I guess I will go ahead and join as well.
Ovulated anywhere from the 14-17th of April.
BD on 13,14,15, and 23 of April.
1DPO: crampy and breast tenderness with some bloat
2DPO: same
3DPO: same
4DPO: Same
5DPO: Egg white CM, cramps, breast tenderness, bloated, acne- did the BD, got warm through the night
6DPO: egg white CM, cramps, breast tenderness, bloated, acne, feeling warm through the night
7DPO: Pretty intense nosebleed, mild cramps, breast tenderness, waking up and cannot sleep, so tired throughout the day, repulsed by certain smells, bloated.

in the evening
8DPO: Woke up in the middle of the night 2x to pee, twinge in vaginal area, mild cramps in AM, moderate cramps in the PM (used heating pad & hoping this was implantation), egg white CM, woke up with a sore throat that lasted all day, congested and runny nose, feeling warm throughout the day and night, sciatic pain, breast tenderness, pain in chest when sneezing, significantly bloated, uncomfortable to lie on stomach.

on first pee of the AM
9DPO:runny nose, congested, breast tenderness, cramps, pulling sensation when sneeze, pressure in lower abdomen, egg white CM, bloated, felt hot all night.

on the 2nd pee of the day
Anxious because we miscarried a little over a year ago, and just started TTC. This is the First cycle off of BC. TWW has got me testing like crazy.