Hey hope everyone is doing ok, Well i have had thrush a bloody again but itched abit too much so i was very very sore yesterday and today but went into the doctors and they gave me pessary and some creams that will get rid of the infection, so that'll teach me to itch lol dont think i ever will again.
Im gonna try a Mothercare support band its called a Nexcare gonna get one on sunday and see how i am so will let you all know.
I had another scan yesterday (i had thyroid problems before pregnancy it only cleared up when i got pregnant so baby cured me lol so i have check ups and scans every 6-8wks) anyway Baby Caleb is definately a boy and he is active but had to be told by his big brother to move so we could get a picture lol. Im having another check up and scan when im 34 weeks which is 15th March............i was like March really March i was in shock and then got abit scared coz thats really close to April lol So now all thats going through my head is what do you need for a baby and will i remember how to look after one again, It's not just you first timers that are scared about it all im panicking all over again