Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Sorry to hear your sad news Maggzie :hugs:

Here is my chart Jo see what I mean about it looking like a 2 year old did a dot to dot :wacko: My worry is that even if I was lucky and got a positive opk tomorrow that would give me a short LP. Any later than tomorrow and it would be under 10 days which I know is not good at all :dohh:

I dont' think it looks too bad at all. Your LP should stay the same, so between ov and when AF comes will be the same length of time every month. If you are oving later this month then AF will come later. But if it's the first month you are charting properly then you won't really know for sure how long your LP is, until AF arrives.

If that makes sense :D
Hey PinkSprinkles!!!

1st - thank you so much! I am so pleased and still in shock :D:D:D

2nd - whilst the month long spotting is very crap, :yipee: it's awesome that you have found out why your body was being so weird!!!! That's amazing, now when you bring on AF you will have a proper cycle and see exactly what you need to do!
Hey PinkSprinkles!!!

1st - thank you so much! I am so pleased and still in shock :D:D:D

2nd - whilst the month long spotting is very crap, :yipee: it's awesome that you have found out why your body was being so weird!!!! That's amazing, now when you bring on AF you will have a proper cycle and see exactly what you need to do!

:D I'm really hoping the parsley tea works. I went from normal light spotting to a light flow in the past hour, so hopefully I get full on AF tomorrow! :haha: It feels kinda weird to be so excited about AF, but yay! :happydance:
@cdn I really hope its not PCOS although it would explain a lot. I do have some of the symptoms but when I had an abdominal ultrasound the other day the woman doing it said that she couldn't see anything that would suggest PCOS (although I don't know how well she could see without doing a vaginal one) when I said I always thought I may have it she asked me if I had a period every month and I said yes and she said it didn't sound like it then :shrug:

I also heard somewhere that women with PCOS are more likely to get a false positive on a OPK as the hormone stays quite high whereas I cannot seem to get a proper positive. I don't know how true it is though as I think I recall you saying that you didn't get a positive on an OPK.

@jo I really hope I am just having a long cycle this time. This temping and opk stuff sure has been an eye opener. Any other cycle and I would have been oblivious and sitting here thinking I was in the 2WW and thinking about buying some HPT's :dohh:

Spoke to receptionist at the docs this morning as I was due to go in for my day 21 blood test and I explained that I did not think I had O'd yet and she said to wait until I think I have O'd or try again next month which was fine by me.

Just realised that I have run out of OPK's. :nope: I have some more coming tomorrow and I am seriously considering saving some pee in a pot tonight to test tomorrow I truly have gone nuts this cycle :wacko:

Trying to eat healthily this week so have had a big slice of watermelon for breakfast and I have a load of salad things ready for lunch. I am also having a bit of a de-stress/pamper session this morning so have got a mango face mask on and my hair in rollers. Hope nobody knocks the door :haha:
:rofl: bunny - that would be hilarious if someone called round right now!
Popped to Morrisons and they had some OPKs in but they are not the brand I have been using I bought some figuring something was better than nothing.

My opk yesterday on the internet cheapies was almost positive so I thought I was getting there and then this one that is a different brand has hardly a hint of a second line on it so either I missed my surge this morning, this test is less sensitive or I still haven't ovulated either way I am fed up.

Have told hubs that my plan for next cycle is

1. To use OPKs from CD1 onwards twice per day in an afternoon and an evening

2. To MAKE SURE that I take my temp at the exact same time everyday as I think the time difference may go some way to explaining the highs and lows on my chart

3. To go for the day21 blood test even if I have no positive opk and that way if it comes back as not showing ovulation I can then print out my chart and that that to my docs as proof that I haven't ovulated these last two cycles and ask what she can do

4. Take evening primrose oil

5. Check CM every day

So hopefully after next cycle I will have a clearer picture of what my body is doing and I can go to docs armed with all this information.

