'Mummy' i promised to update you on the GTT, i went for mine today.
i heard horrid things about the drink, but it was fine, it was nice and cold, it looked like a cup of water, it had no flavour to it, just a little sweet, easy to down in one.
They took my bloods first, then the drink, the worst part was trying to kill 2 hours!!!.then more bloods before being released and eating myself out of house and home. Ive been told me results will be released in a day or two.
Thanks for letting me know! My mum is coming to sit with my for the last hour lol! I think it will then be to McDonalds or something!
tas I hope you are ok, good job you are seeing someone tomorrow, I think you tend to worry more when you haven't got another appointment for a while. Keep your feet up.
I know what you mean about Japan, it looks awful. It will take so long to clear, it reminded me of ground zero