Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P

7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/
Well im back..... After i got diagnosed with a blighted ovum :cry::cry:
I have been cleared to be able to try again after a more rest. :nope: Thank you ladies for all of your support and kindness, i will see you again in a month or so.
Can I join in? Love this thread...
congratulations to the ladies who go their BFP:happydance: and fc for us in the waiting game.

Me and my husband have been trying for 2 and a half years. :shrug: with no luck. And one failed iui.

I am currently 6dpo

1-6dpo very sore nipples and cramping on and of with headaches. CM creamy not a lot.
really hoping this is our month.
Hello ladies!
After a month off we finally started our first injectables cycle. I am currently on cd 8 and had Femara cd 3 to 7 and follitism cd 4,6,8 and next injection is Friday which will be cd 10. I have my RE appointment on Saturday to see how I responded to the meds... Hopefully we got a few eggs and we can do our IUI. I am excited and so hopeful this month we will have a positive outcome. Sending you lots of love and baby dust your way!!
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P

7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/

8 dpo - cp; medium-soft-medium, cm; thick creamy slightly yellow tinge, not much else. Bfn.

9 dpo - didn't check cp or cm.
Very emotional due to many different things. One of them is wondering why I can't get pregnant again and have at least one baby. Exhausted feeling. Bfn again, this time with frer.
Can I join in? Love this thread...
congratulations to the ladies who go their BFP*and fc for us in the waiting game.*

Me and my husband have been trying for 2 and a half years.**with no luck. And one failed iui.*

I am currently 6dpo

1-6dpo very sore nipples and cramping on and of with headaches. CM creamy not a lot.
really hoping this is our month.

7dpo cramping in both ovaries. 2nd night vivid dreams. Creamy cm, more than before. Boobs hurt. Shooting headache.

8-10dpo on and of cramping. Bleeding gums. Lots of creamy cm. Itchy nipples. Backache
BABTTC123 I know how you feel. Hang in there I am crossing al my fingers for you. 9dpo is still a bit early who knows maybe your BFP will jump out any day now.
Ok ladies, I find myself second guessing myself.
I had a miscarriage at the beginning of the month, DTD the day after bleeding stopped (please don't judge, I needed comfort), DH did a whoopsie and ever since have been getting stronger & stronger symptoms. I am not sure if AF is coming and they are just heightened symptoms due to the miscarriage, but I don't usually feel anything until at least 6-7 days before :af:. I am not sure I even OV'd on the day we DTD but hubby said I was very wet down there.
I just hope whatever the outcome, I can give some reassurance to someone else going through the same. I feel like I am mad to even think I am pregnant again so soon but I guess we'll soon find out

1DPO-3DPO empty feeling from misc. nothing out of the ordinary
4DPO - nausea, mild bb aching, twinges in left ovary, aching in right, diarrhea which came on as quickly as it disappeared, mild backache
5DPO - Gassy - stinky, pinchy twinges in left ovary, nausea, runny nose - lots of sneezing in AM, bleeding gums when brushing
6DPO - right bb feels like have pulled a muscle, felt like diarrhea had come back - just bladder but felt wet - big blob of yellow tinged cm (tmi), bb's feel hot but not too touch IYKWIM,
7DPO - no symptoms when woke up, nauseous when hungry, yellow tinged cm still present, achy back, throbbing nipples (tmi)
8DPO - woke up with numb but tingly hands that kept getting pins and needles all AM, boobs feel huge, toothache, nipples stay semi-erect all day
9DPO - :bfn: with IC:test:x 2 (POAS addict), nausea, hunger, achy bbs, still feel like I'm getting a cold, bloated
10DPO - :bfn: with FMU, same as day before, horny
11DPO - woke with scratchy throat and chesty cough which disappeared by 9am, BM helps push out lots of lotiony CM, crampy like AF but fainter, boobs achy and looking veiny, 4 BM's in one day - not normal for me, left ovary pain, peeing alot, lots of spots on face - I usually get one around AF, sharp pains felt in both bb's that lasted seconds, horny
12DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, no crampiness in AM, more veins noticed in bb's, backache, bb's really achy
13DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, veins are prominent on bb's, backache is making tasks hard to do, ***irritable
14DPO - tingly nose, lotiony cm after bm, backache, aerola's are huge & dark, tired, ***irritable, I caved & did a :test: :bfn: with pm 3hr held U,
15DPO - runny nose, cm, left ovary pain, bb's look same, stabby pain in left nipple - like a needle being passed through (ouch), hungry (but am trying to stick to SW plan)
16DPO - awoke 3am needing loo, really runny nose, stabby pains in right bb, no sign of af, :test::bfn:(4mu), v.irritable - over the top reaction to girls losing bits out of a game, toothache has returned with a vengeance
17DPO - still no sign of af, ovary pains left-hand side, achy bb's
***Am thinking this is me out, I want to snap at the kids which I do around :af: but I was very irritable before misc. so, meh!