Hubby tonight said that he can see at times how frustrated I am with all this and he feels bad because he thinks that I think he doesn't listen. He said it's not that he isn't paying attention when I talk about the TTC stuff it's just that this is his way of dealing with it all. He said that he knows that there isn't anything he can do to help so just carries on as normal. I told him that sometimes it feels like the woman has to put soooooo much effort into it and all the man has to do is make a deposit at the right time lol. I also told him that I am just frustrated at how easy it seems to be for a lot of other couples. He actually brought up the subject of sperm analysis and said he thought maybe he should get one. I was surprised he bought it up but told him that we probably were not at that stage yet but it was good to know that he wouldn't have a problem getting it done if I asked him to.

The idea of one does worry me a little as it's one thing thinking in my head that I am the one that's the problem but it is quite another thing having it down in black and white.

Anyway ladies just wanted to say thanks for all the support you have been giving me all these months. I feel like I rant and moan a lot but this is the only place I can do it xx
Hey ladies! How are all of ya'll doing? :hugs:

I posted this as a new thread on the main board but thought I ought to post it here as well to update since I haven't been on in a couple months. Today was CD121 without O, but I figured out what was causing it, so hopefully it will correct soon:

"I finally figured out that it was the FertilAid supplement I was taking that stopped my cycles and made me gain 30lbs.

After 3 months of no O I looked online at the reviews of it. There had been so many 5-star reviews that I hadn't bothered to read the 1-star ones. Turns out in about 20% of people (at least that's the portion of bad reviews), instead of making the luteal phase longer and the ovulatory phase shorter (which is what I was hoping for) it just stops women's cycles entirely. So instead of getting a shorter cycle like I was hoping for (35-45 days, and irregular at that, was just too long!) I didn't get to have any cycle at all for the last for months. I stopped taking the FertilAid a month ago and have been spotting ever since. Seriously, an entire MONTH of spotting. Blah!

I finally gave up on my body righting itself today (seeing as it's now a month since I quit it and nothing is getting better) so I did some research on how to induce a period. Turns out drinking parsley tea is supposed to bring on AF. DH is in the kitchen right now brewing me my first cup. I have to drink 4 cups before bed and that should bring AF tomorrow. I really hope so. I am just ready to be done with this cycle."

Hey I hope the parsley tea works for you. I tried it and it didn't work. I don't know if maybe I didn't leave it long enough as I drank it for 2-3 days and nothing happened apart from getting stomach ache and the smell of parsley now makes me want to be sick :haha:
Hey ladies! How are all of ya'll doing? :hugs:

I posted this as a new thread on the main board but thought I ought to post it here as well to update since I haven't been on in a couple months. Today was CD121 without O, but I figured out what was causing it, so hopefully it will correct soon:

"I finally figured out that it was the FertilAid supplement I was taking that stopped my cycles and made me gain 30lbs.

After 3 months of no O I looked online at the reviews of it. There had been so many 5-star reviews that I hadn't bothered to read the 1-star ones. Turns out in about 20% of people (at least that's the portion of bad reviews), instead of making the luteal phase longer and the ovulatory phase shorter (which is what I was hoping for) it just stops women's cycles entirely. So instead of getting a shorter cycle like I was hoping for (35-45 days, and irregular at that, was just too long!) I didn't get to have any cycle at all for the last for months. I stopped taking the FertilAid a month ago and have been spotting ever since. Seriously, an entire MONTH of spotting. Blah!

I finally gave up on my body righting itself today (seeing as it's now a month since I quit it and nothing is getting better) so I did some research on how to induce a period. Turns out drinking parsley tea is supposed to bring on AF. DH is in the kitchen right now brewing me my first cup. I have to drink 4 cups before bed and that should bring AF tomorrow. I really hope so. I am just ready to be done with this cycle."

Hey I hope the parsley tea works for you. I tried it and it didn't work. I don't know if maybe I didn't leave it long enough as I drank it for 2-3 days and nothing happened apart from getting stomach ache and the smell of parsley now makes me want to be sick :haha:

I drank 6 cups last night and got a light flow, but it disappeared overnight. Now I'm trying a vaginal suppository of parsley as well. I've heard the combo is supposed to work, but who knows. :shrug: I'll definitely keep everyone posted.
Maybe it will work for you because you were already spotting for so long and I wasn't. Fingers crossed for you x
Firstly, sorry for all those i have missed out, its been a while since i came on, needed a bit of a break...

