Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

hi hun, he already plays, he has a bass guitar but has always wanted a bass/accoustic so he treated himself :) he got me an accoustic 2 years ago for xmas and has been teaching me, he didnt tell me he was teaching me all the bass versions to songs so no i can play them on a bass too, hes given me his very first bass guitar that he had in college when i first met him in 2000, i very young 17/18 years old :) we had a crush on each other all those years ago and only took us 10 years to get together :) i remember watching him play it in college so im chuffed i now have them both :) self teaching at the moment and its not going too badly :) hes in a rock band :) so ive been their bands photographer for 3 and a half years :)
Tell me about it with the irregular periods mine have always been all over the place, i always knew there was a reason behind it, then they started regulating to every 30 days on the dot for 9 months, then this one threw me right off, now i have a reason behind it im just glad it wasnts me being crazy lol, hope they start to regulate for you hun, its a pain when they dont....

i was exactly the same with knitting, i couldnt even get a perfect square for patching a blanket..... they turned out triangle lol so im glad i can do loads with crochet, you should really start it up again hun, you tube is fabulous for learning different things, i have found a few videos that taught me loads and were so easy to follow :) i like being a Happy Hooker :happydance: wont be giving it up anytime soon as it really does take my mind away from everything and anything and i just focus on crotcheting to the point where i am in the zone and when i check the clock its 5 am and ive been at it for hours lol
ive fallen asleep doing a hat and woke up to look at this mess i had tried to create whilst actually being asleep lol

Your quite the little musician arnt you :) i can play the keyboard a little, but i find i pick things up quite quickly if i put my mind to things so i try a bit of everything and ive found keyboard and guitar are the ones i prefer.... i wouldnt dare pick up sticks and try and have a go at drums because i get too carried away and break them lol

aww that's lovely... and :thumbup: for being in a band. I know a lot of musicians that aren't or have been but leave for various reasons. Must be fun :D.

As for the cycles, I THINK AF has started today thought I can't be sure as its very, very light and I am usually v heavy... so I'm going to count today as CD1 anyway and start my soy plans in motion :happydance:

Getting carried away on the drums is a good thing lol, my friends used to call me animal from the muppets cause of my red hair :dohh: but unfortunately, I only play for enjoyment, I don't have any real musical talent so I couldn't play professionally. I started playing drums when I was 16 and I am still only around level 3... My teacher wanted me to get to level 8 by the time I was 18 :O no chance! haha!

MaggzieP I had the same problem with the implant even though that was their solution to stop me bleeding all the time so I had mine taken out too but had to wait til I'd had it over a year to 'let it settle down' which it never did. I was taking noresthiterone too to stop it. I'm so glad its behind me now. Now I just have to deal with the opposite as I have quite long cycles lol. The things our bodies challenge us with!

Yeah, they gave me the "give it a year to settle down" talk as well. It's such a pain isn't it! :wacko:
Mrslandry, :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks to jo and magic, im thinking of picking up knitting/crocheting...but i have no idea where to start! :shrug:

Any tips as to what type of needles to use to start out... ive seen both knitting and crochet, and some simple things to try first? Any thoughts appreciated :thumbup:
Melly - I would try crochet with double knit wool and a size 4 hook. Also, I can really recommend the book 'happy hooker' by stitch n bitch :thumbup:

Maybe start with a granny square as it's simple and can grow very quickly into a blanket if you like. It's also a good way to learn how to change colour :D

A size 4 UK is a size 10/J in US sizes.
Thanks jo! :happydance: if i have time after class tonight im gonna stop by the store and grab will give me something to do other than tearing through book series and reading fanfiction lmao :haha:
Thanks jo! :happydance: if i have time after class tonight im gonna stop by the store and grab will give me something to do other than tearing through book series and reading fanfiction lmao :haha:

yeah jo's right a 4 would be best to start with, thats what i started with, ive bought loads of different size hooks too so i now have 14 hooks from 2mm up to 9mm :) and i have 2 bags full of wool. if you look of and type in crochet flowers there are some really easy to follow ways to do awesome flowers etc, i was way too eager so i didnt start with a granny square because i was trying to learn to run before walk :haha: but ive picked them all up quickly and easily :) enjoy hun, its great at taking your mind off things and you feel great when you've finished a project :)
Thanks jo! :happydance: if i have time after class tonight im gonna stop by the store and grab will give me something to do other than tearing through book series and reading fanfiction lmao :haha:

yeah jo's right a 4 would be best to start with, thats what i started with, ive bought loads of different size hooks too so i now have 14 hooks from 2mm up to 9mm :) and i have 2 bags full of wool. if you look of and type in crochet flowers there are some really easy to follow ways to do awesome flowers etc, i was way too eager so i didnt start with a granny square because i was trying to learn to run before walk :haha: but ive picked them all up quickly and easily :) enjoy hun, its great at taking your mind off things and you feel great when you've finished a project :)

