Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Hi Ladies! Ive been slacking in here latley. Ive been really busy. The house is almost all set up! Just have a few odd boxs of things that we arent sure where to put the stuff yet.. we really downsized! Moved from a 5 bedroom farm house to a 2 bedroom "city" house. But at least we can say its OURS! hehe.. I've also been busy with fundraising for a big event coming up called "Relay for Life" for the Canadian Cancer Society. Not knowing anything about it this year I put a team together for the event after my brothers fiancee was diagnosed with breast cancer. Ive also been busy with work had one of my clients spend the entire weekend at my house from friday morning to last night and I am just super exausted today!
I still have no clue whats been going on with my health all my doctor has told me is that my white blood count is really high for the last 4 times that ive had blood tests done. They said that my ultra sound came back normal so I took that as an ok to continue with TTC since I was afraid id need surgery after hearing the results lol. Now im starting to wonder if my white blood count has always been high. Do you ladies think that could be whats stopping me from concieving? Im wondering of they are killing all the little spermies before they get to where they are supposed to go. I have another drs appointment tomorrow so I am going to ask her.

Btw congrats on the BFP's that I have missed!
Thanks Jo and Nexis! I will let everyone know when I test again to confirm. I will post crazy signs and a pic when/if I get a better test. I pretty much know its right. I feel terrible like my other pregnancies and my lower abd is really heavy/sore. I have nausea bad and I can't eat anything. Thats what made me test again. My pic on TWW is awful. Hopefully I will be able to get a better one soon.
How do you not get discouraged I'm in my 2nd month of trying. Af is due soon and I have cramps they feel like at so i doubt I will get my BFP this month..and I guess I'm kinda sad my sister has 2 kids who she pays no attention to and then she just had a miscarriage my thing is if you d t pay attention tithe kids you ave why would you be so careless to get pregnant again. I mean I'm sad that she had a mc but makes mwonder all I want is one baby when is it my turn

I know how you feel it's like my cousin just found out she was pregnant and her home life with her fiance is less than ok to bring a child into, he is physically and verbally abusive to her... and it just makes you wonder. :wacko:

But you just have to keep in mind that everything happens for a reason, and no matter what you believe in God, Buddha, the cosmos, your pet rock, whatever there is a plan out there for you. Keep the faith girl and keep your head up we will get those BFPs!!!

Thank you. I know some days are just harder than others. Maybe it's also my age I'm 30 and am more than ready for a baby. Hopefully it will happen soon
Hi :hi: well I'm thinking it could be the weight loss making my cycles longer. When I had the 36 day cycle I thought it could be that but the doc reminded that weight loss can do that and sure enough AF did turn up :(

Plus whenever she does take a while to visit I always get my hopes up and then I'm disappointed, even though I say I won't get my hopes up again I always do... So I'm being quite pessimistic about it this time around.

I'm just getting annoyed with waiting to start the ball rolling with the soy lol!


Are you charting at all Maggzie?


No, I haven't been, no... we were NTNP since my hospitalisation in December but we are resuming TTC next cycle, when AF finally shows up. CD36.

I'm going to start all that up again from CD1... I have been checking BBT, CM and take a peek at my microscope now and then since April, no news there.

Today: BBT 37.1 Celsius which is normal for me, CM is wet but not EW and microscope shows possibly fertile but no ferning.

:dust: to all

ps, mommyof2reyes congratulations on your :bfp:
@ maggzieP
Hi :hugs:, yeah on CD35 atm :wacko:, so still impatiently waiting for AF to show up.

I know lots of people say it gets better in time but for some people that time is far longer than for others imho, so I think it's important to give yourself how ever much time you need, no matter what anyone else says. No one else can know how you feel and what pain you are in. Even if you tell them, they aren't in your head so they don't really know what it's like for you.

The crocheting is a really good idea, I was never any good at it though, always did it too tight or to loose, could never get the hang of it so I started knitting lol If we ever manage to conceive, baby will have lots of hand knitted blankets, booties, hats and jumpers :thumbup: It's good to have something to busy your mind and distract you and the Hoodeanie sounds intriguing.

I wish you good luck for your appointment and I really hope you get the outcome you want!