I have read everything, just dont think ill be able to reply to everyone as i have Scatty Brain Syndrome, but i am sending Everyone lots of loves, :hugs: and Sticky :dust:

Hey ladies! Sorry everyone is so bummed and having a crap time right now. :( Live vicariously through me, k? :) I'll offer some GOOD news!!!!

After more than SIX annovulatory cycles...and on my FIRST round of clomid, CD2-6, 50mg......IT LOOKS LIKE I OVULATED YESTERDAY!!!!!!!! :)
:happydance: yay for you oving :) :happydance:

Thank you! It's kinda funny, I planned a pregnancy for a year, and the minute I stop, I wind up falling pregnant on accident. I was hoping to go to Disneyland in August to ride the new Carsland roller coaster, but I guess I'll be riding Winnie the Pooh a lot instead.

Huge CONGRATULATIONS Emma :) im going to start having more breaks from bnb because everytime i do i come back to see more and more :BFP: :happydance: H&H 9mnths :)

Hi Ladies! Just wanted to check in. So good news, I did O yesterday on Cycle day 14 according to my clear blue opk's. :sex: twice yesterday. So now I guess onto the 2 week wait... This is really weird for me because for the last 18 months before metformin and clomid I was never really sure of ovulation but last night I felt almost like a sharp pain on my left side for like 3 mins and then it went away....

Well just wanted to keep in touch.

:dust: to all of you!

Good to hear you had the big O loosey :) enjoy the 2ww :) it makes you strong or it drives you crazy :haha: it was a nightmare for me as it went from the 2ww on a 30 day cycle to a 105 day wait for af lol wasnt fun lol fingers crossed for you :hugs:

well i'm back from the doctors and it was the biggest waste of time! She refused to help me and said she wouldn't prescribe me anything because there is 'no point'. Then she told me to relax and stop worrying about it - i swear if one more person says that to me then i will punch them in the face!
She also said why would i want AF to come and i said because we are ttc and i'm on cd70 and haven't even ovulated and we want to get pregnant and she said well you can still try, so i said but i'm not ovulating and she said 'so you can still try'. Now i'm no expert but i'm pretty damn sure you have to ovulate to get pregnant!
So i have to wait for this scan appointment to come in the post which could take another month and who knows if they will even do anything then! :growlmad:
Sorry to hear to had a shit time at the docs hun :hugs: sounds like you need to shop around for a nice sensitive doctor!!! Im glad i came across my one when i did or i would have been sent down for doing what i wanted to do to my last doctor!!! He was a horrid man indeed!!! Hope you get some answers soon hun, sending lots of :hugs: xx

FF finally confirmed O!!!! First time, EVER! I'm just checking DH into the hospital for his surgery. We managed to BD 3 days before O and the day before O...but not the day of, so I hope it was enough. This is the first time in over 2 years of TTC that I actually feel like I legitimately have a shot.

Anyways...just checking in, but I'm on my Android and can't read the forums well. Will have to catch up on how everyone is doing from the laptop later. Hope everyone is well!

:happydance: Glad you finally got there hun :) :happydance:

WELLLL Ladies- I have been out of the loop for about a month now (ALL APOLOGIES) DH and I had 2 months of :bfn:. BUT As of JUNE 25th we got a faint but definitely there :bfp:!!! I am ecstatic. I had a HCG Blood test on Wednesday (the 27th)- which was ALSO MY HUBBYS BIRTHDAY... (he knew nothing about the :bfp: at this time.) and the blood test came back :bfp:. I am early in my pregnancy and will have more labs drawn next week to schedule my US! :) Even though I have not been posting this page has kept me going and gave me hope and encouragement! Thanks ladies and sticky baby dust to the rest of you!! :)

A huge congrats hun :) again i say what i said to emmarae everytime i have a break i come back to see :bfp: :) im starting to think i have magic abilities!!! Like whenever i wash my hair and dry/straighten it, IT ALWAYS RAINS HERE so im thinking my breaks away from here = Pregnant women :D going to take a 6 month break and i want you all pregnant by the time i come back :haha: Hope you have a fab pregnancy :)

Thanks Jo :hugs:

I feel like I am forever moaning on here but this cycle is really kicking my butt.