You guys are awesome! Thanks soooo much for all the info! :hugs:
You'll have to let us know how you get on Melly :thumbup: we'll want to see pics!

Here are some of my latest creations
Wow Jo those are amazing! I'm so jealous, all I've made so far is a little wonky blanket and now I'm making a proper one which will be much bigger and neater. I've had to take a little break from it because I've been getting hand cramp quite badly while doing it.
Heee thanks :D Oh yes! I got 'the claw' but it does go. Try to losen it up a bit and don't worry about making the stitches too tight, as long as you keep the same tension throught it will be great and stop the cramps :thumbup:
Think my problem is I don't want to end up with big holes like the last one had lol. I'vs got quite a way to go til I've finished this baby blanket then I have to find something else to make.
Right I'm having an early night, keep your fingers crossed for me that AF stays away and I get my BFP in the morning :).
Jo the blankets are amazing. I can't crochet or knit. I used to scrapbook but gave it up due to my work schedule.
:ninja: Stef - stalking your chart hun waiting to find out!!!

Good luck!!
Count me in!!! I'm proud of my curves and know a bump will only make me look better ;)

Dreaming of a :bfp: soon!!!

:dust: to us all :)
BFN again this morning :(

Awww hun I'm sorry :( but don't get discouraged, you gotta get ready for your next cycle ;) :dust: your way sweetie and I will pray you get your :bfp: soon! I know :bfn: are heartbreaking :cry: my AF is late by more than a week and I'm going bonkers! Did many many hpt and all :bfn: :sad2: at this point all I want is my AF to show up so I can start charting for next cycle. Chin up girly ;) you will get your :bfp: sooner than you think ;) positive thinking and great attitude :) :hugs:

:dust: and :bfp: to us all!!!
BFN again this morning :(

Awww hun I'm sorry :( but don't get discouraged, you gotta get ready for your next cycle ;) :dust: your way sweetie and I will pray you get your :bfp: soon! I know :bfn: are heartbreaking :cry: my AF is late by more than a week and I'm going bonkers! Did many many hpt and all :bfn: :sad2: at this point all I want is my AF to show up so I can start charting for next cycle. Chin up girly ;) you will get your :bfp: sooner than you think ;) positive thinking and great attitude :) :hugs:

:dust: and :bfp: to us all!!!

AF is 2 days late for me so far and all tests bfn :(. If i still get no bfp or af by next tuesday (when i'll be a week late) i think i might make a doctors appointment to see what they say as that would be cd47 for me and that will be the longest cycle i've ever had.
i really thought i'd get my bfp this morning as i've felt really different the last few days. i'm really hoping i just implanted late so thats why its taking so long for the test to pick it up.
Oh hun I will pray thats what's up and when you test again you et your :bfp: with my previous pg( I've had 3 MC the most recent Jan of last yr). I just knew I was pg but test after test showed a big ole :bfn:. I gave it a week and when I tested again I had a :bfp:!

If even after you get :bfn: you feel "different" go to your doc for a blood test. Hormone levels rise differently for evey woman. And if you are one of the slow risers(like. E) it could take a few weeks for that :bfp: to show up. Just don't lose hope. Big :hugs: for you and :dust: your way!!!
Thanks hun thats really nice. I am going to try to not test for a few days and see if i get a bfp on Saturday or Sunday if AF still isn't here.
Hey ladies :flower:

Just got back from the Docs and this is how it went down.

