Great idea for a feed!!! Before I get started with the details, just thought I'd mention that I am 35 and this is my first attempt ttc baby #3. Now on to the good stuff!!
Symptoms so far:
1dpo--menstrual like cramps, twinges (right side), nausea.
2dpo--menstrual like cramps, upper leg pain, nausea, and a general feeling of fullness similar to bloating (can't sleep on tummy).
3dpo--headache in AM, stuffy nose, tired (slept 9pm-noon), nausea when hungry--goes away with food, dreams, gassy.
4dpo--pinching on left side, tired (slept 9:30pm-7am then, noon-3:30pm), dream about food (woke up super hungry), abundant creamy CM, gassy.
5dpo--woke up sweating in a cold house, nothing else but sharp twinges and achy lower back.
6dpo--Super nauseous and a really heightened sense of smell.
7dpo--nauseous, gassy, sharp pains on left, cloudy urine, EWCM.
8dpo--woke feeling great, by the evening cramping came back full force.
9dpo--crampy all day, loads of watery CM, fatigued, frequent urination, nausea when hungry, extreme hunger, nausea worse after eating.
10dpo--bloated, CM turning milky, nausea (think I'm really sensitive to hormone changes), hungry, heartburn, vurps (burp with a little vomit), tired.
11dpo--extreme hunger, more milky white, watery cm, tired (needed a nap), crampy in the pm,
12dpo--startled to realize that my bbs haven't been sore at all (normally very sore by 4dpo), nausea and cramping in the evening, backache, and cried w/o any reason at all.
on FRER.
13dpo--lower back pain, mild cramps, upper legs achy, milky colored cm (odorless/slightly sweet), BBs still not sore at all.
14dpo--lower back pain, AF-like cramps, EWCM, headache all day,
$1store test.
15dpo--no sign of AF (due today), mild cramping, nausea in evening (worsens when I lie down), need to pee more often (also worsens when I lie down), cm creamy,
on FRER.
16dpo--backache, pm nausea, waking up twice a night to pee.
17dpo--backache, frequent urination,
on Wondfo.
w FMU, full ferning, EWCM??