Team Angels

Good luck for tomorrow Roben, will be thinking of you and hoping the news is all good

Happy birthday to your little guy widger :D What a special time.

Have a dreadful cough that is playing havoc with my weakened bladder - I have to invest in some Tenas Ladies - sorry if TMI

Having exactly the same problem at the minute so know how you must be feeling. I've never had this problem before but suddenly now i'm pregnant again and ill (coughing and sneezing) it's become a real issue :blush:

As for us- we had our 20 week scan on Thursday and all looks to be okay, although it has to be said, baby was being EXTREMELY uncooperative and making it as difficult as possible for them to get all their measurements! We did get a quick glimpse between the legs though and it looks as though Tobias is getting...a baby BROTHER! :happydance: So delighted.

Here's our upside down little monkey:
Widger - congrats on one year. It goes so fast doesn't it?

Rebaby, a little brother is great news! You must be thrilled! How is Tobias taking the news of being a big brother?
Rebaby, a little brother is great news! You must be thrilled! How is Tobias taking the news of being a big brother?

Thank you :flower: I think he has a vague concept as he says "baby" and points at my ever expanding belly, and is willing to give it "kisses" but i don't think he really understands what is going on. I asked him what he thought of getting a new baby brother and he said "CHOO CHOO!" and pointed at a bus going past at the time :lol: so i think that about sums it up! Lol.
Rebaby, what a lovely scan. Yay for team blue!! So far 2011 has been a year of boys, except for lili of course! I'm sure Tobias will be a fantastic big brother! :hugs:

roben, thinking of you today. :hugs: xxx
Rebaby - I'm reassured to hear I'm not the only one! and Widger - i do/did all those exercises too but it's not working damn it!

Happy birthday baby Widger!

Roben - you are in my thoughts today

Love the scan rebaby - these babies are a bit naughty recently huh? I'm so excited to know what mine is, but love the wait too. Joss (whilst watching "so you think you can dance") announced that she wants a brother now so that she can dance with him!!!!

So, I want to ask you ladies about something. With my daughter I had a REALLY long labour (just under 48hrs), during which time there were several moments where they started panicking and doing tests to see if she was distressed and threatening a C section. I, eventually having had an epidural was totally relaxed about it all and, looking back so blase and sure that nothing would go wrong. Now historically in my family (I have 3 sisters) the labour follows a similar pattern no matter how many they have (4 is the record). The problem is I know that this time round there is no way that I will cope with these kind of difficulties in the same calm way - I know way too much! and I was thinking of having an elective C section - what do you think?
So much to catch up on, so sorry if miss anyone out

Roben thinking of you and hope all has gone well! xx

Happy Birthday to your little man Widger xx

Chilli - My 1st was awful!! but with 2nd it was quite literally a breeze! They say epidurals do not work well with 2nd labours and that pethidine is best but if you have history in your family go with whatever you will feel happiest with xx

Well my little chunk is 14 wks old and weighs 17lb 3oz!! Almost out of 3-6 months clothes!!. Still puking but alot better since being on the Enfamil AR. My big man is starting school in September :cry: he's soo excited and I'm a nervous wreck. We are still NTNP but definitely going to buy some ov sticks for next cycle :winkwink:

Don't know if I've mentioned before but my work is closing in 2013 and relocating to miles away and I'm not prepared to commute(all part of Mr Camerons big ideas for the NHS!! grrr). So I have decided to go to college and uni to become a midwife! I can't wait! Having had 2 totally different birth experiences I want to make the best of them and having a baby is one of the best and sometimes heartbreaking things a woman goes through and I want to be part of it.
Hi Ladies,

Well after a full fledged rant from the ultrasound tech and a nurse about that moron doctor, everything is just fine and perfect! They couldn't get a good look at the heart since baby was facing the wrong way, and didn't get the face but they could see no abnormalities to speak of.

Jean-Luc is going to get a little sister!

Thank you SO MUCH for all the good wishes. I think I can finally start to relax a bit now and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy and figure out how to raise a little girl! You are the best bunch of ladies out there and wonderful support!
Aw Roben I'm so pleased for you!! :happydance:

Baby cakes, I had Lili weighed today and she's 9lbs12oz!! :rofl:
Fantastic news Roben :happydance: i am so delighted for you.

