Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.
FF changed O date.
O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.
1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.
2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.
3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!
4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!
5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.
6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case
7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/
8 dpo - cp; medium-soft-medium, cm; thick creamy slightly yellow tinge, not much else. Bfn.
9 dpo - didn't check cp or cm.
Very emotional due to many different things. One of them is wondering why I can't get pregnant again and have at least one baby. Exhausted feeling. Bfn again, this time with frer.
10 dpo - pinching/tugging feeling in lower abdomen, ups and downs today, exhausted, bfn, bd with hubby and had a decent amount of bright pink blood. Af is more than likely on her way because I took my progesterone pill like 7 hours late
11 dpo - every muscle in my body feels sore.. back hurts, boobs are getting tender, been in a bad mood, no blood though.. Bfn.
12 dpo - had to share early before I forgot... last night at work I had bad sensitivities to smells. The first was some customers B/O and then after that it was the over whelming smell of the lunch room.
Now this morning my teeth on my lower left jaw HURT!!!! Idk why either?? I brushed them twice, took aleve and idk what to do to make it stop hurting
No sores or anything, they all just hurt on that side. It's making it very hard to sleep right now.
My left boob also hurts much more.
I'm starting to get my hopes up again! I will test when I am up later. For now I'm going to attempt sleep with an achy jaw.
Rest of the day:
Slightly sore boob. And nothing else.
Bfn :'(
13 dpo - very very emotional. Boobs hurt off and on. Mild waves of nausea. Took a cheap hpt and it looked like there was a very very very faint bfp within 2 minutes but when I had my husband look he couldn't see it. It looked later and I could still see something but I'm probably just getting my hopes up. Oh well :/
14 dpo - I'm assuming I am out. Took both an .88 cent test and an frer. Both are bfn. My boobs are still sore, I'm still irritable and emotional, been SUPER thirsty, hot flashes, mild nauseas. But whatever. It must be my progesterone pills causing this.
15 dpo - AF is making her appearance. Next month I'm going to assume that any symptoms I get are just from the progesterone pills.
Good luck to everyone else!