Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Warning - rant coming!
I am having a s**t day. The day started off with my temp dropping a little bit again although i hadn't had a solid block of 3 hours sleep yet again which might be why i don't know enough about it. Then i weighed myself and my weight is exactly the same as last week so I haven't lost anything. And now i have had what i think is a +opk even though i should be 7dpo today! So i really think FF is wrong and I haven't even ovulated yet :(. I just want to cry :cry:

Hey hun - the good news is that you can still :sex: so even if you didn't ov earlier on, then you know you are now? So get to it!!! Maximise those chances!
Weight loss - have you been exercising? I find that when I think i've had a good week and done a bit of exercise I get down when I've stayed the same or only lost a tiny bit. I usually find though, that the week after I lose more. Something to do with muscle building maybe?
Another tip - make sure you drink lots of water. This is supposed to help xx

I know how shit it is though sweet. I'm having a crap day too :hugs:
Just quickly wanted to check in and say that my bleeding has gone back to being only when I wipe which is concerning me so I am going to go to the docs tomorrow. Thanks for the replies re temping will reply properly later.
Hello ladies, I'd like to join this group if I may.

I am 23, have PCOS and my fiance and I have been TTC#1 for 3 and a half years. I used to weigh 353 pounds but now weigh 251 pounds. I had a miscarriage on 25/01/2010 :cry:

Since I had my operation, my cycles have gone crazy. I used to be visited by AF every two weeks and then I was on every day while on the pill/ contraceptive implant. When we began TTC and I was put on metformin, my cycles went to 28 days but only because I was also on norethisterone every 21 days. After my operation, I had two 28 day cycles naturally, then a 36 day cycle followed by a 31 day cycle last month.

I am currently on CD30 and when AF gets here, I am going to start the ball rolling on my plans for this cycle. I plan to take baby aspirin, soy isoflavones, evening primrose oil, grapefruit juice, multivitamins and fish oils. I will chart BBT, record CM and keep an eye on my saliva microscope.

Anyway, gl and babydust :dust: to all! Hope it's ok I added the Team Curvy Bumps to my signature??? If not, let me know and I'll take it off.


:hi: maggzie. Of course you can add it sweet, I can't see it though. Which one did you want and I'll give you another link to use.
Sounds like you have a major plan in place and it's all really positive!
:dust: to you xxxx

Hi, thanks for the reply... I re-uploaded the smaller TCB pic to my photobucket, hopefully it will be visible now?

Thank you, I just hope it'll all be worth it. I am on CD31 and getting impatient to get it going lol! Not often I actually want to see AF!

:dust: to you as well, and everyone else in Team Curvy Bumps!!! :hugs:
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am sorry you are feeling down hun! Think of the positives here, you may not have lost anything but you have not gained right? :hugs: Your FF might be wrong and you have not O'd but you still have a chance to make a :baby:. I hope I don't upset you when I say those things trying to lift you abit! It took me 10 months to conceive my son 5 months just DTD and 5 months of OPK's I had my cycles down by the 3rd month, lost hope on the 4th month, was pregnant by the 5th. It takes us time to get what our bodies are doing. :hugs::hugs:

No you haven't upset me hun don't worry. One of the things that worries me about it taking 10 cycles is that my cycles are anywhere from 36-42 days so that'll mean over a year for me.
I know there is still a chance to make a baby but we haven't BD for the last 3 days as we thought I had O'd already so our chances are low. I'm going to do another opk later to see what it says.

Hey hun - the good news is that you can still :sex: so even if you didn't ov earlier on, then you know you are now? So get to it!!! Maximise those chances!
Weight loss - have you been exercising? I find that when I think i've had a good week and done a bit of exercise I get down when I've stayed the same or only lost a tiny bit. I usually find though, that the week after I lose more. Something to do with muscle building maybe?
Another tip - make sure you drink lots of water. This is supposed to help xx

I know how shit it is though sweet. I'm having a crap day too :hugs:

As i said above to USAF_WIFE, we haven't BD for the last 3 days because we thought I had O'd so i'm worried our chances this month are low.
Yeah i have done loads of walking etc this week so maybe thats why, fingers crossed for next week.

Thank you both of you for your kind words, i kind of wish i hadn't taken an opk today because i almost would rather be oblivious :(
but if it was positive today then that means you sould ov in the next 36 hours, so you won't have missed your chance if you :sex: tonight!

I know the feeling though, sometimes it's best not to poas, but there is just this urge we have! It's all the waiting and lack of control. Somehow peeing on a stick helps us deal.
but if it was positive today then that means you sould ov in the next 36 hours, so you won't have missed your chance if you :sex: tonight!

