Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

i have a strange bloat, like right around my belly button. i did some calculations on several different sites. if i am pregnant i would be around the middle of week 3. can showing happen this early, what else could it be. - i’m also nauseous, tired a lot, peeing a lot too, it seems, but my breasts aren't really sore or anything. i am so darn confused. help?

I believe only a test will give you answers. I've read that bloating is super common early on, but not so sure about showing.

Yeah, i just wanted different possibilities! :flower:
tHey everyone!!! I'm brand new to this world of trying to get pregnant. I'm 26 and hubby and I are TTC#1. I was on birth control for 8 months and took my last pill on May 21st. A few days later, I had my WD bleed and it was awful. Heavier and more painful than any period I ever remember having and lasted 5 days. We BD'd as soon as I stopped the bleeding, and continued for several days. (keep on mind through this post I have never experienced a single side effect from quitting birth control in my life, I have started and quit about 3 times in my 20s and never on it for more than a year). Anyways, I started using OPK kits to see If I was ovulating. The first one I took the end of May and it was.negative. The very next day, May 31, I got a positive, and on June 1 got my surge (test line was darkest). I continued to get a positive until June 3, and I believe I ovulated either that day or June 4. I had horrible cramping all day on the 3. Lasted all day. Felt like period cramps and there was absolutely no blood. I have continued to have mild cramping, headaches, ridiculous mood swings, random.cravings for sweets and super bloated. To the point where my.clothes fit tighter. I have had 2 BFN and don't want to take another HPT until my period is late. I'm about a week before it. But my husband and my friends all believe I am pregnant. I keep getting big positive OPKs also. Idk what to believe. My body has gone wacko. Any ideas????
Didn't track dpo very well last cycle but this round I'm all for it! Fingers crossed for all the ladies still trying!!:flower:

1dpo - breasts not tender for once, sticky cm, really tired
2dpo - twinges in left side, still feeling tired, sensitive to smells

3dpo - twinges have moved to my right side:shrug:

4dpo - mild cramping, aches and twinges on right side, backache
5dpo - mild cramping, achy right side, headache, sore nipples
LMP was May 19, 2013. Most likely I'd on June 3rd. BF and I had unprotected sex on June 1 and June 9.
1dpo: nothing
2dpo: nothing
3dpo: headache and moody
4dpo: dull cramping, headache, moody, stuffy nose
5dpo: headache, dull cramping (btw nothing close to AF cramping), stuffy nose, really thirsty, nausea, dull backache, getting full easily then being hungry again an hour or so later, really tired, milky white watery CM with a wet feeling down there, pee breaks a lot
6dpo: same as above but add gassy
7dpo: same as above but add constipation as well
8dpo: same as above. Exhausted, BBs on and off tender with puffy aerolas. Raised white bumps on aerolas and tiny white bumps on nipples.

Forget to add on 8dpo that BBs are also fuller and heavier

9 DPO: Same as above. Super exhausted. Nauseous to the point where I need tums by me. BBs are more tender.
Also tested this morning just to see. I got a BFN but I know its still too early.
OK, so the DPO is an estimation. I am not POSITIVE when I ovulated, but based on an average o date and my 28 day cycle, this is where we are at:

1 DPO - Super sore boobies. Mild cramps. Some pokey pains in my lower tummy. Woke up at 3am and never went back to sleep.
2 DPO - Super sore boobies. More cramps. A little sleepy. Took a long nap in the afternoon. Not sure if that is just from not sleeping well. Nausea on and off.
3 DPO - Super sore boobies...fiance swears they are bigger. LOTS of cramping like AF is coming. Strange soreness in lower abdomen, left side...almost like a runners cramp. Pain in lower back. Super tired...long nap. :sleep: Ate one small slice of pickle and got nausea...and I love pickles.
4 DPO - Fiance says I snored LOUD last night. I never snore. Mild cramps today. My boobs are SO SORE!!!
5 DPO - Still sore boobies. Strange dreams. Sleepy. Mild cramps.
6 DPO - SORE BOOBIES! I went to buy new bras. I am up to a DD. Maybe I gained weight. Maybe I never wore the right size. But when I was sized last, I was a D. Sleepy here and there.
7 DPO - Sore boobies. Sometimes out of nowhere, it's a zap of ouch! Some mild cramping. Headaches. Hungry.

I will update! :dust:
1dpo-4dpo ~ Sore BBs.

