Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Welcome all new people :wave:

Congrats on all BFP and Engagements!

I haven't been on in has been completely wild! :wacko:

Since our appt with the RE, we haven't talked or been as excited about a baby like we use to. We are going to wait on our blood work next week and go from there. We are still trying like crazy, but actually having fun and are more relaxed :haha: It's almost like some pressure has been took away because I don't have that major disappointment every month. I just know it's going to be there. I'm going to concentrate on losing some weight and being more healthy so we can hopefully do IUI or IVF. Our insurance will pay for us to do 3 IUIs and 3 IVFs a years, so hopefully one of those will work!!

:dust: to all!
Congratulations petesgirl20! The ring is beautiful :happydance:
Im so srry magic angel i didnt mean to upset you...I hope you feel better and hopefully you can talk it out or find a way for you two to open up...I hope you feel better. :hugs:

Oh petesgirl its not you sweety im so happy for you and the ring as a beauty :) im just stuck in cranky mode with all the blood tests, being prodded and poked and with no af i just had a little melt down and its in no way aimed at you hun :) xx

Oh magic that is really awful. I would feel so angry, upset and betrayed if I was in that situation. How terrible of him to put strain on the relationship between you and his parents too.

I have been trying to think why he would even think that about you as I can tell from your posts alone that you are not that sort at all and the only thing that I can come up with is that he may be a little insecure. He finds a girl falls in love with her and then starts questioning why somebody that great would want to be with him and the only explanation he can come up with is the gold digger thing.

You are owed an explanation whether he wants to give you one or not. If he doesn't like face to face confrontation then the least that he can do is write you a letter telling you what the heck is going on.

When my hubby and I first got together his parents (his mom in particular) were not very nice to me. They made me feel unwelcome and made it clear that they didn't like us spending so much time together. There were points where they barely acknowledged me when I went to their house and his mom would turn on the water works with him saying that he wasn't spending enough time with her. There were lots of things that went on that made me very unhappy. Hubby knows how much this upset me and I always thought he was on my side with it all. About a year ago it got brought up in conversation and he made it clear that not only wasn't he on my side he also thought that I blew it out of proportion, took things the wrong way and should have made it easier for his mom :growlmad: and to this day it still really bugs me but like your fella he doesn't like confrontation and just shuts down if I try to discuss anything like that so I know what you are going through.

Don't be like me and let this fester for years. Get an explanation :hugs:

Yeh i think im going to suggest we both write a letter to each other via email or facebook so we can both get it out of our system because i too let it fester because i know it wont get sorted because he wont talk about things so i keep saying to him if we talk about whats bothering us and move on then its not going round and round in my head driving me crazy, he doesnt realise it will keep getting brought up in arguements because we dont solve things....... His folks have had him living in the house (only child syndrome) for 20+ years and im his first relationship so in their eyes ive stolen their boy..... he wants to spend all his time with me and his folks dont like that so they spent so much time trying to get him back to their house when it was "our time" with each other and now that we are living with each other and he sold his car it means he cant see them every week and that annoys them so i think his dad might have said that if we live together shes going to expect you to buy everything etc but since living together we do things equally..... when he snapped (through drink) that he thought i was a gold digger i think it was one of those moments where he said something withouth thinking it through first but once its out there he couldnt take it back......

My ex's family were well off, now if i was a gold digger i could have had everythign off them but instead i chose to care for his 3 grandparents who all had terminal illnesses so i was their round the clock carer for 5 years...... didnt take a penny off them, didnt want anything in return so thats not the actions of a gold digger......

Anyways im a little happier this morning, its been weighing on my shoulders about the results from my hormone tests, i had to visit docs this morning as i thought i had UTI and i wouldnt be able to hold a litre of water for my scan on friday, she checked urine and stomach and it turns out that its kidney stones from the first time i went 4 months ago,
they didnt sort it so they've built up and she thinks they are big so shes asking the hospital to scan my kidney on friday along with my ovaries and then im going for x-ray on kidneys and a dye test and will see how that turns out....
Results from hormone tests are all GOOD
:happydance: :happydance::happydance: she said there is nothing there to worry about, all numbers are good and i should have af soon :)

Body M.O.T - Half way done....
so far has come back good..... Thyroid tests - good
Glucose levels - good
Hormone levels -great :)
SO just the ultra sound on friday along with scan of kidneys and then xray and dye test and i should be done :) will see if i need to be checked for Endometriosis and thats it..... full body mot done :) :) :) :) :)

OH finished nights at 6am so i left him sleep,, i just got in and told him (in his half sleep state) what the docs said and then said on the plus side hormone levels are all good, he opened his eyes and said oh yeh so get over here and lets make a baby (in the same voice and the big scottish guy in austin powers lol) :haha: made me giggle lol now hes back to snoring and waking the neighbours lol

Sooooooooooooooooooo sorry its a long update :dohh:
Well OH definately knows me...Im the kind of girl who likes classic, vintage type things and I think this ring definately fits me!!! The pic with the ring on my finger is kind of blurry cause I was in shock and shaky lol but OH took the other pic before he propsed....its the most beautiful piece of jewelry I've ever seen I love it, its a cushion diamond with other smaller diamonds around the sides!!! I love it!!!

