Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm jumping in here, *hopefully* for the last time!

1 DPO: very light cramping randomly throughout day
2 DPO: nothing
3 DPO: very light cramping randomly throughout day
4-5 DPO : nothing
6 DPO: sore throat and nasal congestion (DH also has some cold symptoms, so who knows)
7 DPO: sore throat stops in a.m.; nasal congestion
8 DPO: scratchy throat when woke (goes away); nasal congestion; sensitive/sore nipples; in p.m., greyish-white globular, stretchy CM (weird!)
9 DPO: scratchy throat when woke (goes away); nasal congestion; gassy; sensitive/sore nipples; mood swings; in p.m., CM cm has some light blood and is stretchy in p.m.
10 DPO: nasal congestion; sensitive/sore nipples; mood swings; at 10 p.m. there is enough red blood (like a light period) to coat the toilet paper, then it's gone
11 DPO: scratchy throat when woke (goes away); nasal congestion; sensitive/sore nipples; EWCM (normally creamy until the day before/of AF); test = very faint :bfp:
12 DPO:
13 DPO:

Being as cautiously optimistic as possible at this point, as it's still early and I used a dollar store test. This is, however, the first BFP I've ever seen, so it's hard not to get really excited. AF is due on 11/3, so we'll see what happens when I retest at 12 & 13 DPO.

Congrats! Hoping and wishing for a sticky bean!
8dpo: ANGER! RAGE! bloating, not uncomfy just a round belly, nose bleed, still having same amount of wet CM not drying up, feel like im getting urine infection, nausea and horrendous heartburn!!, please let me turn my post green!!! 6 days till testing, Fx and prayers for me!!!

what do u girls think does it sound promising? x

OMG!!! Yes! I am 9dpo today but the uti feeling started yesterday. I had to stop for a second when I started to pee cause it was not pleasant. Same when I wiped. Its not every time but close to it. Today the same thing. My symptoms are nearly identical to yours!! Except the nose bleed. I also had slight nausea yesterday moen and heartburn around lunch time yesterday.

wow crazy!! stay with me on this we are too similar!! it just feels like its guna be but then its not! my heartburn is uncontrollable right to the pit of my stomach and I get waves of anxiety but ive got a funeal tomorrow so im putting the anxiety down to that :( fx for our bfps when r u testing mngmakes 3 xx

I don't remember a whole lot from my first pregnancy as my son is almost 9 years old now, but I had a LOT of nosebleeds!
Ovulated around the 14th, so 8dpo, tested with frer yest, which of course was negative!!! Had sore breasts and tingly nipples since ov, hever used to get that at all, but had it with last preg (lost at 14 weeks), and also last cycle, when af came at 26 days, my cycle has nvever been snort before, so wonder if it was a m/c?? Any thoughts? The last two days, so 6 and 7dpo I have had creamy cm, now its very wet. I havd also veen very gassy for about a week now! A few days ago, prob only 2 or 3 dadpo I am sure had had round ligament pain, had it with other pregnancies, much earlier in 2nd than first, but this early?? Today I have the sensation down there that I get when af is coming :cry:. Have been low down cramping since ov. Trying to wait till sat to test again if af doesnt show first....

Oh yes, dizzy when standing up the last 2 days, and starving!!

Ok, I couldnt wait, just tested with fmu and bfn :( am around 10dpo, am I out? I know I am not really out yet, but feeling disappointed :( breasts not anywhere near so sore now, but still bloated, which I dont get before af normally, still have dizziness and feeling sick which I dont normally get either. Feel like I have hayfever. However, I do have headache and burning, stretching feeling down there which I Do get before af :(

This is rubbish :cry:

ok, tested at about 14dpo and very very faint line!! So bloated, breast pain and tingliness gone tho! Tested again this morn, 17 dpo and a proper line :):happydance:

no idea how to turn this green tho, it doesnt work properly on my tablet......
Ovulated around the 14th, so 8dpo, tested with frer yest, which of course was negative!!! Had sore breasts and tingly nipples since ov, hever used to get that at all, but had it with last preg (lost at 14 weeks), and also last cycle, when af came at 26 days, my cycle has nvever been snort before, so wonder if it was a m/c?? Any thoughts? The last two days, so 6 and 7dpo I have had creamy cm, now its very wet. I havd also veen very gassy for about a week now! A few days ago, prob only 2 or 3 dadpo I am sure had had round ligament pain, had it with other pregnancies, much earlier in 2nd than first, but this early?? Today I have the sensation down there that I get when af is coming :cry:. Have been low down cramping since ov. Trying to wait till sat to test again if af doesnt show first....

Oh yes, dizzy when standing up the last 2 days, and starving!!