5dpo ~ Started cramping like AF was coming. Had a strange "leak" and ran to the bathroom thinking AF was here but it turned out to be some very watery CM. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

6dpo ~ Still experiencing AF like cramps. Napped twice, cried on and off. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

7dpo ~ Craving sweets. Chemically taste in mouth, hot flashes, & still cramping. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

8dpo ~ Hot flashes, irritated! Want something sweet and more cramps/twinges. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

9dpo ~ Hot flashes. Cramps spread to hip bones and back. Bladder seems full more frequently. Sore BBs. Vivid dreams.

10dpo ~ Threw blanket off of me in the middle of the night, and stripped down to my underwear due to heat and irritation. Dreams waking me up in the middle of the night. Bladder waking me up in the middle of the night. Sore BBs. Cramps.

11dpo ~ Pulling/stretching in lower abdomen. Twinges in hips, back of thighs, lower back, cramps. Vivid dreams. Tired & headache. Glob of creamy CM in underwear. BBs swollen now a cup size.

12dpo ~ Lots of twinges. BBs tingling/burning/sharp pains. BBs even MORE full & heavy. Tired. Headache on & off.

13dpo ~ Slight twinges. Fiancee says BB's are even bigger somehow! AF due today but no sign so far, cramps stopped. Temp still high. Tired. Headache.

14dpo ~ Woke up to terrible cramps. Exhausted. Feels like AF will start at any moment. BBs tingling. Hip & leg pains. Just waiting for witch at this point, no bother testing.

15dpo ~ FMU FRER :bfp: took a digi later and BFP. Extremely exhausted, didn't sleep last night but so excited :happydance:

Different this 2WW ~ BBs grew a lot. Hot flashes and cramping a lot. & pounding headaches. Temp stayed elevated and came down with a fever 3 times.

So incredibly exciting! :cloud9:
Oh my gosh NNJP, that's awesome! Congratulations hun! Happy and Healthy 9 Months!
Thanks China! It's really strange how for once I wasn't fretting over PAOS and I truly waited it out & got my BFP. I suppose its from being so irritated these past 2 weeks! Those emotions overshadowed my previous PAOS anxieties and I just wanted the discomfort to end... I probably could have tested earlier but I kept deciding to wait as I was sure AF would be showing up (woe cynical me).

This is also the first time I experienced symptoms I couldn't ignore, or that my OH noticed as well--so it was pretty clear they weren't all in my head. I am just in shock honestly!

I hope to see more green in this thread. :dust:
LMP was May 19, 2013. Most likely I'd on June 3rd. BF and I had unprotected sex on June 1 and June 9.
1dpo: nothing
2dpo: nothing
3dpo: headache and moody
4dpo: dull cramping, headache, moody, stuffy nose
5dpo: headache, dull cramping (btw nothing close to AF cramping), stuffy nose, really thirsty, nausea, dull backache, getting full easily then being hungry again an hour or so later, really tired, milky white watery CM with a wet feeling down there, pee breaks a lot
6dpo: same as above but add gassy
7dpo: same as above but add constipation as well
8dpo: same as above. Exhausted, BBs on and off tender with puffy aerolas. Raised white bumps on aerolas and tiny white bumps on nipples.

Forget to add on 8dpo that BBs are also fuller and heavier

9 DPO: Same as above. Super exhausted. Nauseous to the point where I need tums by me. BBs are more tender.
Also tested this morning just to see. I got a BFN but I know its still too early.

10 dpo: same as above but add insomnia. I have barely been able to sleep the past 2 days.
tHey everyone!!! I'm brand new to this world of trying to get pregnant. I'm 26 and hubby and I are TTC#1. I was on birth control for 8 months and took my last pill on May 21st. A few days later, I had my WD bleed and it was awful. Heavier and more painful than any period I ever remember having and lasted 5 days. We BD'd as soon as I stopped the bleeding, and continued for several days. (keep on mind through this post I have never experienced a single side effect from quitting birth control in my life, I have started and quit about 3 times in my 20s and never on it for more than a year). Anyways, I started using OPK kits to see If I was ovulating. The first one I took the end of May and it was.negative. The very next day, May 31, I got a positive, and on June 1 got my surge (test line was darkest). I continued to get a positive until June 3, and I believe I ovulated either that day or June 4. I had horrible cramping all day on the 3. Lasted all day. Felt like period cramps and there was absolutely no blood. I have continued to have mild cramping, headaches, ridiculous mood swings, random.cravings for sweets and super bloated. To the point where my.clothes fit tighter. I have had 2 BFN and don't want to take another HPT until my period is late. I'm about a week before it. But my husband and my friends all believe I am pregnant. I keep getting big positive OPKs also. Idk what to believe. My body has gone wacko. Any ideas????

