Team Angels Graduates

Yeah Lauren thats fab am so pleased it went well for you.
Wonder how roben got on its her scan today :)
Im rough i have got swine flu so am on relenza,just taking it 1 day at a time and seeing how i feel but have spent the last 2 days in bed.
Hope everyone else is doing ok though xx
Just got back! Scan went well, technician said that the baby looks simply perfect.

And we found out what we're having - and our bump is blue. We're having a boy.

Babybuffy, I'm so sorry you have the swine flu. Are you feeling any better?
RobenR congratulations on the blue bump and on reaching the halfway point :hugs:

Babybuffy hope your feeling better soon make sure you keep your fluids up xxxx
Oh Roben congrats on your blue bump :)!!!

Im feeling a little better today have managed to make it out of bed today so thats good,am just lying on the sofa instead still feel rough and feeling weak but am trying to keep my food uptake in and am drinking loads too.
Babybuffy you take care of yourself! Glad you're out of bed at least and good for you for pushing the fluids.

Laurenj - how are you doing?
Glad everything is going well for everyone!

Had a bit of a scare last night at work, went to the bathroom and had some light spotting when I wiped. I had a mini freak out and then one of the nurses walked across the hall to the birthplace( I work in a NICU) and borrowed the doppler. After about 20 minutes of searching we finally found the heartbeat. So, I'm trying not to worry. I have my 12 week scan on monday with the perinatologist. I think I'm going to rent my own doppler...
ColeyB sorry to hear you had a scare but listening to the heartbeat will have put your mind at rest hopefully.

RobenR, I'm ok thank you, we told OH's sister yesterday about the baby she is due on 19.01.2010 and she gave each of us a dirty look and walked out. I was a bit upset as I had hoped she would be pleased the babies could grow up together, from what other people have said I think it's just a case of the green eyed monster so hopefully it will pass.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Congrats on your blue bump Roben! and that everything is progressing along great for you!!
Babybuffy - sounds like you're doing what you need to, hope that you are back to normal soon!!
Coley - I'd recommend the doppler, I've actually found that just by knowing I have it in the drawer, I'm nowhere near as stressy, even if I don't use it, its just the knowledge that I CAN, whenever I want, which seems to help.

All's well here, 13wk scan last week came back great, nuchal results all fantastic and everything progressing as it should!! Morning sickness has disappeared and energy has returned so I'm feeling really good! Hoping it helps the weeks fly by!
Laurenj, it sucks that you SIL is being that way. Hopefully it'll pass because it would be fun for cousins to grow up so close. Hope you're doing ok otherwise.

Kota - great news! It's wonderful that you're feeling better and that everything is going good with baby.
Hey all,

Had my scan this morning it was fab,baby was fast asleep with its legs crossed and arms behind its head lounging around,measuring spot on dates and weighs 10 oz,we didnt find out the sex but am kind of glad we didnt but dont think we would have been able to see anyway.Was a bit disappointed as i didnt see my midwife and still havent actually met my midwife yet but never mind just need to see her at 25 weeks now.

Lauren sorry about your SIL i think it is a touch of the green eyed monster maybe because she didnt know and some of the lime light will be taken off her now,my SIL is pleased for us but she has said herself she is v.v jealous that we are having a baby she is single and is about 10 years older than me but she is pleased and is buying lots of stuff for the baby.Hopefully she will come round.

Kota Glad everything is going ok :)
Coley Glad everything turned out ok and bubs was fine :)

Was feeling a bit better this morning but think going to the hospital has taken it out of me,but stil have another 4 days of quarantine so its still early days.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Congratulations on the fab scan results roben, kota and babybuffy :happydance: It's so nice to log-on and see all this good news :thumbup:

Sorry about your scare coley, but glad you were able to pick up the HB and put your mind at ease :hugs:

I definitely think it sounds like a bit of jealousy lauren, but i really hope she comes round. My younger sister is also pregnant, due 06/12/09 so there's really not a lot between us, and although i don't think it has brought us any closer, i certainly don't have a problem with her being pregnant at the same time, in fact it's a bit of a relief, as it takes some of the pressure/spotlight off me so i can focus on just enjoying the pregnancy!

Everything is great here, our LO is still very active and wriggling around letting me know he/she is in there while i'm in work so that's great :cloud9: and we'll be having another scan next week as we're considered "late bookers" at our new hospital, so will get to see LO again at 24+1...totally unexpected but fab all the same!

Hugs to everyone :hugs:
Hey hope your all ok think im on the mend now am starting to feel better which is good and finish quarantine tomorrow :)
Cant wait to get out and get some fresh air think it will be a few days before i go back to work though have been left drained have no energy what so ever.
Thought i would post my scan pic for you all to see.
Gorgeous scan pic BabyBuffy84 has your swine flu cleared up now ?? Hope your back to your normal self.

Rebaby can't believe you get another sneaky look at LO I've got my next scan on 19/08/09 so am counting down the days.

