Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi Ladies just adding mine and hoping we all get our :bfp: soon!!

CD13 - positive OPK test and EWCM
1DPO-3DPO - Steady BBT (assume ovulation occurred)
4DPO - Drop in BBT by .3, tiredness
5DPO - Clear wet CM, increased BBT by .1, Sore side of breasts (near armpit), cramping/twinges
6DPO - Clear/Creamy wet CM,Sore side of breasts (near armpit) increased BBT by .1, tiredness and cramping/twinges, achy body, nipples hurt from shower water
7DPO - Clear wet CM,Sore side of breasts (near armpit)
Increased BBT by .1, tiredness, cramping/twinges, lower back discomfort, dry lips/mouth, thirsty, achy body

I think that's everything :wacko: hopefully I get to turn mine green soon! Oh and to add I had a d&c 8 weeks ago and have had on cycle since. This is our first and we only took two cycles when we did get our first :bfp: after 10 years of bc.

Good luck to all I really hope we see a lot of green! :thumbup::happydance:

8DPO - Temp jump by .3C ? feeling warmer, creamy white cm, sore bbs, lower back discomfort, restless sleep. tired eyes, emotional, dry lips, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo. Really feeling I am going to get BFP but maybe just convincing myself so trying not to get my hopes up. Really don't want to see AF just wants these days to hurry up!:growlmad:

9DPO - fatigue, slight nausea, sore bbs, dry mouth, increased appetite, creamy CM, restless sleep, thirsty. Vivid dreams
10DPO - fatigue, slight nausea, sore bbs, dry mouth, increased appetite, creamy CM, restless sleep, thirsty.Vivid dreams
11DPO - fatigue,dry mouth, increased appetite, creamy CM, restless sleep, thirsty, Neg HPT, temp increase from 36.51C yesterday to 36.73 today. Vivid dreams
Congrats to the ladies with BFP's!! Hope we see more green on here for everyone else ��.
I tested today but still BFN, last time I got BFP it was 1-5 days past AF so I don't think any early testing is going to give me a BFP.
hey ladies :wave:

have any of you experienced pressure as a symptom? like, when i lay on my stomach i feel a LOT of pressure in my lower abdomen, and after a while it makes me woozy. this is out of the norm for me considering i constantly love to lay on my stomach. lately i can only take five to ten minutes of it. it feels as though my stomach is pushing back against the bed/resistant to being pushed in. its too early for me to test, so just curious if anyone has had this as an early symptom.
cd 23-24 positive opk lots of watery cm
ovulation confirmed on cd 24!

1-2 dpo nothing really
3 dpo ate sausages and it turned my stomach just like with my son, felt nausous on/off
4dpo lots of creamy cm and very sore boobs, shooting pains through nips and shooting sharp pains in my left side!
5dpo tired cranky! sore bbs, cramps and more creamy cm!
6dpo extremely sore boobs, still irritated, lots of watery creamy cm
7dpo early yet for me but woke with sore boobs and sore lower back! im cramps on and off temp remaining high no change in the last few days though!
8dpo huge temp spike!!, still creamy cm, feeling so sick, can barely eat anything, peeing more, my tea churned my tummy just like with my soon, sore boobs and irritated lol
9dpo feeling sick, needed to eat something to stop myself getting sick! sore boobs and nips, extremely bloated and feels like someone is pressing on my lower tum!
also faint line on ic!
I don't know when or if I o'd, so I will do mine based on cycle day. My Cycles at the moment are usually between 25-30 days long, more recently they are closer to 27-29days, but hey-ho...