My chart looks like a 2 year old did a dot to dot puzzle. My OPK just refuses to get any darker and to top it all off I am only on CD20 and I am having what I am sure are period pains. It's to the point where I keep going and checking if AF is here. Last cycle was barely over the 20 day mark and I am someone who usually has 33 day cycles sometimes longer. What the heck is going on with my body? Could the cyst have mucked everything up as this all started when I had that :shrug:

Another thing is that when I just went to the loo (checking for AF again) I noticed a little spot of CM on the toilet paper and when I touched it it stretched quite far like a few inches but when I went to enter this on FF it asked me if it was sticky or egg white and I am not sure. There wasn't loads of it or anything but if I put in sticky it says probably not fertile but if I put in egg white it gives me the green light :wacko:
The only silver lining is if this does turn into AF then I don't have to have that blood test on Monday :happydance:

Hey bunny :hugs: your having a tough time lately arnt you :( sending an extra supply of :hug: for you huni, i kinda know how you feel with the not knowing and your mind thinking things doesnt help much, i have hospital app on thurday to sort out kidney stones then its on to the ovaries and finding out for deffo if i have both endom and pcos.... i think that ive had all the bad luck one person can get right now that i think im good for the next year... hoping for good luck from now on :) so im looking forward to the surgeries then finding all the answers to my questions then get some help so thats the only thing keeping me sane so far.... Sounds positive with the EWCM hopefully you will get that dark line soon hun :hugs; chin up babe it will happen for you soon!!! its just down to timing, you will get that bundle of joy i just know it xx

Lovely, lovely Jo can you add me to your curvy bumps list please? I definitely belong in here! x

:wave: ttc_lolly welcome :) x

Hey ladies! Congrats on the BFPs!!! I got my postive opk today! OH and I are on "holidays" we are taking day trips here and there and going to toronto on tuesday but my mom is coming so no BDing then unless mom leaves the hotel room lol. But we have been BDing a lot this week! So FX!!!!

:happydance: fingers crossed for you hun :)

im back with ya girls.. needed a breather from TTC for a while but I AM BACK and raring to go lol

good luck and lots of :dust: to everyone! xxx

Welcome back Kezza :) hope your ok :) x

Hey ladies! How are all of ya'll doing? :hugs:

I posted this as a new thread on the main board but thought I ought to post it here as well to update since I haven't been on in a couple months. Today was CD121 without O, but I figured out what was causing it, so hopefully it will correct soon:

"I finally figured out that it was the FertilAid supplement I was taking that stopped my cycles and made me gain 30lbs.

After 3 months of no O I looked online at the reviews of it. There had been so many 5-star reviews that I hadn't bothered to read the 1-star ones. Turns out in about 20% of people (at least that's the portion of bad reviews), instead of making the luteal phase longer and the ovulatory phase shorter (which is what I was hoping for) it just stops women's cycles entirely. So instead of getting a shorter cycle like I was hoping for (35-45 days, and irregular at that, was just too long!) I didn't get to have any cycle at all for the last for months. I stopped taking the FertilAid a month ago and have been spotting ever since. Seriously, an entire MONTH of spotting. Blah!

I finally gave up on my body righting itself today (seeing as it's now a month since I quit it and nothing is getting better) so I did some research on how to induce a period. Turns out drinking parsley tea is supposed to bring on AF. DH is in the kitchen right now brewing me my first cup. I have to drink 4 cups before bed and that should bring AF tomorrow. I really hope so. I am just ready to be done with this cycle."

