Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

August Cycle:

1-2DPO: Nothing.
3DPO: Bloated, Increased Sex Drive.
4DPO: Nothing.
5DPO: Headache, Irritability.
6DPO: Loose Stools, Vivid Dreams, Gassy and Tender Breasts.
7DPO: Backache, Cold Sore, Skin Breakout, and Tender Breasts.
8DPO: Constipation, Cold Sore, Gassy, Emotional, and Tender Breasts.
9DPO: Backache, Constipation, Cold Sore, Irritability, Sleep Deprived, and Tender Breasts.
10DPO: Bloated, Cramps, Loose Stools, Cold Sore, Frequent Urination, and Tender Breasts.
11DPO: Spotting, Backache, Cramps, Gassy, Emotional, Irritability, and Tender Breasts.
12DPO: :witch:
1DBO - EWCM, 1 follicle at 20, Estradiole 200
O - IUI, cramps
3DPO - nothing
4DPO - symptoms of yeast infection
5DPO - Bad headache, very cranky, symptoms of yeast infection, fatigue, Progesterone 15.7, HPT is a faint + (left over trigger)
6DPO - symptoms of yeast infection, very cranky, cramps, HPT is a faint + (left over trigger)
7DPO - cramps, HPT is a faint + (left over trigger)
8DPO - occasionally cramps, fatigue, creamy cm, gas, HPT =
9DPO - occasionally cramps, headache, creamy cm, gas, HPT =
10DPO - occasionally cramps, headache, fatigue, HPT very very faint positive
11DPO - HPT faint positive
12DPO - HPT positive on both internet cheapies and FRER

Good luck to all!!
Hi ladies! Just wondering if anyone had symptoms of early stages of uti? I have a weird burning type feeling off and on and also some light af type cramps. I am 10dpo has been happening for the last couple of days...
Back for another cycle...

Almost positive I o'ed on Sept 17

O night - slight stomach cramp / bubble feeling on left side
1 dpo - slight cramping
2 dpo - queasy
3 dpo - vivid dream last night that I was wiping and looked down and saw bright red blood and knew I had implanted. No other symptoms today.
4, 5 dpo - nothing
6 dpo - grumpy
7 dpo - nothing
8 dpo - nothing, BFN on cheapie
9dpo - nothing, BFN on cheapie
10dpo - nothing, faint faint faint line with FMU on cheapie
11dpo - faint line (a little less faint than yesterday) on a cheapie. Light cramping
12dpo - definitely a line!!! :bfp:
Yay! My turn!

4DPO-(late in the day) dizziness, creamy CM, marked fatigue, acne, headache, heavy breasts
5DPO-acne, creamy cm, left-side backache (morning only), fullness in abdomen, WAY dizzy, cheeks feel hot and flushed randomly, sinuses feel dry, throat is dry and scratchy, temperature went down by .1 degree
Alright, I am back again! Was really sick the week leading up to O, but fx we caught the egg just in time! :winkwink:

Oday- Cramping and bd in pm.

1dpo: super hopeful, I just want to be pregnant already! I have been trying for about 2yrs now and I just want it to happen...and stick![-o<
808malia - we are basically ovulation buddies! Ff says I am ovulating today since I had a positive opk yesterday.
I'm honestly not really trying because we have vacation plans in February, but I cant help but to keep track of ovulation half assed at least :P
Hey girl! Good to see you!!! Sucks that we are both still on here trying but at least we have each other, lol! Ya, I'm not sure if I have ovulated or not yet... I have had 4 solid days of positive opks so just waiting... :coffee:

Update: No positive opk today so I must have o'd yesterday or today...
I love this idea. I need to start doing this.

