Ok, I'll play along again. I have no particular leaning one way or the other this month, whereas last month I was utterly convinced

Bd cd 8, 10, 13, 14
O cd 15
1dpo - feeling lousy, incredibly nauseous. Either the progesterone of LP is hitting hard or the Littles have infected me with some sort of lurgy. Cx high/soft/closed. Cm creamy. Insomnia.
2dpo - still nauseated but less so. Crazy ass dreams. Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy. Slept well.
3dpo - still mildly nauseous, dang stomach bug. Vivid dreams. Sleeping well, and unusually for me, falling asleep within minutes of being in bed (I'm usually an hour of book in bed kinda gal) Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy.
4dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy and increased. Fell asleep super fast again but awake at 4:30am to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. Sides of bbs/up to armpits feel tender, almost bruised like. Headache. Mild cramping. Mild low backache.
5dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy. Again waking in the early hours to start the day (4:30am!) Tender breasts. Mild uterine cramping/ occasional more intense left side cramping. Headache. Stuffy nose. poured away a full bottle of milk convinced it was off.. it was not apparently. Oh well. Nothing yet making me lean either way ��