I know the feeling though, sometimes it's best not to poas, but there is just this urge we have! It's all the waiting and lack of control. Somehow peeing on a stick helps us deal.

Tell me about it, i have become a poas addict lol. i think i'm going to not do anymore opks and just go back to :sex: every other day just in case. Then i will do a hpt on the 29th which is when AF is due if i did ov when FF thinks i did and if its a bfn and no af then we will carry on and i will test every couple of days.

I do have my plan ready if it doesn't happen this cycle though. I am going to temp vaginally instead of orally as it should be more accurate in case i'm sleeping with my mouth open or something. I'm going to temp at 6.30am instead of 7.30am as I annoyingly keep waking up at roughly that time every few days anyway. And i'm considering soy isoflavones too. Does anyone have any opinions on any of this?
I have a friend on here that has used Soy. She has used it for the last 2 cycles I think and up to last cycle she hadn't ovulated.
She's ovulated for the last 2 cycles (she has PCOS) and is now in her 2nd TWW ever. I am very proud of her :haha:

I have read somewhere that you sholdn't take it for more than 3 cycles though. Not sure why - must be side effects or something.

Also, you have to take it at a specific time of the cycle, before CD5 I think. There are probably other ladies on here that can tell you more.

I can defo vouch for knowing people that it has helped though.
Bbunny - I temp and use OPKs so can help you as well :thumbup: like Jo I also find I feel more in control when I temp as I know exactly what's going on! It will help you find out exactly when you O to help with timing etc and see if you have a short LP or anything too.

Welcome to all the new ladies! It's a huge group now!

AFM - Back from having a great few days away over the long weekend, and I'm 2dpo now, so just waiting, waiting..... (when are we not?!)
Hi vankiwi :hi: hope you had a lovely break. I'll be waiting with you in a couple of days :thumbup:

Currently I am waiting for brother in law to piss off so we can :sex:
Panda - what was your Prolactin level? Did they give you a number?
Need a little reassurance if anyone has advice to give. I'm up to CD82 with no O and for unknown reasons I've gained 55 lbs in the past six months (I have definitely overeaten some, but definitely NOT enough to gain that much weight). DH is giving up on me ever O'ing an things are just SOOOO frustrating right now.

I want to go to the doctor but I'm not sure who to go to. Fertility doc? OB/Gyn? No idea what to do.

I'm really afraid I'm going to go in there and they're just going to say to lose weight before they'll do anything or blame my annolvulation on my weight. And I'm really embarrassed for being so heavy. From December to the February I gained 30 lbs. (???) Then, my weight held steady for a month and a half at the beginning of this cycle and then ballooned 20lbs in under a month. I don't know what to do. I'm feeling sick and bloated all the time and I'm really freaked out by this.

The problem is I am so, so scared to go to the doctor and I feel like they're not going to take me seriously at all and just tell me I'm a fat mess and it's all my fault. Any advice?
Need a little reassurance if anyone has advice to give. I'm up to CD82 with no O and for unknown reasons I've gained 55 lbs in the past six months (I have definitely overeaten some, but definitely NOT enough to gain that much weight). DH is giving up on me ever O'ing an things are just SOOOO frustrating right now.

I want to go to the doctor but I'm not sure who to go to. Fertility doc? OB/Gyn? No idea what to do.

I'm really afraid I'm going to go in there and they're just going to say to lose weight before they'll do anything or blame my annolvulation on my weight. And I'm really embarrassed for being so heavy. From December to the February I gained 30 lbs. (???) Then, my weight held steady for a month and a half at the beginning of this cycle and then ballooned 20lbs in under a month. I don't know what to do. I'm feeling sick and bloated all the time and I'm really freaked out by this.

The problem is I am so, so scared to go to the doctor and I feel like they're not going to take me seriously at all and just tell me I'm a fat mess and it's all my fault. Any advice?

Weight gain in such a large amount is definitely something you want to have checked out! And if the dr doesnt take your concerns seriously, then a different dr is in order. If you are concerned, definitely getting it checked is the best thing you can do! :hugs: keep us posted on what you find out!!
Need a little reassurance if anyone has advice to give. I'm up to CD82 with no O and for unknown reasons I've gained 55 lbs in the past six months (I have definitely overeaten some, but definitely NOT enough to gain that much weight). DH is giving up on me ever O'ing an things are just SOOOO frustrating right now.

I want to go to the doctor but I'm not sure who to go to. Fertility doc? OB/Gyn? No idea what to do.