Take care, hun x

Hey :) what are your normal cycle lengths like? waiting is the worst because we are our own worst enemies lol im just so glad i learnt to do crochet, i tried knitting but i really was crap at it so this seems to suit me :) Went in for a walk to town with fella today, he got himself a bass/accoustic guitar as a treat then took me into the little shop that sells wool, crochet hooks etc :) he got me 7 different coloured wool :) now i have 2 massive bags full of stuff lol :happydance:
Thanks hun im prepared for what ever they throw at me :)
:hugs: x

Mommyof2reyes - congrats!!! Hope it keeps getting darker!! I had my birthday party last night too, my birthday was on the 25th.

Nexis - I know it's nervewracking, just try to concentrate on if they do find that you need a little "help", they can give it to you and you can get your BFP!

Magic - so sorry to hear about your FIL. Hard to deal with everything all at once isn't it! Fx you and him both get good news soon.

AFM - I'm 6dpo now, and my temp yesterday and today has been the highest it's ever been since I started charting. I'm hoping it's a good sign!!

Happy birthday hun :) sorry im being lame with replying at the moment and keeping in touch with everyone, ive had so much going on im just trying to get everything back to normal and im finally sorted :) prepared for everything that is thrown at me now :) hope everythings good with you :) whats been happening with you? what have i missed :hugs:

Ok ladies I am back. I haven't been on in a while because I have had a BAD cold. I was also spotting very slightly last week. Not enough to fill a 1/4 of a pad in 5 days. Well finally I have a strong tugging in my belly and my BBs are huge. (more than usual) Last night at my birthday party I couldn't hardly eat. Well today while shopping I decided to buy a HPT. I am on CD 40. I thought last week was AF but I didn't count it now. I got a faint :bfp:! I can't believe my eyes! I will test in a few days again to see if it gets darker. The pics turned out horrible. There is one on TWW section if you care to look. I think I ovulated really late. I keep using the same brand and get a stark white control area. This time there is a light pink almost invisible line. I asked my 7 year old if he saw anything and he said yes a line. I am in complete shock. This was my first real period since being off depo shot. I have been off for exactly 1 year.

:happydance::happydance: CONGRATS :happydance::happydance: im loving this :BFP: count is climbing high :)

Congrats on the BFP that is great news :hugs:

Hasn't the weather been great this weekend, I wish it would last!!

I am booked in on Tuesday with my regular doc to tell her about what has been going on and that the hospital doc said I needed to be sent for a scan and blood tests. I really hope that she agrees so I can get this sorted out. Fingers crossed the bleeding has basically stopped but I still have a bit of pain and just feel generally bloated and uncomfortable. Even my neck aches which I do not think is supposed to be a symptom but I have found a few posts from people over the internet who have ovarian cysts and complain of neck pain.

Hate, hate, hate needles so not looking forward to blood test if I have to have one but I have had the feeling my hormones are a bit out of whack for a while now.

I think we will deffo be having this cycle off from TTC which in some ways makes me feel like we are wasting it but in other ways after the cycle from hell it will be a relief.

@nexis thanks for the support and good luck at the docs :hugs:

@wantababybad hope the weather has been better for you this weekend :flower:

@lawyerchick good luck with getting to the BMI you need

@magic I am really feeling for you right now. I truly hope everything goes well for you :hugs:

@jo thanks for the support hope you are doing well :hugs:

Sorry to anyone I missed and welcome to the new ladies feel free to tell us all about yourselves and how your journey has been so far. We are all here to talk about anything TTC, weight loss or just life in general. I think you will find that we are a really supportive bunch who are here to help each other.:hugs:

Aww huni :hugs: sorry ive not been around but im back now and here to supply massive amounts of :hugs: looks like me, you and nexis is going through the same thing at the moment :( it is just another slight obsticle in our way but we've climbed so many already so whats one more aye :hugs: we will come out stronger i promise, Im petrified of needles so you have my total sympathy babe :hugs: here if you need to chat hun xx

