Team April 21st

Sexy ladies! I've no bump pic. Will do one at some point. :haha:

My birth plan is still forming but is getting pretty clear in mine and DH's heads. We will do it formally with the MW probably in about 6 weeks. I have had a bag packed for a while now as I ended up [unnecessarily] in hospital at Christmas so wanted it ready just in case of anything like that. Though thinking about it I might need to unpack in early March for a night in London...:dohh: I'm having a homebirth though and me or the baby will basically need serious emergency treatment before we'll go into hospital. The bag is more for DH to be able to grab what I need so I don't have to move ever.
I've only got maternity pads because I've been buying a pack every now and then on the weekly shop. I think they are quite expensive though so won't buy much more until I know I need more!

Nice to see some more bumps :) I can't believe it 11 weeks!

A bit OT but the last 2 days I've had a clicking noise in my right ear does anyone know what this might be? It seems to be only when I breathe in, it's REALLY annoying!
mummy I sadly am the queen of nightmare ears. Its definitely a pregnancy thing as I had it last time too at about the same stage. What I'm not sure of is it over-production of wax on the outside, snot up the eustacian tube or general inflammation from, well, everything being a bit inflamed when preg. I've tried olive oil a few times to no avail so can only really conclude it's not wax. Every morning I blow out loads of snot and blood (evidence for either of the other scenarios). I've been deaf in the right ear now for weeks and when I talk a lot both ears go and I seem to sound like I've a bad cold too. Just hoping now it'll go after the baby is here. It's extremely annoying and sometimes quite sore.
i had a problem with my ears for 2 years lol! kept going deaf and loosing the hearing completely in either of them and theyd feel like theyd popped or id been in a swimming pool. was also hearing my heartbeat etc SO loud in my head because of it and had trouble sleeping.
i tried the olive oil thing too the doctors suggested and it does nothing, got my ears syringed on tuesday and omg it feels amazing haha :D i love it, can hear everythingggg, and no more pulse in my head. olive oil defo doesnt do anything though lol
The olive oil has worked for me before. I'm thinking 2 years worth could take a lot of oil to dissolve though! :haha:
hmmm I might try the olive oil but failing that I suppose I'll just put up with it. I'm just glad it's not just me!

Had some good news yesterday, my OH hasn't had any holiday since we got married in June so I told him to check how much he had left to take this year....3 WEEKS! So he's booked off the last week in Feb and 1st week in March and then the last week in March. Shame the holiday year runs out at the end of March though as it meant he couldn't use it for April but with 11 weeks left having 3 weeks with hubby is great :)
hmmm I might try the olive oil but failing that I suppose I'll just put up with it. I'm just glad it's not just me!

Had some good news yesterday, my OH hasn't had any holiday since we got married in June so I told him to check how much he had left to take this year....3 WEEKS! So he's booked off the last week in Feb and 1st week in March and then the last week in March. Shame the holiday year runs out at the end of March though as it meant he couldn't use it for April but with 11 weeks left having 3 weeks with hubby is great :)

aww :D atleast you get to make the most of the time left for some alone time with just the two of you before bubs comes along :)

we viewed a house last week, and our application was succesful and landlords said were fine :D (we were quite worried about this as were both only 19 and people have that stereotypical imagine in their heads) just waiting for credit checks to be completed then could have our first home next week :D eeeeeeeek!
oh how exciting! Just in time to get it all ready for the baby :)

I've been to see my mum today and she says "have you told them that I had really short labours with all of you?" there are 4 of us - I was like erm no you've never told me that! Apparently with the first she was 4 hours, 2nd 3 hours and I was only 2 hours (nearly born before they got to hospital) and my little brother was only about 2 hours too! She's got me nervous now, I'd prepared myself for hours sitting at home waiting!
Everyones labour is different and it doesnt run in the family. My mum was about 16hrs with my sister and 24hrs with me so don't worry and she was early with my sister and on time with me! Just enjoy and go with the if I have just said enjoy lol but you know what I mean lol x
Yes my mums were between 3 and 6 hours (I'm one of four too). My sisters have been in double figures and my first was 35. It depends a lot on your care too.

I've been totally deaf for 2 days now in my right eat. :( Going to try oil again but I seem to be coming down with a cold and the ear thing makes me sound full of cold so I do think it's inside not out.

Can you oh not carry any leave over?
Hey ladies hope you are all doing good!!

I've had a nightmare week... been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, put on metformin to try help control the levels. Baby is measuring 33 weeks, and his belly size is off the chart :( I feel awful, I didn't even know. They said they will probably have to give me a section latest 38 weeks, and I have anterior placenta which can apparently bleed loads (??) so I guess I might be the first to go? Ohh I feel stressed xxx
Hi ladies

Wow I had no idea there was so many of us due on the 21st! And I've been moping around forums for ages looking for fellow due date ladies to chat to *sad*.

Well anyway, I'm here now so please can you add me to your list.
And I found out three days ago at my scan that I'm having a little girl!
ahhh 4d scans are amazing :D i go back again for another one next friday :D

im officially on leave from work now :D 7 weeks paid holiday then start maternity leave,
my ribs were in too much pain to stay any longer
enjoying relaxing so much :D

baby is growing right on target at midwife appointment and heartbeats all happy and healthy :) love my bubs
Went to see my midwife yesterday, HB is strong, pee test is clear, BP is fine, iron levels are fine & baby is head down and lying slanty hahhha !

I'm happy. x
Glad to hear everything is ok with all your ladies! I have a MW appointment tomorrow.
Im in so much pain with my back and pelvis,on a night when i try and turn it takes me ages to build the courage up as it hurts that much,some nights my OH has helped me turn over but cant ask him every night. Plus my back and pelvis click which hurts so im gonna ask MW tomorrow about it.

Cant believe we are 30 weeks tomorrow...only 10 weeks to go! Next week we will be on single figures :) how exciting x
Happy 30 weeks ladies!

I feel so down at the minute is anyone else feeling like this? My family are interfering so maybe that's it but I'm just so fed up I don't want to get out of bed, then when I do I don't want to do anything or go out.

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