Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Malia, I literally squealed with excitement for you!!! I know the "I can't believe it" feeling... Legit, I still have my positive test sitting in my bathroom cupboard so that I can look at it and remember "Oh yeah, this is real." (I'm kinda crazy like that. lol)

Thanks girl! I am beyond excited!!! But also a little nervous... I really want it to stick, FX! :hugs:
AF due on Tuesday according to FF (though it might be out by a day or two) and keeping an eye out for pre-AF spotting which usually starts round about now

1dpo- bloated and gassy
2dpo- slept really badly,tired,nausea, AF like crampiness
3dpo- migraine,AF like tenseness,feels like abdomen is bruised inside
4dpo-migraine,AF like tense feeling in abdomen
5dpo- AF like tense feeling,side of bbs getting sore,dark veins all over my body
6dpo- AF like tenseness, woken up at 03:00am with throbbing pain in left ovary region lasted about 5 min, tiredness, sore side bbs, throbbing again later the evening
7dpo- tiredness, sore side bbs, dizzy at times when getting up
8dpo- sore and swollen bbs,temp dip this morning,insomnia at night
9dpo-tired,sore bbs (BFN)
10dpo-sore bbs (BFN)
11dpo- bbs still sore but a little less than previous days (temp slowly dropping), exhausted during the day,irritable mood and tearful,migraine,nausea
12dpo- bbs still slightly sore (BFN)
13dpo- bbs still slightly sore, feeling overfull when eating small portion, feeling bloated, still no pre-af spotting, temp has flat lined the past 3 days
October Cycle - Month 6 of TTC.

1-2DPO: Nothing
3DPO: Constipation, Decreased appetite, Vivid Dreams, Heartburn.
4PO: Constipation, Decreased Appetite, Tender Breasts (Already?! I usually don't get until 6DPO)
5DPO: Gassy, Tender Breasts
6DPO: Gassy, Irritability, Tender Breasts
7DPO: Fatigue, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritability, Tender Breasts
8DPO: Gassy, Headache, Irritability, Tender Breasts
9DPO: Bloated, Fatigue, Gassy, Irritability, Tender Breasts
10DPO: Decreased Appetite, Gassy, Tender Breasts
11DPO: Spotting Decreased Appetite, Fatigue, Gassy, Tender Breasts
12DPO: :witch:
We started trying towards the end of my cycle (10 days before expected period or so) and my cycle is irregular. Probably out this month but will still post :) (dpo for me will be days post dtd)
1 dpo- nothing
2 dpo- awful migrane (never had that in my life)
3 dpo- pulling and pinching sensation
5 dpo- I'm starving all the time!
6 dpo- ewcm and a LOT of it
7 dpo- ewcm (still a lot) and a pulling/pinching sensation in my uterus
8 dpo- BFN (got an evap line on FRER. Super sensitive nipples (almost a burning sensation) CM started to dry out but still some watery cm. Bloated beyond belief!
9 dpo- cm is dry for the most part. Very swollen bbs. BFN. I think I'm out and af is on her way :(

Update: I'm on cycle day 42. No sign of af. All hpt are bfn. :(
Got another BFN today at 12dpo so I'm basically just waiting for AF to show around Tuesday
Malia, I literally squealed with excitement for you!!! I know the "I can't believe it" feeling... Legit, I still have my positive test sitting in my bathroom cupboard so that I can look at it and remember "Oh yeah, this is real." (I'm kinda crazy like that. lol)

Thanks girl! I am beyond excited!!! But also a little nervous... I really want it to stick, FX! :hugs:

Omg omg omg!!!!!!!
Congrats Malia!!!!
I told you it was your month ^_^
Malia, I literally squealed with excitement for you!!! I know the "I can't believe it" feeling... Legit, I still have my positive test sitting in my bathroom cupboard so that I can look at it and remember "Oh yeah, this is real." (I'm kinda crazy like that. lol)

Thanks girl! I am beyond excited!!! But also a little nervous... I really want it to stick, FX! :hugs:

Omg omg omg!!!!!!!
Congrats Malia!!!!
I told you it was your month ^_^

Thanks girl! I'm just taking it a day at a time right now, but I am very excited!!!:hugs:
Back again! Haha

I believe I o'd right at the end of af this month oddly enough. Which would put me at 7 dpo, a week ahead of the usual.