6DPO: Cervix closed, firm and medium, nipples sensitive, left pelvic pain, bloating, tender breasts
7DPO: Cramps and bloating, extremely tired, and irritable, had a strong left ovary pain I had to sit down for.
8DPO: Creamy milk like CM, medium cervix, very stressed, depressed and emotional no sex drive at all. I had a massive screamfest in the car when I couldn't find parking for 40 minutes!
9DPO: left pelvic pain, no appetite, bloating, and no sex drive, emotions running like crazy. cried multiple times.
10DPO: Still really emotional, cramps, no sex drive, left pelvic pain again - feels like stretching, tender breasts and nipples, bloating
11DPO: Cervix seems like it has moved up slightly, but still very hard. Sex drive has ramped up a fair bit. Very anxious close to anxiety attack so have slept for a good chunk of the day. Once I woke up my emotions have eased out a little actually smiled for the first time in nearly a week.
Also slight back pain.
12DPO: Feel very tired still, but a bit more patient still getting left ovary pain. usually I start getting much more bloated this close to AF. I had a mental dream last night about weird things that made no sense too. I don't remember having dreams like this with my other two. Carrying on into the night I had insomnia the left pain turned into a type of pulling and I was peeing a lot!
13dpo - pains after bd, extremely tired, still sore / stretchy to the left. Cervix medium, closed, but the tip feels softer. Usually before AF she is low solid but i can feel her slightly open. Baby dust please!!!!!

13DPO and the :witch: has arrived. 8 months of trying. What the hell. Why is this not working :-(.
Hey girl! Good to see you!!! Sucks that we are both still on here trying but at least we have each other, lol! Ya, I'm not sure if I have ovulated or not yet... I have had 4 solid days of positive opks so just waiting... :coffee:

Update: No positive opk today so I must have o'd yesterday or today...

Was any days test darker than the rest?
You probably had a strong surge :3

And yeah, hopefully we will be moving to a different thread soon ^_^ I am ready for a baby, I'm just waiting for my body to comply
Hey girls! Long time, no see! I miss ya both <3.... I really hope you get your bfps soon. I'm still subbed to this thread so I thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm on preg #3 now, so hopefully this one sticks. It's been a long 2 years for all of us. BAB, I see in your sig that you've had 3 losses. I'm so sorry. Is your doc doing anything for next time you get a bfp? I lost two but my doc put me on progesterone and heparin (a blood thinner that I have to inject myself with every day) this time around. It's not much but it helps give me a small amount of hope for this preg. I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread and keep rooting for you two! Fingers crossed and much love sent <3 <3 <3
I love this idea. I need to start doing this.

6DPO: Cervix closed, firm and medium, nipples sensitive, left pelvic pain, bloating, tender breasts
7DPO: Cramps and bloating, extremely tired, and irritable, had a strong left ovary pain I had to sit down for.
8DPO: Creamy milk like CM, medium cervix, very stressed, depressed and emotional no sex drive at all. I had a massive screamfest in the car when I couldn't find parking for 40 minutes!
9DPO: left pelvic pain, no appetite, bloating, and no sex drive, emotions running like crazy. cried multiple times.
10DPO: Still really emotional, cramps, no sex drive, left pelvic pain again - feels like stretching, tender breasts and nipples, bloating
11DPO: Cervix seems like it has moved up slightly, but still very hard. Sex drive has ramped up a fair bit. Very anxious close to anxiety attack so have slept for a good chunk of the day. Once I woke up my emotions have eased out a little actually smiled for the first time in nearly a week.
Also slight back pain.
12DPO: Feel very tired still, but a bit more patient still getting left ovary pain. usually I start getting much more bloated this close to AF. I had a mental dream last night about weird things that made no sense too. I don't remember having dreams like this with my other two. Carrying on into the night I had insomnia the left pain turned into a type of pulling and I was peeing a lot!
13dpo - pains after bd, extremely tired, still sore / stretchy to the left. Cervix medium, closed, but the tip feels softer. Usually before AF she is low solid but i can feel her slightly open. Baby dust please!!!!!

