LMP was May 19, 2013. Most likely I'd on June 3rd. BF and I had unprotected sex on June 1 and June 9.
1dpo: nothing
2dpo: nothing
3dpo: headache and moody
4dpo: dull cramping, headache, moody, stuffy nose
5dpo: headache, dull cramping (btw nothing close to AF cramping), stuffy nose, really thirsty, nausea, dull backache, getting full easily then being hungry again an hour or so later, really tired, milky white watery CM with a wet feeling down there, pee breaks a lot
6dpo: same as above but add gassy
7dpo: same as above but add constipation as well
8dpo: same as above. Exhausted, BBs on and off tender with puffy aerolas. Raised white bumps on aerolas and tiny white bumps on nipples.
Forget to add on 8dpo that BBs are also fuller and heavier
9 DPO: Same as above. Super exhausted. Nauseous to the point where I need tums by me. BBs are more tender.
Also tested this morning just to see. I got a BFN but I know its still too early.
10 dpo: same as above but add insomnia. I have barely been able to sleep the past 2 days.
11dpo same as above but BFN. starting to lose hope guys. I still have a few more days so I'm not out of the game yet.
12 DPO some of the symptoms have gone away. What's left on my list are gassy, exhaustion, dull cramps (nothing like AF), a wet feeling down there (makes me keep thinking that AF has come), moody, full tender BBs with the Montgomery glands sticking out, getting full easily then being hungry again an hour later, bloated, headaches, nausea, hot flashes (I keep going from hot to cold. Its like my body can't make up its mind), frequent bathroom trips, and thirsty all the time. My back hurts sometimes too.
13 dpo I'm super exhausted, moody, headache, tender fuller heavier BBs with the areolas and nipples the same as above. I'm starting to eat more but still getting full easily and being hungry again an hour or so later. Still have dull cramps and frequent bathroom trips as well as thirsty all the time. My back still hurts. The only way I can sleep is with my bf there and I'm in his arms. When he's not here I have insomnia. This started at around 8 dpo. I'm becoming forgetful. I can't remember what other symptoms I'm having. I tested this morning (with 2nd pee oops on my part) and it came out a BFN.
14 DPO BBs are hurting more. They never get this way before AF. They are also a little fuller and heavier. Areolas are puffy with the glands sticking out and nipples seem to be sticking out a little more and they are darker. Nipples still have the white dots on the tips. Gassy, bloated, exhausted, headaches, moody, increase in libido? (tmi but my bf and I had sex yesterday and i lasted longer than him which is a first and wanted to keep going), milky white CM (it always feels wet down there. I keep thinking AF has come.) Dull cramps. Hungry all the time yet get full easily. Constipation.
Took 2 tests this morning. Both BFN :/ I really hope I get a BFP soon.
****Update for 14DPO hiccupping and throwing up a little in mouth. Craving sweets.
15 DPO exhaustion, cramps, gassy, headaches.My BBs are still fuller and heavier and the areolas and nipples are the same and I felt them this morning and they have these tiny bumps all inside them. More in my right one. Has anybody else experienced that???
I tested with fmu and I SWEAR I see a really faint line. But here's the bad thing. I started bleeding. Idk if I'm out or not guys. I'm thinking that I'm out.
Do you guys see a line too? Sorry if the pic is bad quality.
16DPO All of my symptoms are still here. New ones include shortness of breath and racing (increased) heart rate. Certain smells are messing with me.
Still bleeding. Believing its AF but why would I still be having all of my symptoms? Waiting on results for blood test. I read that many women have period like bleeds throughout their pregnancies and deliver healthy babies. So I'm still hoping. But I'm not sure. I might be out for this one. I'll let y'all know my test results when I get them.
Not to get your hopes up or anything because it is really rare (or so I hear) but my grandmother had her period up until she was 8 months along with my Dad, 2 Aunts, and 3 Uncles..Maybe that could be the case here