Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hello! This is our third time trying to conceive via known donor and my husband SWEARS that he knows I'm pregnant this time. I also feel like I may be in only because I swear my symptoms are super textbook. Anyway, I've spent way too much time stalking different boards and figured it'd be fun to post my own story and see what the outcome is in the end. Here goes ladies! FX for my first BFP ever!

1: Craved a bologna sandwich with chips (cramps yesterday and/or today)
2: Body aches, hand weakness, acne on side of face and neck
3: crabby, ate lots of chocolate/chocolate frosting
4: sensitive to caffeine, starving in AM, cramping
5: heartburn, cramping (left sided, either today or yesterday?),tired
6: SEVERE craving for cheesy pizza with pepperoni, bad allergies, weird heaviness in lower abdomen, cramp on right side now, Linh dreamt I was pregnant and wearing a yellow dress
7: craving hamburgers, feel well rested, pink discharge from either vag or anus upon wiping, James says he has a feeling I'm pregnant (I "looked" pregnant while sleeping last night), I have an excited feeling too, went to bed
around 9-10, hot flashes, skin feels hot but no temp
8: yellow-pink discharge, caffeine sensitive, thirsty, tingling nipples, "Joey" 5rpu942 black and red mustang getting on 91w
9: Bad cramping exactly like period, was certain I started my period at Starbucks but only light pink discharge, cramping went away, tight lower back muscles, super tired and slept good as hell
10: vivid dreams last night, BFN today (2x!! 🙄), cramping and diarrhea
11: BFN in the am 🙄🙄🙄, vivid dreams last night (including one where I tested positive), didn't feel like I got really good sleep but still energized, gas, hot flashes in morning, lower back tightness

Second cycle TTC #2. For number 1, DD, I remember getting to go back and turn my post green after a BFP 8dpo. Hoping to do the same this cycle! It'll be interesting though because so far my symptoms are not even close to the first time...

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - nothing
3dpo - nothing
4dpo - clear CM

5dpo - exhausted. Asleep before 9pm. SUPER moody and kind of mean to hubby

6dpo - wide awake at 4:50. Happy happy all day

7dpo - super scratchy throat. Wide awake at 5:30am. Full feeling all day. Exhausted and asleep by 8:30

8dpo - super vivid dreams last night. I usually remember dreams but it was one after another after another. Slight cramps / stomach pains. Gassy. Strange dull ache down there... Noticed super blue veins on boobs tonight- remind me of how they looked while breastfeeding.

9dpo - burning light cramping feeling in stomach all day on and off. BFN on a FRER this evening

10dpo - more vivid dreams. Red bumpy rash on upper thing (heat rash?) BFN on a CVS test with FMU.

11dpo - insomnia last night. Awake 2:00-4:00. BFN on a cvs test this morning. Stared so hard I have line eye and think there's maybe just maybe a shadow line. :(. cramping and tightness in abdomen, lower back pain. Starting to think if I'm not pregnant something is going on with my stomach

12dpo - bfn on digital. Worst headache I've had in years...

13 dpo - AF arrived right on time
Hi Ladies,

I've been dying to join in!

O'd on 8/26, so I am 4DPO

1DPO- nothing

2DPO- nothing

3DPO- cramping, (dull cramps, almost like uterus feels...raw?), no specific side

4DPO- less cramping, more just dull aches that come and go, ewcm, cp low, medium, open and tilted towards tailbone.

Will update as the days go by.

I'm excited to see where this goes!
Alright, I'm back at it again after miscarrying in June.... Was on vacation during ovulation and I definitely have got my bases covered as far as timing goes :winkwink::sex: Haven't been symptom spotting much while on vacation, but now that I am back I will start...

O day: Ovulation cramping in the afternoon, bd earlier that day.

1-5dpo: Not much, super hot at night/ hard to sleep.

6dpo: Slight cramping on right side of uterus. Super hot and restless at night :dohh:

7dpo: Still super hot, some light nausea before bedtime, CP high firm and closed.

8dpo: Still hot, a bit of a sore throat, CP high firm closed, BFN...

9dpo: Feeling tired and slightly crampy today, kinda feeling like I might be getting sick...And now 2hrs later I'm feeling fine again... Strange, it seems to come and go
Good luck to all you ladies in the tww! I still check in on you lovely ladies hoping that you get your lucky cycles. :) I got my first u/s today to see baby #1. 7 w+2 and heard baby's strong heartbeat via transvaginal u/s since the abdominal one wasn't picking up a clear view of baby. Sooo awesome. I hope you all get to do the same very very soon. <3
Okay, I wasn't planning on symptom spotting, but I've got a bachelorette party in 2 days, so I need to be pretty sure.