That's really exciting about the career change Babycakes :thumbup: i have always wanted to be a midwife but somehow got sidetracked and ended up a neonatal nurse instead. I do still think "one day..." though :winkwink:

I can't say what i'd do re: the birth Chilli, i can understand you feeling like the uncertainty of labour and birth would be too much to bear this time, especially if your labour follows a similar pattern, but all pregnancies and babies and labours and births are different, so you never know, maybe this time will be easier (and quicker) for you?
Thanks rebaby - I don't know what to do!

Roben - that's fantastic news - I'm so pleased for you and yours - little girls are lovely in my experience - although watch out when they hit 4!
So chilli, I forgot to reply to your question... I would go elective... Why put yourself through hel? It would traumatise you and the baby... :hugs:
Thanks for your ideas - I'm in a quandry but have lots of time to think about it still so keep those ideas coming.

Baby-cakes: It's funny how all this affects you - I also looked in to retraining for midwifery but am far too unrelated qualifications wise to even start. Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll be one of the great ones!
Firstly Roben - I'm so delighted for you :yipee: must be such a relief and I hope now you get a chance to relax before your baby girl arrives... yay..... another baby girl :yipee:

Baby-cakes - Congrats on new career change. I can't say I'd like to be in amongst all the commotion of labour (I am such a wimp when it comes to seeing any blood etc :haha:) but think it is great idea for you. You still TTC?

Rebaby - so glad your scan went well and you have a little boy on the way :yipee:

PB - Have you been to see doc yet about Lili and her size/weight?

Chilli - re elective CS - they categorically do not give them as a given down here in London even if you can an emergency CS first time round. I think it all depends on how sympathetic your doctor/consultant is and what hospital you go to. They are really clamping down on CS here. I have friends that all had ECS first time round due to long labour, baby in distress, baby stuck etc yet they were not given one 2nd time round. I'd be gutted. Personally I would want a CS next time (if I got pregnant again) as I had a pretty horrific time too but unless I paid for it, I doubt I'd get one. It can't hurt trying though.

Daniel is getting really great a walking and pretty fast too. How time flies! I've been trying to give him bowls of food/plates and spoons etc as he's been BLW since 6 months so thought I'd see how he'd get on with added extras on the high chair tray.... think I'll give that up for now :rofl:
:rofl: that is my main problem with weaning... I can't cope with the mess!!! :rofl:

We had some blood tests a few weeks ago for chromosomal abnormalities, but haven't heard anything about them... I'm sure they'd have got back to me if there were a problem. The Paediatrician said it was most probable that she is just small and always will be... Lots of cushions will be used for the next few years I reckon!! :rofl:
She'll be dainty and beautiful just like Kylie :)

Well tried Daniel with a plate today........... it managed to stay on the high chair! He also climbed up onto the sofa today. He'll be a climber like his daddy :haha:
Eugh, spent the afternoon with a 9 month old today - she's gorgeous but I forgot the mess they make with their food, sticky fingers and snot.... now I'm doing it all again... CAN'T WAIT!!!!! It's so worth it!

How are you all?
We've just started weaning Lili and I am constantly sticky! :rofl: Love it!!

Take a Break magazine are going to publish my story about my miscarriages, infertility and my final happy outcome. I wrote to them in the hope that they'd help promote the concert. They pay me £75 for it so I'll donate that to the Baby Loss Awareness campaign.

How are you all? :hug:
Oh Peach that is great to raise awareness of your concert. You'll have to tell us when it comes out.

Weaning is a lot to get used to....... I mean I kept forgetting to take food out with me if I knew I wasn't coming home :haha: oh and some water. How does she seem with food?

Chilli - 24 weeks!!? Your pregnancy now seems to be going in fast. Viable too :yipee:

Daniel had his MMR on Weds and has been suffering ever since :cry: Poor little mite, seems to have sorted himself out today though and on better form (so far). He's had very high temps, not sleeping and irritable.

Hope everyone else is well.
She's loving the food! And the reflux seems to be better since starting solids! :happydance:

Poor Daniel, hope he feels better soon. :hugs:
That's great Peach - I hope you mention a lot how common it is and how hurtful it is when everyone pretends like nothing has happened and doesn't talk to you about it. Well done you!

Poor Daniel - I recommend a little bit of calpol

I know 24 weeks!!!! Amazing!

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