i have fb

nicole harashima
i havent been on this thread in ages, got no stupid internet in our new house yet :'(
my mothercare baby plan delivery finally came today. so i now have literally everything for baby
they said it was coming last wednesday between 8-7, waited all day and NOTHING, rang and rearranged for monday not a very happy bunny about waiting all day, then half of it turned up early saturday morning lol and finally got the rest today wooooop
so much stuff lol
babys all fine and lovley, midwife said hes head down but very very high which is killing me, i thought he might have dropped abit by now lol
im having tons of trouble sleeping now, takes me over an hour to fall asleep and wake up every 2 hours, the other night i even went and slept in the spare room to try and get comfy haha
how we all finding sleeping ladies?