1-6 DPO - nada much. Creamy CM
7 DPO - having some odd CM, it's clear, and clumpy but stretchy. We BD yesterday, so my guess was left over baby juice.
8 DPO - more weird CM! Dull, focused cramping (not like AF), really nauseated that night, but improved before bed. Unhappy in general. BFN in the afternoon with clinical guard cheapie.
9 DPO - the CM is still here! WTF is this stuff?! It's clear and stretchy, and more sticky than slick. I NEVER get EWCM, even around O. This is odd for me! Total mental breakdown that evening (not out of nowhere, I had reasons). BFN PM urine with CG.
10 DPO - still have the weird CM, but also some creamy CM. BFN FMU with CG. Tired, but what else is new. Another BFN in the pm.
11-12 DPO - nothing recorded; at a destination wedding. BFN FMU both days with CG.
13 DPO - AF due today, no sign, not even spotting, which I normally get before AF. BFN pm urine.
14 DPO - Very dizzy today.
15 DPO - Very cold, can't get warm. Tired all day, fell asleep very early. BFN FMU with CG. Thought maybe it was test brand, but BFN on an EPT also.
16 DPO - same as above. No testing today. Still no spotting.
17 DPO (today) - tired. cold. No sign of AF. Will test using OPK and HPT tonight.

Updated. I haven't been late since I quit my birth control. I guess this is going to be my first post-pill anovulatory cycle. Sucks :(
Alright, I'm back at it again after miscarrying in June.... Was on vacation during ovulation and I definitely have got my bases covered as far as timing goes :winkwink::sex: Haven't been symptom spotting much while on vacation, but now that I am back I will start...

O day: Ovulation cramping in the afternoon, bd earlier that day.

1-5dpo: Not much, super hot at night/ hard to sleep.

6dpo: Slight cramping on right side of uterus. Super hot and restless at night :dohh:

7dpo: Still super hot, some light nausea before bedtime, CP high firm and closed.

8dpo: Still hot, a bit of a sore throat, CP high firm closed, BFN...

9dpo: Feeling tired and slightly crampy today, kinda feeling like I might be getting sick...And now 2hrs later I'm feeling fine again... Strange, it seems to come and go.

10dpo: Cramps and some light spotting... probably out this cycle :nope: Tested BFN

11dpo: I rarely make it to 11dpo so this could be good or AF could come later today? Still spotting, still restless and hot while sleeping.
8dpo - super vivid dreams last night. I usually remember dreams but it was one after another after another. Slight cramps / stomach pains. Gassy. Strange dull ache down there... Noticed super blue veins on boobs tonight- remind me of how they looked while breastfeeding.

9dpo - burning light cramping feeling in stomach all day on and off. BFN on a FRER this evening

I'm approximately 10 dpo and the last couple of nights I've also had weird cramp/burning feeling! I wouldn't say it was in the stomach, it definitely felt like it was on one side of my uterus. Fingers crossed for both of us!

We are NTNP for our first baby. We've sort of been half ass-ing it this year, but we were busy with a cross country move and graduations and starting grad school. So this is the first cycle we really BD a LOT :D

Because we're ntnp, I don't test for ovulation, but I usually get pretty noticeable cramps right around the day that my App says I should ovulate, so the day I feel cramps I mark it as my O.

Of course, this cycle I didn't notice any. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up TOO high, but here are my symptoms anyways. I've only in the last couple days really kept track, so the days may be off by one or two.

Estimated O is Aug 24th.

1-5DPO - Nothing really noticeable. Maybe starting day 5 I noticed more CM

5-7DPO - CM falls in globs in the toilette (gross, I know,) creamy looking, but never really noticed much more in underwear, just in the bathroom.

6DPO- Middle of the night cramps on left side. Pangy and dull at the same time, almost burning sensation. Cheddar cheese craving :P

7DPO - Breasts starting to feel tender, maybe a little full.

8DPO - Middle of the night cramps again. Cheddar cheese craving again. Nipples seem pointer a little.

9DPO - Same cramps scattered through the day (And some right now!) always on the left side. Tender breasts. Some fatigue.

10DPO - Felt light headed or dizzy all day. Always had to stand up super slow. Super mild stomach ache, headache, felt very tired but ended up with insomnia and didn't sleep til about 3am.

11DPO - Breasts seem less tender. Have some mild cramping but it's starting to feel more like PMS cramps. Mild tummy ache/no appetite again.

Really really really trying to wait until 14DPO to test, but will probably cave and test on Monday. :P I do tend to get mild cramps during the luteal phase, but these feel a little different.
Good luck to all the ladies about to test or nearing O day!

I think I O'd during the night last night so hoping to dtd sometime today,last chance to catch that egg!