How do you not get discouraged I'm in my 2nd month of trying. Af is due soon and I have cramps they feel like at so i doubt I will get my BFP this month..and I guess I'm kinda sad my sister has 2 kids who she pays no attention to and then she just had a miscarriage my thing is if you d t pay attention tithe kids you ave why would you be so careless to get pregnant again. I mean I'm sad that she had a mc but makes mwonder all I want is one baby when is it my turn
:hugs: hun its hard but you have to find ways to distract yourself or you will go crazy, trust me after 2 years ttc its hard when your body doesnt want to do the things you want it to do. All you really can do is just try to prepare your body as much as you can and try not to stress because its well known that stress can cause havoc with ttc and a lot of women find that when they actually stop thinking about it and obsessing about it, it happens naturally... it doesnt just happen in the movies hun, try not to beat yourself up about things.
A baby will come when they think we are ready, not when we think we are ready :hugs: it will happen hun just try to enjoy things more because you want the birth story to be a happy one :) i really dont want to have to tell my teenager that he/she was a complete pain in the arse and was nothing but hassle from the get go lol i wanna be able to say we enjoyed the experience and we did everything in our power to have them, take up crocheting and become a happy hooker like we are :D :happydance:

Just back from the doctors, definitely PCOS, testosterone was normal last blood test though. GP can't prescribe me anything so being referred to gynae as she said they could prescribe me metformin :happydance:

Sorry to hear your news hun :hugs: we are in the same boat so im here for lots of :hugs: we can now move on from the "not knowing" to get treatment and then start back on the TTC train together :) waiting on the appointment number from gynae then ill know more, hope everything goes ok for you hun :hugs: here if you need a chat x

SORRY about the mammoth message, i know i missed a whole heap of people so im sorry,
Hi and Welcome to all the new ladies :wave: good to see the group is getting a lot bigger :)
LOVING the :BFP: list is getting longer :) gives me lots of hope :)

What have i missed? ive been really lame at coming on and keeping in touch and im sorry but im back now so be good to get to know all the new ladies :happydance:

@josephine :hugs: where you hiding girly, hope everythings good :) hows the groin doing? xx

@jo-bean fella got me LOADS of wool and crocheting stuff :) i have markers now so i can make baby booties :) or at least try to :)

Im booked in to the blood bank on the 6th of june, i know im scared of needles but im biting the bullet and im goin to do it :) i figured that its my birthday that day so im going to be really happy so it might make it a little easier to deal with :) plus ive been told there is a demand for my blood type too as not many people with AB negative blood donate and only 1% of the population have AB neg blood which i didnt know, me, my mum and my sister all have AB negative blood which is cool :) i used to give her blood transfusions when i was a kid but developed the phobia when i was 8 and a horrible doctor came at me with a needle and i fainted. been a wimp ever since lol
Going to upload a photo of my new crochet hats for you to see :) still learning :)

The white thing with the frills is a bowl ive made for my bits and bobs :) was a hat gone wrong but didnt want to unravel it all lol

The white thing with the frills is a bowl ive made for my bits and bobs :) was a hat gone wrong but didnt want to unravel it all lol

if i have a girl next this is what i have to HAVE!!!! lol

The white thing with the frills is a bowl ive made for my bits and bobs :) was a hat gone wrong but didnt want to unravel it all lol

if i have a girl next this is what i have to HAVE!!!! lol

:haha: yeh i kinda need to do some boys stuff dont i lol looks like im obsessed and just want a little girl lol i keep saying to fella that our daughter wont be able to wear them if she has a normal shaped head lol i just have to make them perfect now lol im going to do a boys hat next after ive finished my Hoodeenie lol its taking forever :)
P/s im sorry fella's boxers are in the picture lmao i only just noticed now :haha: :rofl:
Looking good magic :thumbup: so proud of my little protege :haha:
Looking good magic :thumbup: so proud of my little protege :haha:

:happydance: its all thanks to you hun, i probably would have just wanted to learn but never done anything about it... no that im practicing all the different stitches and different tricks i can keep re-doing them, ive got more bright colours and neutral colours so im going to do a boys hat next in some toned down colour, i look a little obsessive with all the girly colours lol can ya tell what i want lol :haha:
@ maggzieP
Hi :hugs:, yeah on CD35 atm :wacko:, so still impatiently waiting for AF to show up.

I know lots of people say it gets better in time but for some people that time is far longer than for others imho, so I think it's important to give yourself how ever much time you need, no matter what anyone else says. No one else can know how you feel and what pain you are in. Even if you tell them, they aren't in your head so they don't really know what it's like for you.