Wow thats a hell of a cycle that hun :( i thought i was hard done by with a 105 day cycle (my first one ever) but i dont know how i woud cope if it was any longer!!! having said that i dont wanna jinx myself as i think im on cd40+ ??? and still NO sign of af or any symptoms at all so i hope i have af soon :)
Really hope your cycles regulate for you finally :) Not sure about the parsley tea though :nope: doesnt sound like it tastes very nice and i dont like swallowing things that dont taste very nice :nope: lol Hope it works for you though :) x

@cdn I really hope its not PCOS although it would explain a lot. I do have some of the symptoms but when I had an abdominal ultrasound the other day the woman doing it said that she couldn't see anything that would suggest PCOS (although I don't know how well she could see without doing a vaginal one) when I said I always thought I may have it she asked me if I had a period every month and I said yes and she said it didn't sound like it then :shrug:

I also heard somewhere that women with PCOS are more likely to get a false positive on a OPK as the hormone stays quite high whereas I cannot seem to get a proper positive. I don't know how true it is though as I think I recall you saying that you didn't get a positive on an OPK

Firstly, i dont know if ive asked you already but do you temp vaginally or orally? its meant to be more stable and better to temp vaginally with a bbt thermo...
Secondly im hoping its not the case for you hun but when you mentioned having ultrasound and they said they thought there was no reason to believe you had pcos but they didnt do a internal one i actually had both done and when she did it on the outside first i asked her if she could see if i had anything ie pcos, endom etc she said she didnt think so, but then when i had the internal ultrasound it was a different story!!!! it went from not really to OMG cysts on both, follicles on left, pcos and endometriosis!!!! wont be asking for the nurses opinion ever again lol she soooooo got it wrong, she was young so maybe she just had a hangover head or something but it was clear to see when the older lady had a better look and told me she could see things!!! really hope its not the same for you and you get some answers soon hun :)
Love the pic hun :) xx

@Maggzie sorry to hear about your loss hun :hugs: x

@jo-bean I hope pregnancy is treating you well hun :) still hasnt sunk in :) :hugs:

Hugs and dust to everyone, i havent missed anyone out on purpose i promise, this goes soooo fast its hard to keep up lol

AFM I've been in a lot of pain, another kidney stone is forming so right now i have a case of every other day i have huge amounts of constant kidney pain all day long and then the days in between i have a lot of pain with twingey ovary, the pain killers the docs give me dont really take the pain away, i cant go anywhere without my Hot water bottle which has been my saviour!!!
Had to have a break as i am going through hell with the family at the moment, they have all disowned mee and have done nothing but slag me off to everyone and had my mother threaten to beat me up.... because i tried to stick up for myself..... been feeling very lonely lately :( fella must have felt i was low and went for a little boys day out with his friend and when he came back he told me to close my eyes and when i opened them there was this huge purple cuddly bunny teddy and a card saying get well soon, please cheer up sweetheart, lean on me whenever :) proper cheered me up :) he might be useless at a lot of household chores but he has the nack for cheering me up just when i need it :)

Hope everyone is good :) like i said somewhere above, im going to take a 6month break from this me thinks and when i get back i want to see you all happy and pregnant :) seems like everytime i have a break i come back to see loads of girls i know on bnb pregnant :) cmon girlies we need to get to 30 by august/september time!!!! ive made an extra batch of baby :dust: so im sending out enough to drown you all :) xxx
Awww Magic good to see you hun :hugs:

I am so sorry things are not going as planned for you at the moment I really hope that they can get you sorted out. I feel for you with the kidney stones. I had gallstones a couple of years ago and had my gallbladder out so I know how painful stuff like that can be :hugs:

I don't talk to half my family so I can sympathise with the crap you are having to put up with. It's the last thing you need when you feel so unwell. I am glad you have your fella to cheer you up and look after you :hugs:

I temp orally and I only just about manage to get it in my mouth when I am half asleep so goodness knows what I would be like trying to get one in the other place :winkwink:

I have suspected in the past I have PCOS but every time I talk to either doc or ultrasound nurse about it they just say that its not likely as I have a period every month which is frustrating as I feel they are not listening. I have decided that if no sign of O next cycle I will still go for day 21 test and when that shows a poor result I can go to doc and say that I want some tests doing to find out what is going on. I will just have to grow a pair and start taking charge a bit more when it comes to my body.

I really hope that after you break we are all preggers and then you can get back on the TTC wagon and join us.

Still no positive opk so I am officially putting myself on the 2WW no matter what the opk's or fertility friend say. I will still test for O everyday until AF comes just to see what happens.