How is everyone holding up this cycle?
Hey Aphy :wave:

Fx for catching the egg! I am nearing testing tomorrow which I'm super nervous about. I've tested already from 8-10dpo with what looked like bfn's but my test look at bit wonky as I can see really really faint lines but you really have to squint to see.

I read that the new comfort sure frer tests have given people false positives so if I miss Af then I'll have to pick up a different brand to test with.
Good luck sweetie! :flower:
1DBO - EWCM, 1 follicle at 20, Estradiole 200
O - IUI, cramps
3DPO - nothing
4DPO - symptoms of yeast infection
5DPO - Bad headache, very cranky, symptoms of yeast infection, fatigue, Progesterone 15.7, HPT is a faint + (left over trigger)
6DPO - symptoms of yeast infection, very cranky, cramps, HPT is a faint + (left over trigger)
7DPO - cramps, HPT is a faint + (left over trigger)
8DPO - occasionally cramps, fatigue, creamy cm, gas, HPT =
9DPO - occasionally cramps, headache, creamy cm, gas, HPT =

Good luck to all!

We are NTNP for our first baby. We've sort of been half ass-ing it this year, but we were busy with a cross country move and graduations and starting grad school. So this is the first cycle we really BD a LOT :D

Because we're ntnp, I don't test for ovulation, but I usually get pretty noticeable cramps right around the day that my App says I should ovulate, so the day I feel cramps I mark it as my O.

Of course, this cycle I didn't notice any. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up TOO high, but here are my symptoms anyways. I've only in the last couple days really kept track, so the days may be off by one or two.

Estimated O is Aug 24th.

1-5DPO - Nothing really noticeable. Maybe starting day 5 I noticed more CM

5-7DPO - CM falls in globs in the toilette (gross, I know,) creamy looking, but never really noticed much more in underwear, just in the bathroom.

6DPO- Middle of the night cramps on left side. Pangy and dull at the same time, almost burning sensation. Cheddar cheese craving :P

7DPO - Breasts starting to feel tender, maybe a little full.

8DPO - Middle of the night cramps again. Cheddar cheese craving again. Nipples seem pointer a little.

9DPO - Same cramps scattered through the day (And some right now!) always on the left side. Tender breasts. Some fatigue.

Really really really trying to wait until 14DPO to test, but will probably cave and test on Monday. :P I do tend to get mild cramps during the luteal phase, but these feel a little different.

10DPO - Felt light headed or dizzy all day. Always had to stand up super slow. Super mild stomach ache, headache, felt very tired but ended up with insomnia and didn't sleep til about 3am.

11DPO - Breasts seem less tender. Have some mild cramping but it's starting to feel more like PMS cramps. Mild tummy ache/no appetite again.

Woke up today (11dpo) feeling like I'm out. This is about the time when my pms symptoms (breast tenderness, mild cramps, mild nausea) fade out until AF. If anything it will make it easier to wait to test if I think it's just pms :P
Updated my original post! BFP! I can hardly believe it! I'm so excited!

aw crap I have so much to do now! :P
CD1-5 AF
CD5-11 EPO used
CD14 - Peak ovulation detected (8/28)
1dpo - gassy, bloated, dull pelvic ache, dry cm
2dpo - started Progesterone cream, gassy, bloated, congested, dull pelvic ache, acne, dry cm
3dpo - gassy, bloated, congested, cramping, headache, nausea, bloated, diarrhea, dry cm, frequent urination
4dpo - gassy, bloated, congested, burping, sensitive to smells, nausea, creamy cm
5dpo - gassy, bloated, congested, headache, burping, sensitive to smells, nausea, creamy cm
6dpo - gassy, AF like cramping, bloated, sensitive to smells, dull pelvic ache, fatigue, congested, acne, sensitive nipples, acne, creamy cm
7dpo - last day using Progesterone cream, gassy, bloated, congested, cramping, sensitive to smells, dull pelvic ache, fatigue, acne, pelvic twinges, acne, AF like cramping, sensitive nipples, creamy cm
8dpo - higher bbt in combination with night sweats, creamy cm, irritable likely due to fatigue and my 18mo not napping (I'd love a nap!), AF like cramping, creamy cm, sensitive nipples
9dpo -
10dpo -
11dpo -
12dpo -
13dpo -
14dpo -
15dpo - AF due (9/12)
I forgot to post my last cycle, so I'm going to do two in a row. This is July:

1-3DPO: Nada, nothing.
4DPO: Irritability.
5DPO: Nothing.
6DPO: Headache.
7DPO: Bloated and Tender Breasts.
8DPO: Heartburn, Pelvic Twinges, and Tender Breasts.
9DPO: Cramps and Tender Breasts.
10DPO: Spotting and Tender Breasts.
11DPO: Spotting, Cramps, Irritability, and Tender Breasts.
12DPO: :witch:

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