1 to 7 dpo: nadda next to a head cold. CP low to med
8 to 9 dpo: CP med to high. Cold dying off finally. Possible Implantation pains in am (9). Or this is in fact O time now
That time again!

I'm not 100% sure when i o'd so I'm running with the dates I think it was.

I really think that I'm out this cycle, but think it is important that I keep tracking, because I'm a little worried now that there may be something going on.

5DPO: temp 36.4
6DPO: temp not taken
7DPO: temp 36.4
8DPO: temp 35.9 - due to being awake half the night Cervix feels slightly soft at the end like AF is coming. My boobs have been quite sensitive the last couple of days as well
9DPO: temp 35.3 - Sensitive boobs, weird creamy stretchy discharge. High CP, hard and closed
10DPO: temp 36.5 - sensitive boobs, been really itchy today. Creamy cm, CP hard closed high. Really exhausted and fell sleep cuddling the cats.
11DPO: temp 36.4 - sensitive nipples, high cervix, tired and sore lower back.
12DPO: temp 36.5
13DPO: temp 36.6 - sensitive nipples. Really horribly sore back, and cramps to the front and left side. Really tired and unmotivated. Cervix medium, hard and sightly open. Think AF will show her face either tomorrow or Monday. Creamy discharge. Different to last cycles very dry and tight down there.
14DPO: temp 37.7 - sore boobs and cramping.
15DPo: temp 37.7
16DPO: temp 36.6
17DPO / CD1: temp 36.3 - the witch arrived :-(

So at the moment I'm feeling that my body pretty much does whatever it wants every cycle and there is no definitely signs as to if I am pregnant or not. Wish my body wasn't so sensitive to pain!
This is my first time tracking my TWW, so I'm kind of excited... Let's see how it goes. Since I just had a miscarriage in September, my cycle has been a little odd, so we'll see.
DTD on cd 10, 12, 13, 15.

1dpo - Woke up to brown watery discharge... after bd'ing with the hubby, the discharge turned pink and has continued like that all day.

2dpo: Still a bit of brown stuff today, tapering off in the evening. Just a bit of light cramping in my abdomen and some gas this morning.
This night, extremely vivid dreams.

3dpo: Brown watery discharge continues. Gassy this morning. Slight lower abdomen cramping, likely because of gas. I feel some slight pressure in my temples and tired, like I've been crying, but I haven't been. Tonight, food is hitting my tummy in a weird way. Feeling a little sick, having some diahharea.

4dpo: No crazy dreams last night, but I definitely had dreams. Slight tinge of pain (throbbing) in right side abdomen, I guess near my ovary(?). Hiccups this evening. Cat followed me to my room and slept under my blanket for the first time in a while. But the house was also the coldest it's been so far this fall.

5dpo: Didn't sleep till 2am. I may have accidentally overdid it on the caffeine, yesterday. Hiccups this morning. I think I just peed 3 times in the last hour. At least twice. Hiccups again at noon. Brown spotting has ended, finally. I think maybe it was due to some rougher bd-ing, plus ovulation combined.

6dpo: Hiccups in the morning. Lots of peeing, today. I'm not sure if that's much of a symptom because I pee all the time, anyway. Found several pimples on my scalp...

7dpo: Feeling some light cramps. The assumption is gas.

8dpo: Woke up with dry throat, super hungry. I'm bit usually hungry when I wake up. Tired with a little bit of pressure in my head. I haven't had much time to think about any of the tiny things the last couple of days.

