Okay! This might not be day by day accurate but I did have enough symptoms to make me want to open this account so might as well share my experience with other freaked out symptom spotters two week waiters! I am currently about 11/12DPO and will be only testing on the 7th after my missed period:
1-3DPO -
*Boob pain. Never happens to me during O ever. Pulling sensation in upper part of the breast and under the armpit but no nipple change at all.
* One night of cramping similar to O. Only difference was almost every O for the past few years was accompanied by a slight brown discharge and constipation for me. I never spotted brown this time which is a huge red flag for me.
4-5DPO- Nothing. So I thought maybe I was tripping myself after all.
6-9- Tickling sensation in lower abdomen pelvic region at night. Really strange like nothing i ever experienced before. I actually reached to my stomach and tried to scratch the invisible itch that was on my inside.
10-11 - Yesterday night I began having a weird sensation "down there". Like a UTI almost. Boobs started hurting again and one of them is having spasms this morning so maybe I just pulled a muscle? No fluttering/tickling in stomach which is bumming me out because that was cool.
12-13 - NOTHING
Well maybe some rage. I cried over nothing and felt like such an idiot and couldn't stop. This happens sometimes before af too though so I can't chalk it up to being a symptom.
14DPO - Slight clear cm and cramping down my pelvic area from middle to side. Could be first symptoms before AF which is due in a few days.
Definitely not testing until af is due.
15DPO - Wiped some pinkish brown this morning. Next time I went to pee it wasn't there.
Still might turn to AF. If it doesn't... I'll test tomorrow morning.