Such a beautiful ring!! My OH gave me the ring that I had picked out last summer! Im so shocked that he even remembered it!! Hehehe
Magic, its so good to hear that you are in a better mood today!! And that all your tests came back good!
Just a question, what does it feel like to have kidney stones? Im wondering if that might be whats wrong with me. I seen my Dr yesturday and she seems kind of baffled as to what it might be but asked me if ive ever had kindey stones. Im waiting for a call today about an ultra sound appointment, Really wanna know whats goiing on in my body. Ive kind of put TTC on hold for the month because im getting worried... Ive been taking it easy this month anyway but im pretty sure I ovulated 2 days ago as I had some cramping that im sure was ovulation. But I didnt even care to BD because im just worried :S
Magic, its so good to hear that you are in a better mood today!! And that all your tests came back good!
Just a question, what does it feel like to have kidney stones? Im wondering if that might be whats wrong with me. I seen my Dr yesturday and she seems kind of baffled as to what it might be but asked me if ive ever had kindey stones. Im waiting for a call today about an ultra sound appointment, Really wanna know whats goiing on in my body. Ive kind of put TTC on hold for the month because im getting worried... Ive been taking it easy this month anyway but im pretty sure I ovulated 2 days ago as I had some cramping that im sure was ovulation. But I didnt even care to BD because im just worried :S

Hey sweet, well as ive never had problems in 27 years with kidney pain or urine infections, one day i was in bed and had major cramps in right lower abdomen and i honestly thought it might have been late ov pains, then next day i couldnt sit down, stand, lay down, i couldnt move without severe pains, i took anti biotics but after 4 rounds of anti biotics and im still suffering they say it may very well still be kidney stones.... im crap at describing things so ill try....

Pain in kidney area (i was necking water until i felt my insides were drowning to rid the pain) thats eased off but now im getting full on twinges by my cooka (lady bits :blush: ) bladder is painful to the point where i feel likes its so full and ready to burst yet when i got to toilet its only a trickle then when im done my bladder hurts again as it feels full straight away, pain above my right bum cheek (feels like someone is jabbing a dart into my bum cheek) pain shooting up and down back every now and then (i used hot water bottle wrapped up to curb the pain) pain in cooka whilst peeing (they say its urine infection when its painful to pee but its pain in the cooka that hurts more when peeing)

The pain im getting regularly is right inbetween the thigh and cooka crease (if that makes sense??!!??) and always on one side....

Hope i explained that ok, if you dont understand certain things or want more explanation please feel free to ask huni, kidney related pain is the worst for me right now.... i would rather 6 months of painful periods everyday than deal with this pain :( but then docs say they could be really big as its had 5 months to build up :( xx
That ring is beautiful, congratulations. Me and my husband decided that I need to lose weight (i have gained about 40 pounds since meeting him; 2 years) and get back to my goal weight of being under 200 pounds. I'm in escrow to buy a house and my concentration is there. I guess this year is not our year and if I want to have a baby then my body/health needs to be back to normal.
JCH posted on the old thread that she got her bfp!

That's number 14!

Proof it can happen girls xxxx
Can I join you lovely ladies? I'm 28, plus sized, and TTC #1 :) I'm in the TWW right now, but not very hopeful.
Magic so glad you are feeling better hunney and ur mood has lifted:happydance:
Good news with your healthcheck hopefully you will be sorted soon :thumbup:

Congratulations Petesgirl your ring is absolutely gorgeous, I have been engaged since Sept last year and I still hold my hand out in front of me to admire my ring on a daily basis :winkwink: I love it xxxx

Welcome Dragonfly your gunna love it here :thumbup:
Hello girls. Would love to join you. I'm Geeky, also a plus sized gal ttc baby #1. Currently 8dpo and would love to have something to distract me so the next few days before testing don't end up driving me nuts! =)
Hello girls. Would love to join you. I'm Geeky, also a plus sized gal ttc baby #1. Currently 8dpo and would love to have something to distract me so the next few days before testing don't end up driving me nuts! =)

I love your avatar pic :mrgreen: DH and I are both geeky :)
Can I join you lovely ladies? I'm 28, plus sized, and TTC #1 :) I'm in the TWW right now, but not very hopeful.

:hi: we are good with hope, if we hope too maybe it will help!
Welcome xx

Hello girls. Would love to join you. I'm Geeky, also a plus sized gal ttc baby #1. Currently 8dpo and would love to have something to distract me so the next few days before testing don't end up driving me nuts! =)

