i feel your housing pain!
waiting to move into our new house but the landlords taking the p*** getting back to the agent for us to set a move in date.
im not homeless but i dont wanna be at home anymore
my mum and dad literally have zero money, and all of mine is going towards savings and occasional food that i get when bens here to drive me to get some.
theres no food at home, no oven/cooker to cook a proper meal even if there was food, i cant go and get food because my license got taken away. no heating so its cold, and i can only wash because its too cold to have a shower so can only relax and have warm baths when i go to bens.
also my mum is going on and on about money, she wont drop it and then when i say shes just winding herself into a frenzy about it, she starts guilt tripping me about horses and things theyve paid for over the years and started saying that families should help each other out etc as me and ben have over 6k in savings now, but its for baby and living on for us, i dont really want to give them any as ive got priorities now.
i know i cant really complain about no food etc if i dont give them money but its something you just expect from your parents when your 18 and living at home i guess
ive literally been living off crisps and chocolate bars. im dying for a meal

bring on moving date