Unfortunately I already think the witch iis on her way. Left pain has turned into AF cramps and feel very comfortable uncomfortable downstairs like a UTI. :-( and 20 mins later she as arrived :-(
Hey girls! Long time, no see! I miss ya both <3.... I really hope you get your bfps soon. I'm still subbed to this thread so I thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm on preg #3 now, so hopefully this one sticks. It's been a long 2 years for all of us. BAB, I see in your sig that you've had 3 losses. I'm so sorry. Is your doc doing anything for next time you get a bfp? I lost two but my doc put me on progesterone and heparin (a blood thinner that I have to inject myself with every day) this time around. It's not much but it helps give me a small amount of hope for this preg. I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread and keep rooting for you two! Fingers crossed and much love sent <3 <3 <3

Hiii!! :)
I am keeping everything crossed that this is your sticky bean <3
And not really. Just an emergency prescription of progesterone once I get another bfp :/
I have taken over my care as much as I can at home. It's increased my fertility already so I hope that eventually I will figure out how to get a baby to stick :)
1 dpo: cramps, bloated
2 dpo: cramps, bloated
3 dpo: weird back twinge, strange pulling from ovary, CP high (usually medium at this point in cycle), dh mentioned numerous times how hot my temp was just laying in bed
4 dpo: bloated, CP extra high (usually med), this one is super weird... right nipple lactating???? My ds turns 4 this weekend. Been a long time since anything has come out of these nips &#128514;
5 dpo: bloated, CP high, Right nipple still lactating but not the mini stream like yesterday, crampy, dizzy spell, nausea, headache, not sleeping well
6 dpo: bloated, crampy, headache that woke me out of a sleep, backache, holy batman talk about mood swings, CP high, bad dizzy spells continously upon standing from noon on, not sleeping well.
7 dpo: mood swings, bloated, CP still high, dizzy spells starting at noon again, sensitive nipples
8 dpo: hubby almost died today... so did my tax company... numerous drivers... everyone. Everyone almost died today kind mood swings &#128514;&#128514;
Bloated, CP still high which is odd, dizzy spells continued. Wet feeling numerous times but nothing. Sensitive nipples, Tested fmu. Bfn. Whomp Whomp
9 dpo: CP still high, dizzy spells continued, moody (but for fairly valid reasons haha), stressed, sensitive nipples, crampy, slight lactation continues since last day mentioned as well. As of yesterday the left nipple started but only slightly. Hubby remembered to hide my other test so I shall not be testing until af is late.... like a sane person &#128514;
10 dpo: CP high, mooooody!!!, lots of cm/wetness feeling, nausea, heightened sense of smell
11 dpo: CP med, wetness, hungry, heightened smell, nausea, Tested $store test mid afternoon, bfn
12 dpo: CP med, wetness, full right breast. that's about it...
13 dpo: CP med, right breast full and sore on side, pain after sex which usually means aunt flow was just triggered or will be here in a day... just on time &#128546;. $store bfn this am fmu. Pretty sure we're out this month....
14 dpo: af due but feel more like she's coming tomorrow. CP med to low, right breast still full and sore. Don't think I'll even waste a test unless she doesn't come for the next few days. As of now im calling it as onto the next cycle...
15 dpo: CP med, right breast still full and sore, cm is almost non existent, just waiting for the witch to show her face.

B!tch woke me up from a nap with her evil pains... onto the next cycle!

I know CP is not a good or reliable indicator but in august we had a chemical and I have been checking since then. Helps pass the time with the TWW I find hahaha. I've been silently following this thread since then. I'm sorry to all the losses and so happy for all the bfp's!

Fx for us all &#128156;
Alright, I am back again! Was really sick the week leading up to O, but fx we caught the egg just in time! :winkwink:

1dpo: super hopeful, I just want to be pregnant already! I have been trying for about 2yrs now and I just want it to happen...and stick![-o&lt;
2-4dpo: nothing really, just waiting...:coffee:
Hey girls! Long time, no see! I miss ya both <3.... I really hope you get your bfps soon. I'm still subbed to this thread so I thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm on preg #3 now, so hopefully this one sticks. It's been a long 2 years for all of us. BAB, I see in your sig that you've had 3 losses. I'm so sorry. Is your doc doing anything for next time you get a bfp? I lost two but my doc put me on progesterone and heparin (a blood thinner that I have to inject myself with every day) this time around. It's not much but it helps give me a small amount of hope for this preg. I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread and keep rooting for you two! Fingers crossed and much love sent <3 <3 <3

Hiii!! :)
I am keeping everything crossed that this is your sticky bean <3
And not really. Just an emergency prescription of progesterone once I get another bfp :/
I have taken over my care as much as I can at home. It's increased my fertility already so I hope that eventually I will figure out how to get a baby to stick :)

At least you have the progesterone. That's been a huge piece of mind for me being on that!
Okay here we go!!! Cycle 1 TTC #1 According to my ovulation predictor thingy I would have O'd around the 19th, so I'm going with that.

