Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi all, I love this idea! I'm new here and enjoy seeing other people's experiences especially because I feel completely nuts for having symptoms so quickly.

This is our second month ttc. I had a pos opk but it took about three days for my temp jump. I felt normal other than the usual ovulation pains I get (twinges and huge pain) but they came before my temp spike.

1 dpo, normal.
2 dpo, normal.
3 dpo, exhausted. Utterly ridiculously exhausted. Slept fine but super weird dreams and kept waking up.
4 dpo, same. Utterly exhausted however this night I couldn't sleep. Weird dreams all night long during the tiny amounts of sleep I got. I'd guess I got close to 4-5 hours total.
5 dpo, I'm nauseated, heartburn, baby burps (gross), and some cramping. Isn't it too early for this stuff? Also! I had a huge temp jump. .40 which is massive for me. My normal resting temp is 97.9 or 98.2. Today I'm 98.75 on my bbt. I rechecked it three times because it seemed so nuts. Our other thermometer registered as 99.4 but I don't trust it since it's a behind the ear one and it seems inaccurate.
So that's me so far. I'm hopeful but it's only our second month. I could do without these burps.
Can I really be having symptoms so early? Af expected between 8/22-8/25.
Here's mine!

1-6 DPO: no symptoms
7 DPO: insomnia (very rare for me)
8 DPO: bleeding gums
9 DPO: bleeding gums
10 DPO: dull headache and AF-like cramps since afternoon. Nasal area feels prickly, like I'm going to catch a cold. Slept at 9pm.
11 DPO: Tested :BFN: with FMU. milder headache and cramps. feels like a cold is coming. TMI: Yellow stringy CM hanging from below, like 6cm long.

I think I ovulated late this month as a result of maca root. If I am right, AF is due in 4 days. But my period tracker app says I am due today (based on average cycle days, not BBT or CM).

It's a waiting game!

1-6 DPO: no symptoms
7 DPO: insomnia (very rare for me)
8 DPO: bleeding gums
9 DPO: bleeding gums
10 DPO: dull headache and AF-like cramps since afternoon. Nasal area feels prickly, like I'm going to catch a cold. Slept at 9pm.
11 DPO: Tested :bfn: with FMU. milder headache and cramps. feels like a cold is coming. TMI: Yellow stringy CM hanging from below, like 6cm long.
12 DPO: Tested :bfn: with FMU. indigestion
13 DPO: Tested :bfn: with FMU. bleeding gums. very moody, feeling of wanting to cry.
14 DPO: Tested :bfn: with FMU. AF cramps. Nightmare.
15 DPO: Refused to test today. Waiting for AF to arrive. (my LP is 15 days)
6-13DPO Basilar Migrane, nausea, crampy, high soft closed cervix, lotiony cm

12-22DPO crampy, nausea, high soft closed cervix, lotiony cm, sporadic pricks in my boobs but other than that I've had ZERO breast tenderness or swelling (which is weird because my pms always makes my boobs puffy-I miss it bc then I actually get to have boobs!) today, i noticed my nipples were tender. BAHHHHLOATED! I seriously look 4 months pregnant

23dpo crampy (less than yesterday) less nauseous, high cervix (still closed and feels slightly harder), lotiony cm, tender nipples but no breast changes otherwise-occassional pricks. bloated still...omg...

I'm 9 days late but still testing BFN. I've felt like AF has been on her way for certain since 12dpo. I'm annoyed and either just want to start over or get a bfp.

I go to my new GP today to get a referral to an OBGYN. Hopefully they'll do a blood test or something.

6-13DPO Basilar Migrane, nausea, crampy, high soft closed cervix, lotiony cm

12-22DPO crampy, nausea, high soft closed cervix, lotiony cm, sporadic pricks in my boobs but other than that I've had ZERO breast tenderness or swelling (which is weird because my pms always makes my boobs puffy-I miss it bc then I actually get to have boobs!) today, i noticed my nipples were tender. BAHHHHLOATED! I seriously look 4 months pregnant

23dpo crampy (less than yesterday) less nauseous, high cervix (still closed and feels slightly harder), lotiony cm, tender nipples but no breast changes otherwise-occassional pricks. bloated still...omg...