Just wanted to add that we won't be TTC for the rest of this year.
FX for all those who are waiting with me, :dust: to all
BABTTC123 I know how you feel. Hang in there I am crossing al my fingers for you. 9dpo is still a bit early who knows maybe your BFP will jump out any day now.

Thank you and I know it is still early... but my sudden loss of symptoms, which progesterone supplements was likely causing, and with my prior pregnancies I had a fluttering sensation that let me know that I was pregnant. I haven't had that yet :( I guess it is just a waiting game and there isn't anything I can do to change the outcome now.

As for your symptoms, they sound very promising!!! I hope that they turn into a bfp <3 is this a natural/unmeddicated cycle?
I am not currently on any meds. My hubby is a diabetic so that's the reason for struggling to get pregnant. We have to go to Cape Town to go see doctors because our country doesn't have that quite yet.
We always say when it is meant to be it will hapen but I'm slowly losing fait in that.

Maybe it is the progesterone that are changing your symptoms. Who knows. As long as we stay possitive and relax. Look who's talking haha
Joining in! On cycle #4 while TTC our 3rd babe. Feeling quite discouraged yet again :cry:

Clomid + Trigger shot + IUI:
1dpo: soreness from ovulation
2dpo: nadda
3dpo: nadda
4dpo: nadda
5dpo: nadda
6dpo: nadda

Can you see why I am discouraged? lol
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P

7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/

8 dpo - cp; medium-soft-medium, cm; thick creamy slightly yellow tinge, not much else. Bfn.

9 dpo - didn't check cp or cm.
Very emotional due to many different things. One of them is wondering why I can't get pregnant again and have at least one baby. Exhausted feeling. Bfn again, this time with frer.

10 dpo - pinching/tugging feeling in lower abdomen, ups and downs today, exhausted, bfn, bd with hubby and had a decent amount of bright pink blood. Af is more than likely on her way because I took my progesterone pill like 7 hours late :(
Joining in! On cycle #4 while TTC our 3rd babe. Feeling quite discouraged yet again :cry:

Clomid + Trigger shot + IUI:
1dpo: soreness from ovulation
2dpo: nadda
3dpo: nadda
4dpo: nadda
5dpo: nadda
6dpo: nadda

Can you see why I am discouraged? lol

7dpo: nadda. Feeling out again this month
I am not currently on any meds. My hubby is a diabetic so that's the reason for struggling to get pregnant. We have to go to Cape Town to go see doctors because our country doesn't have that quite yet.
We always say when it is meant to be it will hapen but I'm slowly losing fait in that.

Maybe it is the progesterone that are changing your symptoms. Who knows. As long as we stay possitive and relax. Look who's talking haha

I'm trying not to get down as much now. But it's hard xD
So what country dO you live in?
Ok ladies, I find myself second guessing myself.
I had a miscarriage at the beginning of the month, DTD the day after bleeding stopped (please don't judge, I needed comfort), DH did a whoopsie and ever since have been getting stronger & stronger symptoms. I am not sure if AF is coming and they are just heightened symptoms due to the miscarriage, but I don't usually feel anything until at least 6-7 days before :af:. I am not sure I even OV'd on the day we DTD but hubby said I was very wet down there.
I just hope whatever the outcome, I can give some reassurance to someone else going through the same. I feel like I am mad to even think I am pregnant again so soon but I guess we'll soon find out