I rehearsed what I was going to say about 3 times on the way up there so that I wouldn't leave anything out but when I was sat in front of her she seemed to rush me as if she hadn't got time to listen to the whole thing. I told her the doc at the out of hours clinic said I needed a scan and a blood test for hormones. She agreed with the scan but not the hormones (something about it being useless at my age :shrug: ) She seemed unconcerned that I had been having real trouble going for a pee for 2 days and I started to wonder if she realised that the problems were connected but I thought it was better not to tell her to get google up on her computer so I could show her :winkwink:

She is sending me for a scan and she said it will be a couple of weeks before I get the letter through. Then she asked me if I smoked and I said yes and she didn't seem impressed that I ha cut down from 20 to 13 a day. She said I needed to stop and it wasn't until afterwards that I wondered why the scan and smoking were connected :shrug:

She asked me if we were TTC and I said yes for about 3 months and that we had tried a little last year too. She said she wanted me to wait until my next period and then come in on cycle day 21 for a blood test to see if I am ovulating okay. I wasn't expecting this but I guess it will be best to find out although I will be a nervous wreck waiting for the results. :wacko:

So that is where I am up too. Feeling a lot better today. Felt like my bladder was going to burst yesterday and the pain from that was quite bad but everytime I tried to pee only dribbles would come out but I felt like I needed to pee every five minutes. Then last I managed to go properly and the relief was almost instant :happydance:

All this crochet talk makes me realise that mine has been lost under the bed so I may rescue that today and get cracking on it. I think after this one I may look into crocheting things for my dogs ready for the Winter :thumbup:

Hey huni :hugs: i think you need to ditch the doctor hun.... i was constantly getting told/dismissed by my doctor who kept saying i was young so there wont be anything wrong with me, and my weight was always the reason for EVERYTHING so i went to a female doctor, told her EVERYTHING and she listened and asked lots of questions about everything and anything, i think i was there for about a good hour going through it all, she got me all the tests, gave me everything i needed and has done nothing but help me, she calls me at home to see if im ok, shes not once mentioned my weight and has said about my age that i should have been checked years ago, that just because im young doesnt mean i dont or cant have problems!! I WILL NEVER GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR NOW.... shes stuck with me :haha: hope everything gets sorted for you soon hunni and get to finding that crochet stuff and become a Happy Hooker with us :) xx

Hey ladies just thought I would write my feelings out right now cuz I feel hopeless and I'm sure your Gunna be like omg shut up lol.
I've realised that I'm done ttc. I had a dream last night that I was old and grey sitting on my front porch with my husband. Yet the house was empty and the only other people there was his brothers son who had 2 beautiful babies. I woke up this morning just knowing that the miscarriage I had was my sign that I'm not ment to be a mom. I feel after 3 yrs of ttc is long enough and my emotions and sanity can't take anymore. I think I've lost my hope and faith that I've clung to for so long. I am happy knowing I'm married to an amazing man who loves me. Anyway I wish you all tons of luck for your bfp. Thanks for being there when it felt like there was no one.


Oh hunni :hugs: please just do one thing before you give up huni, try and just give yourself a break from it for a little while, have sex for fun, hide anything that reminds you of ttc and doin something to occupy your mind to stop you thinking about babies and ttc and de stress, lots of hot bubble baths, long walks on the beach and just chill, when people stop making ttc their life they relax completely and thats just enough to get that :BFP: you will be a mummy one day darlin and we are all here to support you and supply lots of lovely hugs so please come by and chat when you need to sweety xxx :hugs: xxx

hi hun, he already plays, he has a bass guitar but has always wanted a bass/accoustic so he treated himself :) he got me an accoustic 2 years ago for xmas and has been teaching me, he didnt tell me he was teaching me all the bass versions to songs so no i can play them on a bass too, hes given me his very first bass guitar that he had in college when i first met him in 2000, i very young 17/18 years old :) we had a crush on each other all those years ago and only took us 10 years to get together :) i remember watching him play it in college so im chuffed i now have them both :) self teaching at the moment and its not going too badly :) hes in a rock band :) so ive been their bands photographer for 3 and a half years :)
Tell me about it with the irregular periods mine have always been all over the place, i always knew there was a reason behind it, then they started regulating to every 30 days on the dot for 9 months, then this one threw me right off, now i have a reason behind it im just glad it wasnts me being crazy lol, hope they start to regulate for you hun, its a pain when they dont....

i was exactly the same with knitting, i couldnt even get a perfect square for patching a blanket..... they turned out triangle lol so im glad i can do loads with crochet, you should really start it up again hun, you tube is fabulous for learning different things, i have found a few videos that taught me loads and were so easy to follow :) i like being a Happy Hooker :happydance: wont be giving it up anytime soon as it really does take my mind away from everything and anything and i just focus on crotcheting to the point where i am in the zone and when i check the clock its 5 am and ive been at it for hours lol
ive fallen asleep doing a hat and woke up to look at this mess i had tried to create whilst actually being asleep lol