The crocheting is a really good idea, I was never any good at it though, always did it too tight or to loose, could never get the hang of it so I started knitting lol If we ever manage to conceive, baby will have lots of hand knitted blankets, booties, hats and jumpers :thumbup: It's good to have something to busy your mind and distract you and the Hoodeanie sounds intriguing.

I wish you good luck for your appointment and I really hope you get the outcome you want!

Take care, hun x

Hey :) what are your normal cycle lengths like? waiting is the worst because we are our own worst enemies lol im just so glad i learnt to do crochet, i tried knitting but i really was crap at it so this seems to suit me :) Went in for a walk to town with fella today, he got himself a bass/accoustic guitar as a treat then took me into the little shop that sells wool, crochet hooks etc :) he got me 7 different coloured wool :) now i have 2 massive bags full of stuff lol :happydance:
Thanks hun im prepared for what ever they throw at me :)
:hugs: x


To be honest, I have no idea, they have always been irregular. In January and February this year I had 28 day cycles, a 36 day cycle in March and 31 days in April. Before that it was every 28 days but only because it was controlled by the Norethisterone and before that about every two weeks since having the implant removed. When I had it in or was on the pill, I was being visited by AF continuously with a dry gap of around 3 days a month for the year they made me wait to have it out! :nope:

It was nice of him to get you all that, my OH complains if I want wool etc, even though he knits as well :dohh: I love the pics, those are really great! :thumbup: wish I had the ability to do things like that. I can only cast on, knit rows and cast off, so I'm good at blankets :happydance: but not much else! lol

Can he already play guitar or does he want to learn? I have an electric lead guitar I was learning to play while in college but ended up not being able to afford to continue the lessons so I can only play chords, a chorus to one song, a scale and I can tune it by ear hahaha! I also have a keyboard I taught myself to play and two drumkits (which we are selling as we have no room for them :cry: - I'm more of a drummer than and guitarist or pianist). I think being able to do something constructive like crocheting and/ or creative like playing the guitar is a great thing, especially when you're trying to keep yourself occupied.

hi hun, he already plays, he has a bass guitar but has always wanted a bass/accoustic so he treated himself :) he got me an accoustic 2 years ago for xmas and has been teaching me, he didnt tell me he was teaching me all the bass versions to songs so no i can play them on a bass too, hes given me his very first bass guitar that he had in college when i first met him in 2000, i very young 17/18 years old :) we had a crush on each other all those years ago and only took us 10 years to get together :) i remember watching him play it in college so im chuffed i now have them both :) self teaching at the moment and its not going too badly :) hes in a rock band :) so ive been their bands photographer for 3 and a half years :)
Tell me about it with the irregular periods mine have always been all over the place, i always knew there was a reason behind it, then they started regulating to every 30 days on the dot for 9 months, then this one threw me right off, now i have a reason behind it im just glad it wasnts me being crazy lol, hope they start to regulate for you hun, its a pain when they dont....

i was exactly the same with knitting, i couldnt even get a perfect square for patching a blanket..... they turned out triangle lol so im glad i can do loads with crochet, you should really start it up again hun, you tube is fabulous for learning different things, i have found a few videos that taught me loads and were so easy to follow :) i like being a Happy Hooker :happydance: wont be giving it up anytime soon as it really does take my mind away from everything and anything and i just focus on crotcheting to the point where i am in the zone and when i check the clock its 5 am and ive been at it for hours lol
ive fallen asleep doing a hat and woke up to look at this mess i had tried to create whilst actually being asleep lol

Your quite the little musician arnt you :) i can play the keyboard a little, but i find i pick things up quite quickly if i put my mind to things so i try a bit of everything and ive found keyboard and guitar are the ones i prefer.... i wouldnt dare pick up sticks and try and have a go at drums because i get too carried away and break them lol
MaggzieP I had the same problem with the implant even though that was their solution to stop me bleeding all the time so I had mine taken out too but had to wait til I'd had it over a year to 'let it settle down' which it never did. I was taking noresthiterone too to stop it. I'm so glad its behind me now. Now I just have to deal with the opposite as I have quite long cycles lol. The things our bodies challenge us with!
Hey ladies :flower:

Just got back from the Docs and this is how it went down.

