Man oh man i had a shocker of a last day of term.... be warned i'm going to grumble and rant in an unprofessional way as i have no one else i can do so with!
Childminder that i';ve been having problems with (and now officially is sacked!) has got 2 children and sadly one of them has been ill recently. DS was with her and her daughter is rushed off in an ambulance to a and e. I get the call first thing and rush off to collect boy from hospital. I've sorted out for my tutor group to be shared out for citz lesson and i was covered for the rest of the morning anyway as i had an occ health app (which they put on the staff out calander for everyone to read - thanks SMT, love and support you too). So i ask OH to take our child for the afternoon and return for a lesson, a cover lesson in my management time and detentions. My HOD (narky-no-life-lady) had forgotten about my app and ordered me to come back asap and bring my baby with me if need be. Obv i waited for hubby to return home and then went in. Quick converstion later with HOD about her stress levels - apparently she wasn't stressed but angry that people are taking time off and turning up late when they don't need or have to... WHAT?! That everyone could be in when ofsted were here and then can;t be bothered afterwards. the fact that i'd come in with the worst migrane passed her by. anyway, i discussed the fact that i would have hcildcare problems on friday and asked for her advice, thinking that this would make her less angry with me! She pointed out that neither i nor baby were ill and that other parents bring their children in. OK, we looked over my timetable and 4/6 lessons would be completely fine only two first thing may have been an issue. Please note, yest, fri was bday 1 for LO. He's little still but ok in a playpen and a complete cutie, quite calm, not a worry. if i had thought it was completely out of the question and unworkable i would have said no. I called the cover organiser and discussed with HOD in the room and asked for any help if i could get it. I also asked if i should ask the head and got a no from my HOD as othe rpeople do it. OK so off i trundle home planning how to work the next day. n i come on Friday with travel cot etc, go to briefing and tutor time no problems carting child with me. I return to my class and i have two members of SMT there telling me "we can;t do this", have a child in a lab etc. i explained that my HOD had told me to, and offerred to move my class to a normal teaching room as non of my lessons were practical based (i'm a science teacher), no not alloiwed. what would parents/visitors think, etc tec. I was then told that i needed to find more appropriate childcare arrangements, that i had to go home now. I completely felt liek the child told by one teacher to do one thing then getting a right shout at for doing that thing i'd been told. Yep, i recognise that i should have asked the head despite being told otherwise, yep, it wasn't a good idea. But, i'm a good worker, i do wehat i'm told and i expect to be well advised. All this when they know i'm emotionally not right, that i'm trying to juggle pnd, child, home, hubby with pnd, childmnder serious issues, to start the list.
Do i sound completely silly, like i should have realised how others would have reacted? What do i do now? I need to find out what the policy is on children in school etc, others do it (even younger than my babe), is the issue with me? that i idin't inform smt? i'm swo comfused and i've been crying, worried and stressed over this. I don't know what my next step is. Do i comfront my narky HOD, talk to smt about her decision?