Your quite the little musician arnt you :) i can play the keyboard a little, but i find i pick things up quite quickly if i put my mind to things so i try a bit of everything and ive found keyboard and guitar are the ones i prefer.... i wouldnt dare pick up sticks and try and have a go at drums because i get too carried away and break them lol

aww that's lovely... and :thumbup: for being in a band. I know a lot of musicians that aren't or have been but leave for various reasons. Must be fun :D.

As for the cycles, I THINK AF has started today thought I can't be sure as its very, very light and I am usually v heavy... so I'm going to count today as CD1 anyway and start my soy plans in motion :happydance:

Getting carried away on the drums is a good thing lol, my friends used to call me animal from the muppets cause of my red hair :dohh: but unfortunately, I only play for enjoyment, I don't have any real musical talent so I couldn't play professionally. I started playing drums when I was 16 and I am still only around level 3... My teacher wanted me to get to level 8 by the time I was 18 :O no chance! haha!

MaggzieP I had the same problem with the implant even though that was their solution to stop me bleeding all the time so I had mine taken out too but had to wait til I'd had it over a year to 'let it settle down' which it never did. I was taking noresthiterone too to stop it. I'm so glad its behind me now. Now I just have to deal with the opposite as I have quite long cycles lol. The things our bodies challenge us with!

Yeah, they gave me the "give it a year to settle down" talk as well. It's such a pain isn't it! :wacko:

Yeh its great getting to rock out with them on gigs and in jamming, they are so similar so its a great laugh :)

Sorry af's here but get to cracking on with the soy and hope you get that :bfp: first time :) would be awesome :)

:rofl: Animal :) i like it :) firecracker :) yeh its good to get carried away on the drums but i get carried away too much and end up taking any anger out on them and break the sticks then have to explain to the drummer that he cant carry on with jamming because ive snapped his sticks lol not good :haha:
Im no good at the guitars but i can play a couple of songs, ive pissed about with it and come up with a little part on my own i think now that ive found crochet my poor guitars only get a work out if i get my fella to play them :dohh:

Count me in!!! I'm proud of my curves and know a bump will only make me look better ;)

Dreaming of a :bfp: soon!!!

:dust: to us all :)

:dust: to you hun hope you get your :bfp: soon hun :) :hugs:

BFN again this morning :(
Big hugs hun :hugs:

BFN again this morning :(

Awww hun I'm sorry :( but don't get discouraged, you gotta get ready for your next cycle ;) :dust: your way sweetie and I will pray you get your :bfp: soon! I know :bfn: are heartbreaking :cry: my AF is late by more than a week and I'm going bonkers! Did many many hpt and all :bfn: :sad2: at this point all I want is my AF to show up so I can start charting for next cycle. Chin up girly ;) you will get your :bfp: sooner than you think ;) positive thinking and great attitude :) :hugs:

:dust: and :bfp: to us all!!!

AF is 2 days late for me so far and all tests bfn :(. If i still get no bfp or af by next tuesday (when i'll be a week late) i think i might make a doctors appointment to see what they say as that would be cd47 for me and that will be the longest cycle i've ever had.
i really thought i'd get my bfp this morning as i've felt really different the last few days. i'm really hoping i just implanted late so thats why its taking so long for the test to pick it up.

Hun i dont think the doc will tell you anything other than wait it out, thats all i got when my cycle was cd105 and i was a normal 30 days so i was a couple of months late and all she told me was there was nothing that could be done just wait it out.. hope you get you :bfp: soon hun xx

Welcome to all the new ladies :) nice to have you on here :hugs: :dust: to you all :hugs:

@ JO im loving your blankets hun, i couldnt do that as im too impatient lol i like doing things that are finished within half hour and thats pushing my patience lol :haha: ive got a few things on the go at the same time and im just pissed off i only have 2 arms lol i need more........................... :rofl: you have created a crochet monster in me :haha:
Magic thanks for the warm welcome :) I feel great knowing we have such a great support system here. It makes each heartbreak more bearable when you have friends you can lean on.

TCC buddies :hugs:

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