1DPO-3DPO empty feeling from misc. nothing out of the ordinary
4DPO - nausea, mild bb aching, twinges in left ovary, aching in right, diarrhea which came on as quickly as it disappeared, mild backache
5DPO - Gassy - stinky, pinchy twinges in left ovary, nausea, runny nose - lots of sneezing in AM, bleeding gums when brushing
6DPO - right bb feels like have pulled a muscle, felt like diarrhea had come back - just bladder but felt wet - big blob of yellow tinged cm (tmi), bb's feel hot but not too touch IYKWIM,
7DPO - no symptoms when woke up, nauseous when hungry, yellow tinged cm still present, achy back, throbbing nipples (tmi)
8DPO - woke up with numb but tingly hands that kept getting pins and needles all AM, boobs feel huge, toothache, nipples stay semi-erect all day
9DPO - :bfn: with IC:test:x 2 (POAS addict), nausea, hunger, achy bbs, still feel like I'm getting a cold, bloated
10DPO - :bfn: with FMU, same as day before, horny
11DPO - woke with scratchy throat and chesty cough which disappeared by 9am, BM helps push out lots of lotiony CM, crampy like AF but fainter, boobs achy and looking veiny, 4 BM's in one day - not normal for me, left ovary pain, peeing alot, lots of spots on face - I usually get one around AF, sharp pains felt in both bb's that lasted seconds, horny
12DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, no crampiness in AM, more veins noticed in bb's, backache, bb's really achy
13DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, veins are prominent on bb's, backache is making tasks hard to do, ***irritable
14DPO - tingly nose, lotiony cm after bm, backache, aerola's are huge & dark, tired, ***irritable, I caved & did a :test: :bfn: with pm 3hr held U,
15DPO - runny nose, cm, left ovary pain, bb's look same, stabby pain in left nipple - like a needle being passed through (ouch), hungry (but am trying to stick to SW plan)
16DPO - awoke 3am needing loo, really runny nose, stabby pains in right bb, no sign of af, :test::bfn:(4mu), v.irritable - over the top reaction to girls losing bits out of a game, toothache has returned with a vengeance
17DPO - still no sign of af, ovary pains left-hand side, achy bb's
18DPO - not much to say really, WTF is af
***Am thinking this is me out, I want to snap at the kids which I do around :af: but I was very irritable before misc. so, meh!

Just wanted to add that we won't be TTC for the rest of this year.
FX for all those who are waiting with me, :dust: to all
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P

7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/

8 dpo - cp; medium-soft-medium, cm; thick creamy slightly yellow tinge, not much else. Bfn.

9 dpo - didn't check cp or cm.
Very emotional due to many different things. One of them is wondering why I can't get pregnant again and have at least one baby. Exhausted feeling. Bfn again, this time with frer.

10 dpo - pinching/tugging feeling in lower abdomen, ups and downs today, exhausted, bfn, bd with hubby and had a decent amount of bright pink blood. Af is more than likely on her way because I took my progesterone pill like 7 hours late :(

11 dpo - every muscle in my body feels sore.. back hurts, boobs are getting tender, been in a bad mood, no blood though.. Bfn.

12 dpo - had to share early before I forgot... last night at work I had bad sensitivities to smells. The first was some customers B/O and then after that it was the over whelming smell of the lunch room.
Now this morning my teeth on my lower left jaw HURT!!!! Idk why either?? I brushed them twice, took aleve and idk what to do to make it stop hurting :(
No sores or anything, they all just hurt on that side. It's making it very hard to sleep right now.
My left boob also hurts much more.
I'm starting to get my hopes up again! I will test when I am up later. For now I'm going to attempt sleep with an achy jaw.
Rest of the day:
Slightly sore boob. And nothing else.
Bfn :'(
Ok ladies, I find myself second guessing myself.
I had a miscarriage at the beginning of the month, DTD the day after bleeding stopped (please don't judge, I needed comfort), DH did a whoopsie and ever since have been getting stronger & stronger symptoms. I am not sure if AF is coming and they are just heightened symptoms due to the miscarriage, but I don't usually feel anything until at least 6-7 days before :af:. I am not sure I even OV'd on the day we DTD but hubby said I was very wet down there.
I just hope whatever the outcome, I can give some reassurance to someone else going through the same. I feel like I am mad to even think I am pregnant again so soon but I guess we'll soon find out