Big hugs to everyone else hope your all doing ok

Lovely pic babybuffy :thumbup:

We had our "20 Week Scan- Take Two!" yesterday :happydance: It was fantastic. It was the most fun scan we've had tbh, because not only was LO not asleep for a change, but we got a 'normal' sonographer, and the screen was facing towards OH and me the whole time so we didn't miss any of the action :thumbup: At one stage she was trying to 'visualise the spine' and LO was scooting away, so she was essentially chasing him/her across my abdomen with the probe!

We're still on team yellow (hurray!) and everything is still looking good. The sonographer commented we have a "good size baby" in there, with a current estimated weight of 1lb 10oz (the margin of error being around 4oz eitherside) and measuring around one week ahead (ish) on most of the measurements (like head and abdominal circumference for e.g.) so we are super-duper pleased.

He/she has been so active lately and really makes me giggle some of the wriggling it does, it feels bizarre but also fantastic!

And it's AUGUST! So autumn is not far away now, which means november is getting closer :cloud9:

Hope everyone else is doing okay?
Hey Rebaby,

Glad your doing ok and everything is going well.Hope everyone else is doing ok?? Im doing fine i had some protein in my water on friday so have got to go back in 4 weeks and if its still the same have got to go in to be tested for gestational diabetes,but other than that am back to work tomorrow feeling much better and am fully recovered from my swine flu.!!! :)

Have been to a mums and midwives evening tonight which was good had lots of little stalls about different things on home birth,water birth,using birthing balls,breast feeding and lots of freebies too and they put on food and drink which was nice and it was all done by the local midwives which i thought was nice.

They also mentioned that they have a bump to babies class where you can go each week for an hour and someone comes in every week to talk about different topics and you can go from pregnancy to when the baby is 12 months which i thought was good but have just got to get the confidence to go and meet people as im not from round this area i find it hard to meet people.I dont even go to aqua natal because im so nervous about meeting people.

And have managed to get my ante natal classes sorted so they start in october for 4 weeks so am glad i have them sorted.

Anyway thats about all on me at the mo hope everyone else is doing ok xxx :)
Aww i haven't started aquanatal yet either hun, although i do really want to but a. i don't have a maternity swimming costume yet, and b. i'm a bit nervous about going on my own! :dohh:

I have vowed i will ask about it at my next midwife appointment though, as they run a midwife-led class at my local pool and it's really inexpensive so i should make the most of it really :thumbup:

Hope you don't end up with gestational diabetes :hugs: fingers crossed it was a one off.

How is everyone else getting on? Has anyone heard from or seen missingbubs around the forum? Hope everything is going okay with her.

I have been feeling a bit crappy the past couple of days, found out my haemaglobin is on the low side so have been started on iron, so i *think* it's just a case of being a bit anaemic and run-down and tired out, but i keep having these dizzy spells and feeling really lightheaded, which is no fun when you're trying to do something, especially if that something is driving the car back from wales (yesterday!) :nope:

Both OH and i have a rare saturday off together today though so just chilling out in my PJs at the mo and watching LO have a wriggle! :cloud9:
Hi ladies

Just a quick one to see how everyone is getting on ??

I've just painted the baby's room and OH put up the warbrobes so I got to hang all the little outfits up xx
Ooh it's exciting isn't it lauren :thumbup: We built (well put together) a chest of drawers for LO last week and now i am just waiting until i'm on mat leave so i can wash all the clothes and put them away :cloud9:

I am so incredibly excited about how close it all is now!

Hope everyone is getting on okay.
Doing not too bad on this end, though OH is more into the nesting mode than I am at this point! I'm feeling very detached these days, but baby is growing well and is very active. I'm still working up a storm and desperate to take mat leave, but they won't even consider it until I reach my due date. Nice.

The nurse practitioner told us last week that we are measuring 2 1/2 weeks ahead of where we should be, so apparently I'm growing a huge mutant in my belly right now. OH is very proud.

It's been quiet around here lately. Is everyone making out ok?
Hey Roben, nice to hear from you :hugs: it has all gone a bit quiet here hasn't it?! Hope everyone is plodding along nicely.

I didn't know your work could stop you from taking your mat leave when you want it :nope: that doesn't seem fair at all. I hope you're not struggling too much hun.

I have finished work now and it's been a huge relief as i was beginning to find it difficult to be honest, and we still have a fair bit of preparation to do for LO's arrival so i am not worried about getting bored. I am lucky though as i had holiday saved up, so i am not on mat leave yet, i am on holiday for the next 3 weeks until my mat leave kicks in :thumbup:

Things with baby seem to be going well, at my last midwife appointment he/she was head down, measuring on the top line on my growth chart, and urine/bp/bloods etc all ok with me (except my iron still being low, so i am still on the nasty tablets- boo!)

I've been a tad worried the past couple of days though as i don't seem to be getting as many movements as i was. I am still reaching the quota of 10 per day, but things feel quieter, so i think i am going to give the community midwives a ring today and see if i can go to clinic this afternoon to get checked out, just to put my mind at rest really. We're off to wales visiting some family on OH's days off tomorrow and thursday and i don't want to be sitting there worried about LO the whole time.

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