I'm 9 days late but still testing BFN. I've felt like AF has been on her way for certain since 12dpo. I'm annoyed and either just want to start over or get a bfp.

I go to my new GP today to get a referral to an OBGYN. Hopefully they'll do a blood test or something.

Just an opdate. went to doc yesterday, they won't do blood test (General practitioner *i have new insurance so he's making a referral*), 10 days late now, cramping has slowed down today, which is weird but ok, bc it was making me miserable.

Just waiting for AF, as of yesterday BFN still.

So, BFN after BFN, feeling bloated, tired, nipples hurting, constant cramping, nausea/vomiting: Went to the hospital yesterday and confirmed what an ultrasound a few months ago found. I have a solid cyst on my ovary that is mimicking pregnancy symptoms. These are dangerous.

Obviously, I'm out of the game and don't know whether I will get to try again at all. My age (37)in combination with treatment of this thing doesn't afford me time.

Best wishes to all of you. baby dust...lots of it :)
Well, now I'm worried about my O day. It was originally predicted to be last Tuesday, exactly one week ago, so we BD for that schedule. I put my temp in this morning and it pushed my O day back to SUNDAY! Just 2 days ago! We did NOT do BD for that schedule, and actually haven't since Wednesday. So I'm either happily 7DPO or I totally missed it and am 2DPO. ARGH!

I'm also JUST learning my temps, as I've only been putting them in for about 11 days, so is it possible FF isn't correct? :shrug:
Alright ladies, I'm back at it again! This is my 11th month since I started ttc, but since I didn't try last month, I'm gonna call it TTC #1 cycle #10:shrug: I am gonna "try" not to symptom spot, so I don't go totally crazy :rofl: But I am going on a mini vacation on Thursday thru Sunday, so that should help with the obsessing :haha: I think I O'd yesterday, so today should be 1dpo!

Oday: Cramps in AM

1dpo: Creamy cm, and large temp spike!

2dpo: Creamy cm, light pink spotting

3-7dpo: On vacation, didn't really notice anything... creamy cm and hungry...

8dpo: Some random lower back pain? Creamy cm

9dpo: Some light pink spotting, creamy cm, small temp spike, bloated.
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.
TTC #1, 31, DH 34. Off BC since March, this is our first 'real' cycle try. 26-28 day cycles, O on day 14, 13 day luteal phase. Very regular cycles. I underlined the symptoms that are definitely not a chance of being a 'phantom'! They will be hard to explain otherwise as I've NEVER had either!

5/6 DPO-- Implantation bleeding?! I've NEVER bled outside my period before. It was only two times that day when I wiped and then checked CM, VERY faint, very pink

5/6-7 DPO--Dull achiness in abdomen/lower stomach, feels kind of....warm kind of feeling that I have NEVER felt before. Never had that dull ache before, not at all like my AF pains.

5/6 DPO-current (9DPO) increased gas, burping, uncommon for me. Bloated.

8DPO--nothing until late in evening when I had VERY sharp pains like I was being stabbed with a knife in the same spot, right side of abdomen. Lasted about 2-3 minutes, was very 'timed,' every few seconds or so. Stopped after the 2-3 min, hasn't returned

9DPO--still just gassy and slightly bloated. No stabbing pains, no achey abdomen. Testing tomorrow at 10DPO, if BFN testing again Monday! BB's haven't been super sore either during all of this. Slightly, but nothing of note (today I had to laugh b/c I will randomly jab my boob to see if it's tender to the touch, well today I did it in a parking lot before I realized people were watching, embarrasing!!)

10DPO--woke up w/ stuffy nose, noticing blue veins more in my left breast only, thick veins, normally don't see them. Took early response test, BFN :hissy: Could be a bit too early still as AF due tuesday. Testing again Monday.

11DPO--Scratchy throat, stuffiness in AM and nasal drip. Cervix is still quite high, almost so high I can't feel it...good sign? CM pretty wet, but that happens to me shortly before the :witch: flies in on her broomstick, though. Along with the AF like cramps that snuck in this afternoon...hopefully it's baby dust and not witch dust!