1 DPO: Tired, feel like I'm getting sick

2DPO: Super congested, I'm definitely getting a cold or something, LOADS of EWCM, which is confusing if I've already O'ed...

3DPO: Headache, woke up early in the morning to sharp in lower abdomen, still a lot of EWCM

4DPO: Exhausted. Crying at commercials (not super unusual for me though...) More EWCM... I'm wondering if I didn't actually O yet?? Acne. Seems like I'm peeing more, but maybe I've just been drinking more?

5DPO: Still a little EWCM, took an ovulation test, it was negative, so I'm pretty sure I DID O on or around the 19th.... Very congested, headache and sleepy as heck. Acne. Still seem to be peeing more.

6DPO: Feeling better, some little crampyness here and there.

7DPO: Still stuffy nose, a little sleepy, otherwise pretty normal stuff. Feeling like this isn't going to be my month since I don't have many symptoms other than a nasty cold (which isn't really a symptom). Trying to stay hopeful. ...(later that day) loads of creamy cm in my knickers this afternoon. Really light crampy feelings.

8DPO: Nothing really... CM getting thicker and stickier. Just waiting and waiting...

10DPO: yesterday I was on and off sick to my stomach. Super stuffy nose again. Still have white cm. Felt bloated and sort of achey today. Took a cheapie poas test and BFN. Not going to test again until AF is due.

11DPO: Resisting the urge to test....!!! So hard but I'm not going to do it. I've had nausea on and off. This morning I had a huge amount of watery discharge in my undies... Worries me that I have BV, as I've had this once before and my only symptom was lots of watery discharge. My left bb is sore, but not my right, so that's an odd feeling. Woke up in the middle of the night with a headache. Also feeling SUPER hungry, but then not able to eat much. Now I'm going on a 10 day long vacation with my in-laws, so I may not be able to update until AF either shows or doesn't... Fingers crossed.

12DPO: left boob sore. Watery cm. some acne/my skin just looks bad right now. My eyes are tired like I haven't slept in days even though I got a good sleep last night. Otherwise nothing. Testing in four or five days if no af.

13DPO: dry mouth, dry eyes. Super exhausted. Had some cramping today which felt like af coming. Due tomorrow so we will see. Acne. Still nausea on and off.

14DPO: thought for sure I would see af come today but still only getting cramps. Sometimes my cycles are more like 29-30 days though so maybe tomorrow. Cramps on and off all day today, nothing major though just kind of mild. My face is all oily, but my eyes still feel so dry. Also I've been feeling out of breath even just sitting down sometimes. Acne, cramps and tiredness all feel like af symptoms. I'm trying not to get too hopeful though.

15dpo: bfn on cheapie poas test. Considering myself out.
808malia- it's official. We are cycle buddies xD I think I may a dpo post as well.. last month I didn't stick with it but this month feels different so I think I may join in as well.

NinjaPanda- I agree! I am happy that they are at least going to make sure I have progesterone since that has been an issue in the past.
Have you had your first appointment yet?
When is your first u/s?
Deleted content and moved to a recent post to bump the info :)
Alright, I am back again! Was really sick the week leading up to O, but fx we caught the egg just in time! :winkwink:

1dpo: super hopeful, I just want to be pregnant already! I have been trying for about 2yrs now and I just want it to happen...and stick![-o&lt;

2-4dpo: nothing really, just waiting...:coffee:

5dpo: some slight cramps in am...

BAB-I sure hope this is our month! It would be awesome if we were bump buddies with ninja!!!

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