd 4&6)

cd9 bd VERY wet, lots of watery CM

cd10 hot!!! Indigestion, tender breasts, migraine

cd11 very large amount of very light pink discharge after bm early in day.(never had this before, wish i had taken a picture) migraine still there and worse. Nauceous, from migraine? Still so hot! Everything aches, joints, back, neck etc. Feeling pressure on v. Light cramping. Insomnia, maybe 1-2 hours all night.

Cd12 migraine at its worst, gassy, still very achey. Another night of insomnia, pinched my back laying in bed at 2am. Hot

cd13 oed today according to period tracker (not sure when i actually oed, so lets just use that day lol) light different cramps then i'm used to, not painful just "there" i'm still hot

1dpo light different cramps again, hot

2dpo big clump of whiteish/clear thick gel like discharge, like hair gel when its stuck to the top of the bottle lol. Little strings of pink blood in it. Continues in very small amounts through day. Light cramps, light backaches. Gassy

3dpo -6dpo light cramps, light backaches. Nauseous off and on. Very small amounts of thicker gel like discharge, other than that pretty dry.
Also 6dpo i took a picture of the discharge bc it was more than other times. Still thick, with blood string in it. Gassy

7dpo same light cramping, very emotional. Itchy all over. Feeling "wet". Discharge cloudy white/clear and stretchy, (picture with fingers!) if i'm waiting for af shouldn't i be dry out at least not producing ewcm??? Lips are very chapped out of nowhere. Gums bleed while brushing teeth in am. Gassy

8dpo bded last night, woke up with crazy migraine. Very tight back, painful. Feeling very wet (like dripping sorry tmi!) same cramping. Left breast hurts under nipple (usually my breast pain for af is more all over on the sides, not just one spot.) gassy. Cm watery and lotiony, still has stringy gel like clumps. Migraine still here...

9dpo gassy, still feeling wet but no discharge coming out. Cm is watery and lotiony, but still has some stringy clumps of gel like discharge. Light different cramping still steadily there, gets a little worse from time to time but mainly just stays dull. Migraine will not quit. Cp is pretty high for me barely open. Runny nose, kind of congested/sore throat... Constipated (sorry tmi but very strange for me, and i had mainly veggies all day!) had a kink in my shoulder for two days now.

10dpo emotional (but got concerning news) same dull cramping going on, throat is still sore/congested. Extremely tired (but again, the news affected me) bloated and gassy, kink is still in shoulder for day 3. Constipated. More dry, but still having thicker creamy cm.
Cp is high and soft

11dpo verrrry constipated then upset belly and diarrhea (sorry tmi lol) same dull cramping, every day since ovulation... That's different. Bloated and gassy. Cp medium high and tilted to the left, slightly open it seems, cm is creamy and lotiony, doesn't feel like a lot but there is some on panty liner. Throat is still sore, noticed it was worse than i thought today while singing lol.

12dpo same weird cramping. Feeling very wet, not much coming out. Still have a sore throat. No bowel movements all day (extremely rare for me), but don't feel constipated. Some back pain.

13dpo threw up while brushing my teeth in am. Almost threw up 2 other times today. Severe migraine is back. Stomach is upset all day, with same weird cramping going on. Constipated (1 bm all day, very strange for me). We dtd, usually makes my migraine go away, not this time! Still have a sore throat. Some back pain. Feeling wet before and after dtd. High CP, wet CM. Heartburn at night. Nauseated all day. Gassy

14DPO AF DUE! She didn't get me yet... Feeling very wet all day. CM is clear/White creamy & wet??? (have to wipe multiple times) gassy. Same cramping. Bad diarrhea first thing in AM. Boobs feel sore. Throat is still sore.

15DPO Still no AF but BFN this morning... Throat is still sore. Sharp V pains, had me stop what I was doing, only lasted a few minutes. Same cramping, gassy, stomach feels off. Not really feeling like AF is on her way... Idk sit and wait I guess...Sharp pain on right side, didn't last long...

16DPO no AF yet... Waiting to turn green or red here! Didn't test today... Stomach cramping is still there and dull, stomach feels upset but I'm starving and eating quite a bit. Gassy. Throat is still sore. Feeling wet, some discharge on liner. A lot of CM white and thick. CP really high, like I can barely touch it. Some body aches (feel like I have bruises, but I don't) craving chocolate was the only AF sign all day. QUOTE]

17DPO still no AF... Maybe I'll go buy a test today... My cycle tends to run anywhere from 24-36 days, so I'm not rushing anything. Gassy. Wateryish white CM.

18DPO BFN on WalMart 88 cent cheapie... Still no AF. Gassy. Same dull cramping. Constipated.r Boobs aren't crazy sore, but I couldn't lay on them at all while tanning. Nothing else to report.

Note of interest... I had testing done that shows just over 1 cm hypermic ovarian follicle... Someone told me if that drops I'll have twins... I thought it was just a cyst? Lol any input?

19DPO No AF... no signs of her either. Same dull cramping. Constipated.
Creamy cm

Creamy cm

Creamy cm
Tender breasts

tender breasts
Creamy cm

9-DPO FAINT POSITIVE :happydance: :cloud9:

Getting darker and darker pregnancy tests

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