Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Joining in! On cycle #4 while TTC our 3rd babe. Feeling quite discouraged yet again :cry:

Clomid + Trigger shot + IUI:
1dpo: soreness from ovulation
2dpo: nadda
3dpo: nadda
4dpo: nadda
5dpo: nadda
6dpo: nadda

Can you see why I am discouraged? lol

7dpo: nadda. Feeling out again this month

8-10dpo: nadda
10dpo: BFN :nope:
Can I join in? Love this thread...
congratulations to the ladies who go their BFP*and fc for us in the waiting game.*

Me and my husband have been trying for 2 and a half years.**with no luck. And one failed iui.*

I am currently 6dpo

1-6dpo very sore nipples and cramping on and of with headaches. CM creamy not a lot.
really hoping this is our month.

7dpo cramping in both ovaries. 2nd night vivid dreams. Creamy cm, more than before. Boobs hurt. Shooting headache.

8-10dpo on and of cramping. Bleeding gums. Lots of creamy cm. Itchy nipples. Backache
Back for 12th month.....

1dpo: really hot throughout night, insomnia, wrestless sleep. Nipples REALLY tender. Cm hardly anything.

2dpo: still feeling quite warm, nipples same as yesterday. Cm still pretty sparse.

3 dpo: Feeling quite irritable, nipples still tender. Moderate amount of sticky/paste like cm. bad lower back/pelvic ache in late evening/night.

4 dpo: nipples tender but not as bad as last few days. Cm is creamy/lotion like and a fair amount.

5 dpo: temp drop this morning?? Cm creamy, not much. Felt tired this afternoon, feeling mildly cramps achey in pelvic area. Urine had a strange smell, ? Down to new vitamins?

6 dpo: temp back up a bit, cm creamy with tinge of pink around lunchtime. Lower backache again and crampy achey pelvis/uterus. Strange stingy burning sensation up my left nostril in afternoon and sore gums too, maybe I'm getting a cold??

Didnt finish my symptoms but ended up a BFN :nope:
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P

7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/

8 dpo - cp; medium-soft-medium, cm; thick creamy slightly yellow tinge, not much else. Bfn.

9 dpo - didn't check cp or cm.
Very emotional due to many different things. One of them is wondering why I can't get pregnant again and have at least one baby. Exhausted feeling. Bfn again, this time with frer.

10 dpo - pinching/tugging feeling in lower abdomen, ups and downs today, exhausted, bfn, bd with hubby and had a decent amount of bright pink blood. Af is more than likely on her way because I took my progesterone pill like 7 hours late :(

11 dpo - every muscle in my body feels sore.. back hurts, boobs are getting tender, been in a bad mood, no blood though.. Bfn.

12 dpo - had to share early before I forgot... last night at work I had bad sensitivities to smells. The first was some customers B/O and then after that it was the over whelming smell of the lunch room.
Now this morning my teeth on my lower left jaw HURT!!!! Idk why either?? I brushed them twice, took aleve and idk what to do to make it stop hurting :(
No sores or anything, they all just hurt on that side. It's making it very hard to sleep right now.
My left boob also hurts much more.
I'm starting to get my hopes up again! I will test when I am up later. For now I'm going to attempt sleep with an achy jaw.
Rest of the day:
Slightly sore boob. And nothing else.
Bfn :'(

13 dpo - very very emotional. Boobs hurt off and on. Mild waves of nausea. Took a cheap hpt and it looked like there was a very very very faint bfp within 2 minutes but when I had my husband look he couldn't see it. It looked later and I could still see something but I'm probably just getting my hopes up. Oh well :/

14 dpo - I'm assuming I am out. Took both an .88 cent test and an frer. Both are bfn. My boobs are still sore, I'm still irritable and emotional, been SUPER thirsty, hot flashes, mild nauseas. But whatever. It must be my progesterone pills causing this.
Hello ladies!!
Well, the injectables kind of worked on the small doses I got and we have two eggs this cycle. We just got triggered today and we started bedding tonight.
I won't stress this cycle too much and I'll try to stay away from symptoms spotting lol. We are going on vacation in two weeks to Cancun and we will be there for whole two weeks!! We will try to relax and enjoy life and then when we will be back we will see with RE what the plans are for October since we will probably miss the next cycle cuz we will be out on vacation. I hope that the witch stays away tho, wouldn't it be great to get pregnant on vacation time?
Any news with you girls? How you feeling?? 😀
Decided not to take Clomid this month and am surprised to see that I am not only ovulating on my own but it is happening earlier than normal! Or at least I hope this is ovulation... I'm not getting cramps but my opk's showed a positive test yesterday. I don't temp because my graveyard schedule for work is so messed up that I can't get on a regular sleep schedule.