1DPO-3DPO empty feeling from misc. nothing out of the ordinary
4DPO - nausea, mild bb aching, twinges in left ovary, aching in right, diarrhea which came on as quickly as it disappeared, mild backache
5DPO - Gassy - stinky, pinchy twinges in left ovary, nausea, runny nose - lots of sneezing in AM, bleeding gums when brushing
6DPO - right bb feels like have pulled a muscle, felt like diarrhea had come back - just bladder but felt wet - big blob of yellow tinged cm (tmi), bb's feel hot but not too touch IYKWIM,
7DPO - no symptoms when woke up, nauseous when hungry, yellow tinged cm still present, achy back, throbbing nipples (tmi)
8DPO - woke up with numb but tingly hands that kept getting pins and needles all AM, boobs feel huge, toothache, nipples stay semi-erect all day
9DPO - :bfn: with IC:test:x 2 (POAS addict), nausea, hunger, achy bbs, still feel like I'm getting a cold, bloated
10DPO - :bfn: with FMU, same as day before, horny
11DPO - woke with scratchy throat and chesty cough which disappeared by 9am, BM helps push out lots of lotiony CM, crampy like AF but fainter, boobs achy and looking veiny, 4 BM's in one day - not normal for me, left ovary pain, peeing alot, lots of spots on face - I usually get one around AF, sharp pains felt in both bb's that lasted seconds, horny
12DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, no crampiness in AM, more veins noticed in bb's, backache, bb's really achy
13DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, veins are prominent on bb's, backache is making tasks hard to do, ***irritable
14DPO - tingly nose, lotiony cm after bm, backache, aerola's are huge & dark, tired, ***irritable, I caved & did a :test: :bfn: with pm 3hr held U,
15DPO - runny nose, cm, left ovary pain, bb's look same, stabby pain in left nipple - like a needle being passed through (ouch), hungry (but am trying to stick to SW plan)
16DPO - awoke 3am needing loo, really runny nose, stabby pains in right bb, no sign of af, :test::bfn:(4mu), v.irritable - over the top reaction to girls losing bits out of a game, toothache has returned with a vengeance
17DPO - still no sign of af, ovary pains left-hand side, achy bb's
18DPO - not much to say really, WTF is af
19DPO - v.v.irritable, emotional, backache, achy right boob is back, heartburn which has been bearable for past 2 wks is sitting in my chest - v.gassy & uncomforable - got hiccups
***Am thinking this is me out, I want to snap at the kids which I do around :af: but I was very irritable before misc. so, meh!

Won't be repeating a test till Tuesday/22 days DPO if no sign of af

Just wanted to add that we won't be TTC for the rest of this year.
FX for all those who are waiting with me, :dust: to all
Ok ladies, I find myself second guessing myself.
I had a miscarriage at the beginning of the month, DTD the day after bleeding stopped (please don't judge, I needed comfort), DH did a whoopsie and ever since have been getting stronger & stronger symptoms. I am not sure if AF is coming and they are just heightened symptoms due to the miscarriage, but I don't usually feel anything until at least 6-7 days before :af:. I am not sure I even OV'd on the day we DTD but hubby said I was very wet down there.
I just hope whatever the outcome, I can give some reassurance to someone else going through the same. I feel like I am mad to even think I am pregnant again so soon but I guess we'll soon find out

