Team Angels

Very similar plans then, so your girls are steriod success stories, gives me hope. I am having the progesterone for so long because I had PROM at 28 weeks with Honey and as there was no known cause, it is a precaution for that.

It is such an amazing feel isnt it? Positive scans I mean. I have a whole scrap book of Riley Rae's scans as i had thirteen in total (and we only got to 24 weeks :haha:), and I am so so grateful for those memories <3

Yes ask for them back :rofl:

I got the diagnosis of some clotting disorders when pregnant after Honey, that was at Queen Charlotte's (same trust as St. Mary's), I got more clotting disorders and MTHFR at St Mary's, Paddington and I got the the natural killer cells after a biopsy with Professor Quenby and Professor Brosens at Coventry.
Yes Eleanora certainly is and there's lots of others around too. My consultant just allowed me anything I asked for as he was lovely! He said steroids was still fairly unproven back then but wasn't going to do any harm.

Have just come off the phone to his secretary who, nicely, remembered me and was very supportive so hoping to be back on the programme asap. Hate all this worrying, can feel myself slipping again - how do you keep your head above water (metaphorically speaking) what's your secret?
That is great that you will be looked after again.

Honestly I dont know, it is just a case of I have to :shrug:
Hey Tasha and anyone else still out there.

I had my first ultrasound today - I don't think I'm quite 6 weeks yet as dtd on Fri 11th - no sign of anything but a sac... possible blighted ovum or just too early? Was relieved that it was not a) twins or b) fallopian as both of these would have been awful for us, we just couldn't have coped but predictabley am now getting horribly anxious about the whole thing. Was told to come back in 2 weeks and "not to worry" (as if!!!). But if they still don't find anything I've heard of waiting til up to 12 weeks to be able to see anything and I couldn't possibly do anything til I was sure. So all my MCs have ended in DnCs. How painful and awful is it when it happens naturally? Sorry being very ME ME ME
So happy to hear from both of you <3

You both have so much going on.

Chilli I MC'd mine naturally .. it was a really heavy period feeling, with a bit more painful cramps. Not horrible..Idk if i should tell you Congrats or not... But im a true believer in whats meant to be will be.. so i feel Since you pregnant it was meant to be so CONGRATS :)

Tasha: Sorry you are having to go through all of that treatment :( I really hope this year is the Year for a happy and healthy 9 months for you!

As for me.. my boys are great.. im going to be moving mid March to a 2 bedroom at the apartment im at. My youngest will be 1 on the 23rd of this month :) and my oldest will be 3 in march.

I've had HORRIBLE baby fever because I want a girl sooooo bad... but since i hemorrhaged with my youngest son, my doc said it could be dangerous if i were to get pregnant again.. not to mention i would be super scared. So, im battling some depression and have been since my youngest was born. I always hear woman say " I know im done, because my family feels complete" but to me... i dont have that feeling.. the feeling like my family is complete... :(

Well sending lots of :hugs: and love to you all
Chilli, you must be all over the place. I hope you get good news at the next scan. I have had all of mine as natural miscarriages cos I am terrified of any kind of procedures. I dont think any of the twelve have been exactly the same to be honest, but in general they werent too bad, physically.

Tink, good luck with the move. I cant imagine how torn you must feel about not feeling complete/the dangers of another pregnancy. I dont know if you have it there, but here we have a pre-econception clinic where you can go and talk about the risks in detail, the care you would get etc. If you do, that might be useful.
Chilli, you must be all over the place. I hope you get good news at the next scan. I have had all of mine as natural miscarriages cos I am terrified of any kind of procedures. I dont think any of the twelve have been exactly the same to be honest, but in general they werent too bad, physically.

Tink, good luck with the move. I cant imagine how torn you must feel about not feeling complete/the dangers of another pregnancy. I dont know if you have it there, but here we have a pre-econception clinic where you can go and talk about the risks in detail, the care you would get etc. If you do, that might be useful.

Hmm Im not sure if we have a clinic like that here. I hope so though! Everytime i see someone with a baby girl i get a jealousy feeling... and Im seeing so many woman around me getting positives.. and its not helping the situation. I hope there is something that can help me have a successful pregnancy sometime down the road.

I know where you're coming from as I went through a bit of that for a while seeing baby boys. Hope you don't get too down. Since I discovered that I am pg though I've had very mixed feelings... and now I JUST WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!
Strangely enough if this pg does proceed I will find out the sex for the first time.
I think we're all a bit vunerable to depression after waht we've been through and people's perceptions of it - here if you need us though Tink?

I've been reading all sortsof stories about ladies going for DnC's after blighted ovium scans and then at the last minute finding an embryo - so I think I'll brave the natural route this time unless there's something truelly definitive or past 12 weeks
Thanks Chilli!

Well i hope this pregnancy goes which ever route you want it too. Keep us posted though hun! :)
Checking in to see how your doing chilli. Hope all is well with you. How are you feeling?
Thanks Tink, not much to tell except going out of my mind! OH is driving me nuts under my feet, baby waking fr hours at night, hormonal and out of control! No idea what the scan will bring on thursday...
How are you?
Im doing good Chilli. Keep us posted on Thursday. Wishing you the best
Well scan today showed a small sack and slow hb - obyn says to come off all meds and wait for pg to fail - bit sad and also relieved - it's not a good feeling! Need a good cry...
Well scan today showed a small sack and slow hb - obyn says to come off all meds and wait for pg to fail - bit sad and also relieved - it's not a good feeling! Need a good cry...

Awww No :( Im sorry Hun. Sending you LOTS of :hugs: :cry:
Chilli - I wanted to check in an see how your are feeling? and how you are handling things.
Still sending you lots of :hugs:
Oh Tink - I don't really know how I'm feeling tbh. Not sure if I'm numb or ok - just not too bothered at the mo - am I not dealing with it? Not sure?
Am due for scan with follow up ERPC on Monday morning - what a lovely way to start the week eh? Just want it over with and to be able to move on now - no more dreams of little boys in my family as have booked OH in for the snip! I'm happy with my 2 beautiful girls!
How are you?
Chilli - Well everyone copes in there own ways. You may honestly be ok with your situation, or you may actually be numb, only you can tell. Make sure to keep us updated when you can after monday so we know you're alright.

Im doing ok. Living day by day.
Well that's it - all over! Scan showed no hb and growth at 6w4d so poor little thing barely got started really. Will be burying him/her in the garden later this week. Feeling very groggy but otherwise ok for now... going away for a few days treat with my girls tomorrow
:hugs: Chilli, I hope the coming day are gentle x

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