FF changed O date.

O day - bd in AM.
Cp; high-soft-open, cm; eggwhite, Back sche, head ache, actually able to sleep, emotional, slightly tender boobs, hungry for anything food.

1 dpo - cp; high-soft-open, cm; watery, cramps, constipation, boobs more sensitive, sleeping good for 3-4 hours before insomnia kicks in, slight nausea especially when taking pills.

2 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, odd dreams... bd in PM.

3 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

4 dpo - cp; medium-medium-medium, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, boobs still sensitive, slight nausea, vivid dreams, excited, head ache, hungry!

5 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps are a bit stronger today, hot flashes, boobs more sensitive, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache.

6 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, slightly sensitive boobs, cravings/hungry, vivid dreams, dizziness, head ache, TMI- green gooey poop (baby poop looking), took a test and thought I saw a faint line; didn't wait full 5 minutes and then checked later to see a colored line but it is probably an evap since it is a .88 test.
Checked a test I took yesterday that looked blank and it is a very faint evap on it but is also colored so I'm not counting this at all. Just want to note just in case :P

7 dpo - cp; medium-firm-closed, cm; creamy, cramps, hot flashes, left boob HURTS, nauseas when hungry, sensitive to bad smells (gaggy), vivid dreams, GRUMPY/EMOTIONAL, dizzy, fatigued, BFN :/

8 dpo - cp; medium-soft-medium, cm; thick creamy slightly yellow tinge, not much else. Bfn.

9 dpo - didn't check cp or cm.
Very emotional due to many different things. One of them is wondering why I can't get pregnant again and have at least one baby. Exhausted feeling. Bfn again, this time with frer.

10 dpo - pinching/tugging feeling in lower abdomen, ups and downs today, exhausted, bfn, bd with hubby and had a decent amount of bright pink blood. Af is more than likely on her way because I took my progesterone pill like 7 hours late :(

11 dpo - every muscle in my body feels sore.. back hurts, boobs are getting tender, been in a bad mood, no blood though.. Bfn.

12 dpo - had to share early before I forgot... last night at work I had bad sensitivities to smells. The first was some customers B/O and then after that it was the over whelming smell of the lunch room.
Now this morning my teeth on my lower left jaw HURT!!!! Idk why either?? I brushed them twice, took aleve and idk what to do to make it stop hurting :(
No sores or anything, they all just hurt on that side. It's making it very hard to sleep right now.
My left boob also hurts much more.
I'm starting to get my hopes up again! I will test when I am up later. For now I'm going to attempt sleep with an achy jaw.
Rest of the day:
Slightly sore boob. And nothing else.
Bfn :'(

13 dpo - very very emotional. Boobs hurt off and on. Mild waves of nausea. Took a cheap hpt and it looked like there was a very very very faint bfp within 2 minutes but when I had my husband look he couldn't see it. It looked later and I could still see something but I'm probably just getting my hopes up. Oh well :/

14 dpo - I'm assuming I am out. Took both an .88 cent test and an frer. Both are bfn. My boobs are still sore, I'm still irritable and emotional, been SUPER thirsty, hot flashes, mild nauseas. But whatever. It must be my progesterone pills causing this.

15 dpo - AF is making her appearance. Next month I'm going to assume that any symptoms I get are just from the progesterone pills.

Good luck to everyone else! symptoms at all. I think I am out for this month. Tested BFN this morning. Had light bleeding this evening. Never had spotting before AF
Praying 101 - af is light, but is here and starting to get heavier with each hour. So I know for sure I am out.
I hope that your spotting is IB!! That would explain why you haven't had symptoms yet if you hadn't implanted.
I am so sorry AF got you. The witch was suppose to show today but she is a no show. I am so confused still testing negative. I am praying for your BFP to come ASAP.
Back for 12th month.....

1dpo: really hot throughout night, insomnia, wrestless sleep. Nipples REALLY tender. Cm hardly anything.

2dpo: still feeling quite warm, nipples same as yesterday. Cm still pretty sparse.

3 dpo: Feeling quite irritable, nipples still tender. Moderate amount of sticky/paste like cm. bad lower back/pelvic ache in late evening/night.

4 dpo: nipples tender but not as bad as last few days. Cm is creamy/lotion like and a fair amount.

5 dpo: temp drop this morning?? Cm creamy, not much. Felt tired this afternoon, feeling mildly cramps achey in pelvic area. Urine had a strange smell, ? Down to new vitamins?

6 dpo: temp back up a bit, cm creamy with tinge of pink around lunchtime. Lower backache again and crampy achey pelvis/uterus. Strange stingy burning sensation up my left nostril in afternoon and sore gums too, maybe I'm getting a cold??