12DPO---caved and tested a day earlier than I said I would with FRER...FAINT :BFP: !!!!!! It's faint but IT IS THERE!!! :happydance:

*Things I did different this month*
-Took prenatals religiously
-Didn't drink alcohol all during TTC
-made my coffee 1/2 decaf
-drank more water
-Took Vitamin D (doc prescribed, have been on it for about 2 months now)
-Ate pineapple core from 4DPO onward for a few days
-Put up my legs after BD and didn't move for at least 30 min
-BD on the 3 days leading up to O day
-I DID O myself each time also, and I've heard that can help swimmers!

I will post another picture tomorrow when I hopefully have a darker line. I would appreciate *prayers* that this little bean sticks! This is a dream come true!!

Prayers and beautiful baby dust to all!


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:hi: Here's my list

DPO 1-3 Increased appetite and vivid dreams
DPO 4-7 gassy
DPO 8- dizziness, cold symptoms, bloated, gassy, mood swing
DPO 9-light cramps, cold symptoms, gassy, bloated, metallic taste
DPO10-cold symptoms
DPO 11-low cramping and queasy, like AF is on her way. She's due in 2 days
Dpo 12. All symptoms pretty much gone.
Dpo 13. Nada
Dpo 14 Spotting
Alright ladies, I'm back at it again! This is my 11th month since I started ttc, but since I didn't try last month, I'm gonna call it TTC #1 cycle #10:shrug: I am gonna "try" not to symptom spot, so I don't go totally crazy :rofl: But I am going on a mini vacation on Thursday thru Sunday, so that should help with the obsessing :haha: I think I O'd yesterday, so today should be 1dpo!

Oday: Cramps in AM

1dpo: Creamy cm, and large temp spike!

2dpo: Creamy cm, light pink spotting

3-7dpo: On vacation, didn't really notice anything... creamy cm and hungry...

8dpo: Some random lower back pain? Creamy cm

9dpo: Some light pink spotting, creamy cm, small temp spike, bloated and sleepy. BFN

10dpo: Light pink spotting, creamy cm, temp up a bit more, HUNGRY :pizza:, sleepy, and bloated... AF due tomorrow... FX she stays away :af:

I'm out, on to cycle #11... GL and :dust:
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!
Ok ladies, I find myself second guessing myself.
I had a miscarriage at the beginning of the month, DTD the day after bleeding stopped (please don't judge, I needed comfort), DH did a whoopsie and ever since have been getting stronger & stronger symptoms. I am not sure if AF is coming and they are just heightened symptoms due to the miscarriage, but I don't usually feel anything until at least 6-7 days before :af:. I am not sure I even OV'd on the day we DTD but hubby said I was very wet down there.
I just hope whatever the outcome, I can give some reassurance to someone else going through the same. I feel like I am mad to even think I am pregnant again so soon but I guess we'll soon find out

1DPO-3DPO empty feeling from misc. nothing out of the ordinary
4DPO - nausea, mild bb aching, twinges in left ovary, aching in right, diarrhea which came on as quickly as it disappeared, mild backache
5DPO - Gassy - stinky, pinchy twinges in left ovary, nausea, runny nose - lots of sneezing in AM, bleeding gums when brushing
6DPO - right bb feels like have pulled a muscle, felt like diarrhea had come back - just bladder but felt wet - big blob of yellow tinged cm (tmi), bb's feel hot but not too touch IYKWIM,
7DPO - no symptoms when woke up, nauseous when hungry, yellow tinged cm still present, achy back, throbbing nipples (tmi)
8DPO - woke up with numb but tingly hands that kept getting pins and needles all AM, boobs feel huge, toothache, nipples stay semi-erect all day
9DPO - :bfn: with IC:test:x 2 (POAS addict), nausea, hunger, achy bbs, still feel like I'm getting a cold, bloated
10DPO - :bfn: with FMU, same as day before, horny
11DPO - woke with scratchy throat and chesty cough which disappeared by 9am, BM helps push out lots of lotiony CM, crampy like AF but fainter, boobs achy and looking veiny, 4 BM's in one day - not normal for me, left ovary pain, peeing alot, lots of spots on face - I usually get one around AF, sharp pains felt in both bb's that lasted seconds, horny
12DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, no crampiness in AM, more veins noticed in bb's, backache, bb's really achy
13DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, veins are prominent on bb's, backache is making tasks hard to do, ***irritable
14DPO - tingly nose, lotiony cm after bm, backache, aerola's are huge & dark, tired, ***irritable, I caved & did a :test: :bfn: with pm 3hr held U,
15DPO - runny nose, cm, left ovary pain, bb's look same, stabby pain in left nipple - like a needle being passed through (ouch), hungry (but am trying to stick to SW plan)
16DPO - awoke 3am needing loo, really runny nose, stabby pains in right bb, no sign of af, :test::bfn:(4mu)
***Am thinking this is me out, I want to snap at the kids which I do around :af: but I was very irritable before misc. so, meh!

