Ok lets see... I should have ovulated around the 13th. So I'm 7dpo as of today...Had a few 'occurrences' with hubby on the 8th, 12th, and 15th.
About 4dpo - dizziness, sleepy, headaches, tearful
5dpo - dizzy, sleepy, headaches, not sure if breast tenderness is from conception or scrubbing floors

slight cramping, tearful
6dpo - still dizzy, SO SLEEPY, headache, slight breast tenderness, not quite nauseated (more like the icky feeling after eating too much Chinese food LOL), tearful
7dpo (today) - sleepy sleepy sleepy!, dizzy and slight headache, breast tender/sensitive (my child loves to jump on them, I swear), slightly irritable - but mostly tearful, hungry - but too queazy - only ate some bread and butter with iced tea.
Still not sure if and when I should even try to take a test. I don't want to get my hopes up...