Teacher mums chat thread

Good luck Nimbus. The anticipation is usually worse than the reality!
Well, that sucked. I did some teaching and that was good. Had an ok meeting with a member of SMT and stood up for myself - another good thing. BUT my head of department decided that it's ok for her to shout down the corridor her annoyances about me and how although i've been back today that i'm no use to her etc etc. I then walked out of the prep room to comfront her about this - she pretty much ignored me. Probably a good thing, i was shaking like a leaf with rage! Cue a terrible day. Feel shoddy and rubbish. I have been in contact with her to tell her the outline plan for the rest of the week, and that i don't appreciate the way that she spoke about me and that it hurt. No word back yet. i don't expect one. I went to the SMT meeting following that, but she'd got therre first and the SMT then spent over 5 mins telling me why it was understandable. I so need to find another job, just as soon as i'm happier and more content and able to stomach the whole interview thing.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day, mainly sixth form and then Thursday off before a full Friday. It feels like a quick phased return to me, but i'll see how it goes. How's it been for the of you guys today?
Nimbus, that sounds like a horrible day! How can they say it's understandable for someone to talk to you like that? Sounds terrible and like bullying to me, when you are meant to be supported. I would keep a personal log of everything that is said to you and when, just so you have a record of it if at any point you want to make a complaint. Hopefully you'll be able to find something else for next year, if that's what you want. It's funny isn't it, how most of the stress of teaching doesn't actually come from what happens in the classroom, but rather from the way the school is run and the other people you end up having to work with!

My day was OK, but it was only INSET. Now that I know I am stepping down from my HOD job I feel even less motivated! I honestly can't be bothered and I don't like feeling that way, because I've always worked hard to do a good job. I'm sure it'll be fine though. We all got letters in our pigeon holes today about the coming restructure, telling us that nobody's jobs can be guaranteed and redundancies are not out of the question. Happy New Year!
Cattia - what a horrible way to start term, they really know how to motivate! Sorry to hear about the redundancies. I'm guessing that it's going to be something that will effect most of us in the next couple of years. When will you know more details? Our school is considering/basically doing the acadamy thing, which means re-interviews, structural changes etc. I don't have much of an idea on timescales but i'm guessing that it'll probably just sneak up on us.

Yesterday was better - i ignored most people (ie the politics) and tried to concentrate on the teaching. It worked, much less stress and back into the swing of things. I did feel rubbish once i got back because i think i have a bad cold/flu and i slept as i fed by babe. Dad turned up and told me to go to bed. So, with a couple of grumbly baby moments in the night, i slep from half 6 until 6. So, no lesson planning, but i am feeling much better and perhaps i'll manage to get some done today. I hope that I'm able to get back into the planning thing quickly as i'm scared that i'm going to get stressed and ill again. I don't want to feel bad like that again, and i know that the job is stressful, so recognising the difference is going to be tough. Anyone know what i mean?
I have my primary PGCE interview next week, any advice?!

Hi Lu28, sorry I missed this. How did you get on?

I got a provisional offer for Bath Spa! :happydance: I was a bit surprised as they questioned my lack of experience in the group interview - I only managed to do 2 weeks before the application whereas alot of the others weren't working and so were volunteering a couple of days a week. Unfortunately I'm the main wage earner at the moment so couldn't do that. At least I got the offer though :) Obviously they can't give any real offers until the government makes a decision about how many, if any, training places there are going to be this year :wacko:
I have my primary PGCE interview next week, any advice?!

Hi Lu28, sorry I missed this. How did you get on?

I got a provisional offer for Bath Spa! :happydance: I was a bit surprised as they questioned my lack of experience in the group interview - I only managed to do 2 weeks before the application whereas alot of the others weren't working and so were volunteering a couple of days a week. Unfortunately I'm the main wage earner at the moment so couldn't do that. At least I got the offer though :) Obviously they can't give any real offers until the government makes a decision about how many, if any, training places there are going to be this year :wacko:

Oh that's great news! The fact that you made the effort to get that 2 weeks of experience while working full time would have stood you in good stead. Fingers crossed it becomes a real offer soon!
oooh Jchihuahua a year of bf-ing! i missed that one, well done you!
oooh Jchihuahua a year of bf-ing! i missed that one, well done you!

Thank you :). I have to say I'm quite proud that we've got to a year of nothing but breastmilk while still working full time :).
indeed, then i'll have to find some more tickers! Any suggestions?

Oooh the weekend!
Nimbus, please keep a record of what is happening to you. I'd be nervous about the school becoming an academy though as I don't know how much they have to follow the same rules as schools etc... speak to your union for general advice.

We had the doom and gloom speech at the start of term which made me think TLRS will be phased out at our school. I'd be glad to be rid of the responsibility but if my pay dropped I'd not be able to pay rent.

And then the sodding b@stard government is upping pension contributions from 6% to at least 9.5% - another big chunk of my salary gone. With student loan, pension, tax and NI more than a third of my salary is gone. On my current salary my pension contribution would go from £173.75 to £289.58. And according to my last pension review I'll be getting sod all a month and can't even get that until I'm 68. Yeah, feck you too David Cameron.

Husband is hoping for me to die in service so he gets £100,000 payout!
:rofl: Becstar I hope you don't die in service, although some days it does feel as though this job is going to kill us!

I am giving up my HOD responsibility and also reducing my hours. I have made this decision becasue I just can't work this many hours once I have a newborn as well as Abigail, but I have to say I am terrified about how we are going to manage financially, especially with everything costing so much more. Hubby's work is unreliable and casual and he needs to get something better, but of course there are no decent jobs out there! It's scary but I am looking forward to not being a HOD any more and being able to work fewer hours. There are going to be redundancies at our place which is depressing, I am going to be on mat leave when they happen which I think gives me a reasonable amount of protection. Hard times my friends, hard times!
Our school havent mentioned redundancies yet. It is a worrying time for everyone though.
No mention of them here...yet.

I'm convinced that there are not enough hours in the day recently, so the idea of fewer hours would be lovely. I hope it all goes ok for you Cattia
I think it would be support staff who went if there were redundancies... although in our children's centre they're only having one teacher now in the school nursery bit and the daycare is all nursery nurses and assistants. No teachers. How could they make redundancies of teachers if there are still kids to teach?
I had the crappest day today. The head made me cry :(. I've never ever cried at school before but he was in a bad mood about something else and then took it out on me when I had to go and talk to him about something. He was horrid and unreasonable and unfair and wouldn't let me get a word in. he just ranted at me. I burst into tears and I think he got a bit of a shock! Sleepless nights plus a poorly baby made my emotional state a bit fragile I think!
:hugs: oh hun, many many hugss your way.

It's such a stressful job... being a mummy, and then teaching too. It's so wrong that anyone should make you feel like that, regardless of how fragile you feel. Keep stong. :hugs:
oooh, bonus day off - power out! whoop whoop. ah a car full of marking, what was i thinking? Do i really think i'm super woman?
Well ladies, I am also knackered and glad it's almost the weekend. My aunt died last week and my dad came over from the states but then had to rush back early because of ice and snow storms back at his... very emotional and tiring. I am feeling ok right now though.

Hugs to all who need them!

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