Ok, I couldnt wait, just tested with fmu and bfn :( am around 10dpo, am I out? I know I am not really out yet, but feeling disappointed :( breasts not anywhere near so sore now, but still bloated, which I dont get before af normally, still have dizziness and feeling sick which I dont normally get either. Feel like I have hayfever. However, I do have headache and burning, stretching feeling down there which I Do get before af :(

This is rubbish :cry:

ok, tested at about 14dpo and very very faint line!! So bloated, breast pain and tingliness gone tho! Tested again this morn, 17 dpo and a proper line :):happydance:

no idea how to turn this green tho, it doesnt work properly on my tablet......

Congrats Sar! :) :happydance: This gives me hope! I have been testing way too early and getting BFNs...Hope my story turns into yours! H & H 9 months to you!
Ovulated around the 14th, so 8dpo, tested with frer yest, which of course was negative!!! Had sore breasts and tingly nipples since ov, hever used to get that at all, but had it with last preg (lost at 14 weeks), and also last cycle, when af came at 26 days, my cycle has nvever been snort before, so wonder if it was a m/c?? Any thoughts? The last two days, so 6 and 7dpo I have had creamy cm, now its very wet. I havd also veen very gassy for about a week now! A few days ago, prob only 2 or 3 dadpo I am sure had had round ligament pain, had it with other pregnancies, much earlier in 2nd than first, but this early?? Today I have the sensation down there that I get when af is coming :cry:. Have been low down cramping since ov. Trying to wait till sat to test again if af doesnt show first....

Oh yes, dizzy when standing up the last 2 days, and starving!!

Ok, I couldnt wait, just tested with fmu and bfn :( am around 10dpo, am I out? I know I am not really out yet, but feeling disappointed :( breasts not anywhere near so sore now, but still bloated, which I dont get before af normally, still have dizziness and feeling sick which I dont normally get either. Feel like I have hayfever. However, I do have headache and burning, stretching feeling down there which I Do get before af :(

This is rubbish :cry:

ok, tested at about 14dpo and very very faint line!! So bloated, breast pain and tingliness gone tho! Tested again this morn, 17 dpo and a proper line :):happydance:

no idea how to turn this green tho, it doesnt work properly on my tablet......

Thank you! Very excited, although not letting ourselves get too excited as last one ended badly at 14 weeks..... fingers and everything very firmly crossed!!!!:flower:
Thank you! Very excited, although not letting ourselves get too excited as last one ended badly at 14 weeks..... fingers and everything very firmly crossed!!!!:flower:

All my crssabled are crossed for you!
I'm jumping in here, *hopefully* for the last time!

1 DPO: very light cramping randomly throughout day
2 DPO: nothing
3 DPO: very light cramping randomly throughout day
4-5 DPO : nothing
6 DPO: sore throat and nasal congestion (DH also has some cold symptoms, so who knows)
7 DPO: sore throat stops in a.m.; nasal congestion
8 DPO: scratchy throat when woke (goes away); nasal congestion; sensitive/sore nipples; in p.m., greyish-white globular, stretchy CM (weird!)
9 DPO: scratchy throat when woke (goes away); nasal congestion; gassy; sensitive/sore nipples; mood swings; in p.m., CM cm has some light blood and is stretchy
10 DPO: nasal congestion; sensitive/sore nipples; mood swings; at 10 p.m. there is enough red blood (like a light period) to coat the toilet paper, then it's gone
11 DPO: scratchy throat when woke (goes away); nasal congestion; sensitive/sore nipples; EWCM (normally creamy until the day before/of AF); test = very faint :bfp:
12 DPO:
13 DPO:

Being as cautiously optimistic as possible at this point, as it's still early and I used a dollar store test. This is, however, the first BFP I've ever seen, so it's hard not to get really excited. AF is due on 11/3, so we'll see what happens when I retest at 12 & 13 DPO. I'm going to wait for at least 1 more test before turning this post green!

Thanks all for the kind words! Took another test this a.m. and it's definitely a fainter line. Heck, at this point I think I may be seeing things. BUT my temp is up a few more 10ths of a degree from yesterday, so I'm trying to stay hopeful!
1-2 dpo mild cramps hardly noticeable!
3 dpo cramps and a lot of creamy cm and bloated
4dpo creamy cm ALOT and cramping.
5dpo a lot of creamy cm,cramping irritable and sore boobs.
6dpo very sore cramps, boobs were killing me! creamy cm and constipation.bloated
7dpo very sore cramps again, boobs killing me! irritable (my poor family) tired, bloated constipation.
8dpo so far bloated!
I've been stalking this thread all morning and figured I would post on here.