11-21-16 (9dpo): Woke up hungry, again. I just feel like this isn't my month. But I'm not giving up. I'll continue to update until my cycle starts again or until bfp... I feel like my period is coming, like my uterus wants to get all crampy, but no actual cramps - in fact, I haven't had period cramps since my miscarriage. Very unusual for me.
I dreamt that my cat flushed herself down the toilet because she was trying to find something...
And, also that my sister broke into the post office because she was trying to find a letter she knew was there.
I have been ultra exhausted since Friday (6dpo) when I got up at 4:30am, went to work, and then took a round trip for dinner 150 miles away, and didn't get home until 12:45am. I've had two 9 hour night since then and I feel like I'd be more awake, so I'm hoping this is a good sign.
Cramping in the lower right side of my abdomen.
Went to bed feeling exhausted and headachee.

10dpo: Still headachee this morning. Broke down and took Tylenol. Tonight, I'm feeling about the same as last night. Exhausted with some pressure in my head, not quite a headache.

11dpo: My head still feels exhausted. I told my husband I'd take a pregnancy test tomorrow, but I'd kind of like to just wait till I'm late. So, maybe I won't.

12dpo: Still an underlying feeling of exhaustion. I honestly feel like I must be pregnant, for as long as this has lasted. I got away with not taking a test today. I don't want to get ahead of myself. I still feel as though AF is on her way...
Lots of peeing today.
Tiny pains in my abdomen.
No boob pain or cm to speak of, really.
Getting some af-like cramps off and on, all happening toward the right side.
Also, my nose has been a bit runny today and stuffy the last couple of days.

13dpo: 11-25) Pretty steady af-like cramps today, makes me think this is not my month, but there's a suspicious lack of pre-af light bleeding, which is usually something that happens.

14dpo: I've been realizing over the course of this last week that I haven't had any heartburn. I know that seems like the opposite of a pregnancy symptom, but if you're like me and you've had heartburn for months, practically every day, it might be a pregnancy symptom. Still exhausted. Random on and off cramps the last couple of days.

15dpo (AF due): No sign of af, it's now evening. I've noticed minor milky cm, some af-like cramps. Noticed in the middle of the night a moment of pretty dang sharp cramps, but no blood in the morning. I'll be testing tomorrow. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but at the moment I'm fully convinced it's going to be positive.

16dpo: Had to pee at 7 this morning, so I took the test then. So far, BFN.
I only have 4 tests left and no cash to buy anymore, atm, so I'll test every other day, or until AF. Still no soreness in my boobs. My uterus just feels like my period is coming. Just a little crampy, a little sore.
Today I feel distinctly nauseated. I haven't had heartburn in a while, but today after I ate a burrito for breakfast, it started even though I've had a good 3 glasses of water so far this morning.
Still peeing like crazy.
Took another test in the evening, still BFN.

17dpo (2 days late for AF):
Didn't wake up in the night to go to the bathroom and barely had to go this morning. I probably didn't have enough water over the evening, as I spent several hours before bed at a friend's house.
Still no period. Last night I had such intense cramps that I was sure it'd be here this morning.
Cramps have lightened up a lot so far today.
I did not take a test yet today. Taking a break, will do one again tomorrow.

18 dpo :
Some brownish cm is starting to happen. Maybe its time for af. I've been feeling queasy for a couple days and ultra hungry. I'm really tired of this and I'm only a few days late.

CD1: At 4 days after my period was supposed to be due, finally think af has begun. Back at it.
Hi everyone. New here but have been reading from the first page. So here I go... Not sure what Dpo I am as I have irregular periods so I'll just go by CD.

