Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm doing well. Funny you mention watery mouth as I'm currently swallowing mouthfuls of drool lol. Had a bit of a hot flash this morning, some mild cramps. And absolutely no sign of my usual foul PMS temper. Very hopeful!
I'm doing well. Funny you mention watery mouth as I'm currently swallowing mouthfuls of drool lol. Had a bit of a hot flash this morning, some mild cramps. And absolutely no sign of my usual foul PMS temper. Very hopeful!

Wow sounding very promising :) fingers crossed xxx
AF due 27/03/2017

26 day Cycle

BD CD8 CD12 & CD13

Guessing ovulation was CD13 due to huge amounts of EWCM on CD12

1DPO- Nothing to report except high cervix
2DPO- Nothing to report except high cervix
3DPO- Nothing to report didnt check cervix
4DPO- BD'd Cervix still high Cm drying up
5DPO-Nothing to report not check cervix
6DPO-School glue like CM Cervix is high and closed
7DPO-Watery CM Cervix is high and some what soft ind of closed
8DPO - Feeling very tired after a great sleep last night 9:30PM - 7:30PM a good 10 hours and my eyes are burning at work i feel as though i could ust climb into bed and have a nap. This is unusual for me so if it turns out to be my month this will be the thing that convinced me i had a chance.

I may start to test from 9dpo, i have avoided testing so far as i just make myself go crazy, i have tried to keep occupied this month and not go OTT with TTC more of a relaxed approach.

8dpo update caved and tested on a internet cheapie sensitive 10miu and negative. Picture below
Ok, I'll play along again. I have no particular leaning one way or the other this month, whereas last month I was utterly convinced :shrug::haha:

Bd cd 8, 10, 13, 14

O cd 15

1dpo - feeling lousy, incredibly nauseous. Either the progesterone of LP is hitting hard or the Littles have infected me with some sort of lurgy. Cx high/soft/closed. Cm creamy. Insomnia.

2dpo - still nauseated but less so. Crazy ass dreams. Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy. Slept well.

3dpo - still mildly nauseous, dang stomach bug. Vivid dreams. Sleeping well, and unusually for me, falling asleep within minutes of being in bed (I'm usually an hour of book in bed kinda gal) Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy.

4dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy and increased. Fell asleep super fast again but awake at 4:30am to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. Sides of bbs/up to armpits feel tender, almost bruised like. Headache. Mild cramping. Mild low backache.

5dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy. Again waking in the early hours to start the day (4:30am!) Tender breasts. Mild uterine cramping/ occasional more intense left side cramping. Headache. Stuffy nose. poured away a full bottle of milk convinced it was off.. it was not apparently. Oh well. Nothing yet making me lean either way ��

6dpo - cx super high/soft/closed. Cm creamy. Went to bed super early (9:30!) fell asleep instantly and slept like a log until 7am. Absolutely unheard of for me but enjoying it nonetheless. Mild uterine cramping interspersed with more intense cramps. Tender/heavy bbs. Stuffy nose. Awful gas (ew!) Convinced cherries tasted fishy this morning. I swear if this is pms I'm losing my mind. Or the cherries really were fishy ��

7dpo - cx super high/very soft/closed. Cm watery/creamy. Slept like a log again. Vivid dreams. Mild cramping. Still very tender breasts, more so today. Stuffy nose. Still gassy. Still entirely unsure, aside from the weird cherry thing everything else is stuff I've experienced before.

8dpo - Cx super high/very soft/closed. Cm watery and lots of it (tmi) Had to go to bed at 9pm, woke at 5am to pee. Some nausea this morning. Empty stomach perhaps? Sore, heavy bbs. They feel really bruised. (if this is pms i'm in for a doozy of an af i think) Still gassy. Still stuffy nose. Had some fairly intense cramping last night. Trying to keep an open mind but my body keeps poking me in the face with symptom sticks to taunt me. :dohh: I would say I don't 'feel' pregnant, but I'm very aware that I don't feel 'normal' if that makes sense?

9dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm watery. Awake at 4am this morning, slept well beforehand though. Some nausea already which if it follows yesterday's path will get more intense as the morning goes on and tail off around 3pm. Still gassy. Nose seems to be less stuffy. Bbs are still very tender, my chest muscles feel bruised and sore, like my bbs are too heavy. Beginning to wonder if I have intense pms combined with a stomach upset. Forgot to mention both today and yesterday checking cx is becoming increasingly difficult because it's so high and now angled back today's 'closed' is more of a presumptive guess than a definite because I could only just feel a little bit.
Late am - nosebleed out of nowhere. I never have nosebleeds so no idea if it's a symptom or not. Also possibly (probably?) related but there's an awful smell in the house like mildew, and no one else can smell it but it's driving me demented. Nausea definitely increased from earlier. Hell of a bug if it's all related. super faint bfp in afternoon.

10dpo - cx high/soft/closed. Cm watery and abundant (ick) Chest muscles still hurting. Intermittent cramps ranging from fairly mild to more moderate. Nausea. Darker :bfp::happydance:

11dpo - cx high/soft/closed. Cm watery. Awful nausea. Bfp.

