Hi Ladies!
This is my first time posting here, and like a lot of you I'm going CRAZY with the TWW.

I have been having symptoms that I've never gotten with PMS before, so I'm hopeful. This is our first month TTC, and I didn't log my dpo symptoms day by day, so let's see how well I can remember!
Based off of CM signs and the start of my last cycle, I believe I O'd on the 6th...
1dpo - nothing really
2-8 dpo - lovely headache, increased appetite with random nausea during the day and nausea every night before I went to bed, small amount of lotion like CM, sneezing way more than I normally do and a few days of being super itchy, back a little sore
7-8 dpo - random twinges in my lower abdomen and near belly button, small amount of lotion like CM, BBs not sore but starting to feel kind of full
9 dpo - headaches eased off as did appetite, twinges continue with a definite spasm in the morning, small amount of lotion like CM, BBs still not sore but still feel kind of full and look a little bigger, temp a bit higher than usual, back a little sore
10 dpo - lesser headaches, twinges continue, took a HPT for the hell of it and it was a BFN, but it's still early, BBs still not sore but still feel kind of full and look a little bigger, still small amount of lotion like CM, temp staying a bit higher than usual, back a little sore
11 dpo - BBs kind of sore after waking up and taking off bra at the end of the day, appetite returning as are headaches, small amount of lotion like CM, CP SUPER high and hard (I think it's hard... I can barely reach it, so I can't tell if it's closed), more twinges, getting all teared up so easy, tiny dip in temp but still a bit higher than usual, back a little sore
12 dpo - BBs more sore upon waking and taking off bra at the end of the day, appetite increasing and headaches are coming back, starting to feel like maybe I am getting sick... more stuffed up and the urge to sneeze more is coming back, took HPT again and still BFN. But I read more reviews about the ones I got and possibly they just aren't working right. They're cheap strips, not the better sticks. CP still super, high and hard, twinges continue, still getting teary easier, feeling tired earlier than usual, temp still higher than usual, back getting a little more sore, peeing a LOT
Today is 13 dpo - BBs definitely staying sore, CP still very high and hard as far as I can tell, small amount of lotion like CM (Usually it's gone pretty dry at this point and I've usually had mid-cycle spotting by now), increased appetite remains, twinges continue tiny possible dizzy spells and a bit of a headache, feeling tired earlier than usual and my day isn't over until 2 am! Throat still feeling a bit off, woke up with stuffiness again and a random little cough. Temp still a little big higher than usual, back just as sore as yesterday, still needing to pee a LOT
AF is due in 3 days if this cycle does like the last two and is on the 28 day mark (my average cycle is about 32 days). This would be my first pregnancy... and the symptom spotting is driving me batty! I know some of the symptoms could also be PMS, but I can't remember having this many headaches or the increased appetite or the bigger BBs (sore, yes, but not bigger). And it just feels 'full' down there... different from being bloated I guess. Anyone think I'm preggo? SOOOO hoping we're this lucky to get it on the first try!