1 DPO: Mild/Dull Cramps/Pressure, Twinges,Crankiness/Irritability,Increased Sex Drive,Moodiness,Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst,Headache,Runny Nose,Sore Throat,Stuffy Nose,Diarrhea (I know TMI Sorry)
2 DPO: Gas/Flatulence,Mild/Dull Cramps/Pressure,Twinges,Achy Legs/Hips,"I Just Feel Pregnant",Anxious/On Edge,Increased Sense of Smell,Sleeplessness,Nausea
3 DPO:Gas/Flatulence,Mild/Dull Cramps/Pressure,Pulling/Pinching,Achy Legs/Hips,"I Just Feel Pregnant",Constipation,Diarrhea,Frequent Urination,Increased Cervical Fluid,Nausea
4 DPO: Gas/Flatulence,Heaviness/Fullness,Sore Muscles,Achy Legs/Hips,Stuffy Nose,Hot Flashes,Diarrhea,Frequent Urination,Empty Feeling,Increased Appetite,Nausea
5DPO: Bloating,Gas/Flatulence,Heaviness/Fullness,Mild/Dull Cramps/Pressure,Pulling/Pinching,Sharp/Stabbing Pains,Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst,Increased Sense of Smell,Hot Flashes,Sleeplessness,Constipation,Frequent Urination,Increased Cervical Fluid,Nausea,New or Strange Cravings
Mild/Dull Cramps/Pressure
Achy Legs or Hips
Very Happy
Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst
Increased Sense of Smell
Stuffy Nose
Hot Flashes
Frequent Urination
Increased Appetite
New or Strange Cravings
7DPO: Same as day 6 took Test but it was a:'(
8DPO: Same as above
9DPO: Same as above
10DPO: Same as above
11DPO:Very faint but it is there YAY!!! I want to scream it from the roof tops but DH says to wait because anything can happen :/ DH thinks it could be an evap line but it was pink & there with in 2-3 minutes of taking the test. Anyone have this happen? I am hoping that he is not right but dont want the let down come Sunday if he is :/
This just happened to me! See previous page for my post in green.
Did you use an IC? I did and it showed the faintest pink line within a few mins too. I stalked every forum on the Internet on faint positives and most women say to use a CB Digi if you see that. So I did, and got my BFP!
Go get the Clearblue Digi!![]()
I used First Response 6 days sooner or something like that I know for a fact it was First Response but can't remember what else it said LOL.
theis supposed to show her ugly face on Sunday which is 3 days before paid day
so I guess I will just have to sit tight and see if she comes or not and if not get the CB Digi
I too have been stalking every website, forum, etc to find something out. And everywhere that I look says that as long as the line is PINK and not GREY or some other color or an "indent" then all is good but after trying for a year I want GOOD news for once you know so I kind of want to hold on to this TINY FAINT pink line LOL
I know what u mean - keep us updated!!