:hi: ooh we can be a good distraction :thumbup:
GL and fx'd for you!
Ok, we currently have been TTC for 3 months. I am 29 and my DH is 30. Here's the question... Should we NTNP while I get healthier? I am 5'10" and about 270 lbs - I do have increased blood pressure and blood sugar :blush: although I am not an medication for either... When I went to my first preconception appt in Dec (at over 285 lbs) the doctor never expressed any concern about my weight or other factors, but then again it was never even discussed, really nothing was discussed except ovulation and signs to look for (really Dr... EWCM... I learned that from the internet already :dohh: )
I worry about my age too old as it took my mother 4 years to get pregnant both times with my sister and I... But then there's my sister who at 25 has been pregnant 7 times (thats a whole different story)
I just keep going back and forth between if its better to lose weight/get healthy or keep TTC because I am getting older... Honestly its not my weight on the scale, but the numbers of my blood sugar and blood pressure that make me want to NTNP... I have a doctor appointment (with a new doctor) in a few weeks though to get a professional opinion. In the meantime - whats your opinion??
Ok, we currently have been TTC for 3 months. I am 29 and my DH is 30. Here's the question... Should we NTNP while I get healthier? I am 5'10" and about 270 lbs - I do have increased blood pressure and blood sugar :blush: although I am not an medication for either... When I went to my first preconception appt in Dec (at over 285 lbs) the doctor never expressed any concern about my weight or other factors, but then again it was never even discussed, really nothing was discussed except ovulation and signs to look for (really Dr... EWCM... I learned that from the internet already :dohh: )
I worry about my age too old as it took my mother 4 years to get pregnant both times with my sister and I... But then there's my sister who at 25 has been pregnant 7 times (thats a whole different story)
I just keep going back and forth between if its better to lose weight/get healthy or keep TTC because I am getting older... Honestly its not my weight on the scale, but the numbers of my blood sugar and blood pressure that make me want to NTNP... I have a doctor appointment (with a new doctor) in a few weeks though to get a professional opinion. In the meantime - whats your opinion??

I too really struggled with what to do. Whether it was better to get my body in better shape before TTC or to just go for it. I have ended up just going for it and I am glad I did. I know the smart answer is to tell you to make sure that your body is in the best shape possible to handle pregnancy and TTC but for me I just wish that I had started TTC sooner. I am now almost 32 and still no baby and I am scared stiff that I have waited too long and am going to find it more difficult than if I had started TTC in my twenties. My plan at the moment is to TTC and continue with healthy eating and exercise. I will also carry on with this of I am lucky enough to get a BFP as I know it will be better for me and baby. Speak to the new doctor and get as much advice as you can before making your decision and good luck with whatever you decide :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. So many engagements and stuff but we seem to have slowed down on the BFPs so I think we need to get to work :thumbup:

Weight loss is still at a standstill and driving me nuts. I planned to go on a long walk today as I know that really helps me but at the last minute I found out that my Mom and brother are coming Wednesday evening for a visit so I have been doing the house work all day as it was neglected for gardening over the long weekend. Now I am more caught up with that I am going to go on my walk tomorrow instead and hopefully this will be a daily thing from now on :thumbup:

Starting tomorrow night me and hubs will be having a DTD marathon to try and catch that O and will be trying at least every other night for a week or so.

Can't remember who it was that posted about fencing their garden because of the dog (sorry :flower: ) but just wanted to say that we spent last weekend basically doing the same. We have sectioned off a part of the garden that we have fenced in with a little gate on and that is now the dogs garden lol We were ust tired of having dog poop everywhere and also the littlest dog loved to cry to go out at 2am and then refuse to come back in so I would have to go out in my pyjamas to the bottom of the garden to try and catch him to get him back in. Now he is contained it is so much easier and I am sure the neighbours will not missing seeing that crazy lady nextdoor roaming around in the dark in her pj's every night. :blush:
Ok, we currently have been TTC for 3 months. I am 29 and my DH is 30. Here's the question... Should we NTNP while I get healthier? I am 5'10" and about 270 lbs - I do have increased blood pressure and blood sugar :blush: although I am not an medication for either... When I went to my first preconception appt in Dec (at over 285 lbs) the doctor never expressed any concern about my weight or other factors, but then again it was never even discussed, really nothing was discussed except ovulation and signs to look for (really Dr... EWCM... I learned that from the internet already :dohh: )
I worry about my age too old as it took my mother 4 years to get pregnant both times with my sister and I... But then there's my sister who at 25 has been pregnant 7 times (thats a whole different story)
I just keep going back and forth between if its better to lose weight/get healthy or keep TTC because I am getting older... Honestly its not my weight on the scale, but the numbers of my blood sugar and blood pressure that make me want to NTNP... I have a doctor appointment (with a new doctor) in a few weeks though to get a professional opinion. In the meantime - whats your opinion??

I think NTNP might be a good idea. Its not like you've givin up on TTC you just arent thinking about it 24/7. I've been NTNP this month because I needed a break from how obsessive I was getting. I feel much more relaxed when it comes to BD'ing this month.

Magic, thanks for explaning. I did understand it but Im not feeling that type of pain. I have been getting really bad cramps and shooting pains in the side of my stomach and right under my breasts... My sides are really hard too and I just noticed tonight that the top of my rib cage is hard too. My doctor never did call me today for the ultra sound appointment so I guess I will be calling first thing in the morning as both me and OH are getting really concerned.
UBER faint line on FRER!!! trying not to get my hopes up, gonna test with FMU 2morro!!! agh!!! :happydance:
Hello ladies hope every1 is ding well any new bfp baby dust to all ofmy curvy sisters :)

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