1DPO-3DPO empty feeling from misc. nothing out of the ordinary
4DPO - nausea, mild bb aching, twinges in left ovary, aching in right, diarrhea which came on as quickly as it disappeared, mild backache
5DPO - Gassy - stinky, pinchy twinges in left ovary, nausea, runny nose - lots of sneezing in AM, bleeding gums when brushing
6DPO - right bb feels like have pulled a muscle, felt like diarrhea had come back - just bladder but felt wet - big blob of yellow tinged cm (tmi), bb's feel hot but not too touch IYKWIM,
7DPO - no symptoms when woke up, nauseous when hungry, yellow tinged cm still present, achy back, throbbing nipples (tmi)
8DPO - woke up with numb but tingly hands that kept getting pins and needles all AM, boobs feel huge, toothache, nipples stay semi-erect all day
9DPO - :bfn: with IC:test:x 2 (POAS addict), nausea, hunger, achy bbs, still feel like I'm getting a cold, bloated
10DPO - :bfn: with FMU, same as day before, horny
11DPO - woke with scratchy throat and chesty cough which disappeared by 9am, BM helps push out lots of lotiony CM, crampy like AF but fainter, boobs achy and looking veiny, 4 BM's in one day - not normal for me, left ovary pain, peeing alot, lots of spots on face - I usually get one around AF, sharp pains felt in both bb's that lasted seconds, horny
12DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, no crampiness in AM, more veins noticed in bb's, backache, bb's really achy
13DPO - runny nose, lotiony cm, left ovary pain, veins are prominent on bb's, backache is making tasks hard to do, ***irritable
14DPO - tingly nose, lotiony cm after bm, backache, aerola's are huge & dark, tired, ***irritable, I caved & did a :test: :bfn: with pm 3hr held U,
15DPO - runny nose, cm, left ovary pain, bb's look same, stabby pain in left nipple - like a needle being passed through (ouch), hungry (but am trying to stick to SW plan)
16DPO - awoke 3am needing loo, really runny nose, stabby pains in right bb, no sign of af, :test::bfn:(4mu), v.irritable - over the top reaction to girls losing bits out of a game, toothache has returned with a vengeance
17DPO - still no sign of af, ovary pains left-hand side, achy bb's
18DPO - not much to say really, WTF is af
19DPO - v.v.irritable, emotional, backache, achy right boob is back, heartburn which has been bearable for past 2 wks is sitting in my chest - v.gassy & uncomforable - got hiccups
20DPO - sore left bb, backache, really crampy, today the day? AF has arrived!!!
***Am thinking this is me out, I want to snap at the kids which I do around :af: but I was very irritable before misc. so, meh!

Well ladies, GL to all. I'm off to WTT for a few months. FX for all those who are waiting, :dust: to all
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P

7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/

8 dpo - cp; medium-soft-medium, cm; thick creamy slightly yellow tinge, not much else. Bfn.

9 dpo - didn't check cp or cm.
Very emotional due to many different things. One of them is wondering why I can't get pregnant again and have at least one baby. Exhausted feeling. Bfn again, this time with frer.

10 dpo - pinching/tugging feeling in lower abdomen, ups and downs today, exhausted, bfn, bd with hubby and had a decent amount of bright pink blood. Af is more than likely on her way because I took my progesterone pill like 7 hours late :(

11 dpo - every muscle in my body feels sore.. back hurts, boobs are getting tender, been in a bad mood, no blood though.. Bfn.

12 dpo - had to share early before I forgot... last night at work I had bad sensitivities to smells. The first was some customers B/O and then after that it was the over whelming smell of the lunch room.
Now this morning my teeth on my lower left jaw HURT!!!! Idk why either?? I brushed them twice, took aleve and idk what to do to make it stop hurting :(
No sores or anything, they all just hurt on that side. It's making it very hard to sleep right now.
My left boob also hurts much more.
I'm starting to get my hopes up again! I will test when I am up later. For now I'm going to attempt sleep with an achy jaw.
Rest of the day:
Slightly sore boob. And nothing else.
Bfn :'(

13 dpo - very very emotional. Boobs hurt off and on. Mild waves of nausea. Took a cheap hpt and it looked like there was a very very very faint bfp within 2 minutes but when I had my husband look he couldn't see it. It looked later and I could still see something but I'm probably just getting my hopes up. Oh well :/

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