I have ordered some new clothes to cheer me up and have broken my diet and eaten pizza which I know I will regret tomorrow but it tasted good :blush:

Hope everyone is having a great week :flower:
@cdn I really hope its not PCOS although it would explain a lot. I do have some of the symptoms but when I had an abdominal ultrasound the other day the woman doing it said that she couldn't see anything that would suggest PCOS (although I don't know how well she could see without doing a vaginal one) when I said I always thought I may have it she asked me if I had a period every month and I said yes and she said it didn't sound like it then :shrug:

I also heard somewhere that women with PCOS are more likely to get a false positive on a OPK as the hormone stays quite high whereas I cannot seem to get a proper positive. I don't know how true it is though as I think I recall you saying that you didn't get a positive on an OPK.

@jo I really hope I am just having a long cycle this time. This temping and opk stuff sure has been an eye opener. Any other cycle and I would have been oblivious and sitting here thinking I was in the 2WW and thinking about buying some HPT's :dohh:

Spoke to receptionist at the docs this morning as I was due to go in for my day 21 blood test and I explained that I did not think I had O'd yet and she said to wait until I think I have O'd or try again next month which was fine by me.

Just realised that I have run out of OPK's. :nope: I have some more coming tomorrow and I am seriously considering saving some pee in a pot tonight to test tomorrow I truly have gone nuts this cycle :wacko:

Trying to eat healthily this week so have had a big slice of watermelon for breakfast and I have a load of salad things ready for lunch. I am also having a bit of a de-stress/pamper session this morning so have got a mango face mask on and my hair in rollers. Hope nobody knocks the door :haha:

My hormone levels were fine, and my ultrasound was "normal". It took a transvaginal ultrasound and an ACTUAL OBGYN/Specialist to diagnose me with PCOS, even though I don't show the classic symptoms. I don't have regular periods at least it's positive that you ARE having regular periods. :)

Don't totally rule it out, though.

I have also NEVER had a positive OPK. The line progressively gets darker, but never hits positive. So I dunno. :nope:
Hey magic :hi: it's nice to see you again. I was wondering where you had disappeared to :hugs: xxxx
@cdn I really hope its not PCOS although it would explain a lot. I do have some of the symptoms but when I had an abdominal ultrasound the other day the woman doing it said that she couldn't see anything that would suggest PCOS (although I don't know how well she could see without doing a vaginal one) when I said I always thought I may have it she asked me if I had a period every month and I said yes and she said it didn't sound like it then :shrug:

I also heard somewhere that women with PCOS are more likely to get a false positive on a OPK as the hormone stays quite high whereas I cannot seem to get a proper positive. I don't know how true it is though as I think I recall you saying that you didn't get a positive on an OPK.

@jo I really hope I am just having a long cycle this time. This temping and opk stuff sure has been an eye opener. Any other cycle and I would have been oblivious and sitting here thinking I was in the 2WW and thinking about buying some HPT's :dohh:

Spoke to receptionist at the docs this morning as I was due to go in for my day 21 blood test and I explained that I did not think I had O'd yet and she said to wait until I think I have O'd or try again next month which was fine by me.

Just realised that I have run out of OPK's. :nope: I have some more coming tomorrow and I am seriously considering saving some pee in a pot tonight to test tomorrow I truly have gone nuts this cycle :wacko:

Trying to eat healthily this week so have had a big slice of watermelon for breakfast and I have a load of salad things ready for lunch. I am also having a bit of a de-stress/pamper session this morning so have got a mango face mask on and my hair in rollers. Hope nobody knocks the door :haha:

My hormone levels were fine, and my ultrasound was "normal". It took a transvaginal ultrasound and an ACTUAL OBGYN/Specialist to diagnose me with PCOS, even though I don't show the classic symptoms. I don't have regular periods at least it's positive that you ARE having regular periods. :)

Don't totally rule it out, though.

I have also NEVER had a positive OPK. The line progressively gets darker, but never hits positive. So I dunno. :nope:

Well, hello again. So, you said FF confirmed you ovulated this month, correct? Did you also do OPK? and if so, what did it say?