I'm really afraid I'm going to go in there and they're just going to say to lose weight before they'll do anything or blame my annolvulation on my weight. And I'm really embarrassed for being so heavy. From December to the February I gained 30 lbs. (???) Then, my weight held steady for a month and a half at the beginning of this cycle and then ballooned 20lbs in under a month. I don't know what to do. I'm feeling sick and bloated all the time and I'm really freaked out by this.

The problem is I am so, so scared to go to the doctor and I feel like they're not going to take me seriously at all and just tell me I'm a fat mess and it's all my fault. Any advice?

:hugs: to you hun. I'd go and see just like a normal GP doctor to begin with (or a fertility doctor if you can). I just saw my GP and I was also terrified that they were going to tell me it was all down to my weight and make me feel like I'm an awful person. They took me seriously and got me to have blood tests done and an ultrasound which determined that I have PCOS. My longest cycle since coming off bcp was 167 days and the doctor was happy to look into it straight away as that's obviously not normal. I completely understand your worry about what they'll say, but it won't be as bad as you're imagining. Go see them and maybe they can get the ball rolling so that you can be onto your next cycle and get your bfp :hugs:
Pinksprinkles- I would just get checked out by your GP. Really fast unexplained weight gain isn't normal. I believe it can be related to PCOS, especially an inability to lose the weight. If something is going on they can figure it out for you. I know you're worried about going in being so overweight (I know I was), but you get through it and it's worth it to figure out what's going on. I'm in the process of all that right now myself.
Need a little reassurance if anyone has advice to give. I'm up to CD82 with no O and for unknown reasons I've gained 55 lbs in the past six months (I have definitely overeaten some, but definitely NOT enough to gain that much weight). DH is giving up on me ever O'ing an things are just SOOOO frustrating right now.

I want to go to the doctor but I'm not sure who to go to. Fertility doc? OB/Gyn? No idea what to do.

I'm really afraid I'm going to go in there and they're just going to say to lose weight before they'll do anything or blame my annolvulation on my weight. And I'm really embarrassed for being so heavy. From December to the February I gained 30 lbs. (???) Then, my weight held steady for a month and a half at the beginning of this cycle and then ballooned 20lbs in under a month. I don't know what to do. I'm feeling sick and bloated all the time and I'm really freaked out by this.

The problem is I am so, so scared to go to the doctor and I feel like they're not going to take me seriously at all and just tell me I'm a fat mess and it's all my fault. Any advice?

I know it's scary to go and feel all put down and patronised but why don't you go under the pretence of talking about the weight gain and the long cycle?

I can't see that you would put on 20lbs this cycle even if you had a takeaway every night!

Tell them you want answers, stay strong and tell them from the beginning that you aren't settling for a diet conversation, it has to be more than that!

Edit - and to be blunt (it's meant in the right way) if you don't go, you could end up putting another 20lbs on before you decide enough is enough. Don't wait and then regret it when you have an even bigger problem xxxxxxx :hugs:
Hey Curvy Girls!! I am still new here and ttc for about 4 years, I'm 5'2 and about double what I should be for my weight. I know that weight plays a factor in ttc, I am basically healthy, no diabetes or high blood pressure. I eat fairly well... basically a low carb eating life style. (try to not gobble up every piece of yummy fresh bread I see, but not denying myself some either). I have no motivation to 'work out' although I do walk my very spoiled puppy(she's full grown but still my puppy) at least every other day when I can drag her out of the air conditioning. I love me and I don't often think of myself as anything other then me. I guess I feel like as long as I am eating right and not vegging out all day every day that my weight is just a number... anyways enough blabbing about myself. Happy to be here and can't wait to get to know everyone.

Panda - what was your Prolactin level? Did they give you a number?
It was 19.4

Well your prolactin levels differ throughout your cycle, but 19.4 doesnt sounds that bad, I think it's still within normal levels but just on the higher range. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless the doc thinks it's a problem. :thumbup:
Panda - what was your Prolactin level? Did they give you a number?
It was 19.4

Well your prolactin levels differ throughout your cycle, but 19.4 doesnt sounds that bad, I think it's still within normal levels but just on the higher range. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless the doc thinks it's a problem. :thumbup:

It was CD 17 or 18. Something like that, but definitely before ovulation. I don't know where it shou;d be at that point, but she said it was high and she had me go back in for another blood test to see if there is a problem or it was just high that day. :shrug: I don't really know. I just know I've had blood drawn 3 times in the last month and I don't want to do anymore, lol.
Just had to share ladies, I'm so excited! I just got my first postive on an OPK. It's CD 32 today so I thought I just wasn't going to ovulate at all since my cycles range around 36 days. We DTD today and used conceive plus. Finally something to feel positive about what with all this testing going on and whatnot. Ok, just had to share to excitement.

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