CD 25 - Nothing
CD 26 - Feeling a little bit tired
CD 27 - Feeling very depressed, very sad and emotional. I want to cry and scream at everybody. I've got a bit of lower back pain, and feel really tired. Needed to take a nap.
CD 28 - Depressed, very emotional and sad again. Don't want to be around anybody. A little bit bloated, and started getting some cramps today. AF must be on the way.
CD 29 - Feeling bloated and sleepy. Feeling a little frisky today too... Upset stomach.
CD 30 - Some little cramps on and off, feeling like I wanna eat lots today. Still tired. Still got upset stomach. Bad skin, weird taste in my mouth.
CD 31 - Emotional, Sleepy, Hungry. Bad back, very bloated, still upset stomach. Really, really bad
heartburn last night, it stung my throat. RIDICULOUS GAS ALL DAY!
CD 32 - Bad skin, sore back, average bloating, sleepy. Nipples hurt today, they feel bruised to the touch
CD 33 - Where is AF?? Mild bloating, bad skin, sore back, sleepy still and a little emotional. Nipples still hurt, boobs feel a little fuller, slightly tender around the sides/ edges. Mouth is really dry and tastes weird - like really bad breath last couple of days, Heartburn on and off and is very uncomfortable and its so bad it makes me cough. Still REALLY gassy - it's not natural!
CD 34 - Tired, Bloated, Emotional, Sore back, Cranky and Fed up
CD 35 - Still gassy *sigh* and still cramping on and off, on and off, lots of creamy white CM up there when I checked for any pink tinges. Tired, want to go to sleep all the time. Very emotional, happy to depressed, laughing to welling up. My skin is itchy all over. Craved Dippy hard boiled eggs and soldiers today!. Not had that in years lol!
CD 36 - Nearly threw up instantly when I opened the fridge and got a whiff of crabsticks in there... STILL tired, STILL bloated, STILL cramping on and off. Skin is still rubbish, Boiling hot on and off, and now am a little constipated...
CD 37 - Officially the longest cycle I have ever had.. Feel extremely moody, snapping at BF for every little thing one minute, all lovey dovey over him the next. STILL tired, STILL cramping, STILL bloated... bad skin... The gas has not stopped or subsided. Still getting horrible tastes in my mouth - yuck. Still creamy white CM up there. No AF pinkness at all.
CD 38 - (5th June '13) Bad taste in mouth, cramping, really tired, bloated, gassy, fed up and cant stop thinking about my "maybe-baby". Getting to the point where I'm scared to take a test...

CD 39 - gassy, bad tastes, randomly smelling things that are horrible (bf's sandwich made me gag from other side of the room, sleepy. EXTREMELY emotional today... over the moon at being offered a new job, but wanting to cry because I feel so sad? Teared up 3 times during 1 show... Surprisingly think my boobs are looking different to the norm! Tips of nipples seem to be getting lighter and lighter (white in colour) while at the base it looks like a bruised purply/pink colour. Areolas seem to be more defined around the edges, and maybe slightly darker than normal. New veins on one of my breasts, and also seem to be getting little bumps around the breast. Starting to freak myself out now... Im still bloated, still cramping on and off, still keep getting a really sore back. Bf seemed worried for me today due to my moods..

Cycle day 40 - still feeling the same. I just feel so weird and confused. Took a test with FMU and got BFN... don't know what to think!
Cycle day 41 - Lots of cramping, actually quite painful. Started spotting bright red blood. Later that evening the bleeding/spotting stopped for a few hours and was replaced by extremely painful cramping, thought I was dying. Made my whole body tense and ache, got a headache and felt nauseous. Was horrible. Slept all through the night until midday the next day.
Cycle day 42 - Still feeling crappy but looks like AF is in full flow, no turning back. Its gross and horrible and I hate AF. Looks like a sunday in bed all day kind of day...

Good luck to everybody else that is trying or waiting... I've had a completely messed up cycle this month and my body doesn't seem to know WTF it's doing with itself! love and baby dust to everybody! xxxx
Didn't track dpo very well last cycle but this round I'm all for it! Fingers crossed for all the ladies still trying!!:flower:

1dpo - breasts not tender for once, sticky cm, really tired
2dpo - twinges in left side, still feeling tired, sensitive to smells
So I'm not really trying to get pregnant, but I do keep track of my AF on my iphone app and it gives me the days that I ovulate so i figured I'd give this a try.

1DPO-5DPO: didn't really notice anything, because I wasn't keeping track
6DPO: Had some weird brownish spotting when I wiped and it got to the point where I needed a panty liner. At some point it was pinkish/reddish
7DPO: Had a panty liner on but didn't really have any issues until around 6PM when I saw I had my panty liner covered with blood so I ASSUMED I started my AF and used a tampon. Before bed, I took out the tampon. It wasn't covered but it had enough to where I should probably use another one.
8DPO: Took out tampon and there was just some brown spots on it but that was it. Didn't have anymore bleeding or spotting. This was when I was thinking I may be pregnant because I never have any spotting this early in a cycle (My AF wasn't due for another 10 days) My cycles are always 28 days.
9DPO: Some bloating/gassy after I would eat. My fiance was messing around with me and threw a dirty sock in my face multiple times and it made me cry. I NEVER cry over stuff like that.
10DPO: Sense of smell increased a lot. Still feeling bloaty and gassy. Clear CM that felt kind of thick and sticky.
11DPO: Took HPT in the morning and had :bfn: Had a tiny nose bleed. Bloaty and gassy. We were fishing and I got upset that my line was all messed up and I couldn't fish anymore. I somehow got my friend mad at me and all hell broke lose. I balled my eyes out for two hours and I really had no legit reason why. That NEVER HAPPENS. I stopped crying after I ate some ice cream LOL. Thick and clear CM still.
12DPO: I felt okay majority of the day. The smell was still getting to me. Felt bloaty and gassy after eating. That night, when I tried to sleep, I was SOOOO uncomfortable. I just couldn't fall asleep, it was like my whole back would get sore if I laid on it for too long. CM is still the same as the past two days.
13DPO: CM was so watery and there was a lot I thought I got my AF but when I went to the bathroom, nothing.