Just wanted to add that we won't be TTC for the rest of this year.
FX for all those who are waiting with me, :dust: to all
TTC #1, 31, DH 34. Off BC since March, this is our first 'real' cycle try. 26-28 day cycles, O on day 14, 13 day luteal phase. Very regular cycles. I underlined the symptoms that are definitely not a chance of being a 'phantom'! They will be hard to explain otherwise as I've NEVER had either!

5/6 DPO-- Implantation bleeding?! I've NEVER bled outside my period before. It was only two times that day when I wiped and then checked CM, VERY faint, very pink

5/6-7 DPO--Dull achiness in abdomen/lower stomach, feels kind of....warm kind of feeling that I have NEVER felt before. Never had that dull ache before, not at all like my AF pains.

5/6 DPO-current (9DPO) increased gas, burping, uncommon for me. Bloated.

8DPO--nothing until late in evening when I had VERY sharp pains like I was being stabbed with a knife in the same spot, right side of abdomen. Lasted about 2-3 minutes, was very 'timed,' every few seconds or so. Stopped after the 2-3 min, hasn't returned

9DPO--still just gassy and slightly bloated. No stabbing pains, no achey abdomen. Testing tomorrow at 10DPO, if BFN testing again Monday! BB's haven't been super sore either during all of this. Slightly, but nothing of note (today I had to laugh b/c I will randomly jab my boob to see if it's tender to the touch, well today I did it in a parking lot before I realized people were watching, embarrasing!!)

10DPO--woke up w/ stuffy nose, noticing blue veins more in my left breast only, thick veins, normally don't see them. Took early response test, BFN :hissy: Could be a bit too early still as AF due tuesday. Testing again Monday.

11DPO--Scratchy throat, stuffiness in AM and nasal drip. Cervix is still quite high, almost so high I can't feel it...good sign? CM pretty wet, but that happens to me shortly before the :witch: flies in on her broomstick, though. Along with the AF like cramps that snuck in this afternoon...hopefully it's baby dust and not witch dust!

12DPO---caved and tested a day earlier than I said I would with FRER...FAINT :bfp: !!!!!! It's faint but IT IS THERE!!! :happydance:

*Things I did different this month*
-Took prenatals religiously
-Didn't drink alcohol all during TTC
-made my coffee 1/2 decaf
-drank more water
-Took Vitamin D (doc prescribed, have been on it for about 2 months now)
-Ate pineapple core from 4DPO onward for a few days
-Put up my legs after BD and didn't move for at least 30 min
-BD on the 3 days leading up to O day
-I DID O myself each time also, and I've heard that can help swimmers!

I will post another picture tomorrow when I hopefully have a darker line. I would appreciate *prayers* that this little bean sticks! This is a dream come true!!

Prayers and beautiful baby dust to all!


