So I'm not really trying to get pregnant, but I do keep track of my AF on my iphone app and it gives me the days that I ovulate so i figured I'd give this a try.
1DPO-5DPO: didn't really notice anything, because I wasn't keeping track
6DPO: Had some weird brownish spotting when I wiped and it got to the point where I needed a panty liner. At some point it was pinkish/reddish
7DPO: Had a panty liner on but didn't really have any issues until around 6PM when I saw I had my panty liner covered with blood so I ASSUMED I started my AF and used a tampon. Before bed, I took out the tampon. It wasn't covered but it had enough to where I should probably use another one.
8DPO: Took out tampon and there was just some brown spots on it but that was it. Didn't have anymore bleeding or spotting. This was when I was thinking I may be pregnant because I never have any spotting this early in a cycle (My AF wasn't due for another 10 days) My cycles are always 28 days.
9DPO: Some bloating/gassy after I would eat. My fiance was messing around with me and threw a dirty sock in my face multiple times and it made me cry. I NEVER cry over stuff like that.
10DPO: Sense of smell increased a lot. Still feeling bloaty and gassy. Clear CM that felt kind of thick and sticky.
11DPO: Took HPT in the morning and had

Had a tiny nose bleed. Bloaty and gassy. We were fishing and I got upset that my line was all messed up and I couldn't fish anymore. I somehow got my friend mad at me and all hell broke lose. I balled my eyes out for two hours and I really had no legit reason why. That NEVER HAPPENS. I stopped crying after I ate some ice cream LOL. Thick and clear CM still.
12DPO: I felt okay majority of the day. The smell was still getting to me. Felt bloaty and gassy after eating. That night, when I tried to sleep, I was SOOOO uncomfortable. I just couldn't fall asleep, it was like my whole back would get sore if I laid on it for too long. CM is still the same as the past two days.
13DPO: CM was so watery and there was a lot I thought I got my AF but when I went to the bathroom, nothing.
AF is suppose to be here the 14th so I'm waiting until then to test again.