CD 1-6. Af
CD 7-8. Nothing noted
CD. 9 BD. watery clear cm.
CD 10-12 nothing noted
CD. 13. Watery, clear cm ,cramps,nausea
CD 14 BD. EWCM. Could this be my Ovulation?
CD. 15. EWCM
CD. 16-19. Nothing noted
CD. 20. BD. Creamy sticky. Cm. Sore BB
CD. 21-23. Creamy. Cm
CD 24. BD. EWCM. (again)? Or is this my ODay?
CD. 25. More. EWCM
CD 26-27. Watery clear. Cm. Sore BB
CD 28. Sticky yet creamy. Cm
CD. 29. BD creamy sticky
CD. 30-31. More creamy cm
CD. 32. Started taking temp..98.7. (normal is 97ish
CD. 33. Creamy cm. 98.7. BFN
CD. 34. AF due. No sign of her. BD. 98.9. creamy cm
CD. 35. Watery cm..99.2. BFN
CD. 36. BD. 99.2. Creamy sticky cm
CD. 37 pink spotting one time when wiping, nothing
Rest of the day. 98.7
CD. 38. Watery cm, 98.0. Pink spotting again this time
With a quarter size spot of red..feeling like
AF is coming. But no more spotting rest of day
CD. 40. BFN. Watery cm, light brown spotting mixed
With cm when wiping,then nothing rest of day or
Since then. 98.8....
CD. 41. AF really late. Stretchy EWCM again? What is going on?!. BFN again. I'm confused because I've never had spotting that didn't lead to
AF..will wait a few more days and test again.
Will add I've had sore BB's most of the month, not really adding that as a sign since DS is 26 months
And still nurses so they stay somewhat sore. Did notice
Around Cd10-25 that my milk seemed to reduce drastically so that DS was constantly pulling,pinching
And hitting them after a few minutes like they were
Empty already? Now seem to be a little fuller. Not sure of its a sign or my crazy hormones acting up..
Will update when I get AF or Bfp!
Hi yall!
ok so I had my iud out on 10/19/16.twp days following I started what I would assume is my period. It lasted almost nine days was very heavy and contained a large amount of clots. According to my app I ovulated on 11/4/16. My SO BDed two days before and the day off. I haven't been tracking my dpo symptoms. I do know that since then I have had MAJOR gas, mostly with it bubbling inside or bubble gut as we like to call it. I also have been getting very light headed every once in awhile. I have had ewcm for the last 7 days or so (dpo 6-14) which is this morning. I took a hpt on dpo 9. My nipps are more tender to touch and I have been been extremely down to BD this last couple of days. I feel jittery as well, have had on and off headaches, and have had two canker sores in the past week and I NEVER get thoses. Also, yesterday I slept about 13 hr with waking up twice to pee. Side note my lab has been VERY clingy this past week. She always has to be laying on me. I just wanted to get your guys input and see if im crazy.
Hi Ladies!

This is my first time posting here, and like a lot of you I'm going CRAZY with the TWW. :wacko: I have been having symptoms that I've never gotten with PMS before, so I'm hopeful. This is our first month TTC, and I didn't log my dpo symptoms day by day, so let's see how well I can remember!

Based off of CM signs and the start of my last cycle, I believe I O'd on the 6th...

1dpo - nothing really

2-8 dpo - lovely headache, increased appetite with random nausea during the day and nausea every night before I went to bed, small amount of lotion like CM, sneezing way more than I normally do and a few days of being super itchy, back a little sore

7-8 dpo - random twinges in my lower abdomen and near belly button, small amount of lotion like CM, BBs not sore but starting to feel kind of full

9 dpo - headaches eased off as did appetite, twinges continue with a definite spasm in the morning, small amount of lotion like CM, BBs still not sore but still feel kind of full and look a little bigger, temp a bit higher than usual, back a little sore

10 dpo - lesser headaches, twinges continue, took a HPT for the hell of it and it was a BFN, but it's still early, BBs still not sore but still feel kind of full and look a little bigger, still small amount of lotion like CM, temp staying a bit higher than usual, back a little sore

11 dpo - BBs kind of sore after waking up and taking off bra at the end of the day, appetite returning as are headaches, small amount of lotion like CM, CP SUPER high and hard (I think it's hard... I can barely reach it, so I can't tell if it's closed), more twinges, getting all teared up so easy, tiny dip in temp but still a bit higher than usual, back a little sore

12 dpo - BBs more sore upon waking and taking off bra at the end of the day, appetite increasing and headaches are coming back, starting to feel like maybe I am getting sick... more stuffed up and the urge to sneeze more is coming back, took HPT again and still BFN. But I read more reviews about the ones I got and possibly they just aren't working right. They're cheap strips, not the better sticks. CP still super, high and hard, twinges continue, still getting teary easier, feeling tired earlier than usual, temp still higher than usual, back getting a little more sore, peeing a LOT