Day of O: 24th of October Positive OPK and EWCM (temp was 97.56)
1DPO: Slight cramps and very sore breasts with creamy CM (temp was 97.59)
2DPO: Sore breasts, backache and cramps with creamy CM (temp was 97.91)
3DPO: Acne, sore breasts and backache. Still having weird cramps and creamy CM (temp was 97.97)
4DPO: Acne, feeling kind of blah and had extreme fatigue. Breasts still hurt unbelievably bad, very swollen. Bloated and feel like I can't get enough to eat. Still have cramps and creamy CM (temp was 97.90)
5DPO: My body aches and feel fatigued. I got a headache in the afternoon and my breasts are still super tender. Also have a backache. Feeling bloated again but can't get enough to eat. Found sleeping to be really difficult. Kept waking up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. Still have cramps and creamy CM. (temp was 97.97)
6DPO: Another restless sleep night for me. Still breaking out a little bit and got another afternoon headache. My back hurts and breasts are still sore. Super bloated today and have gas, cramps are still present with creamy CM (temp was 97.93)
7DPO: Feeling tired after another night of restless sleep. Not sure what's going on with my body. Acne is clearing up a little but my back still hurts and still have tender breasts. Bloated, Cramps and creamy CM. (temp was 98.14)
8DPO: Finally got a decent night sleep last night. A little stuffy today and some slight weird cramps going on, hard to describe. (temp was 98.03)
9DPO: Amazon delivers my FRER's!
10DPO: (will be on sunday and plan on taking first FRER with FMU)


9dpo: nothing new. Cramping has subsided sincebig cramp yesterday. Temp dipped a little today to 97.83. Feels like af is approaching. Feeling very emotional. Breasts still super sore.

Might take a frer this afternoon...
Im 11 dpo today. I think I'm out. Mild cramping and slight sore bbs I have no other symptoms :-/
I tested this morning and it was a bfn. AF is due on the 6th so I'll test again then.
1 dpo - opk negative. boobs tender around sides and when I press on them lol! Creamy cm - very white and blob-like.
2. dpo - flushed cheeks, slight scratchy throat but not much to report. boobs still sore. bloated. constipated.
3 dop - constipated. bloated. tired. creamy cm, funny 'warm' feeling in right side of uterus.

Arrgh all this symptom spotting can drive myself mad with my own signs!! :wacko:
1-6dpo- nothing much, cold like symptoms
7-10dpo- mild cramping, nausea at night, cold like symptoms
10-12dpo- cramping, slight breast tenderness
12dpo- BFN on FRER
13-16dpo- cp high and soft, cramping, mildly tender breasts
14-15dpo- very nauseated before bed each night

Ladies, I was CONVINCED I was out this month. My "symptoms" we're exactly like they always are pre-AF. My AF was two days late and my temps weren't dropping, which is why I tested. DH and I are ecstatic. I can't wait to call up the dr Monday! It's been 22 months and 7 medicated cycles. PLEASE don't lose hope!
1-6dpo- nothing much, cold like symptoms
7-10dpo- mild cramping, nausea at night, cold like symptoms
10-12dpo- cramping, slight breast tenderness
12dpo- BFN on FRER
13-16dpo- cp high and soft, cramping, mildly tender breasts
14-15dpo- very nauseated before bed each night

Ladies, I was CONVINCED I was out this month. My "symptoms" we're exactly like they always are pre-AF. My AF was two days late and my temps weren't dropping, which is why I tested. DH and I are ecstatic. I can't wait to call up the dr Monday! It's been 22 months and 7 medicated cycles. PLEASE don't lose hope!

Vtfroggie you should post your test so we can give you some input.
1-6dpo- nothing much, cold like symptoms
7-10dpo- mild cramping, nausea at night, cold like symptoms
10-12dpo- cramping, slight breast tenderness
12dpo- BFN on FRER
13-16dpo- cp high and soft, cramping, mildly tender breasts
14-15dpo- very nauseated before bed each night

Ladies, I was CONVINCED I was out this month. My "symptoms" we're exactly like they always are pre-AF. My AF was two days late and my temps weren't dropping, which is why I tested. DH and I are ecstatic. I can't wait to call up the dr Monday! It's been 22 months and 7 medicated cycles. PLEASE don't lose hope!

Congrats! After 22 months, that is a well deserved BFP!
Vtfroggie you should post your test so we can give you some input.

I've started a thread in the pregnancy test section here.

I actually just took a test 15 minutes ago and the line is stronger than this morning. It also looks slightly stronger than yesterday. I think I'm good to going to turn my post green, but will keep tracking symptoms through tomorrow, since that's when AF is due.
Oh congrats that's definitely a bfp. How dpo were you for the first?

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