Can I join in? Love this thread...
congratulations to the ladies who go their BFP*and fc for us in the waiting game.*

Me and my husband have been trying for 2 and a half years.**with no luck. And one failed iui.*

I am currently 6dpo

1-6dpo very sore nipples and cramping on and of with headaches. CM creamy not a lot.
really hoping this is our month.

7dpo cramping in both ovaries. 2nd night vivid dreams. Creamy cm, more than before. Boobs hurt. Shooting headache.

8-10dpo on and of cramping. Bleeding gums. Lots of creamy cm. Itchy nipples. Backache symptoms at all. I think I am out for this month. Tested BFN this morning. Had light bleeding this evening. Never had spotting before AF

13dpo had a dizzy spell but that was it

14dpo AF cramping but no spotting. Was suppose to have AF today but nothing. BFN this morning. Sore nipples
also want to ad that I had a temp spike today which is weird it usually drops by now.
16dpo :witch: got me
Hi all,

I'm new and have been slightly stalking this thread. I love the feeling of community here and the way everyone is rooting for everyone.

My DH and I have a DD who is now 2 years old and we're TTC #2. We just started really trying, before we were NTNP but I secretly kinda hoped we'd get pregnant from that, but now we're actually trying to time things correctly so we'll see! FX!

Here is where I'm at...

1 DPO: Bloated, lots of cramping in lower abdomen, twinges. Nausea off and on.

2 DPO: More bloated feeling and tons of cramping on left side of lower abdomen throughout the day. Nausea in the late afternoon, early evening.

3 DPO: Feeling normal. No bloating or cramping. Gassy, but that's kinda normal. Nighttime cramping and a little nausea.

4 DPO: Small twinges in lower belly, not quite cramps but feeling "full" or slightly bloated in lower part of abdomen. Lower back twinges. Tingly breasts.

5 DPO: Feeling normal.

6 DPO: Feeling SUPER bloated and gassy. All my pants felt tight.

7 DPO: Feeling totally normal, small cramps during part of the day.

8 DPO: Feeling normal

9 DPO: Feeling normal
Suspecting BFN

10 DPO: Feeling normal in morning, but had cramp late morning, tiny spotting (nothing when wiped), huge headache, feeling lightheaded and fatigued, and TONS of intense nausea from about 8pm – morning.
--Broke down and POAS in morning – BFN (duh). Much too early.

11 DPO: Slightly nauseous, not as bad as previous night. Wondering if sick or preg? Or none of the above. Otherwise, feeling normal.
-- POAS in morning: BFN. Duh. Still too early.
Symptom watching: Sore breasts- that will be a definite sign of preg. Still waiting...

AF is due Sept. 10th or so...five more days and I'll know for sure if the witch arrives. I think I'll blow through 5 more tests. lol
Thanks for the welcome!

Well, guess who showed up 3 days early? Yup. The Witch. Oh well, at least my ovulation days will be sooner.

I wonder what all that nausea and bloating was all about? I was convinced it was something to do with pregnancy...ah well. Next time maybe!
Praying- I'm sorry to hear the witch got you too :(
BAB that is okay. Think we will go back to the doctors for help. FX for all of you in the TWW
I've been reading this forum off and on for two years lol I know stalker. But I finally get to post my symptoms so here goes. Quick note I was not paying attention until I noticed strange happenings recently.

DPO 1-5 didn't really notice anything slight nausea?
DPO 6-8 nausea, tired large pimple on cheek and body acne. I have never had body acne. Went to brothers wedding could only stomach raw veggies. Tired. took hpt BFN BIT into a candy an thought my jaw was broken. I don't have dental issues but my back teeth hurt like the dickens
DPO 9-10 morning noon and night sickness and vomiting. Day 10 was the worse. I couldn't hold anything down at all and was extremely thirsty and felt like I could use 30 hours of sleep
DPO 11-12 vomiting less was able to eat a little food. Noticed little wave like flutter cramps in lower abdomen and my underwear felt wet but wasn't. When I wiped a lot of CM thirsty can only drink tea with honey and ice cold water which I never drink ice cold water
DPO 13 nausea dry heaving light cramps but not AF feeling same wavy flutter cramps. Can't take the smell of fried foods. I live in the south lol that's a staple. I only have a taste for cold canned fruit. Extreme dry mouth. was expecting AF today but no show. Still a wet feeling but no wetness when I wipe.

A little more about me. I had a miscarriage in April at at little over 7wks. We weren't trying then just having fun as couples do. Same this time. We want things to happen naturally so there's no stressing. The only thing I chart are periods and our intimate moments. I'm 33 and DH just made 30. I'm praying this one sticks as it was very devastating to loose our first bean. Praying baby dust to you all!!!!!!!🚼

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