Today is 13 dpo - BBs definitely staying sore, CP still very high and hard as far as I can tell, small amount of lotion like CM (Usually it's gone pretty dry at this point and I've usually had mid-cycle spotting by now), increased appetite remains, twinges continue tiny possible dizzy spells and a bit of a headache, feeling tired earlier than usual and my day isn't over until 2 am! Throat still feeling a bit off, woke up with stuffiness again and a random little cough. Temp still a little big higher than usual, back just as sore as yesterday, still needing to pee a LOT

AF is due in 3 days if this cycle does like the last two and is on the 28 day mark (my average cycle is about 32 days). This would be my first pregnancy... and the symptom spotting is driving me batty! I know some of the symptoms could also be PMS, but I can't remember having this many headaches or the increased appetite or the bigger BBs (sore, yes, but not bigger). And it just feels 'full' down there... different from being bloated I guess. Anyone think I'm preggo? SOOOO hoping we're this lucky to get it on the first try!:dust:
I can't figure out how to edit my post, so I'll add in that on my above post, dpo 2-8 I had a ridiculous amount of gas, and then the last two days I've been a bit of the opposite.

If I don't end up with a BFP my body is playing really mean tricks on me. :-P
CD 46. Still no AF and BFN as of cd44 . Most symptoms have gone away except being gassy,bloating and slightly sore boobs. Just side and bottom really. Been very tired and trying to get a little nap if the kids take one ( but that could be because they have been sick so I'm not getting alot of sleep at night). Just wish I could get AF so I can get started trying again. Really thinking maybe I had an anovulatory cycle, maybe?
Hello ladies.... bf &I I are NTNP and have successfully use the pull out method for 7 1/2 years. I'm feeling off this month though, so I'm curious as to other people's inputs... I don't track extensively as we're not trying, so I'll go by cycle day.

CD5 - BD
CD12 - left side cramps, BD
CD13-14 - tender/sore breasts
CD15 - tender/sore breasts, cramps, indigestion
CD16 - one time spotting
CD19-20 - very emotional, tender/sore breasts, backaches,
CD21-CD25 (today) sore breasts, nipples sting off and on, super hungry, back/body aches, hip pain, super gassy fits of heartburn, burning sensation under belly button, constipation, verrrrry tired today!

It's really my sore boobies that are making me wonder... i usually don't start with AF sore boobs until a few days before the witch arrives. Never have I had it almost straight from ovulation all the way through... I'm usually gassy right before AF, but not this early. the burning sensation under by belly button and heartburn isn't normal for me either... any input ladies? AF due 11/25.
AF due on Tuesday according to FF (though it might be out by a day or two) and keeping an eye out for pre-AF spotting which usually starts round about now

1dpo- bloated and gassy
2dpo- slept really badly,tired,nausea, AF like crampiness
3dpo- migraine,AF like tenseness,feels like abdomen is bruised inside
4dpo-migraine,AF like tense feeling in abdomen
5dpo- AF like tense feeling,side of bbs getting sore,dark veins all over my body
6dpo- AF like tenseness, woken up at 03:00am with throbbing pain in left ovary region lasted about 5 min, tiredness, sore side bbs, throbbing again later the evening
7dpo- tiredness, sore side bbs, dizzy at times when getting up
8dpo- sore and swollen bbs,temp dip this morning,insomnia at night
9dpo-tired,sore bbs (BFN)
10dpo-sore bbs (BFN)
11dpo- bbs still sore but a little less than previous days (temp slowly dropping), exhausted during the day,irritable mood and tearful,migraine,nausea
12dpo- bbs still slightly sore (BFN)
13dpo- bbs still slightly sore, feeling overfull when eating small portion, feeling bloated, still no pre-af spotting, temp has flat lined the past 3 days

Are sore boobs that early on normal for you??? That's the only thing that even has me questioning anything... I'd be so happy if there was a lil sticky bean in there!!! I just saw you got your BFP! Congrats!!!

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