AF is suppose to be here the 14th so I'm waiting until then to test again.
1dpo-4dpo ~ Sore BBs.

5dpo ~ Started cramping like AF was coming. Had a strange "leak" and ran to the bathroom thinking AF was here but it turned out to be some very watery CM. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

6dpo ~ Still experiencing AF like cramps. Napped twice, cried on and off. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

7dpo ~ Craving sweets. Chemically taste in mouth, hot flashes, & still cramping. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

8dpo ~ Hot flashes, irritated! Want something sweet and more cramps/twinges. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

9dpo ~ Hot flashes. Cramps spread to hip bones and back. Bladder seems full more frequently. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

10dpo ~ Threw blanket off of me in the middle of the night, and stripped down to my underwear due to heat and irritation. Dreams waking me up in the middle of the night. Bladder waking me up in the middle of the night. Sore BBs. Cramps.

11dpo ~ Pulling/stretching in lower abdomen. Twinges in hips, back of thighs, lower back, cramps. Vivid dreams. Tired & headache. Glob of creamy CM in underwear. BBs swollen now a cup size.

12dpo ~ Lots of twinges. BBs tingling/burning/sharp pains. BBs even MORE full & heavy. Tired. Headache on & off.

13dpo ~ Slight twinges. Fiancee says BB's are even bigger somehow! AF due today but no sign so far, cramps stopped. Temp still high. Tired. Headache.

14dpo ~ Woke up to terrible cramps. Exhausted. Feels like AF will start at any moment. BBs tingling. Hip & leg pains. Just waiting for witch at this point, no bother testing.

15dpo ~ FMU FRER :bfp: took a digi later and BFP. Extremely exhausted, didn't sleep last night but so excited :happydance:
I know I'm annoying but I looked back at all these posts and anytime someone had spotting like I did, AF ended up coming. Only difference is I only had the spotting for a day while other people had a few days. Ughhh still trying my best to hold off on testing til my missed AF
Ovulated 5/31/13
1DPO: Migranes disapeared ( Had them daily since I had a loss on 4/8/13)
4 DPO : Tender breasts
5 DPO: Tender breasts, high soft cervix with tiny opening
8 DPO: Still super moist down there and tender breast continues.
9 DPO: Brown on TP when wiping only in the am
10 DPO: Brick red on TP when wiping, Cervix really high tightly closed feels like a hard nose, still have lots of cm BFN this am from a cheapo .88 walmart test

I lost a baby at 6 weeks on 4/8/13, this is the first month after a normal period. I ovulated a week later than normal, but also started AF a week late after miscarriage (confirmed with OPK). Hope I get my BFP this month!
Ovulated 5/31/13
1DPO: Migranes disapeared ( Had them daily since I had a loss on 4/8/13)
4 DPO : Tender breasts
5 DPO: Tender breasts, high soft cervix with tiny opening
8 DPO: Still super moist down there and tender breast continues.
9 DPO: Brown on TP when wiping only in the am
10 DPO: Brick red on TP when wiping, Cervix really high tightly closed feels like a hard nose, still have lots of cm BFN this am from a cheapo .88 walmart test

I lost a baby at 6 weeks on 4/8/13, this is the first month after a normal period. I ovulated a week later than normal, but also started AF a week late after miscarriage (confirmed with OPK). Hope I get my BFP this month!

I got my BFP, I went and got a First Response Early Detection 3 pack and fig to take one and a line came up after 2 min!!!! Its faint but def there!!!! I am 10DPO :)
Ovulated 5/31/13
1DPO: Migranes disapeared ( Had them daily since I had a loss on 4/8/13)
4 DPO : Tender breasts
5 DPO: Tender breasts, high soft cervix with tiny opening
8 DPO: Still super moist down there and tender breast continues.
9 DPO: Brown on TP when wiping only in the am
10 DPO: Brick red on TP when wiping, Cervix really high tightly closed feels like a hard nose, still have lots of cm BFN this am from a cheapo .88 walmart test

I lost a baby at 6 weeks on 4/8/13, this is the first month after a normal period. I ovulated a week later than normal, but also started AF a week late after miscarriage (confirmed with OPK). Hope I get my BFP this month!