What kind of OPK test do you have? Mine have a +line but it has to be as dark or darker than the control line to be actually positive. I think you should only get one day with a true positive for a surge?? Your clothes can fit tighter just from bloating and water weight gain with normal cycle/hormone changes before your AF. You can get some cramps from ovulating. It's June 13th todday, have you tested yet?? They are so expensive, I bought some plain strips on that are way cheaper since I'm obsessive at testing. Our bodies are crazy and can really trick us. I had insanely crazy symptoms last month and I thought for sure I was BFP but wasn't. I'd say test with HPT, or give it a few days. It could be your body re-regulating after coming off BC.
My cervix has been high, mostly hard and closed, and wet, all day. period is due on the 19th of june, i bd’d when i should have, and according to several sites, i would have conceived on june 1st. what is happening!? I just want to know if im in or out for this cycle.
Hi ladies! New here. Wanted to share my TWW symptoms. A little background is my husband and I were unexpectedly expecting in March of 2010 and lost our baby around 5 weeks. I got on the pill after that. Got off the pill this past October and found out I was pregnant Jan 18th. Baby's heart stopped beating at 8 weeks on Feb 19th so I got a D&C the next day. Baby got sent off for testing and we found out it had Trisomy 14. Husband and I then got tested and after 3 long months of waiting to hear results, we thankfully found out we are NOT carriers of the gene! But I do have hypothyroidism with Hashimoto's and my doctor also thinks I have a blood clotting disorder. Waiting for the results as we are now finally able to TTC.

Here are my DPOs so far (O date is estimated since my cycles have been all over the place since the D&C):

1-4 DPO - sharp twinges in both ovaries
5 DPO - tired, nipples hurt so bad, everything smells like dirty diapers, burping
6 DPO - tired, migraine all throughout the night, burping, cramping
7 DPO - slept in late, sharp twinges in both ovaries, irritable, thirsty, exhausted, cramping, frequent urination when trying to go to sleep - peed 5 times in 1 hour
8 DPO - slept in late, exhausted, sharp twinges on left ovary, dark veiny boobs, thirsty, everything tastes gross
9 DPO - slept in late, woke up so hungry my tummy was gurgling, dark veiny boobs, thirsty, stomach feels achy and bloated, Kit Kat was most amazing thing I've ever tasted (I usually hate them)
10 DPO - tossed and turned all night, woke up way early with stomach growling, dizzy, gassy, upset stomach, constipated, very nauseous, nipples tingly, just feel pregnant!

And here I sit at 10 DPO. It's only 10 in the morning here and I'm feeling all of these crazy symptoms already!
Planning on testing at 12 DPO (June 16th) since it will be Father's Day! Wouldn't that be great to find out we're pregnant on Father's Day?! Anyone else testing then? :)

Lots of sticky baby dust to you all!
25 days cycles:
1-4 dpo- no unusual symptoms
5 dpo- funny feelin in belly, some cramping
6 dpo- very gassy!! I hadn't eaten anythin weird for that to happen. Now bloated, still crampy
7 dpo- very moody- yelled at my DH for no reason(luckily he's used to my PMS tantrums n ignored me!) :haha: had some spotting and brown specks when i wiped.
8 dpo- bloating, cramping, constipated. Coffee usually gets me goin but not today!! Lol
9 dpo- tested with ept- faint positive or evap on ept. Decided to wait for 2 more days to trst. Still gassy, moody, constipated, no soreboobs tho. Increased creamy CM when I wipe. My DH said he thought I was wetter down there when we BD'ed today(tmi!!!)
10 dpo- same ol same ol
11 dpo- tested with fmu on a dollar store brand- BFN! :nope: Still same symptoms. I feel like AF is on her way.
12 dpo- woke up with a headache, very nsuseated( i keep swallowing my saliva to avoid throwing up!!) waitin to see what happens the rest of today.

I also have extreme fatigue- i keep wakin up at weird times too!! Another weird feelin is that I feel very uncomfortable in my belly when I'm driving my car! :wacko:Weird right??!
LMP was May 19, 2013. Most likely I'd on June 3rd. BF and I had unprotected sex on June 1 and June 9.
1dpo: nothing
2dpo: nothing
3dpo: headache and moody
4dpo: dull cramping, headache, moody, stuffy nose
5dpo: headache, dull cramping (btw nothing close to AF cramping), stuffy nose, really thirsty, nausea, dull backache, getting full easily then being hungry again an hour or so later, really tired, milky white watery CM with a wet feeling down there, pee breaks a lot
6dpo: same as above but add gassy
7dpo: same as above but add constipation as well
8dpo: same as above. Exhausted, BBs on and off tender with puffy aerolas. Raised white bumps on aerolas and tiny white bumps on nipples.