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Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P
Can't believe I get to post green here...I read all the time but never post bc it's been 16 months with no luck. I didnt write everything down so this is an estimation of dpo.
0-3dpo: constipation. I've never been constipated before and this was bad.
2-4dpo: bad allergies.
6dpo: migraine. I get these occasionally so I didn't think anything of it.
7dpo: was going to eat a snack of graham crackers and peanut butter at work as usual and only ate 1/4 of it and had no appetite for the rest. Also noticed pulling feelings in both sides when coughing, laughing, sneezing, etc. I chalked it up to sore muscles from crying the night before (my cousin announced she's 13 weeks pregnant with a guy she's only been with since feb).
8dpo: wondering why my face and chest have been so broken out. I get cystic acne, probably due to pcos, but hadn't had any trouble with it for a long time. I was breaking out terribly (and still am).
9dpo: rolled over in bed and had a sudden but fleeting feeling of nausea. Peed 3 times in 2 hours without having anything to drink. Randomly decided to test and got a bfp on a cheapie. Bought a frer later and got a blazing bfp!
One thing I noticed throughout the cycle is my bowels were different. And yesterday I was having a lot of gi upset. My temp also never had a dip and every other cycle it had dipped a little for a day or 2.


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I'm in the same boat! Almost two weeks of sore lower back, sore boobs, feeling nasious on and off, cramping and discharge which I dont get. Feeling in general hungover!!
Don't two tests which I shouldn't have done as I know it's early one a few days ago and one this morning both negative! I'm not due period for another 5 days but I'm seeing other who have tested early and got results!

I'm starting to think this is in my head or ive been run down! 😩 x
Omg!!!! Congrats Drjo!!!!! It's about darn time!!!!!!! When is your beta scheduled for???
TTC #1, 31, DH 34. Off BC since March, this is our first 'real' cycle try. 26-28 day cycles, O on day 14, 13 day luteal phase. Very regular cycles. I underlined the symptoms that are definitely not a chance of being a 'phantom'! They will be hard to explain otherwise as I've NEVER had either!

5/6 DPO-- Implantation bleeding?! I've NEVER bled outside my period before. It was only two times that day when I wiped and then checked CM, VERY faint, very pink

5/6-7 DPO--Dull achiness in abdomen/lower stomach, feels kind of....warm kind of feeling that I have NEVER felt before. Never had that dull ache before, not at all like my AF pains.

5/6 DPO-current (9DPO) increased gas, burping, uncommon for me. Bloated.

8DPO--nothing until late in evening when I had VERY sharp pains like I was being stabbed with a knife in the same spot, right side of abdomen. Lasted about 2-3 minutes, was very 'timed,' every few seconds or so. Stopped after the 2-3 min, hasn't returned

9DPO--still just gassy and slightly bloated. No stabbing pains, no achey abdomen. Testing tomorrow at 10DPO, if BFN testing again Monday! BB's haven't been super sore either during all of this. Slightly, but nothing of note (today I had to laugh b/c I will randomly jab my boob to see if it's tender to the touch, well today I did it in a parking lot before I realized people were watching, embarrasing!!)

10DPO--woke up w/ stuffy nose, noticing blue veins more in my left breast only, thick veins, normally don't see them. Took early response test, BFN :hissy: Could be a bit too early still as AF due tuesday. Testing again Monday.

11DPO--Scratchy throat, stuffiness in AM and nasal drip. Cervix is still quite high, almost so high I can't feel it...good sign? CM pretty wet, but that happens to me shortly before the :witch: flies in on her broomstick, though. Along with the AF like cramps that snuck in this afternoon...hopefully it's baby dust and not witch dust!

12DPO---caved and tested a day earlier than I said I would with FRER...FAINT :BFP: !!!!!! It's faint but IT IS THERE!!! :happydance:

*Things I did different this month*
-Took prenatals religiously
-Didn't drink alcohol all during TTC
-made my coffee 1/2 decaf
-drank more water
-Took Vitamin D (doc prescribed, have been on it for about 2 months now)
-Ate pineapple core from 4DPO onward for a few days
-Put up my legs after BD and didn't move for at least 30 min
-BD on the 3 days leading up to O day
-I DID O myself each time also, and I've heard that can help swimmers!

I will post another picture tomorrow when I hopefully have a darker line. I would appreciate *prayers* that this little bean sticks! This is a dream come true!!

Prayers and beautiful baby dust to all!


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