I rehearsed what I was going to say about 3 times on the way up there so that I wouldn't leave anything out but when I was sat in front of her she seemed to rush me as if she hadn't got time to listen to the whole thing. I told her the doc at the out of hours clinic said I needed a scan and a blood test for hormones. She agreed with the scan but not the hormones (something about it being useless at my age :shrug: ) She seemed unconcerned that I had been having real trouble going for a pee for 2 days and I started to wonder if she realised that the problems were connected but I thought it was better not to tell her to get google up on her computer so I could show her :winkwink:

She is sending me for a scan and she said it will be a couple of weeks before I get the letter through. Then she asked me if I smoked and I said yes and she didn't seem impressed that I ha cut down from 20 to 13 a day. She said I needed to stop and it wasn't until afterwards that I wondered why the scan and smoking were connected :shrug:

She asked me if we were TTC and I said yes for about 3 months and that we had tried a little last year too. She said she wanted me to wait until my next period and then come in on cycle day 21 for a blood test to see if I am ovulating okay. I wasn't expecting this but I guess it will be best to find out although I will be a nervous wreck waiting for the results. :wacko:

So that is where I am up too. Feeling a lot better today. Felt like my bladder was going to burst yesterday and the pain from that was quite bad but everytime I tried to pee only dribbles would come out but I felt like I needed to pee every five minutes. Then last I managed to go properly and the relief was almost instant :happydance:

All this crochet talk makes me realise that mine has been lost under the bed so I may rescue that today and get cracking on it. I think after this one I may look into crocheting things for my dogs ready for the Winter :thumbup:
Hmm sounds like you may need to see a different doctor if she is going to be so dismissive. There is one at the surgery i go to thats like that so i just avoid her and make appointments with other doctors instead.

Good news that the scan is happening though, fingers crossed the letter comes quickly.
Glad you are getting the scan and more exciting you get to pinpoint your O. :)

My story still has no ending. So I've still been lurking around supporting and praying for you ladies and your BFP's. For those of you that hadnt read previous threads I had Mirena removed 3/22. Withdraw bleeding 3/23. AF arrived 4/17. Since then nothing! I have spent probably a hundred dollars on pregnancy tests. Took my last one 5/22 and decided I wasn't pregnant and I was just going to wait for my AF to visit. Well still here cycle day 43 but noticing changes starting yesterday. When I woke up my breasts hurt horribly and the pain has done nothing but gotten worse. I thought maybe AF but my breasts hurt with AF but never swell. Mind you I was the most disadvantaged woman when it comes to breasts and probably would not even have to wear a bra normally so this morning when I woke up and saw them in the mirror I noticed a change immediately. My DH opened the door as I was still standing in the mirror and before I could say a word he said your boobs are bigger. I KNOW RIGHT!! Ive had 3 children I know what your breast feel like when you are preggers but I tested all the way up to CD35 and never got a positive and the net says the chances are if you are that far out and still getting a BFN then you are most likely not pregnant. Didnt temp just basic charting and no OPK tests since this is my first cycle after Mirena and I just learned how to do that. I am soooo flippin confused!!!
Hey ladies just thought I would write my feelings out right now cuz I feel hopeless and I'm sure your Gunna be like omg shut up lol.
I've realised that I'm done ttc. I had a dream last night that I was old and grey sitting on my front porch with my husband. Yet the house was empty and the only other people there was his brothers son who had 2 beautiful babies. I woke up this morning just knowing that the miscarriage I had was my sign that I'm not ment to be a mom. I feel after 3 yrs of ttc is long enough and my emotions and sanity can't take anymore. I think I've lost my hope and faith that I've clung to for so long. I am happy knowing I'm married to an amazing man who loves me. Anyway I wish you all tons of luck for your bfp. Thanks for being there when it felt like there was no one.

Mrslandry :hugs: I'm sorry you're feeling hopeless. I hope that everything works out in the best possible way for you :hugs:
Mrs Landry hugs. Feeling hopeless is not a great feeling.

My amh is back. Dr called right away. Yet my appointment is in 3 weeks. I asked them to give me my #. Doctor has to call me. So frustrating. I'm very very worried. Af is on her way. Back to 29 day cycles.

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