I got my BFP, I went and got a First Response Early Detection 3 pack and fig to take one and a line came up after 2 min!!!! Its faint but def there!!!! I am 10DPO :)

CONGRATS!!!!! :happydance: Here's to a H&H 9 months!! :D
Last AF was April 21st. Cycles are 5 days long and AF is 33 days long. FF puts O date as the 10th.

1 DPO- Mild cramping and a little pasty discharge
4 DPO- Milky white discharge
5 DPO& 6 DPO- Milky white discharge and breast soreness
9 DPO- Had sex. *Thought* I saw a little **teeny** spot of blood when I went to the bathroom?
10 DPO-VERY weird discharge (will post pic)
11 DPO- Cramps on the right side and lower back pain
12 DPO-Little heartburn. Ovarian spasm on the left side. Very bloated
13 DPO- 33rd day and AF should have came but maybe not? Right ovary spasm

16 DPO (yesterday) AF supposedly due yesterday. Sore breasts. Little achy feeling in pelvic area

18 DPO- Still no AF. More creamy CM. Used the bathroom twice in a 4 hour period. Boobs a little sore. Going to buy a $1 test today. Will update in the morning...... FX'ed!
19 DPO- Took an .88 cent test from Walmart this morning.... BFN no sign of AF coming

20 DPO- Still no sign of AF. More creamy white discharge
21 DPO- I am now on CD 40, breast soreness, bloating and cramps here and there. Milky white discharge

Now on CD 51 so a month late and still no AF. Got some more discharge today and yesterday that was white and then at another time it was stretchy so maybe I'm just now ovulating?? FF puts next AF has being due on the 30th of June so we'll see what happens. I REALLY want a BFP!
i have a strange bloat, like right around my belly button. i did some calculations on several different sites. if i am pregnant i would be around the middle of week 3. can showing happen this early, what else could it be. - i’m also nauseous, tired a lot, peeing a lot too, it seems, but my breasts aren't really sore or anything. i am so darn confused. help?
i have a strange bloat, like right around my belly button. i did some calculations on several different sites. if i am pregnant i would be around the middle of week 3. can showing happen this early, what else could it be. - i’m also nauseous, tired a lot, peeing a lot too, it seems, but my breasts aren't really sore or anything. i am so darn confused. help?

I believe only a test will give you answers. I've read that bloating is super common early on, but not so sure about showing.
Didn't track dpo very well last cycle but this round I'm all for it! Fingers crossed for all the ladies still trying!!:flower:

1dpo - breasts not tender for once, sticky cm, really tired
2dpo - twinges in left side, still feeling tired, sensitive to smells

3dpo - twinges have moved to my right side:shrug:
Hi Ladies just adding mine and hoping we all get our :bfp: soon!!

CD13 - positive OPK test and EWCM
1DPO-3DPO - Steady BBT (assume ovulation occurred)
4DPO - Drop in BBT by .3, tiredness
5DPO - Clear wet CM, increased BBT by .1, Sore side of breasts (near armpit), cramping/twinges
6DPO - Clear/Creamy wet CM,Sore side of breasts (near armpit) increased BBT by .1, tiredness and cramping/twinges, achy body, nipples hurt from shower water
7DPO - Clear wet CM,Sore side of breasts (near armpit)
Increased BBT by .1, tiredness, cramping/twinges, lower back discomfort, dry lips/mouth, thirsty, achy body

I think that's everything :wacko: hopefully I get to turn mine green soon! Oh and to add I had a d&c 8 weeks ago and have had on cycle since. This is our first and we only took two cycles when we did get our first :bfp: after 10 years of bc.

Good luck to all I really hope we see a lot of green! :thumbup::happydance:

8DPO - Temp jump by .3C ? feeling warmer, creamy white cm, sore bbs, lower back discomfort, restless sleep. tired eyes, emotional, dry lips, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo. Really feeling I am going to get BFP but maybe just convincing myself so trying not to get my hopes up. Really don't want to see AF just wants these days to hurry up!:growlmad:

9DPO - Temp still high, creamy/watery CM, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell,
10DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell, oh green dots in CM??
11DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell, :bfn:
12DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI),Gassy, more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell, vivid dreams
13DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI),Gassy, more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell :bfn:

So AF is due tomorrow and still having creamy CM, last time I had a BFP it was past AF 1-5 days past so hoping very much that this is the case this time around! My friend just got her BFP on the weekend so really want to be in it with her.