Not to be too nosey but I was just wondering because I read that your OPKs progressively get darker but never positive. How dark does the line get? My OPKs never get darker than the control line. They get similar in color (maybe a little lighter) but never darker. I know that everyone thinks they have to be just as dark or darker but I am proof that is not true. I also have friends who have had kids on so called negative OPKs, and have never had a "positive" one (according to the directions in the box). When mine get almost as dark as the line, I consider that my positive. We are all different and I have just learned what my positive looks like at this point. Is it possible that you are ovulating more than you think but the OPK is messing with you?
Okay ladies so I have a question.

Just now I went to the loo and I had quite a bit of CM so I thought I would try my opk a bit early today. The first one I did was my usual brand and I dropped it in the pee like a noob and so I put it to one side. I got another of my usual brand and dipped that and waited and it was almost positive so I tried one of the new ones I got today that I have never used before and that was positive!! I looked back at the one that dropped in the pee and I would say that one is positive too. Just to make sure I tried one of the Morrissons ones I got when I was in a pinch and that one is negative but I have never had more than the very faintest of lines on that and this time I got a very clear line.

So in summary

Normal brand - Very close to positive
Normal brand dropped in pee - positive
New brand I have never tried before - positive
Morrisons - negative but a lot darker than normal

So now I am :shrug:

Last night I could not sleep and I had right sided pain that felt like what I have always assumed was my ovulation pain but if that was O pain then wouldn't that mean that I am ovulating now so the test should have been positive before now :shrug:

I will do some pics so you can see what I am on about with the opks.
So this is the pic. In real life the third one down is as dark as the control line. Please keep your fingers crossed for me as I am having what feels like AF cramps as well so I am praying she doesn't show. I thought i had them about a week ago too but this feels like proper AF cramps. I am CD24 and I should also add that my temp dropped the last couple of days but is higher today.

ETA Checked them again after posting this and they all looked positive!! They have all faded now though. Will have to test again later to see if I get an even stronger result as when I did them this time I had only been holding mu pee for about an hour. Still got a bit of cramping like AF is on her way but nothing so far. I have been reading that you can get an LH surge just before AF so pleaseeeeee AF stay away!!!
I'd say that is positive. If your temp dropped yesterday and then went up a bit, see what it does tomorrow, if you ov'd today then your temp should go up again tomorrow. I'd stick in a positive on FF for opk :thumbup: those cramps are probably ov pains!
I'd say that is positive. If your temp dropped yesterday and then went up a bit, see what it does tomorrow, if you ov'd today then your temp should go up again tomorrow. I'd stick in a positive on FF for opk :thumbup: those cramps are probably ov pains!

I really hope they are. Cramps have eased off a bit and I have EWCM so we will deffo be DTD tonight lol. The ones in the pic got darker before they dried and they all looked positive but I took another one tonight just to be sure and I would say that was positive too so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be ovulating soon, although I am also hoping that this cycle will be a longer one as this doesn't give me a very long LP at all but I have heard that there are things you can do to lengthen that.
Awww Magic good to see you hun :hugs:

I am so sorry things are not going as planned for you at the moment I really hope that they can get you sorted out. I feel for you with the kidney stones. I had gallstones a couple of years ago and had my gallbladder out so I know how painful stuff like that can be :hugs:

I don't talk to half my family so I can sympathise with the crap you are having to put up with. It's the last thing you need when you feel so unwell. I am glad you have your fella to cheer you up and look after you :hugs:

I temp orally and I only just about manage to get it in my mouth when I am half asleep so goodness knows what I would be like trying to get one in the other place :winkwink:

I have suspected in the past I have PCOS but every time I talk to either doc or ultrasound nurse about it they just say that its not likely as I have a period every month which is frustrating as I feel they are not listening. I have decided that if no sign of O next cycle I will still go for day 21 test and when that shows a poor result I can go to doc and say that I want some tests doing to find out what is going on. I will just have to grow a pair and start taking charge a bit more when it comes to my body.

I really hope that after you break we are all preggers and then you can get back on the TTC wagon and join us.

Still no positive opk so I am officially putting myself on the 2WW no matter what the opk's or fertility friend say. I will still test for O everyday until AF comes just to see what happens.