12dpo - bfn. Starting to bleed.
Hi ladies! I just joined in hopes of trying to keep my crazies under control during this whole ttc journey.

Here's where I am now. Ttc for almost 3 years, first clomid cycle days 5-9, and ovulated on cd 17 (3/16/17)

1 dpo - cramps start, fatigue
2 dpo - nausea, tender nipples, irritable, fatigue
3 dpo - nausea, cramps, backache, tender nipples, major heartburn/ acid reflux and couldn't sleep!!!
4 dpo - cramps and backache, sooooo tired from not sleeping the night before
5 dpo - fatigue, nausea, cramps, weird cramps in my cervix and backache
6 dpo - cramps, weird cervical cramps continue, tender nipples

That's where I'm at now, I know it's too early to test but I've never had cramps so soon before AF is due! Although I've never been on clomid before either.
Hey guys... is it normal to be completely dry post positive opk? I'm probably 2dpo if my calculations are right but long story short I had ewcm on cd 12.. positive opk cd 15 and watery cm that day. Since then nothing. Cd 18 today and dry dry dry down there. Not hopeful is that???
Hey ladies hope you don't mind me joining in. i did start reading this thread yesterday until i realized how long it was lol

I got my peak on cd 31 sunday night. ovulated the following day. now 3 dpo. Im cycle was shorter last month so i thought i would ov early this month but nope. Instead i ov much later than normal. cycles have been betwen 31 to 41 days over last few months :(.

1dpo- I've started a dairy so i can look back on this whenever i decided to ttc again lol. Cramps through out the night. lose stools. opk starting to fade. cervix was still high and soft. still have egg white cm :S lol

2dpo opk now negative, had alot of gooey clear white cm after morning wee:S some cramps on and off

3dpo Morning nursery run, i had sore boobs going from right to left and back :S, mild cramps
AF due 27/03/2017

26 day Cycle

BD CD8 CD12 & CD13

Guessing ovulation was CD13 due to huge amounts of EWCM on CD12

1DPO- Nothing to report except high cervix
2DPO- Nothing to report except high cervix
3DPO- Nothing to report didnt check cervix
4DPO- BD'd Cervix still high Cm drying up
5DPO-Nothing to report not check cervix
6DPO-School glue like CM Cervix is high and closed
7DPO-Watery CM Cervix is high and some what soft ind of closed
8DPO - Feeling very tired after a great sleep last night 9:30PM - 7:30PM a good 10 hours and my eyes are burning at work i feel as though i could ust climb into bed and have a nap. This is unusual for me so if it turns out to be my month this will be the thing that convinced me i had a chance.

I may start to test from 9dpo, i have avoided testing so far as i just make myself go crazy, i have tried to keep occupied this month and not go OTT with TTC more of a relaxed approach.
8DPO internet Cheapie BFN
9DPO - mouth is watery started yesterday still same today. Woke up feeling tired (heavy eyes) took a clear blue + blue dye test had a line appear instantly which disappeared. Took another FRER this time and had what I believe is now an indent.

10DPO - FRER taken and BFN. Got a few cramps going on starting to feel disheartened by BFN. Only strange symptom I could note was the tiredness but today I feel a bit better and my cervix seems to be very high tilted back and there also seems to be a ridge before I get there never felt that before. Another strange thing is we BD's last night I was very very dry and that is usual for me never had any sort of problem except when I was pregnant with DS.
Fingers still crossed for you mothertoone

Welcome CherryBump: :dust:

Nadyaraza, dryness post O is a normal part of the cycle, but if it's unusual for you maybe a pregnancy symptom? Body sealing up?

AFM I seem to be PMS irritable after all so I think I'm out.
Wrapunzel thank you for the reply. I don't know if it's unusual I'm just comparing to the one time I did conceive and miscarried. I had creamy cm 2dpo onwards and 3 days before losing the pregnancy I went dry. I'm generally so dry that I don't know what the hell to think. Wish I was normal like other folk 😞
I have read so many posts where women have ewcm or watery or anything really post ovulation if they conceived. I know everyone's different but I'm just feeling SO defeated 😭
I think usually women do make extra cm when they conceive, making the mucus plug.

If you do some googling there's lots of things you can do to increase your cm down there! Having good quality cm is necessary for conception. I take evening primrose oil now for cm
I caved in 2 days earlier and tested I got a very faint line but I will test again in a few days �� my symptoms were sore throat , flu , burning sensation in armpits , full feeling in uterus , cramps and pulling on left side , very bad back pain and my boobs normally hurt before af and they swell up , this time they were sore but underneath and not swollen xxxx happy bfp to me x
I haven't a clue how many dpo it's our first trying so took a very relaxed approach but I felt exact same way as I was on my daughter x
Thank you the line was very faint so not getting my hopes up my af due in a few days. So I'll test again on Sunday so just not going to think about it anymore until then xx

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