Congratulations to all those :bfp: that have happened since my last update! and for those whose :witch: arrived I'm sure you'll get your BFP soon don't give up hope :flower:
Hi Ladies just updating mine and hoping we all get our :bfp: soon!!

CD13 - positive OPK test and EWCM
1DPO-3DPO - Steady BBT (assume ovulation occurred)
4DPO - Drop in BBT by .3, tiredness
5DPO - Clear wet CM, increased BBT by .1, Sore side of breasts (near armpit), cramping/twinges
6DPO - Clear/Creamy wet CM,Sore side of breasts (near armpit) increased BBT by .1, tiredness and cramping/twinges, achy body, nipples hurt from shower water
7DPO - Clear wet CM,Sore side of breasts (near armpit)
Increased BBT by .1, tiredness, cramping/twinges, lower back discomfort, dry lips/mouth, thirsty, achy body
8DPO - Temp jump by .3C ? feeling warmer, creamy white cm, sore bbs, lower back discomfort, restless sleep. tired eyes, emotional, dry lips, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo. Really feeling I am going to get BFP but maybe just convincing myself so trying not to get my hopes up. Really don't want to see AF just wants these days to hurry up!:growlmad:
9DPO - Temp still high, creamy/watery CM, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell,
10DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell, oh green dots in CM??
11DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI), more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell, :bfn:
12DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI),Gassy, more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell, vivid dreams
13DPO - Temp high but not as high as before, restless sleep, bloated, more bowel movements (TMI),Gassy, more frequent trips to loo, emotional, used to be a smoker and now off the smell :bfn:

So AF is due tomorrow and still having creamy CM, last time I had a BFP it was past AF 1-5 days past so hoping very much that this is the case this time around! My friend just got her BFP on the weekend so really want to be in it with her.

14DPO - No AF but BFN?!! Starting to think I may be out with my cycle, thinking maybe why I got my last bfp at 5 days past AF might actually of been CD35 (not sure what dpo though). I haven't had two AF's in a row since coming off bc and having a BFP. So maybe im not a 28 day and more of a 35 day? Oh well my symptoms are lower back pain, clear/creamy CM, Headaches, Bloated, Restless sleeps, more trips to the loo, emotional. Ill be waiting to test at the same time as my last BFP so in another 7 days maybe.
15DPO - Lower back cramps, breakout on face, frequent trips to the loo, restless sleep, slight nausea which passes fast, dizziness, vivid dreams, bloated, tested BFN
16DPO - Lower back cramps, breakout on face, frequent trips to the loo, restless sleep, slight nausea which passes fast, dizziness, vivid dreams, bloated, tested at 5pm and got a very clear :bfp: !!!!! on a FRER So it wasn't just all in my head after all!
18DPO - Went for blood test at GP HCG results will be available tomorrow.

Sorry forgot to add face acne! since 5DPO!!!
Congratulations to all those :bfp: that have happened since my last update! and for those whose :witch: arrived I'm sure you'll get your BFP soon don't give up hope :flower:
LMP was May 19, 2013. Most likely I'd on June 3rd. BF and I had unprotected sex on June 1 and June 9.
1dpo: nothing
2dpo: nothing
3dpo: headache and moody
4dpo: dull cramping, headache, moody, stuffy nose
5dpo: headache, dull cramping (btw nothing close to AF cramping), stuffy nose, really thirsty, nausea, dull backache, getting full easily then being hungry again an hour or so later, really tired, milky white watery CM with a wet feeling down there, pee breaks a lot
6dpo: same as above but add gassy
7dpo: same as above but add constipation as well
8dpo: same as above. Exhausted, BBs on and off tender with puffy aerolas. Raised white bumps on aerolas and tiny white bumps on nipples.
LMP was May 19, 2013. Most likely I'd on June 3rd. BF and I had unprotected sex on June 1 and June 9.
1dpo: nothing
2dpo: nothing
3dpo: headache and moody
4dpo: dull cramping, headache, moody, stuffy nose
5dpo: headache, dull cramping (btw nothing close to AF cramping), stuffy nose, really thirsty, nausea, dull backache, getting full easily then being hungry again an hour or so later, really tired, milky white watery CM with a wet feeling down there, pee breaks a lot
6dpo: same as above but add gassy
7dpo: same as above but add constipation as well
8dpo: same as above. Exhausted, BBs on and off tender with puffy aerolas. Raised white bumps on aerolas and tiny white bumps on nipples.

Forget to add on 8dpo that BBs are also fuller and heavier

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