Forget to add on 8dpo that BBs are also fuller and heavier

9 DPO: Same as above. Super exhausted. Nauseous to the point where I need tums by me. BBs are more tender.
Also tested this morning just to see. I got a BFN but I know its still too early.

10 dpo: same as above but add insomnia. I have barely been able to sleep the past 2 days.

11dpo same as above but BFN. starting to lose hope guys. I still have a few more days so I'm not out of the game yet.
I really like this thread. So I think I'll go ahead and post myself. I'm 11 DPO today. I refuse to test til Monday (14 dpo) which is when AF is due.

1-5 dpo: Nothing I can remember
6dpo: Gas, sore muscles
7dpo: Gas
8dpo: gas
9dpo:Gas, sore muscles, mild cramps/tightness
10dpo: Gas, mild cramps, flutter/bubbles, fatigue, nausea, felt like crying (but didn't), lightheaded (felt like I'd had several drinks), tender breasts
11dpo: So far: cramps, feel like AF is coming, gas, heaviness/fullness in my abdomen, breasts feel full/heavy (OMG THEY FEEL HUGE and like they're held up even without a bra X_X), food aversion, exhausted (I feel like I pulled an all nighter), pinching/pulling sensation in my uterus when laying on my back and once behind my belly button.
12dpo: Gas, AF cramps, breasts feel fuller (XL swim top felt like I was popping out on the bottom and sides but that could just be pre-AF boobs)

So that's it so far. If I get any more symptoms going on I'll definitely post them.
ergh, the :witch: showed up this morning, for reals. 6 days late at that!

now i just want it to be over and get on with TTC next cycle!
:dust: for all still testing this month!
So I'm not really trying to get pregnant, but I do keep track of my AF on my iphone app and it gives me the days that I ovulate so i figured I'd give this a try.

1DPO-5DPO: didn't really notice anything, because I wasn't keeping track
6DPO: Had some weird brownish spotting when I wiped and it got to the point where I needed a panty liner. At some point it was pinkish/reddish
7DPO: Had a panty liner on but didn't really have any issues until around 6PM when I saw I had my panty liner covered with blood so I ASSUMED I started my AF and used a tampon. Before bed, I took out the tampon. It wasn't covered but it had enough to where I should probably use another one.
8DPO: Took out tampon and there was just some brown spots on it but that was it. Didn't have anymore bleeding or spotting. This was when I was thinking I may be pregnant because I never have any spotting this early in a cycle (My AF wasn't due for another 10 days) My cycles are always 28 days.
9DPO: Some bloating/gassy after I would eat. My fiance was messing around with me and threw a dirty sock in my face multiple times and it made me cry. I NEVER cry over stuff like that.
10DPO: Sense of smell increased a lot. Still feeling bloaty and gassy. Clear CM that felt kind of thick and sticky.
11DPO: Took HPT in the morning and had :bfn: Had a tiny nose bleed. Bloaty and gassy. We were fishing and I got upset that my line was all messed up and I couldn't fish anymore. I somehow got my friend mad at me and all hell broke lose. I balled my eyes out for two hours and I really had no legit reason why. That NEVER HAPPENS. I stopped crying after I ate some ice cream LOL. Thick and clear CM still.
12DPO: I felt okay majority of the day. The smell was still getting to me. Felt bloaty and gassy after eating. That night, when I tried to sleep, I was SOOOO uncomfortable. I just couldn't fall asleep, it was like my whole back would get sore if I laid on it for too long. CM is still the same as the past two days.
13DPO: CM was so watery and there was a lot I thought I got my AF but when I went to the bathroom, nothing.

AF is suppose to be here the 14th so I'm waiting until then to test again.

14DPO: took another HPT, :bfn: again
15-16DPO: my scent has increased still, some ingestion/heartburn and I've noticed more acne on my face. CM is still watery and a little creamy
17DPO: Today my AF is due and I may test later on today but definitely tomorrow. I don't know if the "spotting" I had early in my cycle was a light AF or not. I've never had anything so early like that before, so I'm confused!! :cry: UPDATE Took HPT, EPT digital, and got another :bfn: sooo I'm giving it a couple more days to see if AF will arrive

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