I haven't been on a while and there is ALOT going on. Hugs to all my ladies. Malcolm and i are well, he's 9 months already and just up to so many little tricks and I certainly appreciate every moment.
Peach- How is mommie hood going? I'm so thrilled for you and lili and she looks great. Everyday must be better than the last
Chilli= Glad to here your little cantelope is doing well. I had lots of scans with Malcolm just showing his back, he wasn't having it! And just as important how are you feeling these days?
Widger- How is it being back to work part time? I actually liked going back, because I think I just need that balance, even though now I miss him more as he's more active and doing all these new things that i'm the last to find out! And goodness does that boy love his daddy, since he's home with him during the day...so yes i'm a tad jealous, lol! But almost a year for us to, its crazy! And sometime I get that I want another one bug to

Not sure that i'm ready for what comes with trying to have another one. Are you thinking about ttc any time soon?
Rebaby- sounds like life is just more hectic now, and it happens, but i'm sure you'll still create your own special moments with this baby- I don't think there is anything like the first time around.
tink- Sending you lots of hugs. Sorry for the disappointment, for sure your heart was in this one. How are you doing?
Roben- I'm pryaying for a good outcome for you. This doctor is an ass, and you should really let them know how unprofessional they are being. I hope good answers come soon. mean time, try your best to stay positive, I know the past always lingers and makes that difficult, but its to much to dwell on that pain, stay in the moment.