I have ordered some new clothes to cheer me up and have broken my diet and eaten pizza which I know I will regret tomorrow but it tasted good :blush:

Hope everyone is having a great week :flower:

Hey hun thanks, yeh im hoping that after 2moro the ball will start rolling quickly so that there is no more pain because its getting ridiculous now!!!! As for the doc saying you having regular periods and not thinking you have pcos, my lovely new doctor did loads of tests on me purely because of my 105 day cycle, when i had all my hormone tests, she said that my hormone levels were great and the fact that i had 9 - 30 day cycles in a row before the 105 day one, she thought that it wasnt likely i had endometriosis or pcos... i was so shocked when i found out the results from the internal ultrasound because everyone made me believe that i wouldnt have them, i hope thats not the case for you hun but i do think you need to grow a lovely pair and voice concerns to the doc and make sure you dont even give them the option to turn you down.... its your body and your health and its THEIR JOBS to do properly!!!! tell them you want everything done and you wont settle for less.... If there is one thing good to come out of this major fight with my whole family is that i have a nice new shiney pair of balls and and big strong voice!!!!!!! I will be heard and i wont take bullshit anymore!!!! :)

Those lines look good hun, get to :sex: :) fingers crossed babe :)
And as for the oral temping hun, i urge you to swap hun, i know a lot of women, heard loads from women on here, read on the internet and heard it from the doctors mouth that temping vaginally is the only way that you can get a proper temp reading as when yours sleeping and breathing through your mouth, your temp is played around with because of the temperature of the air as your breathing it in. if you temp vaginally, that temp is your true temp and it makes a huge difference hun. i tried it myself (with 2 different thermos obviously lol) and the difference was crazy and has cost a lot of women a lot of years struggling to conceive... ive converted a lot of women to at least try it for one month and you will see your temps are a lot more stable and correct, you might find yourself pregnant quicker because you suss your cycle out really pin pointing ov :)

really hope my breaks will result in everyone getting pregnant :) ive never wanted it so much for all you lovely ladies, you would make the best parents and there is going to be a whole lot of very very lucky babies!!!! just because i cant get pregnant right now im brewing up tons and tons of baby :dust: for you all!!!! xxx

Hey magic :hi: it's nice to see you again. I was wondering where you had disappeared to :hugs: xxxx

Hey hun, just needed a break from everything otherwise it would have made me crazy :) Back now to smother my girls with :dust: and support :)

Nervous about my appointment 2moro morning, will know that surgeries and real soon :/ i know i need it done and i know i will be pain free but im petrified of needles and im scared of the idea of surgery so my mind is playing fun games with me that i dont want to take part in lol, will have to bring out those shiney balls i think lol :haha:
Hope everythings good hun, missing some of out original girls, where they all at? is Josephine ok? xx
Hey magic hope you are feeling a little better today. Have you had surgery before? I am scared every time I have to have any kind of surgery but after every one I wonder what I was scared about. Just think you will be pain free soon and it's worth a couple of needles to get that.

I will have to look into the vaginal temping for next cycle I think. With me I think I have real issues with the timing more than anything as I end up doing it at different times everyday due to one thing or another.

I am so pleased with my lines today the one I did on the evening was really good and I wish I had taken another photo of the tests from earlier when they all looked positive just to prove to myself that I really can get a positive one lol.

With regards to the PCOS I look at the symptoms and I do wonder. Basically the symptoms they give on the NHS site are

irregular periods or no periods at all - I get one every month but some cycles are longer than others

excessive hair - which I would say I do have

weight gain - mine is going down when I put the effort in

thinning hair and hair loss - I did have some hair loss last year but doc said it was because of my anxiety and stress

oily skin/acne - which I wouldn't say I have

So all in all I do have symptoms. I had some blood tests not long ago and one of them was for glucose and that came back normal so I dunno.

Next cycle is my decider. I will get the day 21 blood test done and then take it from there. I really think losing weight will help with a lot of my symptoms so I am going to crack down on that too.

If these opk's are right then I have been DTD at completely the wrong time. I have been going off tickers and counters and doing it at least a week early!!

I was wondering about josephine today too haven't seen her for a while hope she is okay.

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